>'? ?* ' I ' " . ? t ? ' SIDNEY LOCKS FOR i N.C. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES >; - Hi THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOTE OF CONFIDENCE ON JUNE 29TH You Made Me Your Top Vote Getter! ? .. ' ' " * \ ?For Less Taxation........ . Vote Locks Again! ?For Support for Industry .. . Vote Locks Again! ?For Creative Job Legislation . Vote Locks Again! i* (, . ' iM.-ifc.ttt* ? For A Man Who Will Vote A^GAIMSTv TAXES On Tobacco.... Vote Locks Again! ?For Flelp For the Poor and Working Men and Women. Vote Locks Again! ?J ?For Equal Opportunity Legislation.Vote Locks! \ , Don't Be Fooled!!! You KNOW He Helped You * * In the Past! Help Him Again So He Can Help You In The Future! 9 *Np. 4 ' ' t * ?' * _ , ' ?' '? - 'V;-- v< v'S?. *? fd? ^ ! ? ? * ifE* ?' ? t ?.'?>?,: V. ' ?V--' ' * ? iJBfc - ** . t. 'i ? *i * Paid for by Sidney Locks Committee? Attorney Angus B. Thompson, Jr., Treasurer