EDITORIAL ; PAGE | ? - | ASI ' {SEE IT ^ f * l| Brace A Barton - ft't Good To Be A College Graduate As of December 19, 1986, I . am a graduate of Pembroke . State University. I am now . certified to teach Social Stu dies in high school. Right now, and hopefully through the rest of the school year, I am working in the In-School Suspensioi Program at West Robeson Senior High School. For the time being, I will also help out at the Carolina Indian Voice after school. I will be in the offices of the CIV from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. Monday-Friday and from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Satur . days. Those of you who wish to see or talk with me are encouraged to call during ? those hours. Hopefully I will ? be back into keeping up with the happenings in the county and editorializing on the wrongs, etc. Thanks for you payers and expressions of concern ovpr the last few years. It was tough, believe you me, but I am glad I returned to school I hope now to catch up with a lot of things I had to leave undone. Brand* Home Prom Hotpital Doing well My daughter Brandi has returned from Southeastern General Hospital where she was a surgery patient tor several days. Standi suffered a ruptured appendix. She returned to her school yester day and is doing much better. We appreciate the prayers and expressions of concern in her behalf. We are also very Parmufor toe Abwcwwiu o/Qi/UdMXwn*m?M?? Bwi wfl] be a masting of the Robe son Cautr ParanU for the Advancement of Gifted Education of 7:80 p.m. oa Monda;, February 2, at the O.P. Omni Auditorium. AB ?sts?s?s interested in the education of gifted children an invited to attend. AA Group NowMatUng inPambrok* Newly formed, the Bem brohe Group of AkohoHes Anonymous announces en open meeting on January 22 at 8 p.m. Hie meeting wfll be held in the B.A. Budding. Room 108, on the Ihubroto State University Campus. Magnolia PTATbMaat The Magnolia School PTA will meet on Monday night, February 2, 1987 at 7 p.m. The president is Mr. Wooded Lowiy. He and principal, Mr. Noah Woods, extend a cordial invitation to ail parents to attend. ?T -J m ? v~\ aa??i Baa* follow i timatabla whan coMacting ncctif from flowtn. Many flow ara prodoca nactar only at cartain timaa of tha day; b##s know Just wtim to go to aach flowar. JH I ? I ?B^B ^L m mM ???Mni C _ \ hot value on heaters 1 Hot WaUrHtaUrtand, Kerosene HtaUrt ? 30-Gallon . Water Heater ?89? ?Single element ?Electric ( ?One-year limited warranty ?Glass-lined tank #26325 Water Heater Blanket *6" - ?Regular $7.99 #24414 Kerosene Heater $7099 * m 10,500 BTU J *Auto ignition & extinguishing #30487 LOWE'S OF LUMBERTON HOI FA YETTEVRLE ROAD 738-4235 Lumberton ? Chiropractic Center DR. SHERWOOD F. HINSON, JR. ON-THE-JOB INJURIES lost year, over onto million Americans were absent from work because of spinal injuries sustained on their job. In the vast majority of the cases surveyed,-workers absent with back injuries who sought Chiroproctk care were able to return to work in one half the time. Most companies have 100% coverage for their employees 4frho are in jured on ftieir jobs. Many people suffer needlessly because they are un familiar with the benefits of Chiropractic care. Did you know that if your job involves excessive or prolonged bendfog, lifting, stooping, standing, or sitting you should have periodk Chiroprac tic examinations? Early detection and treatment can prevent future complications from aris ing and thereby minimuze suffering, lost time, ana expense. jf you think you are one of millions of people plagued bv noggina job related injuries, coil our office today for an appointment, fee sure to bring authorization for treatment signed by your employer. FOX APPOINTMENT CAUt 736-3600 ^SQ^MYITTiVj^^ro^luAMjRTON^JjGSUM^ ?* 77k ?? Xi ai 77" tK "^ MUSING WTIH OL' REASONABLELOCKLEAJt f^topje Am't Am Fboktk AtTktyUfdTbB*.. Mitt/ JRational ^Jacobs wewtl?UL?king abou? this Kmb Stow dhm...tdu know vktn 1m killed jimmy Earl Cumminjre the other week (Nov. 1) Boys, there's slot of questions that ain't been answerea yet. unttl them ydpne are answsmd peo ple like om and jam and Rational Jacobs is going to lmaprigfcfaaa asking them, m tell you now: people ain't as foolish as-they used to be. Not by a long shot Tkhe that big and bad drug bust January 5. Ain't it just Am u frog hair that It took plana a day before tlM ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) held a press eonfe renee to announce that they was going to represent the Cummings family. And there was Kevin 9tone on the front page hauling in them big bad drug dealers. Come on! Give 01' Reasonable a break. I can read, write and figure some. Like I said, some of us ain't as foolish as we used to be. Amen to that1 It's good to be back. 01' Reasonable was just burned out and 1 took some lime off and went a fishing. December Graduates of UNC-Chapel Hill The following students were graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill after fall semester 1986. Graduation ? was December 31, 1986. Iterance Dean Brayboy of Route 8, Lumberton; Karen Ann Fisher of Lumberton; Neill Archibald Jennings m of Lumberton; Patricia Leigh Reynolds of Lumberton; Mary Linda Bullard of Route 3, Maxton; David Wayne Campbell of Route 1, Maxton. / 1 1 ?1 1 N [The Reactor's Forum J ? ? ? ? . Concerned, Citizens Can Change Injustices at Voting Booth I was a bit surprised to learn the Rev. E.B. Turner placed greater concern for the hiring of Blacks to the Robe son County Sheriff's Depart ment than concern for the violation of a citizen's consti tutional rights by a White member of the RCSD. How do you spell ethics, ideals or values Rev. Turner? Are you trading politics in the name of justice to the citizens of Robeson County Rev. Turner? Are you saying the citizens of Robeson County should keep 'quiet and allow the disregard for a citizen's constitutional rights to go unchallenged Rev. Turner? As I see it Rev. Turner is saying that it is alright to be a member of the RCSD whether said member is trained and experienced regardless of race. As I see it Rev. Turner, you seem to be satisfied with the mediocrity r that is practiced in all fields oil endeavor in Robeson County and especially elected offi cials. Robeson County Commis sioner Henry Douglass voiced his approval to the practice of nepotism in Robeson County because the board of RCC OK'd the Sheriff hiring his two sons to the RCSD and as a result of this action a citizen was killed by one of the Sheriff s sons, Kevin Stone. Are you for real Commission er Douglass? As an elected official, Commissioner Doug lass should not attempt to sway his former supporters to rally for Sheriff Stone by saying the Sheriff has done a fantastic job when in reality there are more unsolved crimes in Robeson County today than ever before in the history of Robeson County. As I see it, the District Attorney and his assistants share in this record setting service to Robeson Countians. Are you aware of this fact Comr issio ne Douglass? Sheriff Stone he' >ed Commissioner ">oug las < to be elected and ( mm issioner Douglass can ; e no wrong in the practi .e of injustice in Robeson County, even to the death of a citizen without reason by a member of the RCSD. Concerned cil. ;ns can change the injis1 es being practiced in our county at the voting booth. Vote them out instead of cursing them out John L Godwin Pembroke, NC A Note From Missonwill Reservation To the Editor. First, we want to thank Mr. Bruce Barton and the staff of the Carolina Indian Voice newspaper for being beyond and above reproach and a pioneer in the Held of jour nalism. And we know that the Lord has blessed this great man and this great publica tion because of what and who they are. Now it has been a long time since we have had an editorial and we thought it was about time. Historically speaking, there were five ancient Indian tribes in the region known as Robeson and adjoining coun ties. These were: Cherokee, Tuscarora, Catawba, Saponi and Cumba. And we are proud to see the Indians of Robeson County returning to their rightful place and origi nal names. " As Ms & the on] way the Indian people will ever be free. Are we free when state and federal laws have been enact ed that give you no special status as Indians and bar you from the services of the BIA? Do you have what is rightfully yours? Of course not Why do you think the government doesn't want to recognize the Indian nations and tribes who adhere to their true and ancient names and faith? To rob and deprive you of what is rightfully ours. One of the original tribal mainstays is Cherokee. In 1913 the General Assembly ol N.C. admitted this and in 1914 the Congress of the United States did the same. Another mainstay in the matter is Tuscarora. History proves that Tuscaroras stayed here. Some went to the area ol New York. But some are here and they are our brothers. What are we saying to you? It is time for the Indian people to take back their true and ancient heritage and the rights, privileges that the government is legally bound to render unto us as Indians. You are Indian and you're special and that is a fact One day God will set His people free. Everybody else is free except the Indians. Hie ones who claim descent from the Lost Colony are free, but what about the Indians? We were here before anyone else came. Yet in 400 years, we have yet to be set free but our day is coming. God has called a man who is chief of our tribe: Chief Gray Eagle-Rev. Edgar Bryant-and it is time for the Indian people to hear him as he is a prophet of God sent to lead the people to freedom. How long will we be as the children of Israel, wandering in the wil derness for eighty years? The time to stand is now and stand and see the salva tion of God work. May the Lord bless you all real good. AtiL Chief Wild Bear, Rev. Doug Maynor MissionxuiU Reservation Rt. 1, Box 12S-C Lumber Bridge, NC 9835J ly feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee^ ; /5H55S355Z5^EN$ : VSSSSSmmmS ; I PEMBROKE, NC \ ! :: i| 1; OSCARMAYER ;| |! Werners & Franks $1.99 I; ; > Cheese Franks $2.19 lb. I 1 ?;; ML &Bf. Bolo $1.29 8 oz. ;! i; Cooked Ham $1.79 6oz. j> ' \ Cooked Ham $3.5912 oz. \ \ \ \ ML & Bf. Bolo. $1.7912 oz. I? ; ? Lunch Meal $1.39 8 oz. !! ;; Bf. Variety $2.1912oz.\ \ , !; Liver Cheese $1.69 8oz. j ' 1 \l Sliced Bacon $2.89lb.\\ , j' Select Slice Turkey Breast !| $1.99 6 oz. j! ; | Select Sltce Chicken Breast |; I: $1.99 6oz. i; i: ;: LOUIS RICH \ j |! M mgs $. 99 lb.'! :> Atcks $.89lb. ; > ! | Drumsticks $.99lb. [' .< I Gizzards $1.29 lb. \\ ;! ' unetyPack $2.2912oz.\\ ; | < Hopped Ham $1.49 8 oz. j! ! I, ::om $1.89 8 oz. | l;i Oven Roasted Breast ]j $i.89 6 oz. I; 1 ' Chicken Breast $1.79 60z. ' I ! ! : CHEFSPANTRY ; I ! Turkey Nuggets $2.99 lb.;; Fried Patties $1.79lb.i! | ^wiWiki Dn