ATTENTION VOTERS A Vote for Brown will Assure an Indian in the Chief Deputy's Position ELECT C. A. BROWN JR. SHERIFF OF ROBESON COUNT! If elected Sheriff I promise that: The Sheriff's Department will be comprised of lA Indians, Vt Whites and 'A Blacks. That the Chief Deputy position will be filled by an Indian. What is happening to the confiscated drugs in Robeson County? Are they being burned? Or put back on the street? pdcjr) Ml mm whs leave* by tbe back G -We can't stand another 4 years at ju | My priorities are: ? 1. A complete new narcotic* division and personnel department in order to stop the nigh rise of drugs. 2. All drugs confiscated will be destroyed so the public can see It. 3. All Illegal Are arms will be destroyed by being cut up with a torch, can be seen. 4. There will be no more drugs and Illegal guns kept In the sheriff car trunk. 5. Sheriff vehicle will strictly be used for law enforcement only. 3. All employees will fulfill their duties in cluding taking care of prisoners and visitors. Wamamhar all the unsolved murders and ether crimes In year neighborhood. Who will the next victim hoT Will M he yeu? Or one of yew laved What Is happening to the confiscated drugs In Robeson County? Are they being burned? Or put back on the street? ? If I'm elected Sheriff I will never go out the backdoor to keep from talking to you, I will j see you first. ? I will always be at all major crime scenes with tne detectives. ? All crimes will be investigated as though It was a major crime, the victim will know in 7 days what progress is being made. ? I will not allow deputys to hang around local restaurants, or sta tion together. I ? I'm running on my own record 1 and not someone elses, not owned by any large group of Z people. 3 ? . ? Paid for by candidate C.A. Brown Jr. M FiiiMimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i mi TiTHHHiiiiminmiiium rFF ArA1 * A1 * *1 * *1 * ^ Alt *?* *?* *?**'* '" '" """ "' ?"? *" ?? A** am* A*? "? *'* *'* *1*AA^AVlVAA!Y*riV ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQQiiaMMMMMMMMMMi^MMMafljlg I SIDNEY LOCKS FOR N.C. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES | I ~ \ R 1 R SAMPLE BALLOT > DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY 3 FOR 3 MEMBER OF CONGRESS, P STATE SENATE AND P STATE HOUSE P OF REPRESENTATIVES 3 ROBESON COUNTY, N.C. P June 29,1982 > >< - > INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER > TO VOTE FOR a person whose name Is ? printed on the ballot, fill in the box at the " right of the person for whom you desire > to vote. I TO VOTE, FILL IN LIKE THIS | ?! > J If you tear, deface or wrongly mark this ? * ballot, return it and get another. > ===_______=__ ? ' ? 3 FOR STATE > HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES > 16th House District 3 (You may vote for three) > > HI TRACY BRITT 1=1 > ] > IH DANIEL H. DeVANE 1=1 > Hi WILLIAM C. GAY ^ > ? JOHN (PETE) HASTY 1=1 > Hi SIDNEY A. LOCKS ? > Hi BERNARD LOWRY 1=3 > Hi FRANK (BISHOP) McDUFFIE, JR. 1=3 > lH V. LOUISE SANDERSON ^ . ? H J. T. (TOMMY) WELLINGTON <=> * Primary Election 1982 SAMPLE 9{ ~ | I ? <=> ,<=> Secure The House FOR: Industry and Jobs AGAINST: More Taxes S is June 29th, 1982 I SIDNEY LOCKS i FOR 1 N.C. HOUSE ;S OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 <=> 1 O >o \ \ NT \ ^ \ lw \ J? \ House of \ | \Representatnes\ | !o \ 1,0 \ o I iawi.iiiJ,i *?*????* ?! | ??.".?39fKS" L, I "WTOWWWI1^^ lamenting I remember when he Tint cam* with greet canoes that code the blue water, for our legends record the time. It seams so long, long ago. but then not so long, for time for as seemed to stop, and not pass by anymore. Like the evening darkness he came upon us rolling over our lands like the angry waters of a swollen stream, bringing deprivation and de spair upon the unsuspected thousands that lay in his wake. He came with all his vices and greed, to drive us from our mother lands, who with her gracious bounty has sus tained us since time began. We had little means to resist him, so the pony soldiers came, and came, until the happy laughter of the little ones in the villages was heard no more. He drove us till the last measure of strength had been summoned from out souls, and our lifeless cascass fell silently into the winter snow. Now in the empty silence, only the sounds of the howling winds sifting the fresh falling snow can be heard. The spear an