fQBlAU FOB IE NT Two bedroom trailer for 1973 Pontine <"????-? Ex. rent. S13S per month plus cellent condition. Call 521 deposit. Available immedut- 4611. ly. Call 521-9006, after 6 p.m. ON LEGAL NOTICE State of North Cinfci County of Bahoaoa Nodeo to Cmdhors and Dofaten of Margaret 0. Jacobs The undersigned, having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Margaret O. Jacobs, deceased, late of Robeson County, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of August, 1982, or be barred from their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are asked to please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 18th day of Febru ary, 1982. MaiyJ.Bol Route 3 Box 347 CSateu, NC 28328 To bo publlahodt 2-18 and 25 and 3-4 and 11, 1982. ATTENTION LUC80US LOCKLEARls now sasttltosd with Miao Kitty's Mobile Home Sales on High way 72. near Converse and invites aU of his friends to come see hinv Best prices around. LEGAL NOTICE North Carotin* The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Ambrose Locfclear, Sr., deceased, late of Robeson County this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of August, 1982, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to the under signed. , This the 22nd day of February, 1982. Ambrose Locldcer, Jr., Executor Route 3 Box 665 Lorn barton, NC 28372 LOCKLEAR, BROOKS * JACOBS Attorneys at Law Vance Street P.O. Bos 999 Pembroke, NC 28372 To be pdiBshsiti Feb. 2S, March 4. 11 and IS, 1982. &ih THE REAL .. ESTATE CENTER 110 Went Ninth Streel Lumberton. North Carolina But. (919) 738-8151 PEMBROKE- PINELAKE PARK is the setting for this lovely four bedroom, tWo bath ranch style home located on one acre of land in one of Pembroke's nicest neighbor hoods. This home features greatroom with fireplace, custom built cabinets, self cleaning oven in Kitchen, built-in desks and book shelves in bedrooms, heat pump and paneled garage. Also features professional decor inside and professional* landscaping outside. Call Helen Loddear today for an spoointinent. JANE SMITH.. 739-5577 Hi Critchatt, O.t.L.738-1309 Shirley Bah...738-1517 Helen Locttaar.7384100 Norma Uppard.. 7384833 Martha AverM.. 73449*5 Jim A ndanoe...738-1050 Mary Lets Odom. 7394841 M Fayetteville, N.C. If you own your own lot, ? we can build and finance you a home. Wth no down payment. 12% Mortgage Money. We also do home improvements. Call collect Mitchell Chavls, Sales Repreeentative.919486-4111. P.O. Box 64849, 1 Fayettevllto, N.C:28306 PROGRESSIVE savings & loan, ltd. i i i || 13.958% 11.75% 8%2=? Roto Effscttv* Thru March 1st. Rat* Effsctivs thru March 1 st. $500 Minimum Balanco <1MM '1-000 NO SERVICE I MINIMUM MINIMUM CHARGE FOR DEPOSIT DEPOSIT fOO MINIMUM ? MONTH 30 DAYS TO ? MO. BALANCE MATURITY MATURITY PENALTY FOE EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTY FOR EARLY WITHDRAWAL ? - DEPOSITS INSURED UP TO $100,000 BY NCSGC. PROGRESS!2V E savings & loan, ltd. 111N. Court Sq. MEMBER NCSGC Phone . Lumberton, N.C. 738-1415 ft D. Lock I ear Receives Probation A former state official was con victed in U.S. District Court Fri day on two counts of perjury in volving his testimony before a grand jury investigating the han dling of federal job-training funds. R.D. Locklear, 29, a former offi cial in the N.C. Department of Nat ural Resources and Community Development, was sentenced by Judge Herbert N. Maletz to two years probation. He could have re ceived a maximum of five years in prison plus a $10,000 fine on each count. Locklear, now a planner with the I Robeson County Department of < Human Resources, was indicted r* -? *? - cjuon proms up again, 77.2% I New orders for durable goods down. Washington Star folding after 128 years. Pope John Paul II to have more surgery. The President faced 2nd crisis after shooting. Truce shaky between Israel & Lebanon, Vows exchanged; Prince Charles & Lady Diana. Mrs. Reagan attended Royal wedding. Chrysler posts profits in second quarter. ?'i A Public Service From ? 1NTERTHERM Inc. ? Making Supplementary Heat Heat Better Homeowner* using por table heater* to help make a cold or drafty room com fortable should pay heed Ho a few tips that will help the heater heat better. ? Heaters should be prop erly sized to provide the amount of warmth required. An undersized heater will work hard, but will not do the job. An oversized heater will warm the room, but will inefficiently waste hep* at the ceiling and provide uneven temperature dis tribution. ? Heaters should be placed along exterior walls and under those areas of greater heat loss, such as large windows. ? Portable heaters should be equipped with thermo stat* to save energy and provide maximum comfort. ? Drapes, furniture and other items should not be placed directly in front of . the heater. ? n>HMtriy^r riuiini heater* should be used with considerable caution to guard against potentially* dangerous heat build-ay within the unit. ? The moat effective and attractive portable heatfiw are generally the low slunf hot water baseboard models with greyer mass and lower density heat production. For a free hasting analysis for a tingle room or a whota , house, writ* INTERTHERM ! , Inc., Softheat Dept. P. , 10820 Sunset Office Drive. ? St Louis, MO 63128 by a federal grancTjury investigat ing a contract between Precisioi Graphics, a Raleigh printing com pany owned by former state AFL CIO president Wilbur Hobby, am NRCD. Under the contract. Hobby'; company was paid $2.08 a mile t< transport Durham residents to anc from Ralejgh for training as key punch operators. The money came from the federal Comprehensive Employment Training Act. ? Hobby and an associate. Mort Levi, were convicted last Decern ber on conspiracy and fraud charges involving their use of the CET^nwrey^fob^^w^^giv - tenced to 18 months in prison ano i fined S40.000. Levi got 18 months in - prison. Both have appealed. ' j The trial, held in U.S. District Court in Raleigh, was the second . for Locklear. A mistrial was de ' clared in the first trial in January , after a Fayetteville jury an nounced it was deadlocked 7-5 in " favor of acquittal. ? ; fe. "Ill ?: I BEGINNING OF LIFE A Senate subcommittee took the first congressional step toward reversing eight years of legalized abortions recently by approving legislation defining human life as beginning at con ception. TANK'S COST JUMPS The cost of the Army's new M-l tank has jumped five-fold in the last nine years, to some $2.5 million per vehicle, with in flation the chief culprit, con ? gressional investigators re ported recently. I ? mm HflHUU I Nnri SiRlat $4 O-S PUBLISHERS lot 292-1 S Dlatlng. Fast. Remanent. Thousands Have. Too Too. GUARANTEED. $9.95. qna and east harbor fur Appetizer Through Basert, 435 Fabu lous Seuraat Roclpos Designed To tat You Out Of The Kitchen In Racord Tina $2.95 IATT0N, Ion 5941 Jasper. n.imi ua FAVORITE *1 ATE* SEC1PES $1. And SASE. AUNT MART'S 722 Borktln A*?.. Evuisvllli. IH 47710 WANTED ONES - For Catalog Of Milton Of Coupons Reedy For Yrtdlng. Sand S1.00 To FRED NOVAK 1701 Ellis Ave. Lo?t!.5?Ei!lli.!H.?9?l UK WSMOOM FAM. (MM TOM Oun Kjshroans At Hobo. Totally Organic Produces High Quality Mushroom.Holds Up To (a Poinds). Sand For FREE De tails. R. I. Z. SPECIALTY A00 DavlsvHIe Rd. Oept.l. Wtlloe Grove, SME (AS FREE DETAILS SASE GAS SAVER IDEAS 31 IS N. Laurence ??.1K..5!!!S?i.IL?K5 ! SAVE SlfOOO's OPERATING MAINTAIN ING YOUR CAR. FREE Details. JANZEN ASSOCIATES Box 231-0 L1bertyv1lle. iL.Moaa J. PRINCETON GENEALOGY RESEARCH Center Publisher Faatly Histories Guaranteed Foally Research. Sand 3.00 Perspective - Fores, PO Son 2310 Fr1n5E?n1.NJ.ga}d0^BJ0 ?EAST VISA*K. IRSTITWTtORS Revealed FREE1 12.00 Postage/Hindi - i'E;.te.ll!3i.!l!!!!S!H!i.OS1 FKE ALOE VERA IRFMHKTIQML Article. Learn Beauty And Health Ban flts For Young And Old Free This Rewritable Plant. WORLD OF ALOE. (o> "3ia.I!teEHi-?-??? ..HI L?MM FAMOUS OtlEVTAL COOKHS. 5 Chines*. Jipum Or Philippine Recipes. $10.00 Valus. Specify Order. $3.00 tad LSASE. ALLIEO NAIlOROE" ENTERPRISES 1M Kelson Street. * NUCLEAR SURVIVAL CBCXLIST FREE Catalog Of Self- Defense And Survival Reek.. lis PUBLICATIONS wte.SJWi.WSi -?.R!M?. BETTER TMM SO CARE RECIPE. $3.00. WILLIAFB. 22*0 Walllngford OrJltx. .9EHttC.-M.3WK MEXICAN PARIT FOB ROTIOTIC Recipes $2 ? S.A.S.E. 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Send S4.9D To nrteoe RARAETIRG, 323 Franklin 4804/ I ?l..ftlS4W..?9W? ejm tip mk?i ipitntii wmcr On SmII Deposits. OIVINMICS N.M?Z.e..?K!Jl..?-tHR run ?ati sou* aia couectoa Huq. fntrfy Stvlngj E.tily Construe ttd. Otttiltd Rtport And Construction Ont.il.- 1100 (tofundiblt) OTAttr TNIAAlAt or SUICIDE7 21EAS4 IfrltO'. Alt 1*00. 2474 Aontuood ?in.AMi&4y?L-, w ? hm u mm* ??t? 0tt.il.. S.A.S.E HOMT FAAA rm i n. OUMAIIK OCCniVT rot Itatnti, Atrtnts, Counstlor. I2.H Jr Atpu.lt Information. AAY'S 'in ess- 2A00UCTS. Ottt.lA, 2124 2.1k - Trout. fluid. $4.44 Ion 4102 Ntl iracw.-fu??}? ??? malm mvob. no C.t.lot two In Or U.tO V inQt Slant Color C.t.lo. VITC0 SAUS, to. 1710 ??. saw111 tun m mam ram Loo At 104 (tUto, rail Ott.ll.-Sl OO Stl'-Addrusst* Sttoptt Innlott Tt CAANAMAM. 1(17 (111(101) At. ItltMtrt * "W .. auSaKBICZ. .frrs!K8i-S*.Min Ill IK NONEYI SELECTED MLTI EVEL SALES Sroetly Nultlply four Yforu And Income. Eoiy To Stort... ?IttlO Investment. Huge lonuiei! Eo :ellent Port TIno. 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Otuilt ii.oo. k, raines iis Una Stratt mmc tm fmrm for ?mu Succaatful E.parlancn uttk Actual t> MOlat: Rush I? 00 THE F-E-* COMMIT .-"SLaT Vgim! laa ima, HaWrta.K-fflZH ?I. M^tamJ^^lnJI^Saa^*^ One fourth of the body's _bonet are in the feet.