Weditorial *a nd opinioa| page ?Wt Cannot Know Whom Wo Am Qoii UF M Wo Dont Know Whom WoVo Boor oo fittinoly we honor our iiOQ^rJ&tte ! AS I \ jSEEIT by ? Bruce Barton HENRY BERRY LOWRIE'S HOMEPLACE RESTORATION A GOOD IDEA According to a news article in the Community News-Advertiser, Henry Ber ry Lowrie's homeplace has been bought by local busi nessmen Frankie Locklear and Jimmy Locklear, and moved to the property of Frankie's Steakhouse on Union Chapel Road near Pembroke from its original location in the Hopewell Community. According to the news article the Locklears plan to restore the house and open it up for viewing for no charge. It sounds like a great idea. And I wish them well in the civic minded, project. i But, as the spirit of Henry Berry Lowrie implies, I wish I had been enterprising enough to have had the story break in The Carolina Indian Voice. The newspaper business is a competitive one, and I hate to get scooped. You can't win them all...BUT I DO TRY! The men hope to have the house restored by next sum mer's Lumbee Homecoming. I am glad the building is in the hands of Indian people who respect the memory of Henry Berry Lowrie and want to perpetuate it. I say "Good Luck," and let me help publicize it in the future FIRST! LEON LOCKLEAR, AN ORIGINAL MAN! I visited the Tuscarora Indian Pow Wow and Blue grass Festival this weekend and had a wonderful time. The festival was held on a site which is the creation and realization of a dream of Leon Locklear, truly an Original Man. The site, suitable for bluegrass festivals, and other * \ ..JmHI l.large gatherings outdoors, is located near Lumbee Shop ping Center, 1 and '/i miles northeast of Maxton off the Old Red Springs Road. Leon Locklear, a proud Tuscarora, believes any dream is attainable, and is a superb craftsman, artist, and builder. I like original men, and Leon Locklear is creative, imaginative, and truly origi nal. 1 was bothef?ll by the sparse crowds. I wish more of us had attended his pow wow and bluegrass festival. I hope he will let me help him .publicize his next happening. It would be my honor to do so. His special guest was Josh Graves, the famous dobro guitar player for many years with Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs. Now a solo perform er, he appreciates Leon Lock lear and told me that he liked Leon because of his enter prising nature. Leon also is a dobro player of some note and has received impromptu les sons from Josh Graves at bluegrass festivals all over the country where they appear together. Also appearing on the pro gram was the Bass Mountain Boys, and other friends Leon has made appearing at Blue grass Festivals all over the country. I salute Leon Locklear for daring to be himself, an original man. And the lesson, of course, is that all of us are original. And we ought to appreciate our originality, and support one another wheq| we can. To my readerk: The next time Leon Locklear puts on a bluegrass festival, or pow wow, let's come out and give him our support. He needs us, and we need him. His enter prising nature reminds us that we can realize our dreams too, if we are willing to give our best to whatever we are attempting to do. Shown hi front, loft to right, are Leon Locklear, Jooh Graves and Bob Brewhngton, chairman of the connty Re publican Party and a member of NACIE [National Advisory Conned of Imfian Education). The program booklet honored Brewlngton with epeclal thank* for supporting the effort of the pow wow and bloegras* festival and Indian* w ??????hi in general. In the background |on stage) are the Baas Mountain Boys, a wonderful and en tertaining blue grass group. Reader supports Rev. Ellas Rogers, Other Incumbents, in LREMC Elections To the Editor: 1 attended a meet the candidates meeting on 10-2 84 in Red Springs, NC. Other than the incumbent board members who arp seeking re election, there were two gen tle i seeking a seat on the board of directors. One of these gentlemen is Mr. Gra dy Locklear, Principal of Piney Grove School in the Saddletree area. Mr. Locklear if elected would seek to hold an election in each of the nine districts that encompass LREMC and would allow the entire membership to elect the at-large directors. This is not only a situation of double standards or double voting, but it would be nine times the cost of the present annual election. Mr. Locklear would allow the Robeson County Board of Elections to monitor these nine districts as the vote is cast. Where was Mr. Locklear when just five mon ths ago there was such a furor in Robeson County about the way the board of elections handled the voting in the various precincts. Mr. Lock lear would equalize the board of directors racially and al most in the same breath said he was opposing Elias Ro gers, incumbent director at large, a fellow Indian. Mr. Locklear admitted he knew nothing about the duties of a director, but is not satisfied ? with a fellow Indian director who set a precedent in Robeson County when he was elected to the bo^rd of ? directors 17 years agou Mr. Elias Rogers is a credit to the Indian people and deserves to continue serving the mem bership with dignity, respect and savings. In my opinion, Mr. Locklear was hand pick ed by the Action Group that tried to unseat all of the board of directors in 1983. Mr. Locklear has a master's de-1 gree in education, but does recognize the fact he is being used, as I see it. If Mr. Locklear was as concerned about continued top notch service for the membership as he should be, he would give Elias Rogers, his fellow In dian, full support. A person can never get out of the woods if he or she only travels the roads that lead into the woods. I am happy that 1 do not need an adopted immi grant to do my thinking. Mr. Locklear is playing into the hands of the persons who were content with conditions as existed at LREMC from 1974-1982, which was irres ponsible management, in my opinion. Let us as a member ship destroy this action by re-electing the incumbent di rectors on October 16, 1984. John L. Godwin Pembroke, NC Political, Medical and Educational Tips Dear Editor. Greetings! I have a few items to discuss. They are Political. Medical, and Educational. Firstly. October 8th is the last day to register to vote for Governor, Senator, and Pre sident. Find the Registrar in your community and register! If for health or employment reasons yc*i are unable to jet to the? pbfft, you may reqimt to vote in absenteeism (by Mail). Secondly. I am appalled or amazed by the number of people who "Doctor Shop." It is not only expensive but a hazard to good health. Phy sicians. like Grocers, offer an array of products which are usable. But, unlike foods, in general, drugs may cause moderate to severe reactions. EXAMPLE: A patient tak ing Coumadin, potent blood thinner, should avoid or at least discuss the matter of taking medicines for gout, arthritis, infections, stomach, seizures, leg cramps, heart problems, thyroid, colds, hor mones. fungal medicines. Vi tamin C and Aspirin. Taking the above medicines without close supervision could be LIFE THREATENING. Find a good Medical Provider and stick to them until a problem develops and then a good provider will refer to a specialist. With the approaching cold weather, dress properly, avoid washing hair in the morning. If you do. blow dry Vt hour before leaving, wear scarf or cap, as the head is about 10-15% of the total body area (age dependent). Cool air entering ears, nose and with wet hair causes sinus problems, head colds and ear infections. Use Zinc and Vita min C. For colds. Adult 250 mg., tor children 125 mg. of Vitamin C daily. The use of Vitamin C (highest in Ground Red Peppari Cayane Brand) *and Zinc "*dlltr dose 30 mg.-5(J mg. daily. Children 15-30 mg. daily. Adults may use up to 1,000 mg. of Vitamin C daily, during acute cold or flu. Children may use up to 250 mg. daily. Do not use Vitamin C if taking Coumadin. Zinc 30 mg. daily is safe. Lastly, does your school have a Nurse? If not, ask Principal why not. The duties Of a school nurse is to monitor eye, teeth, skin and hair problems, also acute sickness (vomiting and fever). If a life-threatening acci dent occurred, head injury, a nurse would be needed to check pupils, call ambulance, clinic, parent, and support breathing as needed. Stud ents need a non-teaching staff member to "air problems, abuse and/or illness. If you have any questions about Health Care, Over the Count er (OTC's) medicines. First Aid Kits. Diet Advice, How to get a school nurse, if your school does not provide one, you may call 521-0209. Laverne Locklear, PA Post Office 2012 Pembroke, N.C. 28372 Reader Supports Rev. Elias Rogers To the Editor: I am writing this letter in support of Rev. Elias Rogers who is one of the candidates for the LREMC Board of Directors. I talked with Rev. Rogers after he had been placed on the EMC Board of Directors and he)' really open sd my eyes to what the EMC needed to help it be more :onservative in giving better services to its customers at a easonable cost. Rev. Rogers being alone vith no one at the time to help jet his ideas over to the rest A the directors. God's people vere praying for someone to iclp them. God sent forth lev. Elias Rogers as He did doses when God's people >rayed for help. Rev. Rogers tad to do as we are taught in iod's word: "They that wait ipon the Lord, he will renew heir strength" and always ;ive directions to help them. We need Rev. Elias Rogers t> help in doing this job of keeping our EMC the best in the nation for it is helping its customers. I urge everyone to vote for Rev. Elias Rogers to continue serving us with dignity and pride as a mem ber cif the EMC Board of Directors. Rev. Sanford Locklear DID YOU KNOW? foam is right at home in a variety of unusual uses. ? One Virginia farmer places a foam cup at th^ end of each ear of corn to drive away the birds! He explains that foam cups insulate, hut don't generate heat Availa ble in the right sire lo cover ears of corn, and sturdy enough to withstand the ele ments. foam cups might just put the scarecrows out of work "A poet can survive any thing but a misprint" Oscar Wilde RANtmo . SSsgSS kAVING with J&4MM * , ? A. HARD TIMES; THEY ARE UPON US FOLK! Those fat and sassy, bungling Washington bur eaucrats might as well stop all this harping about the reces sion receding. The only thing I I've noticed receding around my house is my hairline. I don't imagine they, with their fat salaries, have noticed that hard times, they are upon us. But, your average yokel like you and 1 know. A little incident recently reminded me anew that hard times, they are upon us! Miss Lumbee Reports... To the Editor: This week will mark three months of my being crowned your "Miss Lumbee." To say the least, it has been the happiest months of my life. For years I dreamed of holding the title and on July 6 of this year, after years of prayers, one of my goals was accomplished. With no regret I can say it is everything I anticipated it to be and much more. I wanted to let you, the public know what it has been like, where I hope to go with the title, and what it has done for me as an individual. It has meant traveling extensively across this state which has made me more knowledgeable about other towns and the people who live there. Everyone I have met has greeted me with open arms, love and respect for the Lumbee name. It is only that you know that from the mountains of North Caro lina to its beaches everyone associated* wkla the pageant system, and even some who are not. have said that they admire, respect and promote the Lumbee Indians. This community is well known for all that it has accomplished over the years. Besides the fact that we have one of the best preliminaries in the state, we also have a fantastic college, Lumbee Regional Development Association, and Strike at the Wind, to name a few. People have taken notice and reply to our accomplishments with estatic joy. I have people approach me constantly stating they wish to come here and join in the celebration of all the things that have been done. It is my task to carry on a name that should never be tarnished or belittled. It is with this in mind that I continue to walk proud daily. 1 have become more socially adjusted, well rounded, and more now than ever I have a good sense of who I am and where I am going. I owe to you a special "thank you" for giving me a chance to grow and to appre ciate the Lumbee name. 1 daily think of what I can do to become better at all I attempt. The Miss North Carolina pageant is now only eight months and three weeks away. One of my most promi nent goals is to go there and make the top ten. With a little luck and a lot of hard work I can bring back home to you the title of Miss North Caro lina. My work has underway and I still have far to go. but with God's blessings and your continued love and support. I can go there and do just fine. I want to let Florence Ransom, my business manager, chape rone. and second mom know that 1 love her more and more daily and appreciate all that she does for me. To LRDA, thank you for making this all possible and for backing me one hundred percent. Daddy. Mama. Tony. Windy. Hawh na. Michael. , anymore? Well, seeing-as-how I had my heart set on hearing a song on that air-peddling contraption 1 thought was an outside juke box, I done the next best thing. 1 started seranading myself, to myself, Hvith a song that's jW the charts now. It goes somrthfhg like this...(Sing along if you want): "Every move I make. Every breath I take... Some one's watching you..." In deed! The realization that folk were charging for air so devastated me that I gulped in a great big breath of air a'trying to clear the cobwebs out of my head. It was then that I got this strange feeling like you get when you know somebody's watching you. Well expecting Rod Sterling to step from the shadows and tell me I was in the 'Twilight Zone." I took a quick gander at the air-peddling gizmo. Sure enough! It looked like the strange-looking contrap tion was a'staring at me, a'daring me to leave without paying for that great big, greedy gulp of air I just inhaled. Well, 1 ain't easily intimi dated, especially by some thing as low-life as an air pedding gizmo. But I felt guilty and put another quarter in anyhow, just to keep trouble down, you under stand. Afterall, if ol' Rod didn't walk from the shadows, it wouldn't have surprised me to see Allan Funt pop from around the corner and tell me to 'Smile! You're on Candid Camera!" But I didn't see either of the ol' boys. And I ain't put no more quarters in that 'air-sucking dog' either. And don't intend to, nor do I encourage anybody else to either. Unless, of course, you pass by me and see me lying motionless, my lips already turned blue, and me not t'breathing. Then, by all means, forget about the prin riple involved. Feel free to joke your hand in my pocket, jrab a quarter and poke it in :he air-peddling gizmo, and hen poke the air hose up my tir-starved nose. Danged a >unch of principles. Heyl Maybe that ol' air >eddling gizmo ain't such a >ad idea afterall. We'll talk later, folk. ? Fast food restaurants around the country are switching from paper to polystyrene foam containers as they keep hot things hot and cold things cold longer, according to the Society of the ?, Plastics Industry In addi- . tion. this energy saving mate rial doesn't get soggv or lose its shape It's considered it good choice to hold the bever age of your choice Or. Sherwood Hinaon. Jr. LUMBERTON f CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 4904 Foy?tt?vill* Rd. IN SALEM SQUARE THE NEWEST PROFESSIONAL PARK. 7/HjXTHisrsX r yourspin&\ " i vsslkw^ 4 support of the body. (flljfcM Just one dislocated ll i\c- V verte^rae can result ' 4 v/n in the "pinching of a nerve". Too, misaligned vertebrae can cause disease in any part of the body. If you drag about with a constant back ache, Or. Sherwood Hinson, Jr., at Lum berton Chiropractic Center can help you. ( Call today for a FREE CONSULTATION. J I 4904 Fayttteviiie Rd, SALEM SQUARE 73S3600 | "?*?*?????**?mmmmwmrnmtmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm! t,