VEDITORIALs !AND OPINIOm PAGE "We cannot know where i we are going if we do not know where we have been." i I by Bruc? Barton : J MERRY CRHISTM AS TO ONE AND ALL! Think about Christmas. Christ-mas. Christ! And mas means, in Spanish, more, ft really means, in a sense, "more Christ." That's what Christmas should mean to all of us-more Christ! I wish each of you a very happy Christmas. And I especially wish all those in prison a special and heartfelt Christinas. I wish each of you the serenity of peace and Christ. More next week. This week I simply say, in behalf of all those affiliated with the Caro lina Indian Voice MERRY CHRISTMAS! I An Open Letter Vote was Against *** a criminologist. As you stated he is a Sociology professny at PSU bat also u you stated a Mscysr: social group*." Crime is S logy is s recognised sab discipline at Sociology. Dr. Schmalleger's Mining is, I believe, primsrily in the ores at criminology therefore it is qahe accurate for him to osil himself a criminologist. In the some manner 1 will sign this letter "scientist" although 1 am an associate professbr of Biology. The terms are inter related and ate hot mutually exclusive. I also believe that you were unfair t* J)r. Schmafleger in dismissing his concerns, which were well founded, as "nonsense." Perhaps In or der to better understand his concern we need to consider this study as s scientific project. Science is die accum ulation of facts through the use of the scientific method. The scientific method is, in effect, the testing of hypothe sis through the use of experi mentation and observation. It seems to me that the study in question deals with two major hypotheses The first is that rh!? hypoihi ms is etfUy *nd the result, of the that it is tree. The second hypothesis is that these har sher sentences are'due to an inherent injustice (radial pre judice) in the Robeson County courts. This hypothesis is much more difficult to test In order to test this property one would have to have informati on about all other possible causes of the discrepancy in sentences. The study under consideration does not pro vide this information. TMs was Dr. Schmalleger's central point in his letter. He even went on to give s partial list at other factors that should be considered. 1 believe that his points were well founded and should net be dimissed arbri tarily as "nonsense." You state that Dr. Schmalleger has "already ' made up his mind" in the question about discrimination being prevalent in the courts. Perhaps he should not have said that but he did identify it for what it wss-his belief. tUA&tirs: mission- in this matter would have to be ? bei*f since they tk>n to adeq u stelyConsider all viable causes at the discre pancy la sentences. Any person is entitled to hia beliefs but it ia dangerous to elevate diem to the level at (act without adequate ana iysis. To form -an opinion or judgement before all die facts ?re known as prejudice I for one believe that there is discrimination in the Kooeson County court system. How ever, I doubt thst it is ss prevalent as you probably think H is. I beleivs that the social phenomenon aiscussec} in the study is due to s multiplicity of factors and thst discriminationis only one of those factors. How important s factor it is 1 am unable to say. It is very difficult for any of us not to be prejudiced. (I use the word in a general context and not in reference to race). Any scientist conducting re search has to resist the tendency to have a "favorite" hypothesis that he hopes will or dbaorvation. A good acton tiot must not accept any 41 if they are not to his liking. He mem oe wanng to alter or even abandon Us most cher ?shed hypothesis if they are not proven. Yon said that Dr. Schmalleger had already made up his mind. I ask yon have yon not done the same thing? Have you not come to the judgement that discrimi nation is prevalent in the Robeson County court system before all the facts are in? Sincerely, Harold Davkl Mantel, ^*4BW^!pSU*?' P.S. After I finished this letter I thought of two relevant points: (1) the spirit of this letter is in keeping with your logo "Buil ding Communicative Bridges in a Tri-Racial setting." (2) All the references to science are made because Sociology is a "social science' and the study in question is a factual (scientific) one. I "til I LOVtf EST 10 ? I ^?>35?^ f ?^SJs t m^w* ^JJfJl _, nMrM W '^^gLey^glStt^J HMay Happ&wup^ Euenyday's a holiday ufax tpu ohpfa PiggCy IViggVy 1 i3&{&8X8 CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY! J i g? ' HAFT VELVEETA CHEESE ^ . 1.99 rszisiiis; CREAM 'of OR. CHEESE U ??? 7ifel239 111! JfTTTB Foir 2/1" i ONION DIP 79c 1 ConTiiluffln IWx.. 19C i PANCAKE MIX.79C SYRUP ,.?89C Hawaiian Punch* .89C aww?Miiiimti? #? MI pies ...239 pumpkin ..65C 'HI?IT CMMUTI CMP m en cookies .... ... 1J59 snacks ?~..85C doodads .99c froTting""- ..99C N?Tlluaillliw .WW pineappif ^ ,a 69c flMrr....2/iat t> h. n? incmTiuu.u.awi aijm SUGAR n..a 2/109 ML NWTI m JM RAISINS .... 5? l49 BUTTER ,*1 ?9 SweeTPotatoesMM 69C IIHT MMTWM MarshmaHows !?'/, U DUv KRAFT JIT tWt 2mi? MarshmaHows.?? /UC it?. aat IfeSerRtet .239 I fatrtai'l Shrimp ..,3j49 mm MMAiU W |||AA| M