Pembroke State | University \ RKMU9C VBK COMING | UPATPSU Students and professors are gone from the PSU campus this Thursday aad Friday because of the mid semester break, but when they return next week a variety of events will be on tap. Music will head the agenda with two attractions back-to back. On Thursday, Oct. 28, the PSU Band plus the "Singers and Swingers" will put on a special concert at the Perfor ming Arts Center, beginning at 8 p.m. Then on Friday and Satur day, Oct. 29-30, the third annual Southeastern Choral Festival is scheduled with Dr. Mm Haherieu of Georgia State University as clinician. The Oct. 29 format will involve students' participa tion, while the Oct. 30 sched ule will be devoted to teach ers. Dr. Lyn Mh baled I. who is directing the festival, says that one hour of instructional credit will again be available for two days of attendance at the festival. Dr. Haberien has appeared in more than 20 states as a clinician, adjudicator add guest conductor of festival choruses. He is now presi dent-elect of the Georgia Chapter of the American Choral Directors Assn. / GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL INFORMATION DAY PSU's Annual Graduate and Professional School In formation Day should be another inportant event on campus Wednesday, Oct. 27. Starting at 9 a.m. in the PSU Student Center, it will contin ue until 3 p.m. Representa jpih' will be oa campus to discuss wth jr. and sr. students their graduate programs in a variety of disciplines. FRIENDS OF LIBRARY TO MEET THURSDAY . - OCTOBER3S The freinds of PSU's Maty Lliweie Library will hold a meeting Thursday, Oct. 28, 1982 ft 7:30 p.m. in room 223 of the library. As a Friend of the library, these people will help in providing informa tional, cultural and educa tional assistance in this area. The library's clients include everyone from businessmen, students, University faculty and area teachers to those who would like to read an eiciting novel. The Mary Livermore Library cooperates closely with area libraries and librarians. Dr. Robert Herach is PSU's Director of Library Services. ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN MEETING POST PONED A WEEK This Thursday's sched uled meeting of the Annual Giving Campaign has been postponed to Thursday, Oct. 28, announced In Pate Low ry, co-director of the cam paign. One of the factors is that PSU is on mid-semester break. However, the 30 persons selling tickets can mail in checks to the PSU Office of Institutional Advancement. Latest report on the campaign is that S31.164 has already been raised toward the yearly goal of S100.000. MIKE SCHAEFFER TO BE CHANCELLOR'S RADIO , GUEST Mike Schaeffar, soccer c^ach of Pembroke State, will be the radio guest of Chancel lor Paai Uveas on his weekly lor's Office." to be aired at 10:45 a.m. Sunday. Schaeffer has done a good job in building the soccer program at the 'University. This pro ? gram is on WAGS in Lumber ton. CHURCHES PROVIDE LUNCHES AT BAPTIST STUDENT UNION The Wednesday lunches for PSU students who attend programs at the PSU Baptist Student Union are continuing this year with' different churches providing the food. On the second Wednesday of the month. First Baptist Church of Lumberton supplies the lunch-and last week a huge crowd attended. ] Frances Araette of First Baptist and her WMU circle were the hosts on that occa sion with Connie Hnntley being the church's Mission Action chairman. The students are most apprecia tive. DR. STEPHENSON SPEAKS AT UNC-W PHI ETA SIGMA INDUCTION Dr. Shelby Stephenson of PSU's Communicative Arts Department, who is editor of "Pembroke Magazine", was the speaker at the recent induction of 26 sophomores into the Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society at UNC>Wilmington. His topic was "Meanings of Childhood You Must Remember Your Roots." JIM VALVANOi HIGHLY SOUGHT AFTER CLINICIAN Jim Valvano, the N.C. State basketball coach who will be the featured speaker at PSU Nov. 9 for its S50-a-plate fund raising dinner, had an opportunity to qpoduet clinics duritRptyhe ?lnf Greece. Italy Venezuela and China but ?o stav home and work.- Instead he . went to places like Louisville. Missouri and West Virginia. t . crv H.e we ?? KMCU *> KB tlyi be n a great speaker to if pou haven't purchased your nek A fo that event, be sure to do ?o soon. It is only a couple