' j /'t ^^?O/r0ft/A L B WD OPINIO A "Wc cannot know where we are going if we do not know where we have been." w t 1 i by Bruca Barton WATCH THE POLITICIANS IN LUMBERTON VOTING BIGHTS CASE This is a red flag* * warning, a full alert- Watch die politicians in the Lumber ton Voting Rights Case. They are scurrying about like bulls in a china shop attempting to get Lumberton-by hook or crook-out of the very precari ous position they find them selves in. Representatives David Par nell and Bill Gay have already gone on record saying, if one can believe the Rebeeeulaa. that they stand ready to introduce legislation in die N.C. General Asyimbiy to let keep the annexed area (Cly burne Pines, Lakewood Esta tes. Barker Ten Mile, etc) in spite of the fact that it was illegally annexed, or, being blunt, raped and taken by legislative force from the Robeson County School Sys tem. Indians, especially, can read and write now..-.and even do a little arithmetic. They will not stand idly by this time and let our legisla tors sell us out ever again. Only Senator Sam Noble has shown any sense in the matter, as 1 see it. He suggests that the two affected school systems- Lumberton and the county system- sit down and talk and come up with a sensible solution. That makes sense to me. Lumberton school officials talk glibly about this being "a mere voting rights case. That's right, a* far as it goes. But. if one cannot vote, the next obvious step is that he cannot participate either. And that, whether Lumberton school officials say so out loud or not, will determine where children go to school. Y.H. Allen, the former superintendent of the Robe son County School System, as I see It, seemed Intent on gutting the county system in ? favor of Lumberton. He nev er. to my knowledge, stood up to the assaults on the system he was charged to administer. But such is not the case now. Puroell Swett. the pre sent superintendent, is of a different cloth and color. Allen himself lived in the ' Lumberton City Schools At tendance Area and his chil dren attended Lumberton schools. I believe Swett and the countv board of *