XSUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON A Ministry of the Burnt Swamp Association ? ? ? By Christopher L. Hut Mt. OKve Baptist Chnrch Remembering the Passover Background Scriptures: Exodus 11-12 Focus on: Exodus 12:11-17.24-27 After hundreds of years in slavery and bondage, freedom for the Hebrews was just in Sight. A final plague, the death of the Egyptian first bom, would break Pharoah's stubborn will, giving the Hebrews their chance at freedom. The delivery of the He brews provides the context for Israel's most prominent and probably its oldest religious festival: the Passover. The Passover Festival became a frequent celebration com memorating Israel's historic deliverance. The term passover refers to the "passing over," and consequently the sparing, of the Hebrew households by the destroying angel sent to Egypt To escape this plague, the Hebrews were instructed to smear lamb's blood on their doorposts and lintel. Upon seeing this, the destroyer would "pass over" that par ticular household. The death of Egypt's first born prompted Pharoah, to send the Hebrews on their way. They were commanded to leave in a hurry. Exodus 12:33 states. 'The Egyptians were urgent with the people, to send them out of the land in haste." h must be noted, however, the key to Israel's freedom was their obedience, obbedience to God's tfivine inialive. In 12:1-20 we see God giving instructions to Moses and Aaron regarding the preparation of the feasts of Passover and Unleaven Bread. The feasts are charac terized by careful detail and precision. Moses communica tes God's message to the people in 12:21 -27a. Israel's response comes in l2:27b-28; "And (he people bowed their heads and worshipped Then the people of Israel went and did so; as the Lord command ed Moses and Aaron, so they did." With such cooperation and obedience, it is no wonder the Hebrews were successful in then- departure from Egypt. If Israel had questioned God's instructions, refusing to fol low them, their chance of freedom would have been doubtful. Nevertheless, their obedience led them to God's act of liberating them from their enemies. has significant implications is the New Testament. I hough God deeriy revealed Himself in the liberation of the He brews. He ultimately reveals Himself in Jesus Christ who was. "obedient unto death, even on a cross" (Philippians 2:8). Jesus struggled in the Upper room, in Gethsemene, and on the cross. He demon strated an obedience which involved personal suffering (or others. Whereas, the personal risk of obedience on the part of the Hebrews allowed God to overthrow the Egyptians, the obedient act of Jesus served as the effectual defeat of the forces of evil. '' In the New Testament, the Passover undergoes a unique transition. The New Testa ment Passover is realized in the Last Supper which com memorates the death and ressurection of our Lord (Mt. 26:17-29; Mk. 14:12f; Lk. 22:7-53; Jn. 13:1-38; 1 Cor. 11:23-32). Jesus established it as a memorial of his redempt ive work. "For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cun. vou nrociaim the Lord's I Hill Mil God's vindication over Is Supper emphasizes God's ju*cr to forgive those who ?? estranged from Him. The Church has continued to observe the Lord's Supper es a memorial of Christ's death and resurrection for many centuries. However, the memory af his redemptive work must go beyond the Lord's table. Thd significance of the Lord's Supper is fulfilled when the Church is personally and actively invol ved in Christian service. This means a kind of obedience on the part of God's people which reflects the compas sion, love and concern toward others that Jesus had for others. The greatest way to memorialize Him is to carry on his work faithfully and in willful obedience. -GOOD WORD from the Sihk And I toy to you, ask, and it shall bo ghron to you; took and you shall find knock and it shall bo oponod 16 you. For ovoryono who asks rocotvos; and ho who sookt finds; and to him who knocks it shall bo oponod. Luko 11:9,10 < "Advice it like snow; the tofter it fells, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into, the mind." Samuel Taylor Coleridge k Check at Ladies Shop | | jC; I NOW. ..A BEAUTIFUL f COLOR PORTRAIT PACKAGE 4 I EVERYONE CAN AFFORDI f j 1 - 8X10 X I I 2 - 5X7 | ' 10 - WALLETS I ! V 4 ONLY 1 j | S ?.97 ? | A Plut Tax j ? Satisfaction Gmnnt$$4l j | Every Two Weeks... ^ 4 PATES' LADIES SHOP | Main St. - Pembroke, NC h _ f 11 ? to honor Seniors Recognition at several dis trict events plus an opportuni ty to apply for the Blackburn Scholarship will be in store for five seniors from the Rock ingham District of the United Methodist Church. The dist rict encompasses Richmond, Scotland and Robeson count ies. The top five seniors will be chosen based on Christian character and church partici pation; school grades and activities; and citizenship in their town/community. Nom inations are 4o made by the pastor of the nominee in cooperation with the local , United Methodist Youth Fel lowship. Nominees must submit three letters; one each from their pastor, school principal or guidance counselor and one from a person knowledgable of their citizenship activities in thier communities. Letters and nominations should be sent to the Reve rend Samuel H. Brown, 1009 Scaleybark Rd.. Rockingham, NC 28379 by November 15. For further information or clarification seniors are en couraged to contact their local pastor. 1 New Boon For Tub Bathing Babies How many hand* do you need to tub bathe a baby? For harried parenta, two never seem to be enough to control a squirming young ster during the daily bath ritual. Now, however, a new product innovation provides a happy solution to the problem. Mothers now can use new Baby Magic * Lathering Bath Cloths ?soft, dry dis .posable cloths that lather up in water and permit you to hold babies safely with one hand while tub bathing them with the other. The cloths are impreg nated with the same gentle Baby Magic Baby Bath for mula that millions of con sumers use in liquid form. Instead of having to wrestle with- baby while trying to use a bar soap, mothers now simply immerse the 7"x7" cloths into water with one hand while holding baby securely with the other. An effective tub bath ia ac complished quickly, easily ' and safely. Bathing baby doesn't have to be a worrisome chore any longer, thanks to this new product from The Mennen Company. This new bath aid specifically da signed for use on babies, can be found in the baby section of most food, drag and discount department stores. THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE , NOW! 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