The Sunday School Lesson A Minlttry ef tht Burnt Swamp Baptist Association 111 ii ill' . ..?1 .1 ."." u. " by K?v. CkariM P. Locfckar, Pinter New BedMl B^Hkl Cbuicb, Ink 1, (bM FEEDING BOTH BODY AND SOUL Mart <w30-44. This is the 4th lesson in a series that identi fies Jesus ss one having both power and authority to do thst which seems impossible. Thru out the Gospels, there is ample evidence to the mirac ulous power that Jesus de monstrated on many occasi ons, under many different circumstances. Since he was God in flesh, he had every right to present himself as a true member of the triune God. He did so with amazing authority. Forgiving sins, healing the sick, casting out demons. One crowd glorified God saying, "We never saw it. on this fashion before." The lesson today gives further, testimony to his person and power. V 34-34 His popularity was ever increasing, which caused him and his disciples id' withdraw from the crowds for periods of rest, safety. Having returned from a mission effort <they presented themselves to Jesus to give a report of their activity. It was evident they needed some rest so he directed them to go into a deserted place, away from the crowds to relax for a while. Their ministry was so desired by the crowds they didn't even have time to eat. As they take their leave, they are recognized and followed. Tb. ^ toe. where h was Jesus was .heading for when their ship haded they wen waiting for the miracle worker. Jesus privacy, but. rather he was "moved with com pass km to ward them." They looked tike a flock at sheep without a shepherd, much like the multitudes who wander thru fife aimlessly, no sense at direction and without the knowledge that there it one who caret for them. V 35-38 Late in the day, his disciples approached him to remind him of their where abouts. They were in n deserted place. Meal time had come and no provisions had been made for a hungry crowd. They suggested that Jesus send them away to find their own supper. Instead. He directed the disciples to pro vide for the crowd. This seemed to be more than they could envision. One reason faith is so essential to the Christian experience is, we are bound by limitations. Jesus is not To one who could still the angry seas, heal the sick, the sight of a hungry crowd was nothing to be They brought him five and two fishes. This small ?mount for this gnat Uag presents noprobiem to Jesus: Jesus is not nearly so concert ned about our abilities as he is" our availibiiities. He can takw the small sad make it big. Our smallest effort can bring forth much when Jesus touches it V 39-44 He directed the disciples to sit the crowd down in groups of 100 and groups of SO. Jesus thanked God for the provisions, broke them and proceeded to distri bute them to the waiting crowd. How those loaves and fish were multiplied and made sufficient is not clear. What is clear, is that Jesus once again performs, out of a head of compassion, an act that is no less than a miracle. The result was that 5,000 men, along with the women and children, all ate supper till they were full from 5 loaves and 2 fishes, CONCLUSION There are some great lessons presented in this text, both for the saved and the un saved. The following are some truths shared .far 8" Chrla Hum tar a sermon from this text several years ago. Jesua never gives ua ? job we can't do.* We can do nothing successful without Jesus. Je sus always shares the respoa sibihties- When our resources are submitted to him, he cm oses great things to hap pen. These truths are evident ia the lives at believers every day. To the unsaved, there is one who has the time and concern to see about your need. You may feel your need is too great but not so. The hungering within your soul ' can be satisfied at Calvary. Plate [ Sale BENEFIT DINNER FOB COMMISSIONER HERMAN DIAL PLANNED Supporters of Commis sioner Herman Dial will spon sor a plate sale on Friday, April 16,1982 at the Prospect School Cafeteria. Plates of chicken and barbecue will be on sale for $3.00 between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. The public is invited to ?ttnid. Pembroke Junior High Honor Roil Mr. Thoaas B. Locfclear, Principal of Pembroke Junior High School, has announced the school's honor vol for the 4th 6-week grading period. Students who earned aa over all A avenge were placed op the A honor rod, and those who earned an overall ? average were placed on the ? honor roll. STH GRADE "A" HON (HI BOLL Brian K. Brooks, Mi chelle Harris, Johanna Hunt, Katie Lowry, Clayton Maynor and Shelia Strickland. 8TO GRADE "B" HONOR BOLL Gerald Wayne Brewer, Flynnette Brewington, Willi am L. Brooks, Winifer BuD ard, Mitchell Carter, Chris tine Gark, Melissa Clark, Don V. Cu minings, McDuffie Cummings, Robin A. Cum Missouri's borders are touch-, ad by eight other states. mings. Janice Dmm, fan* Omm. Valerie Dmm. WlBia ui F. Dmm. Km Dial. Melissa Dial. Johanna Evana, Billie Jo Graham, Donna Godwin, Uada A. Gray. Rkh ard Griffith, Andrew Ham monds, Anthony Hunt, Cathy Hunt, Linda Halt, Roger Hunt. Steven A. Hunt. Suzette Hunt, Helen Jacoba, Tracy L. Jacobs. Becky Lynn Lockiear, Phyllis Ann Lockiear. Stephanie Lock lear, Tonya Lockiear. Tracy V. Lockiear, Valarie Lockiear, Victor R. Lockiear, Debbie K. Low cry, Sandra Lowety, Courtney B. Lowry, Edwins Lowry, Espandonsa Lowry, Linda Mack, Sherry Maynor, Cynthia Meekins, Larry Mor gan, Rosalinda Noriega, John Oxen dine, Kimberly Oxen dine, Regina Oxendine, Sandra Oxendine, Sydney1 W. Oxendine, Tew ana Oxen dine, Katena Ransom, Lori Ran some, Lorraine Ran some, Robert F. Regan, Debbie Reimer, Gregory W. Samp son, Rhonda Shane, Amanda Smith, Carta Smith, Margaret Smith, Karen N. Stickney, Stephen B. Strickland, Tanya Strickland, Tabetha Thomas, Mary Ann Tyler, Socoria L. Wood, Doris Brayboy, Sherry Brooks, Lyndon Bullard, Christopher Locklear, Tijuana Locklear, Felecia Owens, April Oxendine, Melba War riax. 9THGRADE"A" HONOR ROLL Lynette Bell, Pamela Brooks, Kimberiy Dale Cha vis, Cassandra Hunt, Gwen dolyn Jones, Lisa Lowry, Tryon Lowry. Jr., Lisa Smith. 9TH GRADE "B' HONOR ROLL Be nits Brewer, Beverly Blue, Wendy Blue, Illya Cha vis, Kimberiy Chavis, Paula K. Chavis, Sylvia Chavis, Sonya Deese, Colette Dial, Endoria Dial, Loretta Dial, Andrew Hunt, Windell C. Jacobs, Sean Jones, Cassan dra Locklear, Cerles Locklear, Jr., David Locklear, Dwight Locklear, ' Gem Locklear, Mary Locklear, Paul Lcklear, Tammie Locklear, Robert J. Marciniak, Kim McCartney, Bobby Morgan, Jr., Brantley Oxendine, Brenda Oxendine, Hughes Oxendine, Teresa Oxendine, Jacqueline Par sons, Tammy K. Scott, Julian Strickland, Helen (Sherry) The hum BahaVUah means Ike Giory of God; its vftrstlons If the roost paver lean of His Teachings, read His Book, h contain* the key to that which yon sash wad one paragraph before you sleep, aod do not worry if the meaning is not dear. Hold the woods in your mind, and presently you will find that you do understand them. Baha'u'Uah, alone, can alter the current of your Rfe, and if you are to fulfill your mission here on earth, you must begin to study the Baha'i Message. Meanwhile there are corn parisions that mankind must make for himself..... Csofhcfna Sayai When you repay kindness with kindness, then the people are encourag ed to do good. Bahs'aTah Sayai The sour ce of all good is trust in God, submission unto His com mand, and contentment in His . Uak. U/ltl ?A -tm *??!/ " ui wiu picuure. Coahchi Saysi The super ior man goes through life without any one preconceived course of action, or any taboo. Hahs'ulah Sayai True re liance is for the servant to persue his profession and calling in this world, to bold fast unto the Lord, to seek naught but his grace, inas much as in His hands is the destiny of all His servants. Consultation and medita tion may be thorns in the flesh of men, but this Baha'i law will play a mighty part in the future of mankind. Then meditation and sacrifice will be hailed with high approval in the life of a believer. Faith and enthusiasm will be met by challenging- tests wherever you turn, but you will find that the special activities for Baha'is bring them pure joy after coming over rought spots. m As you climb another step up the ladder or the steep mountain of spiritual under standing the panarama of life will widen and take on a new beauty. Find a harmony be tween the free and not-free happenings of Hfe, between the conscious and uncon scious will; seek to make the will conform to the Divine Will, then man possesses the greatest treasure: indestrue table peace of mind! Ever Green Church News bv Mrs. Leacie Brooks * i ? IN MEMORY OP MY BIG MAMA LELACUMMINGS On March the 22nd of 1964 the Lord in Heaven took her home to be with Him ' in the Haven of teat, where she'U never suffer any more. I remember well her smil ing face and ao many prayers 1 have heard her pray. Since she has been gone, times have really changed. There have been times of laughter, sorrow and pain. I've felt the need of those prayer through the years. But mv big mama had her day praying through for me. She lived it well, working day by day, praying through for those who would step and say "Sister, pray for me." I've ' heard many say, feeling con tended that things would be better that day: Hew proud I am that I had a praying big mama. And aome day rt meet her., pandas where we'B never part any more. Wf II Mvr victortouftly on that golden shore thank Ood for my prayiaf motfm, Big Mama and Utth Mnw too. They both helped aae beaanse I m tackier tnan moat ovwn bacaaaiof tha prayara at my jf | Tj|i,tip li apMtol far ay , J 4totoM?,l1to0i MV JBHfll. ?' to.iyNyfWh ?? f ? . Sunday School began at 9:30. Preaching is held each first, second and fourth Sun day. Prayer service is each Wednesday night. The theme for Sunday's i lesson was "A Church the .World Noticed." The Adult Class and Young Adults joined together Sun day. Rev. Joseph Locklear f taught the class. The Adult Class put on a program of songs. Sunday was their program day. The Junior Class received the attendance banner Sun day. Mrs. Mary E. Locklear is the teacher. Bro. Ottis Burnett paid his wife's birthday offering Sun day. Pray for her. She's been out of church for several years. -? Service Saturday night went out just fine. Rev. Edmond Locklear, Jr. and Rev. Caulder talked to the church on the subject of prayer. Different ones spoke on what prayer and faith wffl do. A person who will pray a prayer through for you with faith is valued mote than money. Prayer always chang es things for us. Please pray for us at Ever isg^s*?'We've got your number. SAVE with Everyday Low Prices >1 Mlfir'I P'XIE'OR lYIILIV SHERBERT [uTI miWT 1^4 *_IAl CMTH M 6*1 IPC ^ f 99* 139 WREE 1 I MMmIH (UaM * nffif vifvif sweat arc OMay Away 10 i Chevettes TOU CtlllB B? A WINNER!!! IgMflNl MM Ta Taj. !aa mm* MHa Mar to rvftatof uvta iwi^a I IqMMrllM rmsn<r%rjrjs trr.vsrtt HMLVWIMIV SS5S5 BREAD CUmamM Roto ttt LB. IMRB 2/99? 179? UBIbbb ? n A ^ I I [ I I M- S I Hi^^HK j | A T A ? GOLDEN NINE Bananas 399" rt#4ir wwair wnu ?r ^ducei *&* wl uiiHv [ MR. "B" PORTRAITS ? *. Color vw Package Special & "TCJipFCTiwTiiT a ?*iov ?? A 2.- s ? r? VI ? ? . MHill J ' ' i- { 20 WALLETS # ft 1697 U Mi nm meruit ?M) nm on Minmi rui WP UN U. TURI Mi l. I 10 I II tWreWlheelr ZOZZZ II r? 11 ?*???< ?TI II \?iMU|Wa? Vi /leaJing, f'rr ?*r IM*im f'Jbiyn SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1M1 7IQOLY WIMLY, RSMSROK1, H.C., HOURSi 11 MOON ?N IfOO R.M. y^L c?wt| (rhORANGE m juice 1 4J59 SmSm rinso 2.29 Woolite & ?^89 I RAM ? ?1891 coee me tntT u m MM. MLWM U ? 4QQ| Easy Off f ? I03 IWttUlM gj. ? |B DOVE V UfUM Mono s 8 KRAFT ? - mdrraru CHICKEN SALAD Lltf WITH PURCHASI OP 15-QZ. 7"?Z"8<ZE # JUBILII PIMZNTO 1 i ni! ill* i fij I ii IBa-gauijg caT?.t,2j09 ClftlTiAKu. 2-891 Round Roast; 2B9 5S5S SC FROSTY MORN ' j iA| bologna u.1.491 FROSTY HORN ? j AA I FRANKS <s*s.1.09| BRIEF A FORK 1 B SMOKED SAUSAOE 549^ m "A pod ean mrviva any TT?if?B dux i OaoarWHda ' 11

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