The Sunday School Lesson A Ministry of the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association by Cheriee P.UcUear-Paalor New Bethel BaptJet Cbercfa Bt. I," Clinton, NC POWER OVER MATTER AND MIND Mark Ss 1-15 This is the third lesson in the unit which identifies Jesus as a miracle worker. There is abundant evidence in the Gospels to correctly address him as one whose life and relationship to others was marked with the miraculous. This demonstration of power was met with mixed reactions. Some were amazed, others were critical. The scribes were so enraged they accused him of blasphemy. In his encounter with the paralytic in March 2:1-12 he establish ed himself as the true Son of God, which meant that not only did he have the ability to perform the miraculous, he had the authority to do so. His demonstrations of power was not a result of magic or trickery. He was God in flesh, doing whet only God could do. were related, either directly or indirectly to the activity of demon spirits. Demon activity is no less today. In fact, the condition of the world seems to suggest an unleashing of principalities, powers of darkness. The dreadful ef ? fects of sin and its dominion in the lives of people is present in every community. Is there hope for those lives which are dominated by the evil oneT Verses 1-5 In the earlier part of the day Jesus and his disciples were crossing the sea of Galilee when suddenly a storm arose. The terrified disciples awakened Jesus who simply spoke to the wind and the sea laid down. The elements of nature bowed in reverence to its master. When they reached the shore, they left the ship and in doing so were confronted by a man whose dwelling, place was in the tombs. He ra a man separated from society. A man whose only companions were the dead. The living had tried to bind Urn up with chains and fetters, but to no avail. With amazing strength he refused to be bound.. Nothing could hold him. and no man could tame him. He* was a man desperately bound to a life of torment and self destruction. Restlessness waf his constant companion. Does this sound like someone you know? Verse 6-10 When the man saw Jesus afar off he ran to him and cried out, "Jesus, thou Son of the most high God." This is not only the words of a man who is insane, but also one who is possesed by intelligent demonic forces. The demons recognized Je sus. They are aware of his power and authority over them. They are also aware of the final judgement and re tutting punishment far all the forces of eyil. With this in pind. eccotdmg to Mattiiew's account, chapter 8:29. Their have you poote to torment us before the time that has been appointed:" Jesus commands the unclean spirit to depart from the man. He continues by asking. "What is your name." the demon who is doing the talking replies, "My name is Legion (a military term which means a unit consisting of more than 6.000 men). The spokesman for this host of demons pleads with Jesus not to send them away out of the country. In Luke's account. Chapter 8:31, the term "deep" is used. They are apparently afraid Jesus would demand their return to the "bottomless pit" of Revelation 20:1-3. There were feeding in the area, a herd of 2000 swine (hogs). The multitude of demon* began to plead with Jesus for permission to eater, into the swine. Jesus, ia his to do so. He did not command it. he didn't even suggest it. but he did permit it. The demons entered into and possessed the swine and they < ran into the sea and drown. This appears to be a great waste of energy, meat, finan cial, security. etc. We must be careful not to accuse Jesus of waste. It was the demons, not Jedus, who brought the death of Ihe 2000 swine. The Lord may allow, and often does, evil to take place and yet remain free from the respon sibility of its results. Those who were in charge of the herd left immediately and went into city and country telling what had just happen ed. A crowd followed them back to where Jesus is sitting with the man. He is fully clothed and in control of his As the crowd gathers. there is a feeling of fear present. They are looking at the results of a super natural peavcr. What they have yet to under stand is that Jesus is not only powerful, he is also a loving, caring individual. He is not out to do anyone harm. His every motive and purpose is to make the sinner dean and set the captive free. CONCLUSION There is a plaque in our land of unexplained violence. Unheard of crimes are be coming the common news. Unnatural, bizzare activity is reported every day. Demonic activity ' is in every street. What hope is there for our depraved human race. None, apart from Jesus. Only he has the power to set man free from the power and dominion of sin. John 8:36 says. "If the Son (Jesus) therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." Warriors split pair Gralin Locklear Pembroke started out with a bang against Fairmont scoring four runs in the first inning, but the Warriors lost their touch with the bat in later innings and dropped a 6-5 decision to the Golden Tornadoes last Thursday after noon. The Warriors collected eight hits in the eight-inning game, but five errors, three of them coming in the top of the seventh inning, spelled doom for Pembroke which had won its opener. In that critical seventh inning the Tornadoes were able to score a pair of runs without getting a single hit thanks to several fielding miscues by a usually reliable infield. All five of Pembroke's pitchers saw action, with sixth- inning reliever Eric Locklear (0-1) getting the loss. Leading hitters for the Warriors included Eric G. Locklear (2-4, double. RBI) and Timothy Carter (2-3-4). Terry Oxendine had a double in his only time at bat for Fairmont. Fairmont: 001 002 21 -6*6*0 Pembroke: 401 000 00-5?8?5 Mike Freeman. Terry Ox endine (5) and Niney Hunt; Perry Strickland. Mickey Carter (5). Windell Jacobs (6). Eric Locklear (6). James Bird ^ ^ , _ J ^ Archie Jennings forced in the go-a heed rim. and Warrior DH Gralin Locklear followed with a two-run single as Pembroke defeated the Pi rates 5-3 in eight innings Inst Friday afternoon. Jennings came on in the top of the eighth inning after starter Gary Mayers had given up a lead-off double and walk. Jennings himself got off . to a rough staif by walking the first two battels he faced, but he regained his control and retired the next one on strikes. Locklear then smack ed a 3-2 pitch just past the Pirates' second baseman and into right field for what proved to be the game winning runs. Pembroke's Eric Locklear. throwing in relief of starter James Bird (W.2-0). gave up back-to-back walks in the botton of the eighth before being pulled. Pirate first baseman Keith Atkinson greeted his reliever. Perry Strickland, with a run- scoring single to lett field, his uttrd hit of the day. Strickland sent the next batter back to the dugout swinging before loading the bases with a walk to Robbie Mustoe. but Lumberton's ral ly was cut short as the big southpaw struck out Jennings and Phil riei^dren. The Warriors, who had blown a 4-0 lead the previous day in losing 6-5 to Fairmont, improved their record to 2-1. Coach Ronnie Chavis and his team have had a week off and will return to action -today when they host Scotland. Tomorrow the Warriors are at home against Hoke, and Tuesday they entertain Lum berton. Pembroke: Oil 000 03-5*4*4 Lumberton: 100 100 01-3*3*1 James Bird (W.2-0). Eric Locklear (8). Perry Strickland (8) and Eric G. Locklear; Gary Mayers (L.0-1), Archie Jen nings (8) and William Hardin. It took Da Vinci tan year* to completo the Mona Liaa. THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE U.S.PS. #978380 (Published each Thursday) I Established 1973 The Carolina Indian Voice, In P.O. Bo* 1075 Pembroke. NC 28372 Phone: 521-2826 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT PEMBROKE. NC 28372 Subscription Rates: In State . 1 year S9.36 2 Years 15.60 ? Out Of State 1 Year 12.00 ^Year^^^^^^fcOO _ .nsk_ . Pharmacist A Pembroke Drug Center Otfom mnd W. 3rd. Ptmbrodm. NC Free cold medicine found here! Most everything costs these days. I suppose next to air water's the nearest commodity we have that's actually free. By weight, water represents 60Vr of a healthy body and transports nutrients and waste materials within the body. It regulates temperature and lubricates joints. It's a mighty good medicine with which to fight colds and coughs. It replaces lost body liquids due/to, fever and sweating and lessens the strain coUghing up mucus from infected respiratory pas sages. You need no prescription for that "almost" natural medirine at our Pharmacy ? 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