Qester Locklear attending Water Works Operator's School ' ?; f ^ Clester Locklear of IW brake to attending the forty third annual Water Works Operator's School being held dating die week at July 26-30 at the Jane S. McKimmon Center in Raleigh, NC. This school to conducted by the North Carolina Water Works Operators Association and the Division of Continuing Edu cation of North Carolina State University with assistant and sponsorship of the Depart ment of Civil Engineering, NCSU; the North Carolina Section of the American Wa ter Works Association; the N.c. league of Municipali ties; and the Division of MmrnmummMmLMi Health Service* at the N.C.. Department of Human Re source*. The pnrpoee of this school is to provide instruc tion on the fundamentals at water treatment as well as to present the latest develop ments in water treatment and { water supply regulations. At the completion of this school, a written examination wll be given for certification as a water treatment facilities operator in accordance with North Carolina Statutes. This program has proven to be of great benefit to waterworks personnel and to the towns, cities, agencies, and institu tions that they serve. NOTICE!! . MfcfwFifcriln^pKMMi Hew U UM To Mhn? af Unh Cm*. tsgtolM, Ht3 O.P. OWENS AUDfTOBlUM ? 8 P.M. A chance for all Indians to ask questions about what Federal Recognition will mean. ?Your Input and attendance is a must. I ?Representatives present will be: ?Lumbee River Legal Service ?North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs ?Lumbee Regional Development Association ?Sponsored by , I ? ^ ? ?? ? I T I 1 I One. of the first law codas in history was that estab lished by Hammurabi, one of the greatest kings of Babylonia. It contained nearly 300 legal provisions. W? KJHHf II I WS?I ?! A worker in Eaat Berlin waa fired when he showed up at work on time. He waa aerated of buying ad American watch. You can always tell a weH-inform ed man: bit views are the same aa yours* -ai Lets blow your noee pardner .. . before that final attack . ? . iMm^JIONSCENE AGRICULTURAL ? EXTENSION 'Hiru-e tobacco cool.ibates nearly half of the total farm income in Robeson County, it is only natural that any uncertainty in this major commodity creates shock waves that affect practically everyone in this farming area. As the tobacco markets open ed, it seemed obvious that uncertainty exists throughout the tobacco industry from buyers to producers. This uncertainty was most evident as the markets opened with a slight "meow" instead of the big roar that accompanied last /ear's strong opening. Now that the markets have >een open for several days, 1 have had an opportunity to visit with numerous farmers, ,v, , ??" I, *^i ,VI ' J and their attitude can be reflected in one word- frus tration. Even though prices are expected to increase, especially since price sup ports are up from last year, most farmers are already accepting the fact that this year's crop will not bring them any greater gross re ceipts than last year's offer ings. This fact, coupled with the incessant attacks on to bacco, has created a situation of tension and fear that is making most farmers question the future of tobac co. The imminent increases in the federal tobacco tax is contributing to the frustra tions of local producers. Since the tax seems to be viewed as just another means of weak ening the tobacco industry, an almost universal question seems Id be. "How lone wttl the program that has Jut passed lest, end what are we Sag to iiue to ? tobacco s?" Naturally these ques tions do not have concrete answers, bat speculation sometimes runs fun pant. The attitude of frustration that presently prevails gene rally indicates that a large number of local producers are fearful of any future changes in the tobacco program but seem resigned to the fact that those changes nevertheless will ultimately come. Thus, hardly anyone is losing faith in tobacco as a continuing major contributor to local farm income, considerable thought is being given to alternatives which may be explored. Some of those al ternatives will be explored in next week's column. Oxendines hold Annual Family Picnic The family of the late Willie C. and Jennie Oxendlne of the i Prospect Cotninanity, held I botne of He man I. and Loretta Oxendlne of the Pros pect Commnnity. A covered I dish dinner was served along j with grilled hamborgers. The children attending were Ella Mae Stein of Charlotte; WlHle M. Jooea and Jessie Lee Onsdse ef Lumberton; Annie M. J owes and Loretta 0. Ortiiae of PseahrelMj TWo ews-l* . grandchildren and five gnat grandchildren attending. Also home for the weekend bat net pictured were William and Zilla Oxen dine ef KBeen, Texas. IT'S,AMAZING! I 8VW.CXO U 80/ or 1 was BOM vaw-WE Tfjr ?mhumt or ' j ? QJ?S --g? HEAP OM ^ ms Back/ ^ ?l i tub jaopfsm^/a001'' Lry ? * I I FREE EX-LAX* PILLS PLUS 20? COUPON Ex-Lax relieves constipation so gently, so dependably, we call it "the Overnight Wander" Por your free samples and coupon Send us your name and address jWU send you four gentle ^SHOULDER ^ *v9.J J SHOU^R ROAST ?I7!! mm mm ?k ^ 3 bo's i stores! lumberton! ? F?trn>oni fld. I ? Godwin Ai 5th I pembroke i j ft ?lRtaiNVCTMI MIONT TO LIMIT OUAMTITIEt worn aofco tomhiim J /fryersV 2 TO BAG ^ - V 43i / "?? **>? W?- FAMILY PACK W fBONE-IN QQtl I STEW 1* 99 FAMILY PACK LEAN tONCLEU m ,.n89 FUESH CKOUNO CHUCK $189 STEW /I 1 11 FKOSTY MOftN X | J J BOLOGNA l. 1 l -U FtOSTY MOtH \ ? 69 |AC0N ? 1 FROSTY MORN ^ ^FRANKS* \ ?99?/ /SCOTTISH PUDDING WLB #699 SCOTTMM PORK HC99 SAUSAGE ^b *1~ SMOKED A4ilM SAUSAGE lo-Lg 14 COMBINATION CHICKEN PARTS 3 Bitot- 3 IM|ht 3 Drumsticks 99* firrt* LIVER OR OOC GIZZARD lb. os JFRYER BACK :*2yJ CENTER CUI wn* w -?n CHUCKR^^^^fc k HEAVY WESTERN r BEEF |$M88rf m. IjrraUOGGS _ | SUGAR SMACKS ? xaiocc-s AAa I PRODUCT 19 t-OZ. 99* I KHIOGOI AAA* RAISIN BRAN ^ ?1S# INSTANT OATMEAL ??* *1?* QUAKCT mm**. J* QUICK GRITS m. 53? SffOAl TOTAL CEREAL *0*99* Pama^mm TRIPE *2?\ FHOSTY MOCN + I LARD 4U 1 I CRI8CO OIL ........ 16-OZ. til. 95^ 1 I >**'?>>: i EVER READY \] I A, SELF-RISING if FLOUR ||Vv79^, ISfcyStaB KRAFT t| MACARONI & CHEESE i DELUXE 1 DINNER A u-oz. 199* U^r!c. cola*V \ [diet rite cola m r nehi orange 1 i nehi grape i FOX DELUX PIZZAS HAMBURGER, SAUSAGE PEPKRONI COMBINATION 11V4 -OZ. SIZE M, P^MEDD'S SPRE/^^X f ? QUARTERS MARGARINEi i 3/99^ a t $ \AMPWELLS TOMATO SOUP NO. 1 CAN O HK i BARBECUE SAUCE 18-OZ. 159* a ^ CORN 1 MUFFIN MIX svt-oz. ?71] DAYTIME PAMPERS 30-CT. 5D \mmayonnaise! .99* J SHASTA DRINKS Mi FLAVORS 16-OZ. SIZE 4/*1 ? A ? - v^wVrw UPTON I L HN ^ ?flOO-CT. I JU r^MM^n SPECIAL LUX SOAP , O BARS P SPECIAL /?VR\ 1 >>? 99 ? I M?C I BATHROOM TISSUE nou60* 11 NAPKINS ?o 7T I yFACI AL T188UE *?ct.MV68* LIQUID DETERGENT 70* CLOROX LIQUID ... .?|l* LIQUID BLEACH .~ 07* ?????? DOG FOOD < or cam 39^ I CAT FOOD ?h