Chrttmaa continued from pege 1 The flush of lightning stood stdl.' Men beheld this gforyaf the Great Fattier\ . each bowed in silence. The Greet Father who sent Hm messenger to earth began to spoof 'Hear me/Beafraid not! I come bear ing good words which shall be to all My people who walk the earth This day a new born male Child kes in a distant camp. He is the Spn of the Great Spirit. This child has comt to speak great wisdom, and one day He will teach m your councils He has come to help men walk "the Way" to the land beyond This sign you shad look for. He lies where the animals are tied. He is wrapped and bound around as all your little ones are.' These words were spoken, and once more the heavens filled with the great rum ble of drums: Many more winged mes sengers joined in the singing as praises went up to the Great Father above: 'may there be peace on thu earth whore man walks. May men walk together at brother*, each one learning upon the other? May they be ttrong, and walk with firm steps. May their minds be clear ? may they speak with wisdom. May they walk uMth clean hand* and straight eyes. May they walk off their days in loue.m Excerpts from an Interpretation from Luke 2 by Harold Johns, Winnebago Tribe. k "V* . 'dSflfe, ? teftL?" t. ? . . jAv ? tetter to the Editor - ? , 1 John D. Locklear ? Victim of Justice? Another week has come and gone, with Christmas just around the corner. Many of us are now buying trees and picking up Christmas lay aways. Many Christmas Bazaars, choir rehearsals, school page ants and pifb-Christmas par ties are now in the final stages of completion. Our holiday schedules kre busier than ever before. Most of us know what we < have to do the following day 1 and make our plans accord- < ingly. However there jure i some who wonder what will the following day bring? John D. Locklear is one of 1 the ones who still wonder. Why? Because he is still behind the walls of prison. A world within a world, but yet apart from all of us. There he still sits, waits, worries, prays and wonders. "Why am I lere?" Readers, for a short time, ry and enter into this man's heart. Place yourself there, feel his inner thoughts. Listen to his inner voice speaking. "1 ?m now in a world, a much' different world than 1 have ever been before. Why am I here? Is there someone on the outside who can help me? I need your help, your money to prove myself. You see, with your help, 1 know I can be a free man again." Faith in God (the Great Spirit) John has a lot of that; and surprisingly too, he still has faith in people. People like you and me. Since I started writing about the John D. Locklear ?TifT TPitff TtSQl 'iTiiw affair, 1 feel this man is ' innocent of the charges brou ght against him and should be given a chance to prove , himself. I wonder if John D. Lockle ar had been born of the Black or white race, would he be sitting now behind the wails of prison? I think not! Review this man's case. Look at all the facts and you will see it all come down to one point. Poor legal defense. Why? Because of a lack of money to hire him a good lawyer. That is why. Blacks and whites always rally around their own. Their churches and other organiza tions would gather together and give money for good legal defense. They would demand justice for their own. They also push their local and state officials. One of the reasons we vote for these people. But what about us as Indian people? Are we goinfe to sit by and do nothing? Let's now call upon our churches, our many success ful lawyers, our local and state officials. Let's get toget her and help this man have his day in court. Let's not forget, if we can send a man to "Hollywood" for a screen test, we can surely be able to help a man have his day in court. John D. Locklear need not be a victim of justice. Ted SUverhand NEWS ITEMS FROM ABOUND PEMBROKE j honored December t-wMi i dinner given by her biuthars and sisters and was held at her home on CoBege Eoad. Present were her brothers. Rev. Welton Lowry, William Henry Lowry and Billy Lowry. Jr. and Mrs. Lowry; her sisters, Mrs. Ray Revels anc MR. Revels, Mrs. Azell God win. Mrs. Arnold Graham and Mr. Graham and a nephew of Mrs. Mitchuson, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Revels, also another sister, Mrs. Annie Jacobs ana uer daughter were present. Mrs. Mitchu son had recently returned home from Southeastern General Hospital where she was hospitalized for eleven days due to having had surgery. Little Miss Christie Hardin of Fayetteville spent the week visiting in the home of her father. Dr. and Mrs. Ben Hardin of Fayetteville and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Bazie Hardin and family of Pembroke. Christie visited roonn street. ? day in the home of the Rev. and Mrs. C.C. AUen Sr. of Lumberton wu Mn. Alien'i brother. Buh Hardin. As of Tuesday Mrs. Bessie of the Pbiladelphus Road remained a patient in the Soothenstera Oeneral Hospital and was reported ai not improving very much \ Among those visiting Mn. Lodilear recently were hci brother Harvey Blue of Chai lotte and several othei relatives and fnenas. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Oxendine of Marrietta, Ga. announces th? birth of a daughter, Kaleigh Christen who weighed eight pounds and ten ounces when born Nov. 5 at a- hospital in Georgia. Kaleigh Christen is the granddaughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Oxendine of Pem broke and the late Mr. Lonni<. H. Oxendine. The mstems* grandparents are Mr. ant Ur< William P Pit. Ur and Mrs. Oxendine also have a son, Jarrod Hayes, age about two years. Evan Henry celebrated his 1ourth birthday Nov. 5. He is die son of Mr. and Mrs. Tryon Ixjwry. \ Shatasha La Maria Oxendine celebrathed her 4th birthday December 23 with her family and friends. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Oxendine. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Har din of Chapel Hill observed their wedding anniversary Dec. 22 with their family and friends. A winter revival is schedul ed to begin Jan. 2, 1983 through Jan. 6 at the Mount the flowers were fandahod ] Sunday a* the Mount Olive 1 Pentecostal HoBnem Church 1 by Mr*. Vera D. Malcolm. Christinas greetings to our 1 Mends and neighbors and ! may we take this time*) thank ehch one who shared their news items with^pu^jpasders helping to ttiake the year 1982 more happy by reading about their friends, especially those in other States and towns. Some say it is almost like getting a letter from home. May God always Mess each one at you. And may we always have roon in oar hearts for the Christ child. A word of warning to' all our friend*. Please rememoer wu> juu are driving a car the wind cannot go through your wind shield "hut vnn c?? ?' Drive carefully. The life you save may be your own. Happy Holidays to all. BIBLE THOUGH Lake 2x7 "And she brought forth her first bora son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn." Sad but true. BIRTHDAY PROVERB FOR THURSDAY, DEC. 23 Colosslans 4:2 "Continue in prayer and watch in the same with Thanksgiving. CENTRAL TRUTH The glorious message of God's word is that Christ died to save ail who wB come Id Him in faith and prayer. MT. AIRY NEWS Violet Locklear The Ladies Chorus rendered special music Sunday morn ing which was wonderful. The pastor's message was taken hem Luke 2:&-20. the subject was "The Common Way of Man." I have heard so many comments this week about it being the most spiritual message he has ever preached. 1 jusi say it was among one of his best for they are all food to me. He told about the shep herds who were just common everyday people like -you and me. They visited the infant and afterward returning to their own people to report what they had seen. Then the Wise Men followed a star and it stopped directly above the place where Jesus lay. These scenes are important to us because they were remem bered by those who a long time ago repeated the details of the life of Jesus because even at His birth, the indica tions were that He was no ordinary child. The signs of God were upon Him from the beginning. The little children Sunday knew the story of Jesus. You can tell a child who is brought up in church and being taught the word of God. The pastor and Mr. Monroe Chavis were presented gifts from the Mt. Airy Brother hood by Mr. John L. Locklear Jr. He gave some brief statements etc. of what each one of these men means to them. I would say to the church as a whole, it would be hard to replace them. Mrs. Cattie Mae Cummings was able to be back in church who recently returned home from Southeastern General Hospital. Mrs. Cummings is vety dedicated to her church. We really missed her while she was out sick. Thursday is an all day skate day fo^ the children at the Roller Dome in Laurinburg. The pastor will be taking them on the bus. The January Bible Study Week is nearing. Bro. Faye is preparing to lead the adult g.iMip. ine pastor leads the younger adults. Our Sunday school workers in each divisi on will assist in their own age groups. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Artlhir Ray Clark (Man) on the birth of a son. Garner Lee, born Dec. IS, weight 8 lbs. 3 oz. at Southeastern General]Hospi tal. The Clarkm havl three sons and one daughtek. Con gratulations. Also congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wylis Rogers who are the happy parents of a oabv ?!????????, Lotoya Lynn born Dec. 7 which ' makes them three girls. They were hoping for a boy. God's blessings on these families. Mr. Charles Carter who is employed in Colorado came home Saturday to spend two weeks with his family and friends. CHRISTMAS As a cnua i can remem ber asking my mother why everybody was so happy at Christmas. I can still hear her reply: "It's because Jesus wasjborn." That word Jesus! ? There is something about that name. The deep sentiment of love at Christmas makes people more happy than gifts. Once again Christmas com es. Times are different. But the meaning and spirit of Christmas are still the same and always will be. Why? BEcause of Jesus' birth and what it means to all. With him we can go into the new year with confidence and hope. So as we celebrate the greatest gift ever given, will the God who gave it see us making the Son (JEsus) so much a part of our fives- all day- every day. The more we learn about Jesus, the better we under stand wtyy people, both then and now decided to follow him which is^ the most important decision we'll ever make. To every reader of the CIV: hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new 7?"- . . f DOGWOOD LANE j ? MuwoooLtjvmwjin |S ft ?Anli?-Dw(pad Urt*V?rl*Wc (many coton) A J ?N?D?r? Dogwoods-All sIms (while) X A\\?% e jser whole ^ I I ^H l^y^^B ? ? _ B B _ ^^Bw ^P^BZ^B V A _j. r^ 1 ? I i ? 1 I f I ^ 1 ft B H BBN^^^fc*^""B^^M^B^*'*^*|*|*"^"^^AftBMhJa^?BMiBB nod 3 BO'S STORES LUMBERTON ? FliffWt W ? Godwin At W1 ?PEMBROKE ? Union iMuimtM MlOHT TO MIT OUiNTlTlll I opto TO WIU?* Jr BAKING4^ I W HENS i* )? m 4-6 LTAVa f , VSEi/i ?-=*?? SHORT RIBS STEW ?I3? BONE IN ' STEW 99 i FRESH PORK PICNIC 99S CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS ?1?8 SIRLOIN STEAK ?2*8. TBONE STEAK ?278 CAROLINA SMOKED SAUSAGE *1*s CAROLINA FRESH UNK SAUSAGE ?1*8 CHUCK STEAK ?1*8 shoulder ROUND STEAK ?18Z WHOLE FRESH PORK HAM $139 ? HOG MAWS PIG EARS PORK TAILS PORK LIVER 59? % - 9 TD 11 CHOPS W PORK I LOIN 1 ?1*8 I RIBS HALF B-' PORK 1 LOIN f I HEAVY 49 WESTERN FED ?SHOULDERS ?ROAST | 1$177| 5*,i I !. Ill Bt>NEE?SS STEW BEEF ?I8!! CUBE STEAK ?2*8 (mil |$|27| FAMILY PACK FAT BACK 59* $ NECKs 3BONES |49?| MtAAOUft STAII GHADf "A" HEN TURKEY a TO U AVG. 09$. FRESH GROUND BEEF 518 *114 OR MORE I IB. I ?pork? { = loin si pS SLICED FREE -M |$129s| *2P?. . | lb o f "W I Upton ^ Wfl BAGS' ? $178 > jfcfr^lOO-CT. FROSTED FLAKES *w*. *1.791 SPECIAL A- M_ I BUC WHEATS CEREAL ? -oz. *1.251 QUAKER A _ _ _ I INSTANT GRITS .a-o*>1.051 KRAFT %Mk1 3-LB. CAN > * 1 "J UUNt-AN HINES CAKE MIXES (ALL FLAVORS) 18-OZ. BOX 79* KRAFT MACARONI 14-OZ. 99* STEAK SAUCE fw*.1.55 AAMOU* - a* TREET 12-oz. *1.19 BREAKFAST SAUSAGE ,?oz 99* ARMOUR TRIPE ?oz *2.09 TOMATO SOUP no. i -can 4/'1.00 jiffy CORN MUFFIN MIX ?*?<* 4/99* CARNATION MILK s oz cans 2/99* mamfrmte ? , IODIZED SALT <. jwz. 4/99* ,,'1.69 rcOKE'S^ or PEPSI 32-OZ. BOTTLES ?era OVEN GOLD HAMBURGER _ IMU BUNS 8-CT. 2/99 OVEN GOLD HOT DOG _ ROLLS k. 2/99* jvcrt wiu A IAAA ROLLS BROWN 'N SERVE lJ-CT 2/99 SPECIAL PAMPER S TODDLERS w-cr ?2.09 5TAY0KY PAMPER'S DAYTIME 2<-ct *3.35 PRODUCT 19 V. W2. #1.05 MAXWELL HOUSE A INSTANT COFFEE .. 2 OZ ?1.191 FUESDMD COFFEE *1.48 INSTANT COFFEE . tfu. *2.39 MAXWELL HOUSE " ^ VVV"'" niffc .a -M. MERITA COOKBOOK BREAD 1 % -l?. LOAF & v1 r-Kcsn hJO* < papeTtowels 69' CHATHAM CRUNOQr TIXTUNC DOG FOOD ? l? #3.99 PET RITZ PIE SHELLS 2-9 In Shells CHWOA" BRIC IUET8 ?u. SI shawnee ^ mf:' self-rising ^ FLOUR