evergreen CHURCH NEWS $? This Sunday, July 18. Sun day School was opened with s song by the pastor entitled "I See Jesus." The Superinten dent, Bro. Henry Chsvis, gave all a friendly welcome. All visitors especially. The lesson was entitled Communication in the Family. Proverbs 15:1. Many problems in family relationships can be traced to poor communication. Angry .words between members of a family can destroy love and may even lead to physical violence. The answers to anger and violence is love. And words of peace nurture love. Soft answers, sometimes are regarded by those who are not wise as a sign of weak ness. But weakness is reveal ed in the opposite- in angry words-when we lose control of ourselves in sticky situa tions. Bad feelings between fam ily members may be due to a simple lack of know^dge- of them not knowing everything they ought to know about a person or a situation. When we communicate in the family we get knowledge, thus fam ily members understand one another and what is happen ing. It is tragic for a family to live together as silent stran gers when they have much to communicate about with each other. We need the knowled ge of others which comes through wholesome conver sations. There are, in fact, special words which should be spoken often, but always at the right time. These include "I love you," "thank you," "1 am sorry," "I forgive you." We can show our love in our actions, but we should ?MMMWiI also show it in our words. Our speech is a revelation of yhat we treasure in our heart, if we treasure evil, we will com municate evil; but iif we treasure good, we will com municate good. Clever words may conceal the evil in our heart for a while, but in time our words will betray us if our heart is evil. One who habit- - ually speaks contrary to the word and Spirit of God reveals by his speech that he is motivated by sin. PROBLEMS IN COMMUNICATION Two serious hindrances to good communication are (1) failure to listen- and (2) speaking in a rash manner. The two problems are related because those who have not developed the art of listening are the one* (host apt to speak when they shouldn't. Good relationships between family members are destroy ed when people do not take time to listen to each other. Husbands and wives drift apart and parents and chil dren become alienated. Let us keep the channels of com munication open and be ready to hear others when they speak. In Proverbs 18:13 the Bible warns that "it is folly and shame" if we answer a matter before we hear it. Communication in the fam ily is hindered when we become preoccupied with differences of personality; but when we take time to see the many good things we share and hold dear, communica ting comes easy. To keep communication a live in our family we have to be careful not to turn others off by harmful words. Even one harmful word can damage a relationship. VK21 '" rt. .# - ^ - '*?['? .'"?U" ! "takes only ? few words to bea' the hurt. T? speak these words is not easy, though. The most difficult words we ever speak may be. Tin all my fault," or "Please forgive me." But these words are worth everything they coat. After all, we're Chris tians! It's our responsibility to [heal broken relationships. We'll remember this when we need God to meet us at the altar. Oh. what a great lesson we had Sunday. Thank God for love and mercy. The Bible Gass had the program Sunday, their tea cher, Sister Ella Baker's program consisted of singing. Sister Mary Locklear's class, the Juniors, once again received the attendance ban ner. Sister Locklear is doing a fine job with the Juniors. We're proud of her. Paying his birthday offering Sunday was Brother James Earnest Oxendine. Hope him many many more. A gift was presented to him by the secretary. Mrs. Helen God win. jome Deaunrui singing was enjoyed. Mrs. Mary Ann Maynor, daughter of Sister Wennie Qark, has a great talent for singing. She shared a couple of songs with us. Sunday was the third Sun day so there was no preach ing. This day is used to visit. There are so many sick people. We can always find some place to go. Please pray for all the sick. Mrs. Ann Oxendine, Mrs. Etta Mae Oxendine, Mrs. Swannie Cummings, Mrs. Fannie Lowry, and Mr. Charlie Locklear and many more. Proud to hear Charlie got saved today. Isn't Jesus wonderful? Mercy is extended to all. Jesus says whosoever .will, let him come. Lost soul, you don't have to stay lost. Accept Jesus. He's the best friend any one could have. Whatever you do, don't wait too late and have to go to hell. What a friend we have in Jesus. Please pray for us at Ever Green. Health Career Awareness Summer Program Ends j by Mereie Lertleer Heel The H< dth Career Aware ness Prefect of the Robeson County bo-rd of Education, recently completed the Health Careen Summer Program held June 14-July 9, 1982. The Program involved 24 students from the Robeson County School System, repre senting all eight county high schools. Participating in the Sum mer Program were high scho ol seniots who were identified through the individual school gudiance department as aspi ring health professionals. Du ring the 4 week program, the Health Career project staff worked to expose the students to the many different heath careers and encourage their interest in a health career. This exposure was achieved through many resources. Health Professionals who work in Robeson County spoke with the students offer ing persona] contact for the student with a practicing health care giver. The stu dents also toured local health institutions to receive some on-site exposure. During the four weeks, the students spent half of their time touring health programs off ered at Duke University, Bowman Gray Medical Scho ol, Wake Forest University, East Carolina University and the Health Affairs Division of UNC Chapel Hill. Along with exposure to many different health careers, the students received instruc tion in Study Skills which will facilitate their success in a chosen health field. There was instruction in speed rea ding, memorization, note-ta king, and math problem-sol ving. The project's activities not only served to expose, but to assist the students in making their career plans more realistic and obtainable. The closing ceremony for the 4 week Health Career ? Summer Program was held July 9. 19(12 at the Roberta County Educational Resource Building. Koee Marie Lowry, Coordinator, presented the students with a certificate of attendance. Marcia Locklear Hunt and Harriet Mason, Counselors for the Health Career Awareness Project praised the students for their fine cooperation during the 4 week program. The students presented the summer assis tants for the program with gifts of appreciation. The assistants were Lorre' Bonner and Joey Bell. . The Health Career Aware ness Project is a facet of the Robeson County Board of Education serving to encour age and expose minority and disadvantaged students to consider a health profession as a career. This is the fourth year for the H-CAP project and summer program. The 24 students are chosen through a comprehensive process in the Robeson County Schools. The H-CAP program is funded by Health Career Opportunity Program Grant administered through Hy^ttsville, Md. 1982 Sutnmer Participants i Timothy Bell, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bell, Lumberton; Tina Chavis, Rev. and Mrs. Lindbergh Chavis, Pembroke; Myra Chriscoe, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrel & Lois Chriscoe; Wade Gibbs, Mr. Alex Gibbs Maxton; Tina Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Harris', Maxton; Christopher Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hunt, Pembroke; Daphne Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Hunt, Fairmont; Debo rah Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. Barkay Ingram, Maxton; Hal Ivey, Jr.,-Mr. and Mrs. Hal Ivev, Proctorville: Tina Jones, Ms. Ella B. Jones. Maxton; Cora Lena Locklear, Mr. and Mrs. Holly F. Locklear, Maxton; Felecia Locklear, Mr and Mrs. Jimmy Locklear, Lumberton; Gertie Lyn Lock lear, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ? lUickey) Locklear, Pembroke; F N#obin Locklear, Ms. Essie a Locklear, Pembroke; Clint ? Lowry, Ms. Lois M. Lowry I and Monroe Lowry, Pembro ? ke; Ttacey Maynor, Mr. and ? Mrs. Bobby Maynor, Pem I broke; Earlene Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Patterson, Res; Sheila Regan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Regan, Pembroke; Jane Shaw, Franklin and IEthelene Shaw, St. Pauls; Twyla Sampson, Mary and James Sampson, Jr., Fair mont; Angela Shipmon, Ms. Mary Shipmon, Rowland; (Jacqueline Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Birlester Campbell, Orrutn; Amy Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Townsend, IOrrum; Susan Wuckovich, Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Wucko vich, Parkton. F Let's Keep One Incumbent In Office! ^ ) RE-ELECT | I WILLIAM C. | GAY I \ TO THE | | NORTH CAROLINA | a HOUSE j I OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 . , 9 REPRESENTATIVE GAY IS YOUR KINO OF A CANDIDATE. HE HAS A TRACK RECORD AS A LEGISLATOR WHO k SERVES THE PEOPLE. REPRESENTATIVE GAY IS A MQHVATOR WHO LEADS AND INFLUENCES OTHERS. HE CARES. . .AND A LOT OF PEOPLE LISTEN WHEN HE SPEAKS. 1 REPRESENTATIVE GAY BELIEVES IN AN OPEN AND M RESPONSIVE GOVERNMENT. CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION OF PUBUC BU8INESS. AND WIDE V CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT. PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION HAVE f BENEFITED FROM REPRESENTATIVE GAY'8 LEADERSHIP. I WE NEED TO KEEP HIS OUTSTANDING ABILITIES AND HIS 1 COMMITMENT TO THE BETTERMENT OF MANKIND WHERE IT BELONGS.. .IN THE STATE HOUSE IN RALEIGH. ? A DISTINGUISHED EDUCATOR WITH 30 YEARS 8ERVICE IN N.C. AS A TEACHER. PRINCIPAL. AND ASSISTANT 1 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. A COMMUNITY LEADER A WISE COUNSELOR A STEAD t FAST FRIEND A DECISION MAKER A VERY CARING A PERSON WHO WAS WIDELY ACCLAIMED AS ONE OF THE M MOST EFFECTIVE FRESHMAN LEGISLATORS IN THE f 1 FaM by Cowimtnoo to KmIw WMWoin C. Bay ? Homy Ntaoraa. Traaowto m RE PRESENT A TIVE OA Y SERVES ON THE V FOLLOWING HOUSE V COMMITTEES: A COMMISSIONS AND INSTITUTIONS FOR BUNO I AND DEAF, CORRECTIONS. 1 EDUCATION, FINANCE. A MENTAL HEALTH. AND THE I UNIVERSITY BOARD OF I GOVERNORS NOMINATING 1 COMMITTEE AND THE A FOLLOWING I COMMISSIONS: THE EDUCATIONAL COUNCIL 1 FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN, AUEN LAND k OWNERSHIP. COMMISSION I ON CHILDREN WITH 1 SPECIAL NEEDS. AND THE f MENTAL HEALTH STUDY J COMMISSION ______ ? Attends I Reunion of f World War II i Outfit I IHN B. [J.B.J LoeMear | receedy attended his WW II " 76*. Inf. Dtrtaton oatfit ie uniea. It km held at the Hotel I HMm lb Befthaare, MB. / It wae a daflBag eccaalea te bebechtathepreeeaceotfeld romredet, especially the Geeaael far the flnt tee hi | lhM?be.ee [37) ymn. The I V,'1MS)D^ 1 The HO reaatoa wB he at bSU^jf fceedea, la a hah^ | AIRPLANEMRYBAKYJGD V R O L M 0 M'A B J I ZCAKWLI NACHJPUGNLTOOJLFIX OFKGPELC Y C ROTOMQDL OCEHIGZLCTYEHIOXET LDTDHSEVLXLTIKNWRA LADYSCTNZ IYGYXOMHN AOMQBKAEB P Q X H A R C S K BROADSGOYFHBKWAWEE ALKRURMACHJIYSINkR OIKGAOWXNDFAUELVWO TAIBTBIZWYWQLJGEEI QRDUUOTPNHAADAOPOC MZASVWSUGKHWGVPUCF RESCARRIAGEDROUOTV FJARTJHTDENYVENCBS PBOATOAAROTCARTUBR TCPEBBRXBKCQZARAGN CMPIPELINEAISGPFWF Answers; Automobile, Bus, Cart, Carriage, Coach, Coupe, Monorail, Motorcycle, Pipe line, Railroad, Road, Highway, Subwoy, Taxi, Cob, Truck, Wogon, Barge, Boat, Ship, Tanker, Waterway, Airplane, Balloon, Glider, Rocket, Sled, Tractor 5 OUTREACH HOLINESS CHURCH By Mr*. Fannie Oxendlne Services at Outreach Holi ness Church are at 10 a.m. for Sunday School, Morning ser vices at 11 a.m.; 1st and 3rd Sundays, 7 p.m. with singing each 4th Sunday at 2:30. Rev. James "Buddy" Bullard, Jr., is the pastor. We praise God for blessing and most of all for his spirit. Our lesson "Communication in the Family." shows that effective communication in the family involves respect for the dignity of each individual and a sensitivity to each other. Effective communica tion is necessary in winning family members to Christ. Let no corrupt communica tion proceed out. of yo^r. mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. A soft answer turn eth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger. Today, effective mothers and fathers need to welcome Christ into their houses to place that love into our hearts and attend church, it's later than you think, the signs tell me that Jesus is soon coining. Our pastor preached a great ser mon Sunday, but still sinner sat back and by their ways and actions they said we don't need Jesus today. But sorry to say Sinner, you need him today because he said, today is the day of salvation; today he is your savior but on that great judgement morning he is going to be your judge. Church members you can't hide from God. Many are trying to hide their sins behind the Church but God has your number. He knows just how you live from day to day. Holiness Church you need to go back to your old path and follow them in. Let's take up our cross and follow Jesus. No matter what we have to face, Jesus will see us through, he will never forsake us, if we will follow him. Jesus has paid the price for i ~l? Aa Iriah tramp approached ? pro sperous looking individual mm day, soliciting ahne. When he mm the man put his handle his pedal the tramp cried oat, "May foe b liming el God follow yoa aB year life." But when the wealthy mm polled oat only Me handkerchief, the tramp Immediately added,. *. "and Hirer overtake ye." e I ? A railroad agent in Africa had been bawled out for doing thiqp without order* from headgasrtdn One day hie boa* received the fol lowing startling telegram: "flder on platform eating conductor. Wire. instruction*." _ yon and I. He gave hia life for us. Let's forsake the things of this Sto caned woild and follow Jesus. And one day just in the morning praise God. We will see him. Church he is coming. Don't forget our singing Sunday evening at 2:30. Come be with us. Pray for our young people that God will save them. Don't forget the sick and especially pray for Mr. Charlie Locklear who is sick. Sunday he gave his heart to Jesus and that was the best thing anyone can do. Give your heart to Jesus. You are welcome at Outreach Holiness Church. God bless you... DANIEL H. DEVANE N.C. HOUSE af k RE PRESENT A TIVES VOTE JULY 27 PETE HASTY I N.C. House Of (Representatives j We want you to wake up] ! feeling so good it shows!! 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