The Sunday School Lesson A Ministry of the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association TWO MUAUIS f UK A PARALYTIC Mark 2*1-12 As we continue to study the miracles of Jesus, we find in the lesson today a placing of priorities and an establishing of his identity take, place. If one is in tune with the more popular "Evangelist" of our day. they may become con fused as to what the greatest need is in the lives of people. There seems to be a special emphasis placed upon heal ing. prosperity, positive thin king. etc. The disturbing consequence is that the mess age of sin and salvation has become secondary. In the top ten. but not on top. Is this the example Jesus has given us. We would do well to give attention to the account at Jesus as he relates to a paralytic. Verses 1-5. After having cleansed a leper, it became necessary fqr Jesus to leave the city of Capernaum. Some days later, the news got out that he was back in town. He was at a particular house, probably Peter's house (Cha pter 1-29). Immediately a crowd gathered. The house was full and they were standing in the door. Inside the miracle worker was prea ching. There came fbnr men. bringing a man sick of the palsy (paralytic). It was their obvious hope that they might approach Jesus with their sick friend. Having reached the house, they discovered that the house was full. There appeared to be a dead end. But then, people of faith are not easily discouraged. Par ticularly in the midst of our trouble, we must tell Jesus. We cannot and will not rest until we are assured that Jesus has heard our plea. Their faith caused them to look up. as all true faith does. Their minds were drawn to the roof of the house, which probably was flat. It was reached by an outside stair case. Having reached the roof, they began to tear it open over the room where Jesus was preaching. When the hole was big enough, they let the bed. with the sick man on it, into the presence of Jestfs. Once again. Jesus is interrupted as he stirs the hearts of his listeners. This is a much different situation with different consequences. Last week a man possessed with a demon confronted Jesus and was quickly dis posed of. This week a man possessed of faith comes and Jesus gladly receives him. His opening remark was Son, thy sins be forgiven thee. He says nothing about his oara lysis. Jesus brings to ihe^ spotlight the man's sin. I ra' sure this was not entirely ? disappointment for the Jews ] took sin very seriously. To be forgiven, even'without heal ing was desirable. We must remember that Jesus knows what we need, even before we ask. Versos 6-10. To experience forgiveness surely must have brought great joy to the paralytic. A joy that can and should be shared with those who witness it. But not so. There was a group of scribes (teachers of the law) who were present. This is the same group that Jesus would later rebuke as hypocrites, fools, serpents, vipers, etc. They had come for reasons not mentioned, but obviously not with open hearts and minds to hear the word of God. These scribes, having heard Jesus forgive sins, asked in their hearts why is this man speaking blasphemy. Only God can fogive sin. It is obvious they refused to re cognize Jesus as God's son, therefore, having the ability and right to forgive man of his sin. Jesus could sense the anser these scribes were euling and he asked. Why rcMon ye these things in your heart* Why are you upset at < ntft - Is k easier for me to hxgive this man's sin or heal his body? Either one would have taken the power of God. Only God can forgive sin and only God can heal. Both are impossible, except by God." Jesus knew who he was. He was God in flesh, having the authority and power to act as God's representative on ear th. This is a basic truth to Christianity. We must believe ? that Jesus is God's son before we can know him as savior. To forgive this man's sin was an action that no one could see. It happened within the heart of the paralytic. Jesus for the benefit of those who had doubts, turns again to the man and says. "Arise, take up your bed and go home." And he did. This act of healing was further proof #that Jesus was everything he professed to be. Only God could do what just happened. If he could heal, he could forgive sins as well. The result was those present were amazed and glorified God. giving Jesus credit for doing things thev Had never seen before. CONCLUSION The world ir full of people who -are wHenng. Both spiritually and physical ly. Many desire to be helpqd but perhaps don't know where to find Jesus or are not able to get into his presence. The responsibility is laid upon Tiod's Chruch to find those people and bring them to a knowledge of Him. The gos pel message may seem foolish just as the trip to the roof of the house but then the soul of man is more precious than the words of the scoffer is bitter. We must go and bring them to Jesus. If they need forgive ness. and all sinners do. he is willing and able to meet that need. If they're sick and suffering he has power to either heal us or make us able to bear it. Either way it's a miracle that only God can give. NOTES -COMMENTS Advertising makes any good business larger, a a * a . News rrom Ten Mile Center Church by Mn. NHILN HMrih Mr*. Bessie Henderson was a visitor Sunday of Mrs. Nora Lee Hardin. Bobby Alien Locklear cele brated his tenth birthday on March 7. Mrs. Annie Mae Hall was a visitor of Mrs. Nora Lee Hardin on Sunday. Bobby Dean Chavis was also a visitor of Mrs. Nora Lee Hardin on Sunday. Mrs. Ethel Chavis was a visitor of Mrs. Nora Lee Hardin on Monday. v . We sure had a., wonderful service at Ten/ Mite Center Church Sunday. There were two people who joined the church. Ms. Quinnie Hunt was a visitor of Mrs. Nora Lee Hardin on Sunday. Mrs. Glinnis Faye Devinc of Baltimore. Md. visited in the home of her aunt. Mrs. Addie Mae Brewington of Lumberton. Mrs. Glinnis Faye Devine and Mrs. Addie Mae Brew ?ngtoti vtsitco Mrs. kc|h Hum of St. Pauls. NC. They all went and visited Mrs Myrtle Scott of Pembroke. Mrs. Myrtle Scon. Mrs. Addie Mae Brewington. Mrs. Glinnis Faye Devine and Mrs. Begins Hunt visited Mr. and. Mrs. Marvin Builard of Clin ton, NC. Then they came by FayeneviHe to. visit Mrs. Myrtle Scott's husband. John Scon, who is a patient at Cape Fear Valley Hospital. He is some better. Mrs. Addie Mae Brewing ton was sick Sunday and was not able to go to church. Mrs. Judy Locklear of Red Springs spent the week end with Mrs. Addie Mae Brew ington. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Buil ard visited in the home of Mrs. Addie Mae Brewington last Sunday. Mr. Johnnie Ree Builard of Shannon. Mrs. Dorothy Lee Hammond of St. Pauls visited in the home of Mrs. Addie Mae Brewington on Saturday night. Photo Show Planned Shutterbugs are artists who use film instead of canvas. The Community Art Guild and Robeson Technical College are jointly sponsoring a photo show to encourage the art of - photography among the many amateur photographers in our community. The show, the first of its kind to be held in Lumberton in many years, will be on exhibit at the Osterneck Auditorium of the Robeson County Public Libra ry March 22-26. ? ? KITE FLYING CONTEST TO BE HELD The Robeson County Re creation and Parks Commissi on will hold its Second Annual Kite Flying Contest on Satur day, March 27, at 2 p.m. on the Jaycees Fairgrounds in Lumberton. NC. Kites will be judged in the following categories: Best Homemade. Smallest. Most Original. Best Newspaper (made from newspaper. Best Cartoon Character, Largest, etc... Registration is at 1:30 p.m. Kites must be able to fly. Awards will be given to first, second and third place win ners. Ages are 6 to 13 years of age. Kids get those kits ready for the big event... Amateur photographers are invited to enter three pieces of work which have been mount ed for hanging. The entry fee is S3.00 and the woti will he judged with certificates of merit awarded in various categories. Work will be received at the Library on Wednesday March 17 be tween 3:30-6:00 p.m. For further information call Betty McKeithan at 739-6504 or Frank Pierce at 738-3436. PLATE SALE PLANNED Pleasant Grove United Methodist Women's Qub wekoasas everyone, to a cbfcc keq and barbecue plate sale March 13, 1982 from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. Pleasant Grove Church is located two miles from Union Elementary Scho ol on Hopewell Road .Price is $3.00 per plate, S1.2S for sandwiches and $.35 for soft drinks. 1 UPTON | TEA BAGS COLD POWER H989 ^ KRAFT MACARONI ft CHEESE* ? DINNERS ?3T? vp*^?-J lwwt 3. rtute BATH S1ZI V^ge~J[ HBL P1ESHHXS 4 Dal O n?.ir 167 1 _ MRS. SMITH'S APPLE Pfe FplD ~ 199 flOA^ CRACKER BARREL SHARP OR EXTRA SHARP CH?SE 199 I '?" PtOCLT WIG6LY 0% BROWN A SERVE ? ????!? ROLLS r J|S) " 1 ? ? 11 1 1,1 ? '? ?? 1111 i ? ? FRYERS 45* u, LIMIT 4 PLEASE 35-LB. BOX $1695 4Q-IB. FRYER LEGS *1995 1 AUNT JEMIMA S f^i TIDE - S I IR ^C39 ' ? hA? |[J '??' BAKING LUZIANNE I MEMS TEA BAGS ? 59? 13990911* | 24 CT. 100 CT. MAITUT M racism < MARGARINE ICE CREAM v, sal 1.99 ANIMAL CRACKERS. car "yAA ram CAMUS TOOTS A ?m .. /MR WAFERS ii w 95C CHOCOLATE SRAM 1 LR. i JU UK iJZ'! L *' ? BMjDCNA -1.491 I Smoked Picnics WF- BR"STS Spare Ribs IT 89? SSb-" ? HM.r"?.?1.79 ""1.19 ",T, TS, ?u u.*. SfflUK - We "1 *1 MMIV W1G6U WORLD of Heott i * Beauty Aids ? I 'w PRODUCE -w lEr'^oDcp"-::g _ _ ??"?- I ?fyJ&? r:S I ORANGES ...... 139 UABBAtit I I..59c1 V f .yTTMTMTTl r?T.T?T^?L diMtnaviinfiig . 1 V X' Health New . . . "TeH Me, Doctor ? What Is A 'Pinched' Nerve?" ?Y DR. ROGER R.ROFF OmIh at Chfcapractk Dr. Roger R. Rolf On varying occasions I'll read of "neurothlipsia"?it's a common topic of conver sation among Doctors in general ana Chiroprac tors in particular. However, the average person doesn't know the condition by its "formal" name; you'd probably recognize its "nickname:" the pinch ed nerve. It's unfortunate that so few know of the neurothlipsia syndrome and are aware of the con dition. The 'pinched nerve' gets banterec around in on-the-job or cocktail conversation, but very few people ac tually relate themselves to it What are the symp toms? The list is almost too long to enumerate. That's not to say an in dividual must have them all or at the same time. I don't think I've ever met anyoiMBt aick. But if a person is affected by one of the major 'pinched nerve' symptoms he (or she) should consider it a glaring danger sign that signals the need for prompt and effective treatment Usually a pinched lrriiaoiiny. ? There is often (justness As for the pain, it can bet literally, in the neck, - or in the shoulders, arms, back or legs. Sometimes there is a tightness in the chest or pain between the shoulders when you take a deep breath. A nervous stomach can be the warn ing signal. There are other signs and symptoms, but those mentioned are the most common. If you suffer from the symptoms seek im mediate treatment; let the symptoms be your in spire tio? to-seek effec tive correction of the pro blem. DR. ROGER R. ROKK CLINIC OF CHIROPRACTIC 4902 Fayettevilie V ~ Road Located oeslde McLean Bradv McLean Ins Agency -1 kv u n