IWeditorial> Wand opinioa| J PAG ^ "We cannot know where we are going if we do not know where we have been." W ? I by Bruca Barton Brace Barton CHXJBCH NIGHT IS AUG. 20 ...HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! As many of my readers are aware, and they are pro bably tired of me reminding them. I have taken three nights and vowed to fill up the audience at 'Strike at the Wind!" Those nights were August 6 (Lori Ann Locklear Concert). August 14 (Media Night) and now. finally. Au gust 20-CHURCH NIGHT! We over run the audience for Lori Ann's Concert and drew a moderate and inter esting audience for Media Night but, as one reader reminded me, "Yob guys can't sing as well as Lori Ann..." I agree, therefore, I am especially thankful'for all those who showed up for Media Night even if we did . >t have a full house. We had a nice house. "*ut Church Night is my particular favorite of the three nights. I am looking for a great turn out Friday night. Church folk deserve a chance to enjoy good and clean family entertainment. And 'Strike at the Wind!' is that. Too. we're going to give awav a huge trophy to the church that brings the most folks out. And a plaque to the group with the second highest total. We hope, sincerely, that (Mir church will be repre sented. it My sister and associate editor. Connee Bray boy. ex claimed when she saw this photo, "you look like a foot!" And I can't say I disagree with her. It's ugly but it's me. And I am holding the trophy and plaque that we want to e*% il |T | I ,-WatM.k / i-I .11 ? prcivfii io your enure n. v. ornc out and join us Friday night for "Church Night." t).K.f The beard Is my "Allan ifyX ?? I Lau# mgrirrn 1 AFw CIV "11 1 IIIYC levwl theshow, arK^then I dvee of He how hough believable as "Allan Low ery." I don't know about that but I am going to shave it off as soon as the show closes. Besides. I promised my mo ther and grandmother that I would. It itches too. It just proves that I'll do just about anything, within reason, to promote 'Strike at the Wind!" THE NEWS BUSINESS IS NOT ALWAYS PLEASANT BUT.... One has to be as pro fessional as possible about it. We are carrying a front page story on the board action taken by the Lumbee River Electric Membership Corpo ration board of directors when they asked for the general manager's resignation Mon day. The point is. no matter what some may think, they have a responsibility to repre sent the membership. If that entails asking for the general manager's resignation...well, they are within their right to do so. But the other side of the coin is that the other side will not talk for publication. The general manager had no comment and the attorney intimated that she was bound by something called euphe mistically enough "a client, attorney relationship." But who is she representing? The general manager? The board of directors? Or the member ship" t t .??k she represents the membership. And the ap proximate 20,000 members of Lumbee River (who inciden tally own the electric co operative) have a right to know what happens at their cooperative. I just wanted you to know that I asked those on both sides of the issue to comment "for the record." And I. more than anyone else, know that there is two sides to every issue. The other side Is not "on the record" because they refused to tell their side of it. Anyway, as I understand M. ' 'v?v.-. ;??.*' T the lawyers and Hinson are raising "procedural and le gal" questions about whether or not the board has the right to fire Hinson and/or if they did it the right way. I am sure the issue will come up at the meeting of the board of directors Tuesday at 3 p.m. Maybe you will want to go Find out for yourself what is happening at your cooper ative. You have the right to attend if you are a consumer. The cooperative administra tive offices are located in Red Springs (See front page story) ?w IRON EYES CODY AND BOB TIMBERLAKE WELL RECEIVED AT PSU APPEARANCE The appearance of Iron Eyes Cody and Bob Timber lake at PSU yesterday was as nice an affair as I have ever seen in these parts. (See front page story). I understand that Dr. James B. Chavis. PSU's vice-chancellor of student af fairs and Garry L. Barton. * LRDA's Public Relations Di rector were in charge of the program and arrangements. They are to be commended. Iron Eyes Cody received many gifts from the Indians of this region and he and Tiniberlakc gave each tribal representative a framed as semblage of the commemor ative stamps. It was almost a "love in" as one observer put it. Iron Eyes Cody was kind and generous in his remarks, as well as Timberiake. It was a nice respite from these troubled limes. I S \? / " / -/t /-?? I Pre-Columbian Indiana be lieved that earthquake* war* cauaad by the creator shaking the earth to aee if hit hand, work aire* ttiM around. The Indiana would about "Hare I am," to reatture him. MUNvSa jr P.O. In 1079 y p ihiibi.WC 39372 . 2 U S PS. #978390 a 1SSSSSTty } SECOND CLASS POSTAGE V PAID AT PEMBKOKE.NC 6 28372 A Subscription Rstns: 6 I Year I* S9.36 J 2 Years 15.10 A OUT OP STATE / 1 Year 112.00 y 2 Years 16.00 CORRECTION In last week's article on the Pembroke Kiwanis meet ing. ii slated that the Lum berton Kecreation Depart ment took the Little Leaguers to Atlanta to see the Atlanta Braves plav. That statement was inaccurate. Escorting the I Little League Players was the Pembroke Kecreation De partment ? ?p?? Although The Hague is the seat of the Netherlands gov/ ernment, the capital is actu ally Amsterdam and it is here that coronations take place. A itic. \ *?* r l. Many people believe odd numbers are "luckier" than even ones. M M * m * M ? Iff (J M1NUltb\ yrrx the bible ?Y COtNllIU* ?. STAM MIS. ?MIAN IHU SO lay no other foun dation thewChnet. hut God had chosen nim to proclaim Christ in a new way. Some years previous our Lord had asked His disciples: "Whom say ye that I am," and Peter had instantly replied: "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God" iMatt. 16:16). I This is how believers in general had recognized Him at that time 1 (John 1:49; 6:69; 11:27; 20:31). Indeed, the Messianic kingdom was to be established upon Christ as God's anointed Son ? Messiah means "anointed"!. But with the raising up of Paul. God began to'form "the Church which is Christ's body" (Eph 1:22,23> Col 1:24,25). This is the Church of today, and it is founded, not on Christ as King, but as the exalted Lord and Head of the "one body" (I Cor. 12:13). Paul does not present Christ as Messiah, but as Lord. In Romans 10:9 he declares: 'That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Jesus as LORD, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thoii shalt be saved " Again in lCoiu 12:3: "No man can shy ffinl Jesus i6 the LORD, but by the Holy Spirit." And again in Philippians 2:9-11, he declare that God has highly exalted Christ and given Him a name above every name "that every tongue should confess that Je sus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father." Have you confessed Him as your LORD and SAVIOUR? ITfe; BACKGROUND U2F& ON BUSINESS FREE LEAFLETS If you are looking for ways to improve the effi ciency of a small business or professional office, you can get a free, helpful kit of information about busi ness centers. Write to Book lets Department, Control Data Business Centers, Floor 11-A, Charles Building, 300 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, MD 21202. \ LETTERS TO f THE EDITOR i???? AN OPEN LETTER j FROM ME TO YOU iDcar Pii?ipr and Ckifrch Members: My name is Bruce Barton. I Editor of the Carolina Indian Voice newspaper located in Pembroke. NC. I am also a staunch supporter of Strike at the Wind, the popular, musi cal outdoor drama about the fine people of Robeson Coun ty and Henry Berry Lowrie. a hero to the Indian people here in Robeson County. It is a fine drama, one that depicts the Civil War era with honesty and dignity. All races and all people are treated fairly and, as in real life, some were scoundrels and some were morally upright folk. The drama runs each sea son at Riverside County Club (at the Lakeside Amphithea ire) in the Red Banks Com munity, approximately three miles west of Pembroke. The season this year runs July 3 through August 28 each Thurs \dav. Friday and Saturday 1 night. The preshow begins at v 8 p.m. and the drama itself | begins at 8:30 p.m. I feel strongly about the drama and look for ways to help promote it. I truly believe in the dignity of man as . presented in Strike at the Wind. This year, as my small contribution. I have chosen August 20 and vowed publicly to fill up the audience on this night. I am sort of out on a limb. And I need your church's help to get off- the proverbial limb. We are promoting August 20 as Church Night. I hope to see the parking lot full of church buses and the audien ce full of the fine, church going people of Robeson ItHiniy. The show is gtxxj, family entertainment. And I believe it would be a good outing for your church. I plan to give away a huge trophy to the church that brings the largest crowd. The trophy would be something your church could proudly display *s "The night our church brought the most people to Strike at the Wind." I myself am a member of Deep Branch Baptist Church. I plan to present this proposal to my church and encourage them to participate as we have done over the last few years. This is a show that Chris tians can support, as 1 see it, it tells the stoiy of Robeson County through her people, the way they thought and acted and commingled with one another during the Civil War era. The themes of the show are a fair reflection of those troubled times. We look forward to seeing you and your church repre sented on this night. Please talk to your folks about it and mark it on your calendar August 20. Church Night at Strike at the Wind. If you have any questions about it you may call me at the office of the Carolina Indian ? Voice. 521-2826. or the office of Strike at the Wind. 521 3112. We hope you will help us make August 20 the best and biggest crowd ever to attend the drama. I recom mend the show to you. We church f. 'k r-i /^SfX^tA.r-r ? i III i ? 1 Archeolog-sts estimate that primitive man as early as 50,000 B.C. discovered that certain spices could make food taste better. Crossword Puzzle ACMOSS ?Camarsa lO&weh 14 Pap up iSHawatanctty 15 Ending tor cal and care 17 Handy 18 Wns city 18 Nasi 20 Mora joyous 22 Costs 24Spssktong 28 Diners 27 TramWad 30 Numbsr pro lix 31 An amotion 32 Qo country 37 State AM*. 38 Kinds 40 By way ol 41 Olympic award: 2 words 43 Themmd Lai 44 Disencumber 45 Boston ? 54 mow 52 Praised to 54 Ot pottery SiChMjlor) 56 Ym en 61 OuMttng 62 Noun e. - ., 63 QeMng spent 64 Want out wMl 65 Observed 66 NYSE Agues 67 Uneven DOWN 11mpact 2 Seafood 3 Etorne 4 Upbraid 5A6 6 Hfred 7 Possessive 6 Banff's prov. 9 Costume 10 Mad one 11 Carrol 0*1 12 Marine aid 13 Attire 21 Grain spike 23 Plaster of ? 25 Teach 27 KM of *ug 28 Corona 29 Print stylo: Abtx. 33 Mufflere 34 Declare 35 Tinge 38 Not hard 38 Happy look SOftand 42 Wandered lo Indian rsykxi 48Conaumad 47 March 48 Uvatydo 48M0CMry SOBk'tUn 53 Starch 55 Con?: Spirited 58 Fish 57 Grant flONaque j ' .. ' . MJZZLI tOLVCD raaanrnmm ilHUBKwflnn SQnpgnio ?WgragHlliTflnil Iu illilflaTIM JMB I1 i^H in^nnHnnta ifflls n*U J^jjjLilj < I? 13 u ry-?rp~n it M^inTirnr ? Bir Bit . 20 21 HF 23 ? 1rmir f 99 B*~? | J1 ~IBBp2 33 "r* * * 37 Hpa so UF """" /- |ff iBp ?zr 46 47 43 49 SO ^?sT'- ~T| 52 fWsT 56 56 ? H ??S9 60 ??eT " r r 65 ^*6T IT'S THE MOST! ?? v. nrr??r The world's best selling secular book is the annual reference work The World Almanac & Booh Of Facts, first published all the way back . in 1868. So far, it's sold over 38 million copies and its sales increase by some 1,100,000 each year The best selling1 anti freeze/coolant* in the -world is not only a strong seller, it's even more effective than it was before. It's called Prestone II Anti-Freeze/ Coolant. The first anti freeze to add coolant it was also the first to add a silicone/silicate formula to protect the aluminum parts in today's engines. 'Wisdom is to the soul what health is to the body." ? La Rochefoucauld AMBROSE ?? . ? . ? . ?. . i m I > M ' f HMau*. A 'looks like prices MAY BE GOING DOWN vON A SMALL SCALE^ (yeah, but... \ */ai? ) f how often do you buy a 8k small scale?. ? V- ^ The Hattadare Indian Village Historical Park Presents An unexpected VS* R VIRGINIA DARE August 21,1982 11:00 A.M.-until ;''L. -? -?"/' ? ? TIm flrat Annual Celabntian Of Mm birth of VlrgMi Daro. Dm flrat white child born in tha naw world In 1M7 w? be held at the Hattadara Indian VMoge Htatorteai Park on Auguet 21. NO on# mda Worth of Bunnlaval. North Carolina an Hwy. 401. Dmto wdl ba guaot opeakar*, Indian dancing, muaic and ringing. Everyone la bivitad. Bring your luneh and enjoy thte groat event and baa partner. Dwraia no admieelon. V **' . - ? V A For mort inform?tk>n call ' {? ?. jw. . v ?-' .fe, f v (919) 893-2612 3* . j or write N-C I-A, Bunnlevel, N. C. ? LIGHT BULBS LAST FOR YEARS...NOT MONTHS The all new light bulb and power saver will extend the life of your bulbs 50 times or more Screwge saves power . saves time saves money because ' you can change bulbsless frequently Screwge converts ordinary bulbs into two-way bulbs Installs in seconds 10 year guarantee Order now' For each set of j screwge duid ana power saver* Mnd $7.95 ptu? $100 pottage and ban dling to Screwge, Dept. D Box #6069 ? g*n Smlthtown. N.Y. 11797 (Mot |tnC( (or fluoreacent bulb*). ^ J Pharmacist tfe**rd$T&te Pembroke Dreg Center ** Family alert to dog tick If you think you have a virus as we head into I warmer weather, and you suffer from chills, fever, I vomiting, headache, and muscle pain, be certain yon I are not suffering from an occasionally fatal case I of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Spotted Fever is carried by the dog and wood tick. I So Mom and Dad, be alert Check your children I often for tiny tick*, if you find one flrmlyl attached, don't jerk It off toerlng the slrfn. This! Increases the likelihood of contracting the fever. I Rather, dislodge the tick very gently and slowly with! tweezers, perhaps assisted by ice or a hot match tip I