- ' 1 ? The Sunday School Lesson A Ministry ot the Rumt Swamp Baptist Association ' Zuixsr | By Mr. CU^d. A. la 1735 two brothers sane a from Engl sad to Georgia as Missionaries of the Anglican Cuarch to the settlers and < Indians there. They were not fitted for that ministry and sooo returned home. Charles Wesley returned in 1737 and John Wesley in 1738. When John's ship was caught in a terrible storm he was fright ? ened. Moravian missionaries, however, were very calm. One at them told Wesley that he vfas not afraid because of Christ's protection. When he asked Wesley if he knew Christ the Anglican minister -at the moment realized he did not. Months later while listen ing to a man reading Martin Luther's commentary on Ro mans. Wesley had a life changing experience. He said. "1 felt my heart strahge ly warmed. I did trust Christ for salvation." This shakened man later became the founder of Methodism. During Paul's second mis sionary journey the apostle and Silas went to Lystra in Asia Minor and enlisted a young man by the name of Timothy. Later while in Troas Paul had a vision of a man in Macodonia requesting help to which Paul responded. Luke, the physician, joined them for the voyage. They worshipped on the Sebbsth *ne? Ph.ll.ppi with s female iconvert by the name of LydU and other women worshippers One day as the (our men made their way to a prayer meeting, a young slave girl followed declaring them to be "Servants of the most high God proclaiming a way of salvation." After enduriog this outcry for many days and realizing the girl's Satanic possession. Paul was annoyed and delivered her from the evil spirit in Jesus' name. Certain men had been using the girl's strange pro phecies for personal gain. When these exploiters realiz ed her "powers" had been dismissed, they dragged Paul and Silas to the market place to (ace complaints before a judge. They did not mention their real concern but rather accused these Jews for teach ing things illegal for Romans. Even though Rome tolerated most religions it forbade trying to convert Roman citizens. When the crowd shouted for prosecution the judge commanded Paul and .Siia^ 10 be btitcn wd impel (hem iTtte m^T^u'pn^ and putting their feet in iron stocks. Despite the ordeal of pun ishment Paul and Silas began to'sing and pray in the oridet of the rfight. Acts 10:25 states: "At midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God and the prisoners heard them." Other prisoners listened and suddenly an earthquake shook the founda tions. Locks opened, chains slipped free from crdcked stone walls and stocks fell apart. The prisoners could move freely. Paul saw the jailer rea dy to kill himself to avoid the disgrace of losing his prison ers. Paul shouted: "Do thy self no harm for we are here." Calling for a light, the jailer rushed into the prison and fell down before Paul and Silas: "What must I do to be saved?" The jailer may have thought about the threat of losing his job and life but felt compelled to respond to the soners. for apt only had they praised Ood ie the aridst ot severe punishment but also they had refused to rma when ThT Misstonaries'anawered him immediately:" Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, thee and thou house." Grant teethe to ha Isawadi 1 .Helping others may provide no personal yeward beyond tbe joy of helping more. 2. Worship and witness is pos sible in all situations and settings. 3. Believing on Jesus Is essential to salvation. - DANIEL H. DmNE\ N.C. HOUSE of RE PRESENT A TIVES Dr. Reginald Oxendlne receives doctorate from N.C. State University The above la the Dr. Reginald Ozendlne family. They include Peggy, Mlcah Advlu, Reginald Jr. aad Reginald Sr. The Family waa in atten dance at llr. Reginald Oi? dine'a Gmdaatlon bam North Carolina State University en May 15,1982. Other member* who were In attendance Inclu ded Medlin OxemUne, lane Oxendlne, Treva Pierce, Marilyn Pierce and Frieda Dial. Dr. Reginald Oxendlne re ceived a Doctor of Education with a major hi Adult Educa tion and a minor in Aathzw pelegy Ml MCM?Ur. ut. Oxsadtae to' the fbst LbmImc Imdkm to receive ? Hector's degree hmm North Cweltoa enpleyed with Liatortoi City SekMli M Director Ci niton at TMU IV. Ha received Us Master's degree from East Carettaa Ualvenlty la Bdacatlaaal Adtaialstra ttoa; a barhalir of Sdaaci degree freai PoariMeke Stale UatrsesMy aad ha la alaa a gradaato at Piaapsct High ScheoL AUGUST L WEDDING PLANNED Mr. * Mrs. Rodney Fsa ?on at Red Springs, announce the eugSgement of Mr daughter Linda to Eddie Hofanes, son of Mr. * Mrs. Nonnie Holmes of Lemberton She is also the daughter of the late Edward Lee Jacobs of Pembroke. The bride-elect Is a 1980 graduate of St. Pauls High School. Hot fiancee b a 1979 graduate of Magnolia the U.S. Navy. The wedding to planned for Aagaat 21at at 6 p.m. at Union Chapel Coa tnnntty Chmch. A reception wU follow hi the Feflowahip Hah of the chnich. AO frlenda and relatlvea are lavtted to VOTE JULY 27 PETE HASTY N.C. House Of Representatives WORD SEEK? bumonkeyaeredvbgi d aefpjoesuqnijsvihm shbdoajhrdwgbytgrq hcfryltrboctopusjd e k'o asabikchogrboft erkptvrmotslpifeit pf. ooecbpigeqnrqbsa lnverhaphslionbqhr ytulegrxcftgoasfsa talmrecwmbrmroojqc nowtelttacuwbxgcoc agodp zffbhftlodywlo haptabnberekoPeieo pvcxxmetunxskikdrn elqneziaanmsbzairw llcllgrcrbadajnj i g exabbyqiyklianslup i nhgrzkrahzctaypwqd wmlobsteruv sb a l b s n ^ Go? NOW! The best of both worlds! 1 I ? Redeem your Greenbax Stamps for valuable gifts and appliances as in the past 2 Redeem your Greenbax Stamps for . unbelievable savings on your weekly grocery shopping. EGGS 19? ? on. PUII * BOOK V / Jtstttk SAVE 7T WALDORF BATHROOM TISSUE WITH FILLED ^ SUPER SAVER BOOK! ^ fm\ bags 9 ^ Ittl % BOOK J DEL MONTE CATSUP 9? IW PUIS X BOOK v y /ufnirlir^ , -.#K BLUE BODMET MARGARINE 9* 141. MCI ^ ? tU> X BOOK ^ KRAFT BAR-B-QUE SAUCE 29?? V hwhwok y Cut yourself a BIG slice ^of Savings! PtCMT WtfiSlV ^ ?????* scavf M O C Bolls 49. suSStauicM 4CQ Cheese I iglS^BByl | uy fl# r^rmm ^hht^l WHOLE SIRLOIN TIPS s 179 Sirloin Steak -2s (- jkaw PI66LT WIMLY SBACON minq PACK ABC | MLwl ?ONEliSS SIRLOIN 969 TIP ROAST ^iT Porterhouse Q 09 MmIB %M tT\ BONELESS I SIRLOIN 969a TIP STEAK ??r I Ctmre REG. OR THICK I BOLOGNA 1 .1.69 |l ONm* CMI M MIT Q19 ? iMfPaWM nhwU Ksrasi ? "?'? nxissi ?1.79 HhuTmmt i. 1.79 fSSST" 89? tltCf IMMKB QQfi FRYER cnc BREAST hH: QUARTERS **** FRYER -nC LEG 59^ QUARTERS **** I {/w ? ? $tfi/ I u / . '/mnn ?CELERY ^48* I WITH CAAOUNA ' ?|(M I PEACHES JR I DAHO BAKMG MQt I POTATOES f MM FRISK .CABBAGE 4A00 SEEDLESS WHITE w f0 POlMMl II Ivory A< Bounce ?OCT Umonade CRTtTAll $? Health A Beauty Aids MWNII Right Guard it 29 UtTEMM Mouthwash s2A9 *9*i* mm Toothpaste ??i 29 "mm MM H MI1 Iwi' HAIRSPRAY d 39 Cookies ? and Crackers A* ?129 ?A??M CRACKERS . E95C NABISC# ChysAhoy MARIS CD Toastettes ] 55C (Hot Shot FIT AM MMMTI SPRAY y i M ? i. II M a at. MAOLA FRUIT I DRINK I 79?.. HUE* I 7Qr>| FRUIT DRINK ????- l??VI CHOCOLATE MILK .?i1.19| IC'^criam .Mciigl pffto vi Storfeot ^1^91 NKNCUS ? ml 1.191 ffitTOlS M 2/1.001 Siaa.^'dS MORTON DINNERS HiOOVl SRmwmui ??79c| I