The Sunday School Lesson A Ministry of the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association ^ ? fcj rwiibii?iM?i' rmtm'" CHHST'S MIRACULOUS POWES ? Mark 1.21-27,40.4S h became dear in the early days of die ministry of Jesus that he was no ordinary prophet, teacher or preacher. His experiences with those blessed to enter his presence and engage him in conversa tion were often attended by demonstrations of power be yond the realm of the natural. As he went about doing good, he met people on their level and ministered to their needs on his level. His abilities should come at no surprise, for be was God in flesh, which made him well able. He was also man in all ways common to mea, except for tie, therefore he could feel and experience the harts end needs of those around him.. He was particularly moved with the physical needs of the sick and suffering. In Divine compassion he often delivered those captive to fleshly im perfections. Such was the care recorded in oar scripture. Varase 21-21. Jesus has just called his first disciples, four fishermen. Having obeyed his call to disciple ship, they foll owed him into a small town called Capernaum. On the Sabbath Day they attended services at the local synago gue. During the service Jesus is allowed to address the congregation and as he does, his words fall with authority uncommon in his time. When he spoke, hearts and minds ,aad manner at speech iiislj must have been ? iklighl to the hungry hearts that day. His written word should con tinue to delight our beam, w we hear Mai apeak to pa Vanes 2M* While Jesus was yet talking, a man with an -unclean spirit interrupted .the service. This man contin ues to be seen in the congre gations of our day for God never was and never wll be the author of confusion. The man confronts Jesus person ally by acknowledging him as the Holy One of God. This surely must have been a nervous congregation. What ever fears or anticipations may have been felt, Jesus was not disturbed. He didn't get excited. He simply spoke and a miracle unfolded. Jesus ordered the demon to shut up and depart from the man. When the demon had "Tarn Him" he departed. There was no conversation or discussion, Jesus did not offer any options. He simply spoke and a man in bondage was set free. Verse 77-28 It's one tiling to talk but, it's something else to perforin big The anlhont/* with which Jean spoke easily sad naturally eiprr-. J ia the performance of miraJ cfes. This particular cougrcj gation was amared and began1' to question hoe another as to the woridags and authority of this naaa (Jesus). Why even' unclean spirits are subject to him. The word was soon spread that a miracle worker was in the land. Vanes 4M1. On another occasion s leper came to Jesus. He was bees use of his affliction, s rejected, neglec ted, often abused part of society. As be came, he pleaded with him on his knees to consider his case. He had confidence in Jesus' ability. The only question was, will you make me clean? Jesus in a natural way was moved with compassion. He could have simply spoken as before. He could have simply willed it to be so and have been just as effective. But instead, he reaches out and touches him. Verses 42-45. And immedi ately release from the dread ed disease is felt. Jesus sternly charged him to say nothing to anyone. Instead he TS-Tfi iyry <?*.? the Levitic.l Lew Whe* pronounced dew by the wOwblei be would be free 10 mingle end establish relationships with other peo ple. By taking the proper channels, a testimony was In spite of Jews' stem warning, he went throughout the city declaring the news of his deliverance. As e result Jesus could bo longer enter the dty. His popularity had grown so large, he found it necessary to dwell in the desert places outsife the city. There he continued to see and minister to those who came unto him. As one studies the life of Jesus, they will discover that from his conception to his ascension, it is continuously marked with the miraculous. He was virgin born. His death was amidst miracles. He was raised from the dead after three days. Between a barn in Bethelehem to Bethany (Luke 24:50) his life was touching other people in a positive way. His ability to perform the miraculous has not diminish ed His compassion is no leas. Even m 1m siis riahad wMh oar Heavenly Father. JjUl Jesus cares about oar physical caaditkms, but it is in * secondary position. The ulti mate hope and plan of Jaaua is not that we be well, bat n. His life was fiven for X sickness. Sickness Is a result at sin. Therefore his desire for every man is that he might know the forgiveaeee ai sin. Jesus hi-.?* said in Mark 2:17 "They that are well need not a physician, bat they that are sick. 1 came not to coll the righteous but sinners to repentance." If you're un saved, your greatest need is to experience the miracle at salvation. With it comes the power to suffer physically. | I 80#00000#00 ? 'The only lost cause is the one you givee up." Ernst von Feuchtersleben ft* r-*~* ft* ft?m ? iwft * i ? umiiii'i *r ill?>i ftftftKMH HIM ??? ALL PIGGLY WI6GLY STORES JOIN IN A GALA ! W?XW0H HOUSe COlTeC GRAND OPENING l49?|24J CELEBRATION FOLGERS S 069 OF THE 2 BEAUTIFUL NEW STORES IN DURHAM WED.. MAR. 3rd COFFEE Si t itt ... ori^sMI ?Ctievettes , v?2st ? TNCMUK - - - II I ? A WINNER!!! JET.ri. H pJSBBgjja^S. m I -ji ^ i? ,1 mm rnmm ?? ? "CMpiwT "*** mmnrnmmgJmmmt+Lm W I ?BMw ??K^gi lO-LB. BOX LIVER PUDDING 6,99 JIIMLii SMOKED SAUSAGE m. 5-99 M DOWNY ?339 IVORY : ufow-an. L^l 1J9i I _ ? ?? * ? ; ^ LAftOE COBLE EGGS MILK 79? 1.99 9 L C. QAL ?MUlia-MT M TMI ? Hilill# 1/2 1 HO FLEX SHAMPOO ...m?. 1 59 IYIIIK ^ IJU9 ryf-HT ZTT CONDITIONER 1 .59 SALTINES u 69C guwl0 ,H | .39 SSHF fiRAH*,,S ,,M J "]? TOOTHPASTE . 1JD9 CINNAMON CRISP m? 1.15 Si1"1*" ^ i2r ?119 OREOS !?? 1 59 PRC AM I mnunm ?.1J59 |^wtAm ? RON EL ESS ~I Shoulder 1 AO I ROAST I ChuckTRoast OtuckSteak lr. 1,69 ^ 1,99 | SiwJSrWak *** CuboStfOK ,.2.09 -2A9 M 88*51191 FRYERS 45^ 35-LB. BOX 16.95 I nfflFT? ?&- i !? jm a j??m jonii END ROAST |Ii4t M A SAUSAGE 1A AC ||,?Sy ^1.29 PORK loinsJ.59 iv.yg^. | I wwtww>LT m I the, . /"me^hesl m 3^otaev/ I WMMTHMin lit ?1? I APPLES SQUASH Isy 38c ? pof niit ONIONS WHITE POTATOES 138 IIU.IU 4 " . #4SEra? ^ ? Bread IgSB, awTSS OUTREACH HOLINESS ^ I CHUBCHNEWS 9 Out Reach Hoboes* Church Sunday School begins at 10 a.m. Morning service begins at 11 a.m. First and third Sunday nights service begins at 7 p.m. Singing is' each fourth Sunday at 2:30 p.m. The pastor is the Rev. James Billiard, Jr. We praise God for his many blessings this past week. Our lessoo Sunday was "Continuing the Gospel Out Reach." The biesaings of God came down and we didn't have Sunday School. The Holy Ghost had the service Sunday and we let ''Him" have his way. Our pastor then read and talked on Romans 8:1. "There is therefore now no condem nation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God." II Corinthians 7:1 "Having therefore these promises. the fieshand spirit, holiness is the fear of God." We jwt praise God far tow He ia blessing our church services. Sunday evening was oar first singing and we tod a church full. God blessed our singing. We had'one saved and sanctified sad one filled with the Holy Ghost. What ever your need was God was there to meet that need. Sonne obeyed and were blessed. People were shouting and running the aisles. Praise God. If you weren't there, you really missed a Holy Ghost singing. ? 1 would love to say you are welcome to come be with us any time and feel free to obey God. Please don't forget our revival April 4. Rev. Roy Clark will be with us in this revival. May God bless you is our prayer. Sinner time is running out. Please get ready to meet God. Our pastor will be with the fine people Friday night at the St. Pauls Holiness Church. Come meet us there if you can. God bless you all. A Social Note from the Hattadare Nation On February 12, William Henry Pinchbeck, president of the Hattadare Indian Na tion, along with his wife and Dr. James N. Low cry, secre tary of the Indian Nation, were guests of honor at the Theatre in the Park. They viewed "Indians at Play." The play centered around Buffalo Bill and the treatment of the Hattadare Indiana. The Hattadare Indian Vill age is located between Bunn level and Lillington on High way 401. The public is invited to visit the village at any time. Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote a 6,000-word epic poem when he was only 12-years old. News from EVER GREEN CHURCH by Mi*. Lead* Imba 4. U Sunday School began at 9:30 a.m. The subject for Sunday's lesson was "Con tinuing the Gospel Outreach" from Acts 28. Sunday's topic concluded the study on the record in Acts of the expanding church. God had promised Paul that he would witness In Rome. This last chapter of the Book of Acts records the fulfillment of that promise and shows the fruit that resulted from that witness. 1 am sure that each reader will have a different answer. But it seems that all that occurred in the early church and especially as God dealt with Paul clearly demonstra tes that God will always be with His people and that all efforts of the enemy to hinder will fail when we keep our selves in God's will. Paul lived a life full of adventure and excitement, but it was a life dedicated to sharing the news of God's salvation through Jesus Christ. Lord, help me to remember that the roost important thing in spiritual life is to always trust in God and to take advantage of every opportun ity that is given me to testify of His love and work in my life. The program for Sunday was by the Immediates. Tea cher Sister Made Oxendine officiated. They did some beautiful singing. The young people sang "Please Search the Book Again" and "See if My Name is There." The senior d'M received the attendance banner. Thanks to the teacher. Sister Dina Blue. She's doing a Ban job with these young fofcs. Sister Louise Claris paid her birthday offerings. mMae. v. v. 9 prayer changes things. Don't forget to pray for the sick ones who are unable to attend church. We who can go are lucky. All ladies in the auxiliary are urged to be present Thursday night at 7 p.m. THOUGHTFORTODAY TIME . Time could be phased as the sun. We are bora, the sun comes up. We grow and Hve, some to be 100 or more. The sun shines so bright in the sky. Some say, well it is twelve o'clock the sun is straight up. Isn't that when, looking at our life time we become 507 Over in the evening as the sun hides behind the trees, we know darkness is approa ching. Then we are unable to work in the fields. Whyt It's dark. So it is with our life. The sun of time is going down. The darkness at death is .drawing near. Some one hasn't as yet got their life's work done. Dear Reader, ate you going to let death's darkness come and find you with your work undone? God is so full of mercy. Just as he lets the sun shine in the sky, so we can see to do our work. He let's us have time to get our souls ready to meet him. He's a just God. No one ever will go In Ma pteaence wihout having t chance. So many people say, well he or have a chance. Deer leader, please don't ever believe that Every living soul has a chance. 1 pray sweet Jesus wttl speak to DouMMturri ^y< mi reheat friend * w * ' . . ? # J ,

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