Honored on Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mr*. Letber Chavto Mr. and Mrs. Luther Cha via were honored with a reception on Saturday, Janu ary 9,1962 from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the cafeteria of Magnolia School. The occa sion was the couple's 50th wedding anniversary. Hoots were their children and grandchildren: Edith Hammond and Gladys Lock lear of Lambert on; Earl Cha vis of Fayetteville; Eunice Hendrix of Washington, D.C.; and Doris Smith of Wauke gan. 111. Greeting the guests were Helena Faye Cbavis, Debbie Locklear .and Alicia Locklear, granddaughters. Presiding at the guest registry were Pam ela Hendrix and Donna Hammonds, granddaughter. The refreshment table was covered with gold linen over laid with lace, centered with a yellow Daisy arrangement with yellow candles. Alterna ting at the punch bowl were Gloria L odd ear and Susan Wilms, granddaughters. Assisting in serving the hors d'oevres were the couple's daughters. A separate table covered with gold linen overlaid with lace held the two-tiered anni versary cake decorated in white with yellow trimming. Mrs. Chavis was presented a yellow rose bud corsage and Mr. Chavis received a yellow boutonniere. Approximately 75 guests attended. tfautrv ^ Jr Syfi J *ocr wnci *o> ??? t n?Uy >?MWWtt NCMTH CAROLINA ? wHk D?a Maaa*), rmr ? 1 lj"" Haat Mi* ? iHp ?o laMgfr *? (ha NX. Sjip> iij wmmm i w m 1W bin MM tw*Jf nd lid M todjr toy M*to| Mb Bower toot Mm hewrfwg Hm Nfba far Mr, Stewart. Owe af the ladhw mM 1 bw wear hwaa a* tfeiflM b al w., Me. It was aw ewatt we '?VW*w 'eegtot." 1 Mini Course in Persona! Dynamics Presented to Pembroke Jaycettes flHH t ??????????? The regular meeting of the Pembroke Jayeettee was hekl the item* ditcoued were had ra!* I eg, Jaycette Week, awards weekend, Jaycee assistance and the Jaycette Vice president Kim DM ptMMted a bU cnm la Personal Dynamics. Personal Dynamics is how a prrssa feels aboat himself, exactly where thev itind In life end what (key woold Hke to ho. Belag aware of oar owa imrioiial dynamics wl hetp as realize owr capabilities awl enable oa to reach oar ladM dual goals hi We. Sbowa b Ma.Dial gfvhig her presents don. Pembroke Jaycette Week Proclaimed FEBRUARY 7-13,1982 Junta "Pete" Jacob* e?l proclamation. Standing left to rights Pembroke Jaycettee Karen Dial, Vfee-preoUent; Thereea Loddear, Chaplain; Carolyn Oxendine, Elvers Loddear, President and Dr. Cheryl Loddear. Elmer Hunt Photo. Bobby Bell tours Duke's Garden Bobby Ray Bell of N. Miami, Ra. toured Duke's Gardens in Somerville, NJ last week iust out of inhaling distance of New York City is the 5,000 acre estate of Doris Duke and if you've ever puffed a Pall Mall or walked a. mile for a Camel, you've personally added a few pen nies to her American Tobacco Company fortune. The only child of James B. Duke, the founder of the cigarette em pire, Doris Duke lived her life surrounded by the opualence most of us see only in movies or imagination. A never-never land that recreates the world's horti culture in a series of exquisite gardens, each caught at the peak