According to Scripture Sponsored bs Penrtirohc Seventh Das Adscntist Church In the next several weeks we shall be looking at something that can be one of the most important beliefs that can be held by a person. The doctrine that I am referring to and that is taught by many is the teaching of "Eternal Security" or commonly known as "once saved alway s saved." This teaching is held by some whole Denominations and also by some Independent churches as well. There is one main text that is referred to by the advocates of thisteachingand it is found in John 10:28-29. Jesus is referring to His followers and He says that no one is able to pluck them our of Jesus hand or the Father's hand. As usual, I would like to encourage the reader to please observe our method of Bible study found in Isaiah 28:9-10. I will be looking here a little and there a I ittle, searching the scriptures on this particular subject. And also looking at some people whose lives were an example of what can happen to individuals. Let's begin by examining the context of what is being written about in John, chapter 10., By going back just a couple to verses to 10:25-26 we find Jesus givingashort outline of how to be saved. He begins by saying how important belief is and then in verses 27 and 28 He further states how important it is to listen and to follow what one hears (learns) from Jesus. It is after this that Jesus makes the statement that no one is able to pluck them our or (take their eternal life from them). If one were to look back just a few more verses we see that Jesus was making refer ence to the Jews' lack of believe in Him and that the Jews themselves were to have their special advantage lost due to their lack of belief See Jeremiah 18:7-10; Luke 20:919; Romans 11:17-22. See also this column for the previous five weeks concerning Spiritual Israel. So one can see how a nation (Israel) could be cut off from being God's special people. But what about an individual? After all, isn't that who Jesus is referring toln John 10:28? Yes, Jesus is here referring to individuals and not to groups or nations. But before I present a Biblical argument, I would like to present one based on logic. Being aGod of love antfknowing that the only way to truly receive love is through allowing freedom of choice, God made us as we are, creatures capable of choosing to obey or to disobey, to love or not to love. He did not create creatures that were robots. Even though God knew that eventually Lucifer would become proud and envious of God (Isaiah 14:13-14). He created him with the freedom to choose. God wants love and he can't get that from a sophisticated computer. God gave us the ability to go beyond yes and no. He gave us emotions an choices and intelligence that the resf of the animal kingdom does not comprehend. And yet the teaching has come to be that once you say the words assuming these works are spoken sincerely) "I'm accepting you, Jesus as my Savior, please forgive me for my sins, accept me on the basis of my belief," this teaching is saying that once one says these words one loses their freedom of choice. If god were going to take away our freedom of choice once we accepted Him as our Sav ior, then why go through all this earth's's history, wars, famines. pestilence, murders, rapes, tortures, etc He could have just as easily created created us without the freedom to choose in the beginning and not had an insurrection these past millennia to bother w ith. He w ould not have had to come and live a life as a man on this earth, be rejected by all. finally to suffer and dieadealhon across. Iffreedomof choice is lost once one accepts Jesus, then He is back at square I. God will be spending an eternity with people who have no choice but to submit in a forced love to Him. They could not make another choice because they gave that freedom up when they accepted Jesus as their savior. I would like to submit that when we are within the sheepfold (in His hand, elsewhere described as within the hedge Job 1:5-10). our eternal life is under God's protection from all outside forces as long as we listen to his voice and follow His will as outlined in the Bible. Our freedom os choice is still there. We can choose tQ leave the protection of Hishand. We can go back to living a life with everything based on selfishness, but if we truly experience the love of God, we will not choose to do so. Continued next week. Listen to WSTS on Sundays at 12:30 p m. That's 100.9 FM. Carolina Li Han Voice" To Subscribe Call (910) 521-2826. Pembroke hi nan is l-l Gov George Holdcn Glass of 1970 at UNCP inslallcd the new ofTicijrsof the Pembroke kiwanis Club for the year of I 997-98 They arc President-Brian Brooks, vice president or president elect George Kcnworlhy. secretary-Todd Jones and treasurer- Albert Hunt who has served a remarkable 35 years Lt Gov Holdcn is the Regional Consultant for the Dcpl of Health and Human Sen ices working with the Youth Division He cited the world wide Iodineprogramlocrndicate the Iodine deficiency in so many children Lt Gov Holdcn has been the President of the Faycticvillc Kivvanis Club this past year He played baseball for the Braves under Coach Pennington and majored in physical education I can recall him in my gymnastic classes and other classes Golly, that was 27 years ago YVc have enjoyed many years of being served the best meals under Mrs Lola Revels and Thanked her with a gift of Appreciation and Mrs Sharon Locklcar our waitress We will miss litem Mrs Revels health has not been up to par as of late We now will be meeting at the Jade Gardens, a splendid Chinese restaurant on Third street, starling next week. Tuesday at 7:00 P M Ray Lowry was v oted the Outstanding Kiwanian of the Year I Ic did a Tine job as Fund Raising Chairman for the 1906-97 Year Program - Furnic Lambert. Song Leader,- Ed Tccls: Invocation - Garth Locklcar: Rcportcr Kcn Johnson Catch the Spirit ? Spirit of the West! Adopt a mustang rrom the Federal Government. Call 1-800-417-9647 A public service of this publication PsDIATRIC PoiNT RS by Or. Joisph T. Sail Padlotrkion ujMt flobaion HaoUh Cora New parents always hate lots of questions to ask aflcr the birth of a new bab> bo> or girl (and so do the grand-parents of course') One of the most common questions 1 get asked in the nursery is about baby jaundice. commoniy called "ycllow jaundice". Bab) jaundice is a condition caused by the breakdown of red blood cells in the baby's circulator) system afterbirth These broken down cells arc usually taken care by the liver and cvcrclcd out the bladder or intestines In the newborn, howctcr. the liver is nol \cr> mature and cannot handle all the cell products and they begin to build up in the bloodstream. This buildup causes the skin to take on a yellowish color, thus the name "yellow jaundice" As the liter . gets more mature, it belter handles red celt products and jaundice usu- V ally docs nol recur When 1 speak to parents before ; llicy lease the nursery with their newborn. I remind them that a little jaundice is not common during the first week of life Usually mild jaundice will resolve itself naturally b> the seventh das of life There arc some conditions that may prolong or worsen bnb> jaundice Breastfed babies usually h;i\c higher lev els ofjaundicc Breastfed babies usually have higher levels ofjaundicc than bottle-fed babies, but usually not enough to harm the infant (Remember, breast-feeding) is the best nutrition for a baby!) Occasionally. a difference in blood types between the mom and baby will cause a more severe form of jaundice Rarely, an infant will born w ilh a blood disqrder that will raise the jaundice levels Ifa baby has mild vcllowingof the skin during the first week of life, simple observation will do You can help mild jaundice go away faster by placing the unclothed baby in sunlight that is coming through a closed window Remember to protect the eyes by covering them with a rolled up yvnshcloth If the skin becomes a b?lghl yellow or if the jaundice persist or appears after the first week, see your doctor to rule out any serious problems Well, that's jaundice in'a nutshell We'll talk again ne\l week! FIRST AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS The Carolina Indian Voice Newspaper Connee Brayboy P.O. Box 1075 Pembroke. N.C. 28372 (919)521-2826 (919) 521-4611 Office : / Home - Travel 600 Years Back In Time! Lumbee Tribe's Fall Pow-Wow and Cultural Festival A Public Welcome! Fine Family Entertainment! N.C. Indian Cultural Center PEMBROKE, NC OCTOBER 10-12, 1997 Taste The Past Over r" 20 Tribes Will Be Represented Dance Competitions For Cash Prizes Fancy Dance & Traditional Dance Competitions Tribal Dances Tribal Music Tribal Food * Ancient Indian Crafts BRINGYOUR LOUNGE CHAIR AND CAMERA! Over $8.000 In Prize Money NEW DAYCARE NOW OPEN SA TURD A Y NIGHTS 6:00-10.00 PM MONDA Y-FRIDA Y 6:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M Call Doris or Mitchell "Bosco" Locklear at 910-521-1600 910-521-2294 8467 Deep Rranch Rd. Pembroke, N.C. . A Carolina Indian Voice is published every Thursday by First American Publications 304 Normal St.-College Pla/a P.O Box 1075 Pembroke. North Carolina 28372 Phone (910)521-2826 Fax(910)521-1975 ?t ?> r ( on nee li ray hoy, Ed i lor One Year In NC $20 Out of State $25 Second Class Postage Paid at Pembroke, NC Vote Oct. 7, 1997 RE ELECT AMBROSE LOCKLEAR, JR. Lumbee River Elect. Membership Corp. District US Board Of Directors UNC-P Performing Ai ts Center Registration 6:00 PMS:00 PM robeso'n county board of elections schedule for required meetings for approval of absentee ballot applications , for the municipal elections \ to be h eld novem ber 4,1997 and any pertinent business that needs attention The meetings dates specified below are mandated by G.S. 163-230 (2)a. The meetings for approval of applications for Absentee Ballots and any pertinent business that needs attention arc scheduled as follows: Tuesday, October 7, 1997 at 5:30 P.M. Friday, October 10, 1997 at 5:30 P.M. Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 5:30 P.M. Friday, October 17, 1997 at 5:30 P.M. Tuesday, October 21, 1997 at 5:30 P.M. Friday, October 24, 1997 at 5:30 P.M. Monday, October 27, 1997 at 5:30 P.M. Tuesday, October 28 , 1997 at 5:30 P.M. Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 5:30 P.M. Friday, October 3 I , 1997 at 5:30 P.M. Monday, November 3, 1997 at 5:30 P.M. Tuesday. November 4, 1997 (Count Absentee Ballots at 2-5:00 P.M.) Friday, November 7, 1997 at 11:00 A.M. (Canvass) ROBESON COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS Lcmark Harris, Chairman Richard F.vans, Secretary Hubert Ellis, Member Pcarlcan II. Rcvcfs, Direct^^^