I -^TENSjONSCBISB ' - ? ? JOBNG.MCHABDSON I Prom a good start last year the Farmers Market ia Lum . berton has grown rather dra matically. Since its beginning, the market has attracted more than 90 small fanners who have usually been successful in selling their products through the market. Recently, we have been even more pleased to see the tremendous response by the general pub lic to the market and while hardly anyone likes traffic jams, the jams that have resulted recently around the Farm and Family Center on Farmers Market Days have been somewhat gratifying. Now that the I-urn berton market is obviously success fal, n effort is underway to develop another Farmers Market in Robeson County for the Pembroke area. The mar ket in Pembroke opened July 3 and will be open every Tuesday and Saturday throughout the growing sea son. The Pembroke Commun ity Workshop is coordinating the Farmers Market effort in Pembroke with Lawrence Lo ck] ear providing the leader ship for that effort. The Pembroke Farmers Market is being operated as one segment of an overall nutrition program that is being sponsored by Presby terian churches throughout ' the United-States and under are ibou leadership nr the Reverend John Robinson. In addition to the Fanners Mar ket, they are also operating a community garden and wfll also provide a community canner and other special nutrition projects and inform ation to people in the general area of Pembroke. John and Lawrence have been working very close with the Extension Service in all of the special nutrition projects and even though the Farmers Market is located in Pem broke, it along with the Lumberton market is open to local citizens whereby they may sell their own products directly to the con??ming public. $jnrr the specially for a minimum of five years, it appears that with the excel lent leadership and coopera tion that la bemp exhibited that this major new Initiative wfl be successful and moat beneficial to a large number of Robeson County citizens. %??? 'Omm.Hpii Shin* waahad wlndown with hwwepapers, but ba tura you'va raad tha pap an or tha profaet could taka a> day. i . ?St?* iWi'i St ?? J^I"1 Hfn ? JU i ic i WE WORK FOR YOU! ' "We Have The Insurance to fit ' Your Particular Need." It You Mood tnturonco of Any Kind, Soo... QgfciflOAUg . _^~AXZ\ . b- I |DIAL INSURANCE AGENCY] HQQ.. ? flj.n-iRQu-Rfr -RO^fjOQi " nO??* iRQh ??_*?' ? ?*? ? Outreach HolinesS Sunday School was held at 10 a.m. and Morning services at II a.m. The lat and 3rd Sunday at 7 p.m. and tinging . on the 4th Sunday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. James "Bud dy" Bullard, Jr. We praite God for hit many blessing He has given us at OutReach Holiness Church. He has blessed the church and never a time that we gather at church that he always sends his spirit to bless his people. We praise him for our Revival this past week. Rev. Guy Graham preached us the word just like it is and we thank God for a man that will take God's standard and preach the word. Rev.Guy Graham, we would love to say, Preach on son, God will stand by your side. Sunday morning our pastor preached a sermon with a great anointing of God's spirit. He preached how Christ came and died on that old rugged cross. Sinner, he shed that blood for you and I. Our lesson "Pressures that Threaten the Family". The greatest threat to families today is "Sin." Love and understanding within the family will help protect its members from the evil influ ences of this world. Success in marriage consists nof only in finding the right mate, but also in being the right mate. Hippy uc the families when ?the government of parents is the reign of affection and the obedience of the children in the submission at love. D Corinthians 6:14. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellow ship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion bath light with darkness? And what concern hath Christ with Baal? Or What part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Wherefore come out from among' them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty." We just thank God for his saving power. This coming Sunday morning we will be having a Com munion Service after Sunday School. If you can be with us. God set this example for his children that we eat the bread of life and drink of his blood, and wash another* feet. Do you love your sister that you can wash their feet? Brothers, do you love your brothers that you can wash their feet? Jesus said do it. God is love. Come be with us. If you can't come then pray for OutReach. God bless you. Pray for the sick and especially the sinner. Observes 5th Birthday Master Jason Patrick Lock lear, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hervie S. Leddear of Fair an>nt celebrated Us fifth [5th] birthday July 6th. Jason Is the grandson of Mr. and Mis. Jessie Loddear of Pembroke. Mr. Edward Joe I mhlear and the. lata Betty Roth firs ska LocUsar and Mr. and Mrs. Eari Strickland of Fahnnont. Jason recently graduated from the Fafcgrove Day Cars Center and wfi begin Under garten at Piectervfib Els ?sntaiy Schsd hi the tall. Before baking, insert tuba type macaroni in the center of the top of your pie so that juice can bubble out. Bread will ratlin its original quality for two to three months if left in the wrap per and stored in the home freezer. DANIEL H. DEVANE Of Hoh? C?tv N.C. BOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES ? I Don D. Jacobs | Registered Land Surveyor X | (RLS No. 2804) J ?We look forward to providing all your land surveying needs. I 843-4785 I I MODEL HOMES I I ?! f you own ywjr own lot we can build I I c...d finanoe for you with no money I *12% Mortgage Money I MH?Wllil-m'|l|j"LH=l=M W SHOULDER* ^ *179 7 r I LB-^ <*MAM^r mmmr m w stores! ? ^ lumbertoni ? Fairmont I ? Godwin 5th ? ^ i 1 i | p pembroke fj ^?unionchapel rd k^| bj|f?|\jt^rfpvt| r b ?^b mmrv e tni ? i ? j ? ^b . ( v 4 b m w _^b ^b niont to M W M f^U ft M i i I . 1 I 1 M ~^B ? limit quantities bmbk^yhkhdh^mmdbil^mhmammbmiioiii ioloto diaumi ?^??j ~?1?? KELLOCC'S * JWfcA PRODUCT 19 , 99c KtllOCC'S mm RAISIN BRAN 20-OZ. ^1" QUAKER ? ? INSTANT OATMEAL ^l01 QUICK GRITS . 53* TOTAL CEREAL m* 99* AJtMOUR TRIPE ^ #2?* | Eard* ?..?!?? I CRISCO OIL ,*oz .u 95* I EVER READY vl A. SELF-RISING '+ * FLOUR KRAFT ^MACARONI & CHEESE DELUXE DINNER 14-OZ. 99* F SHASTA 4 [ DRINKS I (AU FLAVORS) FOX DFLUX ' PIZZAS I HAMBURGER, SAUSRGE, PEPPERONI COMBINATION llVi-OZ. SIZE 89* ^ KRAFT | F PARKAY 4i MARGARINE j *2 ? ^SeppiBBfct ___7^ ^CAMreaTs^ I TOMATO SOUP NO. 1 CAN [g*t Ifgpftf SI r \ CHICKEN N RIBS BARBECUE SAUCE 18-OZ. 59* /Ck CORN 1 MUFFIN MIX 8V4-OZ. 4/99! 8 Ifik I BUTTER ME-NOT BISCUITS 10-CT. 9.5-OZ. 2 W9 < ^ 1 ^ DUKE'S " ^MAYONNAISE [T o, 99* . 1 W SHASTA DRINKS M1FIAV0RS 16-OZ. SIZE 4/*1 ? btae?s L *1" ?t'ooct. ^ SPECIAL *T' ? ?w BL M'H'*-?? WWWVw 1 ARMOUR^ [SXthroom tissue -~.69* NAPKINS 79* ly^AlTWK__^?Sf LIQUID DETERGENT 7V CLOROX LIQUID .?ll* DOG POOD 234? FOOD >"37* 11 OfjQ FOOD m?. %>w^ I