ABOUT TOM I i Heat oranges and lemons in hot water a few minutes and you will get more juice from them. If there is space, a free standing cabinet with a cut ting-board top and cabinets underneath placed in the middle of the kitchen saves many steps. H OME ?yAprf Mm A divided egg poacher is just the thing for heating baby's food. Place the food in the compartments over warm water. To get rid of mildew in closets,' on shelves and walls-dip a doth in plain, undiluted vinegar and rub ail the mildew from the wood. Let dry thoroughly. WARRIORS FALL TO CLINTON By lto?M UMa Twice CUaton manageo to score runs after there were two oats, and that ability to com through when the chips were down enabled the Dart Horses to edge Pembroke 6-5 in high school baseball action Tuesday night. it was a game that Pem broke desperately needed to have any chance of catching East Bladen, but die Warriors made one too many errors and it cost diem. The one that broke the ' ? .s."i v ~7?"~ game open cone in the top at the sixth with Pembroke ahead, 5-4. Warrior catcher Eric 0. Locklear made a goad play in getting Lennie Fai aoa'a popup back near At screen, and pitcher Eric Lock tear (5-2) got the next man to hit an easy grounder to the short t^>. Mike King follow ed with . what should have been a grounder to end the inning, but second baseman Timothy Carter uncorked a throw that sailed way over the ? tot baseman's head. Mariuy Williams, victim of a homerun barrage by the Warrior* two weeks ago, got one of his own this time, a two-run blast that cfeared the left field fence and gave Clinton the lead. 6-S. i Joel Coleman struck out the three batten Iit facet! hi the home half of tite sixth. After retiring the first two batten up for 'Pembroke in the seventh inning, Coleman gave up a single to Eric Locklear, but he came right back to get Randy Jacobs to hit a game ending grounder to third. Jacobs had staked Pem broke to a 2-1 lead back in the " second inning when he strok ed a double to left-center field. Steve Cummings scored easily, but the throw to the plate got there in plenty of time to get pinch runner Benny Demery. Demery, who had stumbled on the base paths, had other ideas as he jarred the ball loose from Clinton catcher Ken Stafford. Alertly Coleman had come into back up the play, and when the ball came loose, Coleman was able to retrieve it and throw out Jacobs at third base. David Jacobs hit a soft liner to center field and scored on Timothy Carter's RBI-single to give the War riors a 3-1 lead. After Clinton had gone on top 4-3 in the visitor's half of the fourth inning, Pembroke responded with a- run of its own to tie the game at 4-4. Bobby Sampson drew a walk, stole second and advanced to third on a wild throw by the catcher. Sampson scored on Lee McRae's single. McRae came around to third on Timothy Carter's single, but was thrown out at the plate when he tried to score on An thony Locklear's infield fly. The Warriors went ahead, 5-4, in the bottom of the fifth when Devy Bell scored from third base on a passed ball by the catcher. Pembroke travels to Pender County Thursday afternoon,, and will return home next Tuesday night for their season ' finale against West Bruns wick. The Warriors (10-11-4 4) need to win both games to finish above .500. ?tony [HI, Inciting toctfto t).M. MN3RRL M runni Kim SI .00 24930 So Eldorado Bond. OVER 50 KC1PCS. delicious! Only $5.00. SI OKI I'H.Hsm.-aiHWj.U-idWI.... FU '? WT M ? EELICMMS Itoot 01 00) Onurlo. ca *?ZK delicious auooar cooua u , Bnclooft. 12 Cosh. HARBMKT'S RITCH FOOD 1M FANLED HOWS. Carburetor It Possible, YES! MrlU AKA0N PUBLISHERS Boa 20 Oufftlo *T 14223 PLEASE. INCLUDE S.A.S.E. ?ii99.RFyS?..WI?..!Wfi!?l?.l. 32 0ELIC1OUS SOUDKM STYU Casserole Boclpo 11.00 P.0.0. 020 Thnfcn.-4l.Mm TORTILLA TOME EXOTIC DESSERT/ SonO 12.00. MAKER PO Boa 1040 Lo "?Hi.S4.iMl -k MM TO mute a hit SONO AM Soli It. By Tony Boyct. Sond 12.00. LUKE 1 M1LLNITE, 1713 Koneood St.. > DotIcloyt And tnay To Itoto. SASE 12.00. TAHTA SULLIVAN 11 Volloy itk...jrt?..!s.!8k >. i too sua - mm rbot Satisfaction Or Monoy Bock M OO ? h?.i?..S*fcEllaJlJHB CNR CARIBBEAN OKI BOORS. Entrooo. Dot aorta Delicious. Enter tolnlnf. $2 00 Cosh, CHock, NO To A00IK0 INFO. Boa 13144. Atlooto. ?.in? x. Eoay, Proven Plan- Without Couponing. $1.00 Brings Infonoetlon. SUPERSHCP *I.JfcJMth4..!?lla.a.}?. CHICKEN CHILI CASSEROLE BK1PC 2.00. Now DIFForont Oollclaot. FCS amr fantastic f1sn bhd 12.00 PUIS SASE. IARWRRIE SALES , c??wRT..iM.Ffs..tei?j.s.nni. terrific. east 0ar0qk sauce Roclpo. $2.00. BOO. Boa 5R45-BA, >ll?4Si.Fi.8?? rent O.p.e.c. mm bis an. Conpames. Stop Worrying About Biting 011 And Saldino Coats And Future Shortages Noko Ideal, Bettor Fuel Touraolf For Both Hone And Auto noBllo. 104 Per Sellonl Aloe. Fabulous 200 H1let-Per-Ballon Carbur etor Ron Hero. Sand Stooped Addressed Envelope FREE Dotal It Both Plant. ADAMS AGENCY. Ban H. Feuton.jrh ? gjjU__ sSIP Bo??? Lrt^USrgo, ^ 40533 ^zll.eeee - c Avnanc smbisn recipes. 12.00 And SASE. LARSON'S. Dept.OA. ? RRRNOW WIRE CERT LAPELS: 123.00, Nerrao, Clean 1 Restore Tint: It.00. Rollno Cooti: 135.00. ALTER ATION SPECIALISTS 1525 N. Eorrlott. $"!?a?L.ZH9L?M-IM-H*.. t mm mm. sane err. ram trnr ?Aon Hi-Protoln Chunks. Roclpo. Instructions. 12. HARDY BOORS. Bon H91:Mi.-j4ra!-g'-4jM Fobdous*!^of"'*0l0tI*^atti foe - Hon Guaranteed. Sond 12 HARC0. At.4 Nutritious Brain Food Bl.OD ? Stoop 0*f-.4K.HH~lllHfctt..?ii.9ZW? 11.00 Stoonod Self-Addressed Enve lope. ?rPRIEnER PO Bon 541, ?4CK!l!Ea.?.mM TURTLE R BEL icact NOW TO CATCH CI eon And Cook Snooping Turtle 13.00 To IN-F0 Boa 1354 luffolk. ?A 2BJU. ll"!?1 To JOHHSOU'WOOB TIctor Ave MnilM._W.4IM9 .\. mm* nu. am sue. im u ISO (mm. (rtuuiii Mlau Mull. Only tll.M. MCO, Ma nil. Ft. "tnb.a.?H i ? n? (? k n ? Car. U.00. MCO Ma Jill Ft. Stomp Makla? Orpan nation Hill Jaaa < Sffnr 'Frnfarrad Custonar Sarvlcas" Oauili: MORST, 7701 Lilt, It. L?viii.n.f)i u . ALOE MM HMHTUI Mallty. I?to. M M Ouart; $14.*5 Sallaa; $44.M Cast, Mllvarad. I Olstrlhutor Fackat $1.00. ALOE SCI IE w8?-!lSl9!l!i..!l!lK!.i-S.lli89-. | Sand LSAX. FOo'sU^aTmu FhlU- ' **!(i!ti.?.i?8? > I Attachaants. Tata Ovar Fayaanti Or I '?2.9!?.h!fS?..IH:?B:?ll ?uhhiui siFn mrtmest Artisans Of far Catalaa 11.00 (Mfwa datilt). SQUARE I SHOPPlRt GALLERY "H-8?rll5?-$Wim..M..?K95... It'l Approitnata Valua'lufort^tlllnal Canplata Inst-uctlom Far Slapla Hoaa Evaluation $1 HtUi SAX. Heaay-lack Suarantaa. NHITE NOMTAIN EHTEAFSIXS *lrt!lll412 MO MFT MU COlUi MS. FREE Sift Hit* Furchaaa Of S12.50 Or Mm. SAS FO Ma IS2 Nol111. NM ?m...... >... MM MKT M saoailESI Dttalli 254. NOKTTAU 1S1 Jackson. , $3 00 MOFrauST^ SMTiUS *M TO HH SM I* COHTESTS J. HIS ERTERFRIXS Son 3200(1) *fii?i..ni..i2m LITE LOME*! I MMMUUI RCFQHT1 Tails Nan Ta Slon down Aatna Fracasi. Jaat- 12.001 ALFKO'S FROOUCTS Mpt * S2S Votarans Fartnay. E. Frov "n?..il.R8M > MB ?REM CME*- KAL1R Food- M-Staapad Salf Addratsad Enva laaa. 530 E. Hllllaa Mvld, Mtalria, LA 70005 ?**OHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan?aaaana?no SaMcfiptlaa, Othar Offars*,Sl!oO Foauoa: J*. Ma 2JS-A, loptn. H? ..... SOT MM MB - MITE K HUStT SALES. Son 301 Orlskany. NT >JK? SSSSSSS s*K HMUOMH II FST1M Off Tour Ml toast. 2 Laps' Flans That Hart Saparataly Or Tsptthtr Far S10.00 And SMC. AM ITCE, Hoodsadp. Apt c-ja..i?rlsmlll?i.ti.lH? Ms torts Fanar. Stops Cnalna Haar Mnay Sack Suarantaa. NILE-HI FROO ?8..lK.M>:I..8B8ira.g.HBl.. * ?MMM^M^MMHHHBmMH n'iTco.'upuIr* tT J!TS.?. am mb BU an uari Ccmoti: Your Ckolc* $11.00 Throe I Or Nero tlO.OO Eacklll M Mtcki Loothor Truckers Nollot; 0 Oi. MSO ? Mi 1 Pc. ItlUrd Cms; ??? ulno k*r, Cnrold. Or SopplM. Pierced UrrlM. 41* E. 10t?. ! riSMSM 1AM. A*T SUSO'IEM*- . ?kit). MNMOINO *INMCIAL 71 1/2-C ! ?a wiHum. lottemes t Unfol tat Self-Addressed Stnpod lore lop* For 0ff*r-0*ta1lt. PETE* SOOUTM M.I. 217 Indie St.. lrW81lBo-8!.Utt8 J treroody. Procticelly Froo. Cur Mlllt/. Hersetllo, Cot 11/ kwiM Details. MPUNALP SOS Franklin "ttKls.IMHH . ?at i* persecuted bm eirecl* Or Nlret*' NHte CD OMKS | i?H.yt.;M.ni?..aiHttt.K.Hf3* i MthtT Suoranteed Diet* No Pills, Ho I Coords*. IS.00. 4/C DISDUOUTOtS I j Nethod Son* $3 To TOM SUITE*. N.O. oar smo fob iwt lmmt And Writ* $11.00, NIUIAN'S K Nscklraf ITVOo'Preeold. wonest? ! ??iJ91i-S6il!!S!J*tiJS.HfSS \ 1 | i Sen SMUTS rn Nntco. NO 65745 None/ Refunded If Not *Mt!M -\- i l I CI rv ?*net(m' M?r *0 **-Mlfs..?tlHs.K.H7K A.. 1 ? q n I i ana oic ns* m m m Pocket SI 10 Fin Nocordor To Intently Nnwio Point. Length. 0*1/ $0.00 To 4-0 ENTERPRISES lo* 2111. Nonlo F>ltJLM? \~ IBi ESTAB.ISM1 CBMfT LU4BI INC. Reeds Nolo Notlonuld*. Too P*/. Port Tin ? Foil Tin. Mini: CAROL : OA, 1017 OroMlno. H1M*(to*. - J~ IMB NBl M W OI 1M Comings Possible No**/ Report $1.00. MMCT, 400 FN 1140 Host nun 110 Mil wm AMAZING Troplcol SooO lutlnoss. Hrlto: HOLLY Rest* Prices. n Lorn PurcKoso Ances tor*. Details. TI1AMU Oo* 441 *?ttaMi*.'!La*? MR IBM TO ILLINOIS KSI OCNTS. $1000*. Do tolls: PN FINANCIAL ?Ms?ZR.Illl?o.!?s*ft.!J.o?oio. MBBMB IN KHUN MTI Lorol nrkot1*( Propm. No Imontory Ho*411*f. No tookisork. LAVCRNC THONP S0N JJ4 not IroodMy. Plelnvleu. W-WM lit Rucks. Dots!Is Sl.OO.'pNOOUCTIYE toutm institute, ioiio?tUo wv *l? A. 5AL?S ASOrrs MRB. PBTC Bl Full Tin. NEW CocltlM Opportunity. Full Dotallt $1.00. (CMS ASSOCIATES, 072. 1141 N.E. 701 Terr, NM Fl win. NONE $n $1*0 - $700 - MITMI Crory Household Nootfs Cutlor/I Ns teed Coper 01strlkutors I NAIAN 111 TrnlHo.EHl!lllte.!?.iM! OIM MKT IT FLEA MBCTS $1.00. MAINS Nt.l II $2 Notfflol* ,JTl." $J!T oEJ $S!oO* -CMLir. $75 MILT UCITINGI MM MKT Inking Opportunity full Or Part-Ttaa. alnu hutli $2 (Nafuadabla) (ICM LtUtkon Or #22 On?i. ? 101 MMKSKS TM CM STMT I MM H1TM LESS THAN $1000. A 240 Fa?t Guldallna. Only $Z-M- NX* , SUCCESS BOOKS, Oat HA Saab rook. ?.am.?. ? ?} H1MOB COLLECT MIL IMS Ik aoraranant Oil Lattaryt Toy Can Tool V ? HHU Far Infonatlon Or Call Toll Fraa 1-800-525-2541. F. NIUIGAN IK NOIL OOOEO a MOT I- LETEL Synartyl Starts '82. FKE ltfa. TON/ Startar Fsfc ($1). -AOTENTUKS IN KALTM* 1750 (alakaua Sulta J - " 12J..!l?l*lla.J?? little mm Msnaa Of tk Futura! To* Can Possibly Make $10,000-1100,000/Tr. Sorting Fran nana (Fart Tina). SUrtlna S1th Only A Fan Hundrtd Dollars. FKE, No Obli gation Information. DITENSIFIED INTENMTIONAL ? 620 No. 48th St. - , * ithm.UzllJkiBMluM.tHti... I Accounts Mcairabla Far Doctors, Oaatlsu And O.T.N. First, Sacond, Harms, Hrap-Araund Loans Far Apart aanU, Off lea lulldlnpt. Industrial And Itodtcal Offices Unsacurtd Consu nar Loans lu 10,000 00. lU-Oni'S AFFILIATED FINAKE 1711 Nortti ??$?Httl..SirtlTl!!ti.!S.fS!91?1 V F1CTNK FM AM 1* W N FKE Information. SOTA SALES FO boa n?..9Hftrta.?.??j-.^^_.. $25?FtrCSala!^Kitar roar Haaltbl Sand Uaon. ULTIMATE lactam" 12) FMTAST1C KM KALTM PMMAN ] And bus I nasi Opportunity. FKE OaUlls FNAK1S GAAOT 61 (anuaad St. Boston Robeson NCAE to host Awards & Retirement Banquet The Robeson County As sociation of Educators is holding its annual awards and retirement banquet for the teachers of Robeson County, Friday, May 21, 1982 at the Pembroke Elementary Cafe teria, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Coat la $6.50. Call 521-4354 if yon are interested in attend ing. rtOMlSES BROKEN Seventeen promises President Reagan made in his State of the Union ad dress were broken in the tax and budget program he championed and Congress enacted, Congress Watch, organized by Ralph Nader, a lobbying and research group said recently. I In Loving Memory in memory of mrs. RrrnEL. cummings WHO defarted THIS LIFE OCT. 23,1970 Mother, we miss you, but we know you are so happy with Jesus. We miss you around the home place, espe cially your smiling face. 1 hear you aa you would hum "Amazing Grace." Now some of your children, we know about that Amazing Grace. We live one day at a time as you always taught us to pray. And sooo. very soon, we are going to see Jesus and I'm sure where he is then mother I will tee you. Mother, because we are not happy in this world here because we know now that this world is not our home. R is just like you said, it Is only a dressing room to get ready to go home to heaven. Mother, keep your eyes upon that Eastern Gate because your children are coming home just as soon as Jesus comes for ut. We will see you. Mother, in heaven some sweet day, ? Your daughters, Mrs.EunfSMneOi i ? i. Mm. Betty lm LitMsm, Mrs. LedaMhi HaaMMudtMHtd Mrs SHEFF'S SEAFOOD COMPANY _ CORNER OF 3RD AND ODOM STREET Hours of Operation: TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. .11 mo-9:30 pin FRIDAY. . .11 tin-10 pm SATURDAY , 4 ptn-10 pm ?Closed Sunday & Monday Sheff's Grill opens 11 am. Daily Tuesday - Friday r * i 4-H _ County I Activity I , Day 1 One of the major events in Robeson County 4-H program is the County Activity Day. Once called Demonstration Day. County Activity Day is an activity in which 4-H members present demonstra tions on 4-H projects. Demon strations normally last from five to twelve minutes with the exception of outdoor cook ery projects. Demonstrations are a special kind of activity which help develop a 4-H'er in public speaking and pro vide worthwhile skills. County Activity Day will be held Saturday, May 15, 1962, in the O.P. Owens Agricul tural Center. Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m. and demonstrations will begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. Four-H members will have an oppor tunity to present demonstra tions in the following areas: ?American Business System ?Archery ?Artistic Arrangement ?Automotive Skill Driving ?Beef Char-Grill ?Bread ?Crafts ?Crop Production and Utili zation ?Dairy Foods ?Egg Cookery ?Electric ?Entomology ?Environmental Quality ?Forestry ?Small Engines ?Wildlife ?Fruit and Vegetable Use ?Home Environment-Home -Energy ?Horticultural Production and Marketing ?Horse ?Horse Public Speaking ?Landscaping ?Livestock Production ?Open Class ?Peanut Foods ?Photography ?Pork Cookery ?Poultry ?Poultry Barbeque ?Safety ?Sewing >1 The public is invited to attend this worthwhile youth development activity. For more information regarding the County Activity Day or other 4-H program, contact the County Extension Office. Community , I Calendar I ROBESON CO. BEEKEEPER MEETING The Robeson County Beekeeper Association will hold its regular monthly meet ing at the O.P. Owens Agri cultural Building onMay 18, at 8:00 p.m. MAY DAY ACTIVinES There will be May Day Activities held at the Oxen dine School on Friday, May 14th from 8:30 to 12.-00 noon. All students are participating with special entertainment by Mr. Willie Lowery. Refresh ments wfll be sold. A special invitation is extended to aU parents and friends of the school. PLATE SALE There will be a plate sale held at the Shannon Commun ity Building Friday May 28, from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. for the pupport of Kimberiy Ben nett who is entered in the "Miss Carolina Teen-age" Pageant. Chicken and Barbe que will be on sale for $3.00 a plate. MAY DAY ACTIVITIES Union Elementary School will have their May Day activities Friday, May 14, through the hours of 9:30-11: 30 a.m. The program for this year will be "May Day In Fairy Land." AO school par ents and patrons are extended an invitation to attend. Rain date (if necessary) will be Thursday, May 20. PLATE SALE The Pembroke District Churches of God will he having a chicken A Barbeque plate sale at the Church of God Campground on Highway 74 outside Pembroke, on Thursday, Friday A Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. 1 daily. Plates are S3.00 Pro ceeds will go for campground improvements and play ground for the youth. SALLY AT CAMPGROUND There will be an Evangel ism Rally to be held at the Church of God Campground on Highway 74, east of Pembroke beginning Thurs day night May 13, at 7:30 p.m. continuing through Sat urday night. The guest speak er will be the Rev Steve Brock of West Chester, Ohio. Rev. Brock is a well known Radio A T.V. personal ity with the Forward A faith j program. He is a graduate of; Lee College in Cleveland, Tenn. He is an annointed, dynamic speaker and musical evangelist. He will be praying for the sick nightly. The Reverend Millard Maynard, District Overseer, gives a cordial invitation to the public to attend. to speak at Saddletree Church of God The Reverend Steve Brock will be the guest speaker at the Saddletree Church of God Sunday, May 16, 1982 at the morning (11:00 a.m.) and evening worship service.(6:00 p.m.) "" Rev. "Brock is from West Chester, Ohio. He is a very, outstanding and dynamic speaker. The Rev. Millard Maynard, pastor, gives a welcome to hear this great man of God to the public. Marriage plans announced Glenda Gail Locklear, daughter of Mrs. Janie Lock tear Davis and the late Mr. Braddie Locklear, Sr. will be united in marriage to John Rodney Pllgreen, son of Rev.' and Mrs. C.W. Pilgreen on Saturday, May 15,1982 at 4:00 p.m. at the Beulah Baptist Church in Rowland N.C. A reception will follow immedi ately in the Fellowship Hall. GETACP&L6%UMN THIS SPRM&AND YOU WONT LOSE YOUR COM IMS SUMMER. If your home is poorly insulated, you can lose a lot of the cooling you pay for As much as 23% of your (cooling could be going right through the roof and another 21% out windows and doors But, with a CP&L6% Home Improvement Loan, you can keep more of the cool air inside your house, where it belongs. Well loan you up to $600 for things like attic and floor insulation, for storm windows and doors, or for other home energy improvements. For details, stop by LP&L.Or just give us a call. And, the sooner thejaetter Because, the less cooling that your home loses, i the less you have to pay for AMI CQ/ Tlirir*1 AMIIg Ural OTb HUMt IMIKtfVtlVltN I UMNO. I. - ~ H? MM ?.??!?! -?? -,1 .11 -?????.? ?!???!? ??? t I