rw* i ; frtmp Burnt Swamp/Philadelphus Fire Department Groundbreaking a Reality It was in early spring, 1978, when a snail gruop of Con munity Leaders met at the Philadelphus Kuritan Build ing to discuss the possibility ? of the two communities. Burnt Swamp and Philadelphia, join ing together to organize a* Rural Fire Department to serve that area of the county. The group studied a map of Robeson County and this area/ district had no fire protection for the citizens. At a meeting on August 30, 1978, Roger Sheats. President of the "Concerned Citizens," presented the charter for Burnt Swamp- Philadelphia Rural Fire Department with 20 charter members present for the meeting. Many meetings were held and many plate sales and auction sales have been plan ned to keep the organization going. Robeson Technical College provided training for volunteers. The Robeson County Board of .Commissi oners provided some financial assistance. All home owners iii the district were encourag ed to purchase an annual membership fee for SS.OO. The Burnt Swamp- Ptiiladel phs Rural Fire Department experienced some hard, diffi cult times to keep the group active. The communities will always be grateful for the leadership of Roger Sheets, President, who would not quit. ? A used fire truck was purchased from the Pembroke Rural Fire Department in October. 1978 for S2.500.00. A lot consisting of .96 acre was purchased in 1979 from the Seaboard Coastline Rail road Company located adja cent to the track in Buie, for 51,500.00. GROUND BREAKING A REALITY On June 11, 1982 the sun was shining brightly and in the distance one could hear the sound of the long freight train as it raced pn the track, making history'4p? the rural community of Buie. Ground breaking ceremonies were held on the lite. Speaking for the community citizens of Burnt Swamp- Philadelphia was Archie Osendine. Co ordinator of the Community Schools Program for the Rob eson County School System. Said he. "We come today to thank you for your involve ment/ participation in this joint effort. People like you with your interest and dedi cation make strong communi ties." Oxendine continued, "1 know you have experienced hard times. Many times you knew the task was great and you have labored many hours to witness this ceremony today, kemcmber all through the history of time, it was people like you that made strong communities by plan ning. sharing and volunteer ing your time to protect the youth/senior citizens and adults of this area. "Your reward is not in the shovel you hold in your hand, your reward is in your heart. God bless vou." ??MU -T M*. ? - The gruandbreafcmg payer iu delivered by Brother Barney B. LocUeer. A cinderblock building wiU be erected oe the the 41' a 56". The Fire Chief is Carson Bell, ass is tent chief. HA. (Bete) Cunningham, secretary is Clyde McGu|en. Treasurer is Jerry Cummings. Publicity Chairman is Archie Scott. People helping people. Membership may be psr I chased for an annual fee of S 10.00. Volunteer firemen sre welcome Shown left to right ere the members of the Bnt Swamp Philadelphia Rural Fire De pertinent. They are Clyde McGngan, Dowry Scott, Jerry Ciunmlngt. Barney Locfclear, WflUe Scott, H.A. "PHe" Cunningham, and Archie Scott. JHiBHHBiSH Owi For 125 001 Six - Cored Fonda Lnt Lonfor. Attain Flaw, nutrition. Our Piano, Aaclpw Sulda Tou tuarj Stan I Hom-To Oaport, Com truction Dotatla $1.00 WOES Ion (44 Ft. CAAMACTO* CIS IB IN, Accordln| To Pobllahod Tcttol Mo Kara Ortjlnal Piano. Mo?-It-Morla Sacrota. I Mont To alio Tour Oun Suoor Cart? Sand Si 00 (AaFundaOla/Oaductabla) For ? Fact-F11lod Aaport ICAEAAt DISTMOB TW COOP. Gonorol P.O. lu 231? ? o?(1i!i.!!.1UK. ? nan re on. a nam * In t>y1*|. Claim 1*111* Pranatumly Mil. 0 232-Pin Hardcovar look By On P.O. Contain* *|y. $(4.55 lack Ordor ? Fran: MS PUOLISHIAS COMPONT, i Mot lasaane- scan, panssiawxT stool*. Sand SI 00 Plan SJ.S.I. Ta: KC IPC. In 14405 Albuquorout. W ?nil SKCUL SU SCLF umooT loom LSASC. U lowly ? A-.' I CBHTOCT EXPIOSIK. FOMU Instruction. Sand $2.SO. E5AAS 43(0 a[Mk..MKt!..R.14ft$ I fw nremioa sicilt. son Caanlota Italian Olnnar Aoclaa. Sand 2 Dollar* Mm K. Oopt CI. PO Ion 41 liH OMMT OMAALAAS. am* 1DC4S For Midlna valuation. Sand S4.?. KtHIVC CMMIUTIONS, Inc. On ? HK4-W!!!]?.-?.O??{ _ I It onu LISSOM FMOUS. * Fontoottc, Mrlta ttITU EATCAPAISES am a mssun aciPcs. Dallclouol Only $0.00. SlIMtT "H.Hor.. 3ti!?i.H.M15.... Fie ? FM Ml a mictous Mat 01 that Flood In Mlnutao. Sand |l.a. FM On IMS Ontario. CA aaaT $2 can*. moomt's kitcm 9uS.iM.iiiaJ4uto?ft.*m. ociicious a Mim sac- \ TABU Salad Ate I pat S3 00. MT F*Si^"iw-4ai&''wF9 One 1pa. S?'a. IM. In 5045-04. I KCT O.P.I.C. MB IK OU. Canaan lot. Staa MOrrjplna Maat Moinf Oil Aad laaoltn Cooto And Futara Shortaao*. Plata ldoal. Bat tar Fual Toumalf For loth Mom And Aato aaklla. 104 Par Sollanl Moo. J FakutoM 100 AUaa-Par-OHlon Carkur- || .a.r at?^ fxr, 1 CoaMind ivlvlnaaond a ?WT ?W ? B ? JwVlQ jvl^aQ I Enralaoa FACT Oaulit lot* Piano. i| ADAMS AMNCT, On M. Fonton. AO , famiastic sana dip st.n > SASC. MTC On m Lata Caaifo. MI I aui , 1 ^?4?.*??aa** ^ ft 00 And SASC lAASOM'S, Oapt M. , m mmm mim am umu: $15.00, Norran. Clan 0 Anion Tin: $1.00. Aklln Coatt: $05.00. AITCA ATIOM SPCC1ALISTS 11(5 M. larrlott, T1 <?Ua.&.Zmu...M..O?..!2*.. i ? Ont'.'TSn, MHl*i|kn?ln?io. u Bum a S *-** - i ,? ai IV F A m 1mm ' I Addrtii ^SWtTlarctnart 5?0< ? *t*:}ijB.wnA.nA.i?!ia.?.?)'4 . 1510 0 OKSPtS. BB $(.00 TO Z OMttCS, on ? t/o PUaonMIl Sor- I [J OTUTSI BBUTSI B B TM sjeffixwiifcr ? ? PBajTltnTtao^^CoJIIi OtPJ * J. 0. NAM 10(4 Maaona tnt!*" JM OfftlAgi. ON ?4111 I'M ?? pgm fUBMBL CMttt* |W * row nui. any $ ije. im ea. 100 Coupons. Processing Otlou Rotsll. Only $15.00. AMCO, Bos 1311. Ft. "KstiJUMK > ? n it n tn m m Cor. $3.00. AMCO les 3311 Ft. ?roup touting Organization Kill Soon Of for "Proforrod Custouor Sorvlcts*. fittolls: HORST, 7700 Lilt. St. xlsi km JUICE summteed Quollty. Testy. S4.W Quort; $14.95 Oolloni $40 95 COM. Oil 1*0rod. Distributor Pickot $3.00. ALOE 6ENIE FPEEI HOME COLOR PUNT FUJI. Sond LSASE. P08 612-RA, No* Phils <?!ltllsJH.MH3 A try A PACKET OF DAPPER qm S tlontfod P1po Tobocco. Money Bock If Rot Satisfied. Sond $1.00 OAPPER OAR'S SR0? SHOP, Bos 1785 Stotktoa. ?.?ai TONELS ORAM) KM. IRHOtm Pistol Colors. 75 For $7.75. (.?. MRO, Ganorsl Oollvory, Roosovolt, "-MW 5 OOUBUI TES EVER TRIPLE TOM Eos Rlloogo. PO Rox 7*175 Thornton RON'S! MA71ROI TEL-A-FEVER ChiIdrons Forsbood Thoruonetor. $2.50. TERM PROOUCTS, 4450-A Son to Fo. MOM TD RAJS RNAZIRB ROACH Klllors Poodor-L1gu1d Foruulos $5.00 ???i.S..W..!9!.S?L.a!isi9o.t089o SRRF1K TK OO'S T MISTRAL IA, Rsu Zoolond Sofost Rot. REM Roport tlves laHgrstlon Form. Consuloto Info, Rsp. ROKI Rush $4.00 Cosh, Chock Or Homy Ordor To: REM FRONTIER RESEARCH SERVICES, 405 M. UNsMngton, Suits *5. FREW PERPWE ASSORBERT $*.*5 OUARANTEED. FLEURS INTEMAT1QNAL Bos ?'IS.JJllUJ !!.!?*?_. ROM TO SIW 00 SMOPPIMC BUBAL Shouorsl Dotolls $3.00h MWELIERS smokers 227 Hldlond. Son Antonio, FOR CUPPLINB NERVOUS PUR. LET Aosponslblo Formr Potlonts Tooch Vou Solf- Holp. 2,300 Ron) Roport, $1. CT?..!?.rj..-Jn5i.?.KK3 CONFIDENTIAL ABBESS. NAIL FON BAAO Anyxhsrt. Roro Informtton Mrlto *>J9!..?$!?!Hi.?.393jS MR 000 INSTANT LOTTERY TICKETS Chonct For $1,000,000. Sond $1 Oono Mon to AM PO Bon 040 Conondolguo, ?UHM lenolry. u-KT Bold. 'ooldu'hkslooouS "rices. Cotolog $1 00 (Nofundoblo). WAT Intoraotlonol PO Bos 2138, ?1?K?I.!UIM. NEED CREDTTT ROM CRM! CARD Id On# N#fus#d! NocOlvO V1sO And lostorcord Kith No Crodlt Chock! FREE km diet discovery. eat stancm. Idol SPAIN# ROUSE NUTRITION, r.o. '.JBlisJLMm-M-. i. comer yaciaoi claakr kttr 1 toe haunts. Toko Omr Pntnts Or M Root loosponolvo NeteH^hrwgh jt FJ#^U^|^^os Sond K too >^nfo5BR^enor^y ssat^ jito" J*lJrtTiulo^^E^ip!*SR CON?" NT Bon 40417 Towrlnol Moon, pone mm prmkt NINES ckt. ?? Lottuco Look Llho Rio, (oops vltJN Vegeteblet Frook^Looking ^$5r?W^'e?MeedE* 'Hi" * s75 .aoc Haom mu* |Ss3Pn ""-LIOWUKS CXATID fa C*ydlan Lotteries (r? Free) f??E P. E*TCTWS?!set? *h'jJ8 Vancouver I.e. OOT1C SOPHISTICATED Ifoareir" 50 ? Nw Styles. Sensual M-ltcMn,. ?Am*.iJ%?OW^ * TOOK OF MOJO BJi ffm Mcord Promotion Mark utcu C0*?55I9W..c#J!.mzi.?fcj8#4 tl? "moo^I?5 ? *11** TUCKS JIM. MKMCAO RAO 10 lax ?] Si!-!fr!irt!s9j.?.?iK j ^ K A LOSER I opfifi Tuf< S-iir' &iS5-H???=? *??> Saving Tip, And MM"fusi^i out Trust!. 15,000 Uortfi of InfJrll I tlon for Only J15.95. Order rZ!^ 1?iVT^lT11^ F0* f*UHES" lefore OUIUSMMW bI" '""*<*? MEEOOH JSJJj ". F?0?,? EM. Clare, MI Sm M5TIC ilVioMB fUs profits. Sa^,i, tl.oo Prepaid. OtAer iS SSSuS&SLaSK:^ W KST MKT - MUrfMt tkac Mondersonvlll *?**. I "?wnBrUJix.K,.?!??}... ? s?s ?*n MOTE*, sat ? ?vKnll ^nUy?!hll"* loots *ES MOTS MMTEO STMT ^t.rra?r... it"" !??rtir,.?SSSi *? l? OO Aoent^Si' '"rr 'o!TL.7I?B2L_ L* ,T ?* I ^-HJ..UKolnjonI ?c ?o?? , AJLTI-lWEl WMTM ?? m '?SetanTSJ sSf1?" ?n? MOTH MMTED SMO mil v *8* r*!^P%2^gr stmt tm ~ ? Little * $10.00. Flat Different I mSKTM *jsr?2,j*i "Hjj.M.lllkl "t1" **? ?MTi-um NL iati mb rtleleirStat 1 ^'SITloirSr" 'fMM.-M.IK*. 1 .IM?-"? ,V ? ? i.u.,r?i 5"a. teasi? Jyj ^4| * < ?1 T^. MIa^rl ^ ' MM TO MK mm. MKT MM ?owr Turd S4la. Only 12.00. "SAIL If 1 ' 1? 0*11? exciting! km! nonet Miking Opportunity. Full Or Ptrt-TIM. > tuple te Oitills 12 (Refundable) RIO 1000 Lakeshore Or <22 Brindon, MS "Ml MK MKT. KM UFPMIM0T. No Halts No Inventory. FIEE '.. OtUlll. M. ZUOER *006 Megan Jrlee. ! am TOM TAXES- TK LE0M MTI $1000 To $$000 Voirly. DuUlli: LARSON A SUPIX KM INK RAISERS. KE BrocNuro. SHERMOOO 806 Etst *bra s*!?.?J..*c!l!K?i.n.M!9 M/MNMD MILT. NAIUK AT Moat. SuorontooO. RUSH SUapud Solf Addressed Envolopo to SURE INDUSTRIES. AGENTS MANTES IMMMW OF Dollirs A Mock Possible Mortlng Just Port Tlao. Ootitls 11. SJP-2, IBM .? MOK SALES AGENTS MINTED. MM Chinet To Nike Big Honey Fostl Sell Hon To Nike Honey Books ly Mill. Sttrt Not Pert Tlae Or Full Tlao. As Tour Key Source I'll Supply Too Mitt Etary thlng Tou Need To Dporite Tour Oun Hoae Business Millions Of Potaatlol Buyers. Lets Nike Money Together For Full Oetills Send 11.00 To: GLEONILL ENTERPRISES. 2112 Lyric Ate. Loo AAA! HOKT LIST IK POTENTIAL Clients Inures ted Roll Esuto, Fund ing. Any Honey-hiking Projects. Send 1190 00. IAA1C 830* MllsMre Dept. "?..?f?E!*.!!!ll!i.K.IKll CARTOON MBS...NATS....SPAKTDK CASH. Buy And Sell Direct For Hugo Sitings And Profits. WrIU For FREE Brochure. Oooler Inquiries Invited. CORLET IN). Orouer 0. Rocky Foce. tttl SECRETS KTEALED- KT RE Of In Noll Order. No Eiperlence. FREE Brochure. FONTAIK ENTERPRISES 12401 M. Okeechobee Ad. PO Bo. 1S6 Hlelwh KjHll oppontmitt anasi km nmlti Letol Fortunes! No Selling. Act Roul OeUlls- MR PO 12J42A Cincinnati. AKNTS mrnteb. NHKK OF Hollers A Meek Possible Marking Just Port Tlao. Full OeUlls. Send 1.00 ALM ENTERPRISES Mil S.M. 41 OK* MO MM M MK MKT At HON. Send H Cents. JOHN MERRICK 'M?M.Z}l-5??r!t4-9?.??H loiestaent. K1ds, Teens, Adulu, Senior Citizens, No Skills Required CoMleU Inforoatlon tt.OO. MATSONS hare bib PROFITS M MHOS Of Products, Gifts. Notbltles. Jeuel ry. hulls FREE. SARAH A. 001 22*? MK 2/3 TMCS MM OKI. GIFT MAAE, Note 1 ties. Cerded Merchandise Glint Coulag 12.00 (Refundoblo) BUFFALO So. 3GS04 Tucson. AZ BS740 MO MO IN ? F Iff meets MAMA TEEO. Send Self Addressed Steapod Envelope. Dos Ulf Rlcoas Port. OK Oeuns tt.OO1 InHude^Ulped. Self Addressed Entelope. RCLPEK NAM auo PHILIP*- T1S5 North Orednulch I 1 LEWI Mrkdtlng. FKE Btechure XI K O MWSr MB By Mil. NlllioniWlAwtlel Ruyem (auiis lond ii.ajrr.s.i po FTBMM KT (Kill I4.BG ||4 M* N. Eaplre Crt. Mllkde Berre, MTBb. II "Ho. Te- MIuaMtlua And rPbtUms an For Only |?.00 - WOT, Out BA, 44 K4lk4lne It reel. ?ii? nut. }. 4MUMB KMM. MM. WlMw. Tennt. 4 Fun PoMaraj U.? IrtANIEL H. i_ y.c. HOUSE of REPRESENT A TtVES 0tj In the Armed i Forces *< ) ' Wk ' Cam Rom Eddiog* of the UJ5. Air Force has been se lected as Maintenance Sup port Airman of the Quarter for April to Jane, 1982. Carre is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Ed itings of Route 3, Maxton. /- ? * ] - h [{XflBBvCV *\ . ?' MMi ti^HI 1 One of the quirks ot human nature seems to be the profound tendency for most individuals to fail to appreci ate their own immediate surroundings and the oppor tunities that exist practically in their own back yard. An appredJtim of resources are readily available and at ope's fingertips many times is over looked while someone is rea ching for something far re moved from one's natural surroundings. Thus, a recog nition of these outstanding resources is usually deferred to someone who is considered an outsider but who readily recognizes outstanding opportunities that have sim ply been taken for granted by the local populous. A good example of this type of reaction has been exempli fied by Sherwood Hinson and his unyielding zest to develop a keener appreciation by local eitizens of the Lurbber River and its resources. Since the Lumber River has always been here, Sherwood has felt with legitimate cause that a majority of local citizens have simply not appreciated the opportunities that exist through the presence of the Lumber Biver traversing Robeson County. He has been an active member of the Rural Devel opment Panel for several years and has represented his thoughts extremely well as at the monthly RDP meetings as well as participating in RDP special activities. As we have been able to add addi tional agency participation to the Rural Development Panel and some additional member ship by private citizens, Sher wood has been able to contin ue his unending quest for a greater recognition of the river. As a result of Sherwood's influence, I personally decid ed to take advantage of the river to tTy out my skills as a canoeist. Following a few trips down portions of the river, both myself and some of my canoeing partners have gained a whole new apprecia tion for the river as an exciting recreational challen ge. In addition, within each '? two-oi inree-mile segment that we have traversed with the canoe, no fewer than 25 to 30 individuals were observed utilizing the river for fishing. In fact,.the Lumber River has the name throughout eastern North Carolina of being on of the best fishing rivers in< the state. While canoeing and fishing are only two of the numerous recreational uses for .this outstanding resource, most folks are readily aware of its extreme importance to agri culture as well as to munici palities that depend on the river for their water supply. Now that it appears that numerous additional people are following Sherwood's lead and waking up to the tremen dous potential of the Lumber River, I simply encourage everyone to pause for a moment and observe the opportunities and resources that exist at each of our fingertips and then actually take advantage of some of the opportunities such as utilizing the tremendously beautiful Lumber River and other re sources to their fullest extent. English muffins freeze well but separate the halves before freezing for easier toasting. steal instrument. It was first & developed in the 1790's. have! fun lb T LBItYAjS A happy bridal couple In oar toom had juet dilrtn away from the church when they beard the angry thrill of a Mate trooper*! alien. Em bammed, the groom pulled over to the curb and adted what bo had done. "Nothing,"' mid the trooper, "but I've been In front ''of the 'chorda for two home directing tnffie lor your wad How I want say chance to kirn the A mld-wett preacher received thk fhank-you letter from a bridegroom ^hCd married: Dear Reverend, I want to thank you for the beautiful way you brought my happinem to a coo -cee. did I fool that MIow. Imagine ' trying to make me pay him t>H00 lor a An coat." -But I aaw yoo dgn the check." "I know, hot hell never be able M cadi to." "Why notT 1 didn't fin in the amewL" Doting an office "coflec break." a jpoup of Mcretariea wee dtecuarfng <a d? would prefer electrocution or the pn (headier, answered] "Not pd Oaa TV mlm mi dilliMtogWi '? /?. VOTE ' JULY 27 I PETE HASTY N.C. House Of Representatives |y i* VVvvV o Training School A training school for local officers and other Jaycette leaders was held in Raleigh recently at Meredith College. Betty Willis of Rocky Mount, 6 N.C. Jaycettes President, and other state leaders were in Raleigh July 16 and 17 for their annual training school of local chapter officers. The primary purpose of this meet ing is to train Jaycette Offi cers to be prepared to lead in their community, chapter, and with their local Jaycees to better their communities. Courses were taught in Time Management, Public Relations, Individual Devel opment, Parliamentary Pro cedure, Stress and How To Cope, Persona] Growth, and Fund Raising. Special guests for the week end were Past President erf the North Carolina Jaycettes and United Jaycettes Louise McCoU of Wilmington; N.C. Jaycee President Jim Cole of Sanford; Region 111 Vice Pres ident of the United States Jaycettes Doris GosneD of Lexington, and Past Vice President of the United States Jaycettes Mary Lou Harris of Cary. The involvement of women in community affairs is very important in North Carolina and the interest is growing. The North Carolina Jaycettes hope to give the training in leadership knowledge to help the officers of the Pembroke Jaycettes continue to serve their^wnmunity. Citizens of Robeson, Hoke and Scotland Counties: ?? v>-' mwu <^|| In our county we haoe grown accustomed to having many privileges and freedoms; however, we must not ever forget that with privileges come responsibilities. One of the greatest responsibilities we have is choosing responsible and capable leaders to govern us. On July 27, 1982, we will be having a run-off election in the 16th District for the N.C. House of Representatives. There are 6 candidates competing for the 3 seats in the House. A legislator should be a person who is responsive to the needs of all the people in his district. He should be an aggressive person who will stand firm for the welfare of those people. A legislator should also be capable of rendering sound, fair, and impartial judgment. I sincerely hope that you will take the time to find out all you can about each candidate and that you will vote for those you feel are most qualified. I trust by doing this you will choose me to represent you. I promise I will always listen to you and will have your best interest at heart as I make my decisions. J.T. (Tommy) Wellington ? Candidate For N.C. V / /. / /y House of Representatives rjl/Z/LUtHft* Hoto. Scab* "Wellington, a working man's approach to government." (Paid for by tha candidate.) 2-8xl0's 2-5x7'$ 10-Wallet$ (ttttna \ Mh J Trial ftckataftkt My.. 5Q95 W PlutTn Nwit'MO (i?L| COLOR PORTRAIT PACKAGE RAYMOND HAUlIS PHOTOGRAPHER WILL BE AVAILABLE . . U DAYS fAtajr m* S*m*j DATES: JULY 23 * 34 I HOURS: II a.m. - s p.m. I

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