Pubtehed Each Thursday Sine* January IB, 1973 I p fl CAROLINA IPS jjj Indian <()oicifc | " Promoting Communications Between Indisns *nd Nation J ^ *** jc " I ?*** LIVERMOn HB?*(rr H I WMWOm SIAT{ wv?mrt V ?????JS5Bsaga?? ??^ III "'v' Kp/?mm> 21 Number IS Tkttndmy, Mmy S, 1994 2$cHr Owj jhlews Briefs _____ Glenn Maynor Heads List of Candidates in Sheriffs Race Glean Maynor, in his second bid for Sheriff of Robeson County, oat Maynor earned sixteen of the county's forty-ooe precincts. A mn off is expected in June distanced four other candidates to win the bid for sheriff of Robeson Count. Receiving 35.5 percent of the vote, Maynor failed to obtain the necessary forty percent required to avoid foe runoff. Unofficial vote tallies show Maynor with 8,296 votes. Coming in second place was Robeson County Sheriffs Department Chief of Detectives, Lum Edwards. He received6,095 votes. Third place went to foe Black candidate, Emmett Brown who received4,484 votes. John Flynn the other white candidate finished fourth with 2921. The other Indian candidate, Lee Edward Sampson finished fifth with 1590 votes. Pembroke s Kelvin ,Sampson Named to Head^ktahama s Sooners Pembroke- Pembroke is abuzz this week with the news that local son, Kelvin Sampson has been named head basketball coach at Cabled Oklahoma. Sampson, 38, takes the reins at Oklahoma after a successful stint at Washington State, a member of the Pacific 10 Conference Sampson was quoted as saying that he "agonized" over the decision because his career at Washington State had been a good one, and he especially enjoyed a good relationship with his players. At last report, his wire, Karen and children, Lauren Elizabeth, 12, and Kellen, 8, are already in Norman, Oklahoma making plans for a " new home and getting enrolled in a new school. His wife, Karen, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Von Lowry of Pembroke. Coach Sampson's parents are Mr. and Mrs John W f'Ned" Sampson of Pembroke At last report. Coach Sampson's plans were to continued preparing for the upcoming Goodwill Games to be held in Russia July 23-August 7. He was recently named an assistant coach to USC's George Raveling. Dwight Lowry New Manager of the Fayetteville Generals ftSSfe&l*. Lowry continues lo experience success in the world of bene bell After two stays in the nu|ior leagues as a catcher with the Detroit Tigers and Minnesota Twins. be has entered the managerial ranks as the new manager of the Class A Fayetteville Generals in nearby Cumberland County His announcement on the 29th of April caught all of his friends and family in Robeson County by pleasant surprise. Lowry had previously been with the Generals as. a coach, and was working in the ststiuctiooal leagues a Florida when he received the call to return "home." A former three sports star at Pembroke High St.ool (football, baseball, basketball), and all ACC with the University qf North t arohna Tarheels as a catcher,Manager Lowry stays close to his family and friends tn Robeson. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lowry, live near Pembroke. His wife's (the former Pam Deese) parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Deese, also live in the Pembroke area. The Lowrys are prood perests of two girls and a boy- Sesicie, 6; Amanda, S; and Zachery Dwigbt, 2 1/2 Remember Mother on j Mother's Day, May 8, 1994 Say You Read it in the < Carolina Indian Voice (910)521-2826 ? A JoAnn Locklear Wins Clerk of Court's Race-First Indian Elected to County Wide Position JoAnn Locfclear nude history on Tuesday whan she became the first Indian elected to a county wide position She was elected Clerk of SuperiorC ourt for Robeson County in the democratic primary. Unofficial votes show Locklear winning handily over four other candidates for the position of Clerk. She, along with two white candidates, Martin McCall, administrative assistant to the district attorney and Freda Stephens, a court reporter, and a Black, Magistrate Lany Graham were seeking to replace Dixie Barrington who did not seek re election. ? ' ? ? " ' Unofficial vote totals show Locklear winning with 46.8 percent of the vote. Forty percent or a vote total is required to avoid a run off election Locklear received 10.591 votes. McCall came in second place Si. -.w? I ? ; ? ? . ?? ; with 5, 842 votes. Stephens received 3.555 votes while Graham finished fourth with 2.544 votes Locklaar carried twenty seven of the 41 precincts in the county LocUcar attributes her success to her experience and expertise hi the clerk's office where she has worked for the past twenty-seven years. Because then is no Republican Opposition, Locklear will assume the duties of Clerk of Superior Court the first of December. In other races, newcomer Luther Johnson Britt {D upset incumbent district attorney Richard Townasod Britt received 57 percent of the total votes case. Unofficial totals show Britt with 12.633 votes to Townsemfs 9,496. November iCwM face incumbent Leroy Freeman John Carter, assistant district attorney east! v defeated Diane Phillips for the district couit judge seat. Carter received 70 percent of the vote. And Douglas Yongue was elected to the District 16 seat in the House of Reprssntatives Incumbent House members, Ron Sutton and Frances Cununings were unopposed. An Open Letter To The Lumbee Tribe From Tribal Attorney Ariinda Locklear As I last reported to you, our recogni boo bill upending in toe Senate awaiting a vote. Based on reports from the Majority Leaden's Office, our bill should come up for a vote sometime in the next two or three weeks. There is still no definite schedule for a vote on the bill, but Chairman Inouye (Democrat from Hawaii) of the Senate Committee on Indian A flairs is pressing for a vote in that time period. The vote on the bill will be cloae, but we should have the votes we need to get the bill passed. We may not get more than two or three days notice of the actual vote oo the bill Such short notice means that I would not be able to notify the entire membership of the upcoming vote through an open letter, but I will do everything possible to notify individual Lumbees of the vote so that they can come to Washington. D C . to watch the Senate vote on our bill if they wish. In the meantime, L.R.D. A. has taken actions that may affect our bill and of which you should be aware. In late March, L.R.D A sent letters to Senators Helms. Faircioth, and Inouye on our bill . These letters stated that I was no longer the lobbyist representing L.R.D.A on LRD A 's recognition bill. The letter advised the three asnttors that L.R.D.A. was looking for a new lobbyist and, once a new lobbyist was retained, these senators would be advised who they should deal with oa L.R.D.A.'i recognition bill, lie LJLD. A plainly described dw Ltmbee recognition bill at m L.R.D.A. hid and plainly stated ?htflanloanerrepmeeatwiL JRO A oaths bill. However, the letter did not state that I ramaiaed the attorney for the Lumbee Tribe oe the bill and i outlawed to do whatever work is necessary oa the bill I have tafcad to the Senate offices V that received there letters and they oow understand that I continue to represent the Lumbee Tribe on the Lumbee recognition bill. As far as 1 can tell, no other Senate offices have received similar lettera from L R D A But if L.R.D.A does tend similar letters to other Senate offices, it could very easily create enough confeston to cost us a vote an our bill. flee?r our vote is likely to be very close ooe vote could make the difference between passage and failure of our bill. I will do everything I can to avoid this possibility. L.R.D.A. is also working at the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BJ.A.) to advance its own self-interests At the same time it sent the letters to the senators, it sent a similar letter to the B.I. A. I have also reassured the B.I. A. that I continue to represent the Lumbee Tribe on the bill and will continue to work for the bill's passage In addition, tbel R DA. has hired two NON-INDIAN lawyers based in Washington. D?.. for the purpose of representing it before tire B.I.A Neither of these two lawyers has much experience in representing Indian tribes or Indian law. In foct. one of the two lawyers hired by L.R.D.A. represented the non-wan property owners agamet the Catawba Tribe of South Carolina in the tribe's land claim case. Thaas two lawyers and the Executive Director of L.R.D.A. amt with the B I A. on Monday. May 2, 1994. to disease the issue of who represents the Limbec Tribe At this B.I.A. masting, the E?.v?ri"t WrtKw -jfL f-D l wi the two lawyers argued three points >a the B.I.A.: flint Hisji amMtaiar rt fur L.R.D.A. is an interim tribal government for the Lumbee Tribe, second, they argue! that foe B.I.A. foouid deal withLJLD-A. as foe only representative of die Lumber people once the Lumbee recognition bill ? passed, and; third, they argued dun the B.I.A. should give L.R.D.A. enough mooey to fond a two or three year study on what kindof conedtudon the Lumbee Tribe should adopt. In other words, the Executive Director of L.R.D.A. and its lawyers atgued that the B.I. A. should help them step the upcoming tribal vote oa the proposed Lumbee constitution. The B I.A rejected the L.R.D.A. proposal for a two or three year study on a Lumbee constitution and emphasized the need for an election of tribal leaders as soon as possible The B.I.A. also contacted me and asked if I would be willing to meet with the L.R.D.A. lawyers to discuss the termsofthe proposed constitution I advised the B I A thai the Lumbee Constitution Assembly had already asked for the views of L.R.D.A. and other Lumbee organisations on the constitution and that I would be happy to listen to the L R.D.A.'s lawyers' opinkmsaswell. Thismeeting should take place in the next two or three weeks In the meantime, the Lumbee Constitution Assembly continual its work to prepare for the vote on the proposed constitution the week of Lumbee homecoming If you ha t any questions about that draft constitution, piaaaa contact ma or fos other technical advisers to the CoaHimioa Assembly, Me. Ruth i ??4Lm 0 number 321 1417 wife CywAl sU >???>? jU.U? number 521-1131. As I stated m my last letter, pieeae feel free to catt me wioSpKS'fouf" Q0?VI73-3H0. I Dr. Lowry to Receive Honorary Doctorate Dr. Earl C. Lowry. a native of Pembroke who served in Earopr dunng W orfdWar II and attained** rank or colonel as a US. Army surgeon, will be presented an honorary doctor ofsc.enEdegtee from^Sta$E University at its commencement Saturday, May 7 The commencement will begin at 2p.raiatheJnnrelleiiihaiidPhjfiiial Education Center with a record S26 receiving degrees As an Array colonel. Lowry was chief of tha Professional Services Division and chief consultant in surgery in the Office of the Chief Surgeon in Europe during World War Lowry it the eon of D.F. Lowry. who received the tint diploma from the Indian Normal School which evolved into PSU. D.F. Lowry was in the L urn bee Indian patriarch who died in 1977 at the age of 97 after being a teacher, insurance Stan, business manager, mail carrier, minister. isii.ui irtJI, Civ?. .? Afc/,'-' *v ?. Earl Lowry attended Hrp raijll located in Old'&aifi. nowthe landmark of PSU He was president ofhis senior class. lowry then attended McKendree College la Lebanon, HI. Afterwards be received hit Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry and biology from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in 1927. In 1979 McKendreeCollegeptimntedhim it Sesquicentenninl Alumni Citation Achievement Award of Professional Achievement in Medicine and Science. Returning to Pembroke, ne taught science m the Indian Normal School here from 1927-29, then entered the VaaderbUt Medical School in the Ml of1929and earned his Medical Degree in 1933. Alter n four year residency at St ThomaaHospiml* VandertMjt, Lowrv entered the O.S. Army m a phvsu inn in 1936. Ha Inlar graduated from the Army Medical School in Washington. D C., in 1931 and the Army Field Service School, then at Carlisle, h in 1939. Ha also graduated Ann dm U S Army Command sad General Staff College in 1947 After retiring from the servtce. Lowrv became president of Blue Shield, Inc., to the state of Iowa and the chief executive officer of that organization there He stopped working actively in 1970, hut remained available as a oonsuhant for yams __ Lowry says as a doctor he provided medical attention to some of the outstanding men of the World War 11 era and beyond. A descendant of Henry Beny Lowne, the Indian hero of Mis men who i? depu ted in the annual outdoor drama, "Strike mths Wind!". Lowry has written extensively about Henry Berry Lowne tint Lowry rtsidee in Dm Moines. Iowa. He ta married in the fbrmer Olivia King of Columbia. S C. They are parents of two dauffMan Asked several yean ago the highlight of his lifb, Lowry replied The bghJightss teas I'm concerned is coming home to Pembroke-seeing relatives I eiyoy it-the feeling of He*will certainly have that (bating again as ha is honored May 7 as one of the sooa of whom PSU inmost proud