| LUMBER RIVER [ CONFERENCE | SOME REAL PURPOSES OF . CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS i (Second In a sates of srtktes j about The Lumber Elver ? Conference of the HoHness j Methodist Church). j Last time we gave you the i new appointments of the ministry staff assignments made at the 82nd Annual Conference. To complete the report the following staff ? members were also re-elect F ed: Brothers: C.N. Lowty who j has faithfully served the con > nrence as secretary for 26 ' years. Mr. Lowty also is a retired North Carolina public school teacher with about 40 years of service and is very activate church work over the years. Donald W. Bullard as conference treasurer is the son of the late Belton Bullard who served many. years as pastor in the conference, 6 years as Bishop. Mr. Bullard (his son) is an attorney-at-law with his practice in remnroae. 'Andrew Ransom, a long time professor of science at PSU as Sunday School Supervisor. Mr. Ransom has served in the position for several years. He is a graduate of PSU with a graduate degree (Masters) from Ohio State University. Mr. Ransom is very capable of carrying out his duties to promote such activities rela tive to: Sunday School Super intendent Conferences, Sun day School workers Conferen ces, and Sunday School work shop activities. Clyde Colbert, Lay Leader of Young People joined the Conference a few years ago as a young fine christian gentle man. He serves the conferen ce in many ways, however, his primacy duties are to cultivate and promote Christian stew ardships relative to vacation Bible School, Youth for Christ organization, camping, foster mutual understanding and activities and make recom mendations for improving the genera] Church programs. There were of course sever al conference committees ap pointed-we will share these with you later as they will be listed in our new official Journal for 1982-83. SOME REAL PURPOSES OFCHURCH ORGANIZATIONS More and more we notice many new church buildings constructed in Robeson Coun ty. These buildings are con structed beautifully, causes one to want to learn some thing about the people, the ch programs, their primary motives for building and their general procedures in con ducting their church affairs. Shall we take a look at what is organization? To organise is to set up an administrative structure to arrange by sys tematic planning with a unit ed effort. A church organisa tion or s union for that matter, wfll strive for a large member ship to make them a strong workable group of people. Whenever a group of people assmble themselves and draw up a sort of constitutional by-laws for the group, by the group shown coherent unity working together with the administrative staff that en forces the by-laws shows characteristics of being organ ized. All kinds of people with different minds and physical make-up might not complete . ly understand all the details of n~ functional organization. How be it. let us look at how I >**'is taught in simple terms. Jtobeson farming is w j is decreasing, as weti as over the nation, most Robesonians are familar with living close to the soil and general farm terms. Economically speaking up to about W.W.D cotton corn and tobaoco were the chief crops gfown in the southland as well as in Robeson County. These crops were attended by people with mules and plows. By hooking s mule to a plow, a common term was used to say be sure to get rtie jnule traces even and have the back ban in the proper place. That decision was based primarily on the size of the mule. The mule traces(chains) generally last for a good number of years, or until one would trade off the old mule for a younger mean mule that would jump and break a trace. If a family living in the community gets sick and was not able to wort for some time, it would be a common practice to see sever al people with their mule and plow helping their neighbor. Educational and religious community had a church and a small school located in close proximity of each other. The school was generally a one, two or three teachers, the Principal being one of the teachers. This school system was highly organized by the county Superintendent of schools that was responsible to the state Superintendent of Public Instruction. The churches were general' ly small too, very highly organized holding member ship with their church organ ization in the rural areas o the county are the Baptist an< Methodist. These two churcl of tfcsir origin and iij slip , AeLM*erb0et ** '***** "* to tot rClS study unit to woftMp^C^TAtoo, , while we are reading and | studying together, shall we take a real look at same of the conditions we find ourselves in that has become typical at the connty, state, and nation. The crime rate is higher, there are several murder cases in the county unsolved to-day. Does this seem right, while the number at churches are increasing, the number of murders increasing? The same is true of the divorce rate, child support, stealing, breaking and entering, drug abuse and many others. Some of our large Church organizations sponsor college and universities in this coun try as well as overseas play a different role on a larger scale. Traveling particularly in rural areas for one to observe the school and church , building as well as the farm homes and farm houses, tells us a lot about the people and their concernments. It would be a real good piece of research project to share the organizational ! church programs, to learn how one deals with their individual problems in the church, to read your by-laws or constitutions of order, and to learn about any other important things not mention ed that go on from time to time in these many fine beautiful church buildings in this county. In my 35 years working with school children, people and school personnel, 30 years in North Carolina and 5 years in South Carolina with a contin uous up-dating our school systems to not be able to solve money problems, maybe we should take a serious look into our homes and church pro 1 grams O.K.? i There seems to be a mutual feeling that there are I several church organizations in the county that one does not know about thtpther. And 1 funny to the others. For ! example: I said to a small group the other day that our confer ence, The Lumber River Con i fere nee has two former Bis i hops living as the United i States has three former Presi dents-they laughed and in quired-we know the Presi dents names-what are the f names of the Bishops? Do I have my reading audiences' - attention? Are you with me f thinking about your church organization? Is it for granted that we just go to church f every Sunday for fifty years or I so and not realize any growth i .for ourselves or the church n*btoti?i ***** ' itaa right diataacn fro? hiehway under a group <* 1 XTtJeea-Asyouetoerthe . hoot ?tt tM CM ?J*r.01!! mrue P?h the deer beH i thatrin**beautifultune end , yo.?eWj^Thtr^? < ftobesoo^Coufity thai <**7 < this same type of llviaf 1 conditions that la far bett than we have ever known to rural areas. There are modern < convenience* that anyone could have, town or country. Notice drat we have Invited Into the home.* could be a long article whMnUs* to write about the findings. TheparentocomeandgoweU ? dressed working on_ the yob earning a comfortable living for the family. Say. left'??* at the furniture, electxK.1 appliances and all the other thiig, that make for a comfor table living. There are so m?ny queationa one could a* about these homea. Going tway back In Watery to our mother country, England con- ,, ? sidered a man's home Ms castle and is treated very fffivately. It is somewhat like visitfiipthe White House or President's home in Wasn ington. DC. Visitors only see certain outer fringes of the living quarters an<!1 a?^not allowed to see on the inside or the teal Irving quarters of the I presidents. As the old saying goes, "One can not know S^t a book just Woking* the cover." About the closest one may discern about the values (philosophical analy sis) the parents ?nd th? children as they go in and out of these homes causes one to really wonder, just what is there behind those closed doors? The number and tend of books found on the shelves, the amount of drinks and the type found in the refrigerator, etc. The example of L-O-V-E and appreciation for each other is considered very im portant. What about reveren ce of God at each meal time that jrdu wW'fbid *hafls sk? during the happiest time of the day. children will take note of earlier in life than you might think. For oar sister* and brothers | walking on fine carpet, sitting in oar very comfortable chur ch pew with stained glass'v windows could be another exciting trip for an interesting piece of research to try to answer, why do we have so many church organizations in Robeson County? Long years of teaching experiences or other profes sional experiences does not necessarily give one the an C swers to human problems. i Yes, right off someone could Q say as a fifth grader 11 years " old-look to God to solve Ievetything-we agree-but, and a great big but, how are you going to get a person to look you straight in the eye and teD the truth or treat his fellow man right so God can help them with serious problems or n share good blessings with q them? S I here are so many govern mental programs nowadays with forms to fill oat, one has to be real careful not to tell the untruth, or become com Ipltely complacent about mat ters of honesty, with Integrity in the home, church and! school community. A unified strong church organization that carry re | spect that will up hold high I christian principals could have a far teaching influence with people that get up each morning going to work in oar many county, state, and federal positions that make contact with a whole lot of people during the day. A church organization, as well as any type organization need outstanding men and women J wall trained in leadership roles who may relate very well . with people. Small church organisations may not have the financial means to support collages and universities, however, could wa look at oar own hdividaaie hi our respec tive communities and set aside a small amount offends I continue Ihoir studies in ae tkmr*Wh^ Headers, will you stopl look) and Listen! at what It going an in the hmUa of yen church organhethm In lobe * son County? Wei, wa havs oofcad in many other aieaa of ou ixl the answer to our erious problem*. We an aot act being critical- tt'a a fact to ake a lock at the many nil Hon* of federal dollar* ipeat la Kobesoa County hroegh the yean of LBDA, he Pood Stamp Program, the wdfttie and Social Service* Department, Mental Health ind general health agencies, kfl of these agencies, we an tun- have hehwd a lot of people, but whenever a lady m ivortdng on die job and is shot it and robbed is becoming a omroon thing to happen in Robeson Ceunty, the home of two higher learning instituti 3ns, Robeson Technical Coll ege and Pembroke State University. Many other coun ties in the state an not this fortunate to have these insti tutions of learning. Now, church organizations an s very touchey matter and the people an really sincere. Believe me, it is taking a lot of courage to write about us. It is considered to be most sacred of the sacrifices of the past. For example, if someone expnsses a desire of change at Hopewell Church when I have been a member and still am a member, for SO years, you have all the older people to deal with (the cemetery is nearby) living or dead. You see, by the time you hear about what our parents and grandparents look for, and new techniques of training fall by the way side. We an continuously living in the past, rather than the present and future planning. Shall we return? Church organizations in Robeson County. Yes. The church. Has the church trace chain faster even-won thin-would a new idea finish breaking it? An you about ready to use a larger chain, say a log chain pulled behind one of those big tractors, rather than a poor mule? The size, numbers exercises strengths and influ ences power when needed. Fifty years, as spoke of above brings on a whole lot of change, good and bad, differ ent and indiffennt. A big, big question? Should a church organization have any influ ence in making political deci ffcris outside the church? It appears that a church group made up with strong Chris tians who go to make up a church conference organizati on would be a very powerful county, political or otbcnHic. mioua rani 5 fa county. Of coono. tin influ ence of education and religion faund in the towns and dries of Robeson County were the ??d the poHtica! wheel of the county. Now that we have a more equal share of the pie, all feces of people serving to gether on the county board of * education, county commissi oners, etc. By so doing, have we lost our pride, love and appreciation for our children's educational religious princi ples? We have been taught by great educators of the past the concept of learning, an ab stract or generic idea genera lized from particular instan ces. If we take into considera tion the importance of living examples for our youth, what has happened in recent years of our leadership roles in our schools and churches? Where is the great influences of the church and church organiza tions when we have just about anybody on the board of education with political ex pediency of having staff members and school princi pals with more than one living wife at the head of our schools as an example for our child ren. 0.k. that's an old fesh ioned idea to think this way in 1982- yes- I know- then we wonder why our bourses are broken into- the doors locked every night, the gun under the bed. Let's not be silly with important matters- You better have it under your pillow loaded. My preachers for the most part (Lumber River Conference) have long given up-it's a sign of the times. Jesus is coming soon! If He does not hurry up and come on, He is going to meet a bunch of tired people stand ing and waiting. If we had the power of God in our church organizatkms we could send just one godly man with God and a few people that would be the majority with God to tell ole Pharoah, not of Egypt but of Lumberton to let my people go under the right type of leadership. Next time: "Why Do We Have So Many Chair bee? % * ** ! PINEY GROVE SCHOOL: An Educational House I, For years Plaey Grove School has taken mack pride in its endeavor to educate each child to Ms/ber potenti al; educationally. socially, mentally and physically. This has not been done only through textbooks, bat throu gh involvement, resources and resource persons. We thrive on first-hand news and evcats. To accom plish this we osll in die Fire Chief to explain Fire Safety and the work of the fireman. To learn " Hew A BUI Becomes Law," we call in our Legislators and Senator; to learn more about dental heal th, we call in a Dental Hygienist. To learn more on highway safety, we call on die District Highway Patrol. There was a need to up-date, move and renovate the play ground area. This was accom plished by placing the play ground in what was a thickly wooded area, but now has been cleared and is shady, thanks to the Saddletree Community Volunteers. With the financial support of interested persons, parents and patrons and volunteers, we have built a concrete screened-in picnic area for school and community usage. Our athletic department is on the move upward. With sup port and help from parents and interested persons, a modern baseball diamond has been erected with "dug-outs" for each team and a concessi on stand. ?*diooi of ootditlity ? Our d^Hfi - Superintendent Pirull Swett, hit Associate, Assis tants, Central Staff, schooll member* county com* House ot Representatives members ate often invited to come oat and abate meals, with as. Escb year the? Saddletree Senior Citizens look forward to and aajoy deMcioos meals with Principal Grady Locklear in oar lanch room. Parents are estwnAed open Invitations to come oat and eat with their children. The Title One programs, reading, math and Migrant Education have changed to Chapter One Programs. So as to keep the patents informed, a tea was held in die Math Lab to explain the program to parents. Students at Piney Grove ate given culture and social growth through field trips and visits to performances at the . PSU Performing Arts Center. Clubs and supervised social activities are held at least four nights a year. Piney Grove has a PT A that is to be commended, it cannot be praised enough. There is always something going on to make Piney Grove the BEST. We take pride in Piney Grove for surely it is an educational house, an involv ed house and a much used house. Lauren Elizabeth Saeupai Celebrates First Birthday Little Elizabeth Sampson celebrated her 1st Birthday on December 8th 1982 with a party in her home. Attending were some of her little friends and everyone had a good time ? eating, cake. She is the daughter of Kelvin and KMn Sampson in Butte, Montana. The grandparents are Mr. tc Mrs. Willie Von Lowry and Mr. Sl Mrs. John W. Sampson of Pembroke, NC BBB. Bi V IB^B. BB HI B Bi B BBi ^^BB^BBB B IbA ^B B ^B bibab1 ? j^^R RRI j^^R J^R^^R ^^R j^R^^R flk JBIPBIPI^^^ I^^B ^F HOW IT KEEPS YOUR BMDOWN. i ' ?'??"? \j ,.> COAL NUCLEAR OIL I 100 80 ? I i I I K} /* Ifcl*. fcfa flElJ i -? &y. 2 9ir. 0 ^<?mu^<M(&^NudKr(2ntHfi)rQ(1%0l(r%) Today thereare just three basic fuels that we can use to produce electric power: coal, nuclear and oil. And, as you can see by the chart,we put far more into coal and nuclear than oil. For a very simple reason: the cost of doing business The fuel for generating electriaty costs us about ffl per kilowatt hour for nuclear; 3 for coal, and 104-W for oil. So suppose you were in ? 1 "For People Oi A fight Budget" \ |HUNT'S AUTO COMPANY J ? Owner James A. Hunt I Phone 875-3055 oi1875-3206 (Raeiord) jjP Robert Eden, Seles Manager ? 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