WHAT NEXT??? Last week we aluded to hew tough the upcoming election was going to gdt\ We predict that we have not seen anythin* yet.We quoted from a t-shirt last week: If you can't wAysth the big dog?, stay on^the porch. We thought thAaying was cuXe.^^are beginning to wonder now if we knowto^#lfDie big does are" and more importantly, do wrapt)t to knqg^j ^PRto^e all recognize some of the masWrstratexwtt b\5g^P5?d color, we are not sure any of usJ*u>w ois in charge and where each indhflffiapfttj info the overall scheme of One thing we all know for sure. There is a terrific battle going on for pc litical and economic control of this county. We have addressed the issue of how some people, we call them master strategists, sit and plan strategic moves to ensure the rise of their own political empire. We predict again that we have not seen anything yet...If we see any one group of individuals, whatever color, end up in a position to influence and in effect control, the next governor of the state, the member of the N.C. Senate, the members of the N.C. House, the members of the board of education and the county commissioners we will witness a continuation of a process designed to control, dictate, and hold the voting public in bondage to the whims of this group...We could easily call the names of most of the local players, Indians, Blacks and whites....Indian people for many years have struggled to stop non-Indians from controlling us. Anytime that people are heldin economic bondage, they're slave..This is not right...We have struggled long and hard to overcome this bondage and what we see now is a group of Indian people who are apparently trying to do the same thing...We do not condone changing players and continuing to play the same ball game....We urge all builders and aspiring builders of political empires to do the right thing....It is not right to threaten people's jobs...It is not right to intimidate those who are uninformed...It is not right to move on people economically.... We have been threatened here at this business so many times that we find that it is inspirational....Recently we addressed the LRDA board of directors and expounded dn our theory of their plans to control things when federal recognition comes....Recently we were embarrassed to read in the daily newspaper that this same board, apparently was involved in, the use of commodities to influence votes. Intimidation and vote buying in any form is wrong...It is wrong no matter who is doing it?There is no justification for this reprehensible and unprofesshftial behavior...If commodities are avail able, give them to persons who are in need. Without restrictions. The writer stated that |>eople were being approcahed for their votes as ice cream was being distributed...This is almost unbelievable in this day and time. It is a terrible reflection on LRDA and the entire Indian community...And, yes, we have heard who the politicoe were We were encouraged that the writer was independent enough in her thinking to tell what happened publicly....She unde^Mpod what was happening....She understood implied "vote buying"...She understood that she was being tabes advantage of....She understood she was dehumanized....We believe there are thousands of people in this county who can and do reason things out..We believe this is one of the factors that the political strategists can't control....People are not ignorant.. People are not robots, or pawns....People are human beings with the capabilities to think and decide for themselves....This is encouraging to us and reaffirms our commitment to continue to publish and continue to question those things that don't appear proper and in some instances, they don't appear legal....We under stand more each day why some of our own people wish to see us close up this office and cease to write For these reasons we are more determined because we believe the upcoming election will demonstrate that our faith in people has not been misplaced...We beleive the upcoming election will make a strong statement to the power brokers that people are not easily fooled, misled or intimidated....Hie LRDA/ ice cream incident reminds me Cong *UCll ^tain Isj 2>?. Sum J(*Ut, 2Ww?*ot Taxes * 1 Tri-Racial Cooperation and Communications Economic Development i Supports Global Air Complex Laurinburg/Maxton Site %/ Willing to Take a Stand and Make Decisions i I Staying In Touch With Citizens and Officials at the Local Level 30th District (Robeson County, Parts of Bladen, Cumberland, Hoke, &. Sampson Counties) 1 ? PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT DAVID WEINSTEIN i Tills A<;iv^r 'i - . . , I HEREAFTER | ilFCiipIp' 3/^ t? /4%l M;. f HEAVEN^^>^???. n'MU'TtS ^NEW ?S '" I'ioHN /''sir a ?'- :* 1 " * iCtrSjMS. 2JTm.4>6. n__, ^ ~VjJM1} Aj_M__?, 2> Jo"*L ? jj* Jo /J0*? '? a*fi l!m ^cts,7. S7-to $WaJ\ /tlEAl/ENS mm r*w*R'M "*2*'** JESUSCMWST ? \ZCorS6-6 hjiy- caS^^ <>/v ZTteaiz* Jgffl *jtt|ji / GAB ' -; JT ^ l$M />/? /J^ Satan ^LAMB* kuZmhA. &m\ himyv-? ?j//^s^("'?"l*??&* * (&&? Slafi ? ."?'> - ,^?1? ( fe (;g* Jifi Igb-. . Great" God 2 Atf j?. 1 /??r2C/-* dahnT: ak* 5 h^4/i*\iSmi Jig /<'. ????* ?*!?? \ New > '?9. II L 1! B /^fyiffc^V SMALL Reign A \ CM |p!T?rf-^01 \EarTH |! 0II< 3-?.,a?^ jSi&i I ^vLhiir NATIONS ".02., ?*? \ Si ^?5 ^'^-A ^ Rtv. 20. //.aiSJB ? ? v-. r - !?? March 22 -29 6:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 p.m. 'Week 'Mights ^Revival M DundarracK Daptist Church Located 4 1/2 miles NE of Shannon Speaker: Worth Ellis "Two Roads - "Two Destinies" Everyone Is Welcome i