PEMBROKE NEWS MRS. BABE HARDIN Mrs. tiene CfiXVis and her daughter, Mrs. Leavkra Cha vis ware honored Sunday at a dinner celebrating "both of their birthdays and Mother's Day. The guest present were: Mrs. Leavira Charts's sons Patrick and Fredrick, and Mr. Harlis Smith and daughter Crystal. Mrs. P.R. Ballard of Texas, spent some time visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. ft Mrs. Leonard Chavis of Pine Street. She also visited with other relatives and freinds while here. Mrs. Sallie Dial of Charlot te visited during the past weekend. She stayed with her parents, Mr. A Mrs. Ran dolph Oxendine. She also visited many friends and relatives. Mrs. Dial along with ner parents attended church services Sunday at the Mrs. Bonnie L locMwr left Tuesday for Texas when she plans to spend two weeks with her sister,.Mrs. Dorothy Jawes. Mrs. Jones has recent ly had open heart surgery and Mrs. Locklear will stay with her while she is getting better. All the mothers present at the morning service Sunday at the First Baptist Church were honored with a long stem carnation. The oldest mother present was Mrs. Lena J. Dial, who was presented with a corsage. Mrs. Dial attended church with s daughter, Mrs. Essie D. Locklear. After services Mrs. Locklear served her mother dinner. On the following Tuesday Mrs. Dial was admitted to Southeastern General Hospital where she was placed in the Intensive Care Unit on the second floor. As ofTaeaday night Mrs. Dial ,*u bMb to rest boom. At the close of the Sudsy Services as Mother's Dsy st Mt. OHve Pentecost*] Hoh bsss Ckmk, each mother was honored with a Bve potted plant. Also a drawing was held aad die winners were. Mn. Rosa Lee Haymoo, Mrs. Leavira Chavis sad Mrs. Saiiie Dial of Charlotte who was visitiag at the chwrch. Mrs. Dainty Jones was honored Sunday st a dinner in honor of Mother's Day held ' at the home of her daughter and her family, Mr. St Mrs. Nebcmiah "Viola" Rogers of the Lumberton area. Among those who attended were Mrs. St Mrs. Ronnie Locklear, Miss Judy Locklear, Miss Rosa Locklear,and Miss (Catherine Locklear, all of Pembroke; Miss Marion Rogers, Mr. St Mrs. Wyliss Rogers and child ren Eric and Erica, Mrs. Patsy Locklear, and children Timmy and Desie. The spring ar rangement of lovely flowers were furnished for the event by Miss Judy Locklear. Din ner was served from tables on the lawn. A family dinner was served Sunday at tba home at Mr. A Mr*. Bazie Hardin Sr. with The group woe joined for refreshment* by a sister at Mrs. Hardin, Mr.A Mrs. James Knotts along whh Mr. Knotts father, Mr. Knotts of Wadesboco. Mrs. Heaty F. Smith and daughter Leslie and grand daughter Kimberiy Keoee Jones, a son of Mrs. Smith, Mr. Terrel Sampson, Ms. Connie Hunt and daughter Karen were all accompanied home Monday by Ms. Denene Parsons from St. Petersburg, Florida where the group were the guests in the home of another son of Mrs. Smith, Mr. Webster Smith. Miss Myra Sampson and her brother, Scott Sampson, with their aunt, Mrs. Hilda Hunt and son Ronnie spent the weekend visiting with the Sampson's mother Mrs. Jo Ann Sampson of St. George, SC Mothers honored at the Mother's Day services at the Mercy Mission Church were Mrs. Ruby Jones, the oldest Mother and Mrs. James Lock lear, the youngest mother. The peine ta the lev. J.W. Mr*. Bessie Lowry tu able to attend church service Sun day at the Mt. Ottve Pentecos tal Holiness Church. After being abaent far tome time doe to an lllneaa, freinds and relatives were happy to see ber able to be back la church. BMa fraught far the weak PreveshaS My son, forget not my law, bat let thine heart keep my days aad long life. And peace shall they add to thee. Let not mercy aad truth forsake thee; find them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart; So shalt thou find favour and good understand ing in the sight of God and man. Birthday Proverbs for Thursday May 13th ;Psalms, 128-1-Blessed is everyone that feareth the Lard; that walketh in his way. Please remember the sick, and shut-ins in your prayers, also remember the sad and the lonely. Does more rain occur over the ocean at night or in the daytime? Rain is more likely to Opter from clouds above the oceans at night. This is con trary to the situation on land, where most of the rain is experienced during daylight hours. Water does not absorb heat from the sun's rays as readily as does land. The earth heats up in the daytime and the heat thermos which rise produce clouds, and these clouds, as they rise, produce rain. The process over the sea is often the reverse, espe cially if cold winds move in over the water at night. The warmer water, and warmer air just above it, will often rise and produce rain at night. So the general rule is, more rain over land by day and more rain over the sea by night. i ? ^ 1/5 SLICED I * country |c ham |w $499 FRESH LEAN FAMILY PACK fKiflKI t pork z sausage w W FAMILY PACK / smoked jk jl sausage a 3 BO'S STORES LUWERTON ? F?t*mont Rd I ? Godwin At Sth ; I PEMBROKE ^ ? Union CMpaiM | M VINHRVITM ? J RMCTTO ? m LMMT OlMMITlTI?S ? \ ?OWW?TODimM| T-BONE ION STEAK -O ^ SHOULDER A<|ftfil STEAK " ?nig ?i SHOULDER *409 ROAST lafl89 RUMP $OB9 ROAST n ?Z SIRLOIN t<)H c TIP ROAST,. *2?* *o^w AAA STEW. 98^ FAMILY PACK Jk W CUBE r STEAK < L w J >?RTpFFKy "i '*. , w ..^. -^* ; *? .,* '??* .?>?* ??? iy. .? KS .?. .. ?. Union Chapel Booster Club donates Uniforms Shawi la iktn pktin ham left la right an Mr. Wad* Hail, Prlactpal at Uaiea Chqprl Ehnat^ School, Mr. Rady LocUear, Fi naliliiat at (Jdoa fh^ml Booster Clab, Mr. Ralph Jokaeea, Pnide* of Mt. Airy I ay ceo ? aad Mr. Layaioa Loddear, Robeaoa Couty Beard of Edncatlea. fat front b Ante Baker ~ J -| U one of chaaed an* donated la Union Chapel School by the Union Chapel Booater Clnb. The Booater Oab baa alee recently aeeloted In Ike par cbaae of an Activity Bao far the ocheal. Honored with . Bridal Shower Miss Bridget Mazalouskas was honored with a bridal shower given by her mother, Mrs. Janice Faye Lowery Mazalouskas on April 24th, 1982, at the Warren Chaeutu, Warren Mich. Bridget received many beautiful and useful gifts for her forthcoming marriage on June 26, 1982 to Mr. Don Lemieux. Former North Carolina res idents in attendance were: Adelaide Locklear, Mrs. Car lee Bell and Diane Bell;Myrtle Hammonds Hagmen, Carol Chavis, Bridget's aunts; Mrs. Chuck (Pat) Lowry Whitaker and Miss Lee Ellen Lowry. Bridget is the grand-daugh ter of Mr. Leroy Lowry and the late Mrs. Macy Ham monds and the late Mrs. Carrie Lee Hunt. On April 30, 1982 a very special dinner was held at Penna's Club sponsored by the Lumbees from Robeson, LRDA #1. For more informa tion, please attend the next meeting on May 17, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. Our new meeting place is St. Sylvester Rectory on 12 mile Rd., 2 blocks west of Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Locklear are visiting in Pem broke NC with her parents, Mrs. & Mrs. Lonnie Locklear, Sr. and Mrs. Ethel Mclntrye of Fayetteville, NC News from Outreach Holiness Church by Slater Fannie C. Oxendbe Out Reach Holiness Church Sunday School beings at 10 a.m. Morning worship is at 11 a.m. Fust and third Sunday service begins at 7 p.m. Singing is each fourth Sunday ? at 2:30 p.m. The pastor is the Rev. James "Buddy" Bullard Jr. Sunday was a beautiful day and God has been good to us. We just praise him for his blessing. God is proving to us at OutReach the we are in his will.Wht? Because: souls .are being saved and the devil is mad and praise God we are glad. We are a group of God's children. We just believe in living for Jesus and doing His will and not man's. Man will fail you and let you down. We are praying for the lost souls and those who say that they are saved, but who are running from house to house lying on churches and people and you have never been to the church that you are talking about. And, praise God, you don't even know what you are talking about, but God has got your number and praise God what I like about It, your talk is not keeping God from saving souls and he sends us each Sunday more good people who are looking for a pJwf that they can hear the true word .of God and people that don't let the devil jump up and take over the service. Praise God we know the right( kpirit from the wrong spirit. That is what is wrong with the churches today. They let anybody come in and join the church and they don't even know that the person's real belief k. He said by their fruit you w? know them. Are you worthy of God's calUae. Ro ws 7:2-3. Par the woman which hath a husband is ^ the law u> her if tfaThSiid bLd?d, to odiltroit anotner man. Paul said yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. I'm so glad that in my life the devil can see that I belong to lesus and therefor I'm perse cuted for Christ's sake. If you are not persecuted, then the reasons because the devil already has you. But if you walk with Christ and let your light shine you will be falsely accused and called everything out a Child of God. Jesus was called everything but the Son of God. I just thank God that he is our Lord and Savior. He ? is blessing our church, souls ?re being saved. In the last four weeks eight persons have been saved. We just thank God for what he has done and what he is still going to do. We are working for Jesus and when he comes, he will reward us for what we have done down here. I don't know what my reward on this earth will be because one day this earth is pass away, but the word of God will stand. Are you standing on God's holy word? If so, keep on standing . for the true gospel. God said there would oome a time when man would rather hear a lie than the truth and church we are in that day now. God is soon coming. Sinner, you better get ready it is sooner than you think. Jesus is coming. Please pray for Mrs. Sadie )zendine's family who lost her son, Mr. Voonte Oxendine. Jr. He was loved by his family and those who knew him, a fine and wonderful young man. Ho will be dearly missed in the Union Chapel area.We looked forward to always seeing him when he came home to visit. We pray that, sinner, you will get ready .Jesus Is coming. We