THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE Published each Thursday by First American Publications, Pembroke, NC VOLUME 24 NUMBER 50 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11,1997 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 50th Anniversary Celebration planned for Rev. and Mrs. Coolidge M.Cummings The children of Rev. Coolidge M. and Vanice L. Cummlngs request your presence at the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, December 27 at 3:00 p.m. at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church. No invitations will be sent but family and friends are invited. Bright Ideas " Grants Awarded To Robeson County Educators - /.?mAt?rtfl?-"Brighl Ideas" Grants arc just that?bright ideas proposed by local teachers to enhance the learning experience in their classrooms. This year Lumbcc River EMC awarded grants iotaling$ l(M>95.00 to , teams of teachers al I ^ schools in the ..fourxounty area Lumbcc Riser EMC serves. Si,\ty five applications were received, and winners included six teachers front Cumberland County Schools, seven front the Public Schools of Robeson County. and one educator from Hoke County. The grants involve 31 teachers and 3.208 students in a v ariety of educational projects. The most recent round of grants was the fourth year Lunibcc Riser EMC has participated in the program which was launched by North Carolina's electric co-ops in ilW4. The funds go to North Carolina teachers serving grades K-12 Checks were presented to Robeson Counts Educators at a prcscntat on at the Public Schools of Robeson Cc jnts Board of Education in Lumbcrton on November 20 with Interim Superintendent Barry Harding, the school principals and the winning teachers participating. Thcchcck presentations were made by Proctor Locklcar. Jr.. President of the Board of Directors of Lumbcc River EMC. and board member Ruth Oxendinc The seven teachers from the Public Schools of Robeson County arc: Adrienne Pal ma. Tanglcwood Elementary School: Anne McGirt. Fairmont High School: Melissa Oxendine. Union Chapel Elementary School . Rene W. Pamcll. Long Branch Elementary School: Kay Bradshcr. Rowland Middle School: Carolyn B Dccsc. Prospect Elementary School and Katltv Dae Locklcar South Robeson High School. The "Bright Ideas" Grant Program hclpstcachcrshclptlicmsclvcsby funding innovative and creative leaching proposals in a variety of disciplines, including math, science, the social seicnccs and reading. "This is the kind of commit ni ty project co-ops I ike Lumbcc River EMC hate been involved in since their beginnings in the 1940s." said Ronnie E. Hunt. General Manager. "We mean it when we say that we arc committed to the communities we serve. Congratulations loall the teachers. students and schools involved in this year's Bright Ideas' Program. We're already looking forward to next year." ' Mr. Johnny Hunt, Principal of Prospect School is shon-n ivith Mrs. Carolyn Deese, teacher. Recieves National Awards Lumberton, NC,- The Robeson County Association of Life Underwriters recently held their annual award banquet at the Outwcst Steak House. The National Sales Achievement Award which was created in 1966 and recognizes an agent's ability in client building and representation was presented to Curtis H. Allen Jr., LUTCF, I year, Jerry Lynn Stephens, LUTCF 3 years, Leroy l.ocklcar, 9 years, William W. Britt Sr., LUTCF 11 Years, and Milton Gene Hall, CLU, CHFC 29 years. The National Multiline Sales Achievement Award which recognizes an agent's ability to provide clients with a wide range of insurance products from property/casualty to life and health insurance was presented to Jo1 scph Matthew Adams I Year. The National Quality Award which was created in 1944 and recognizes an agent ability to provide long-standing insurance products and service to clients was presented to Joseph J. White Jr., 9 Years and to Milton Ciene Hall, 22 Years. The Educational Achievement LUTCF designees were Daniel E. Cook and Kenneth M. Spencer. Mary Dawn Bass of Port-A-Medic was the guest speaker delivering a message on "Time Management". The Robeson County Association of Life Underwriters was fouhded in 1959 and has 61 members. It's mission is to enhance professional skill and ethical conduct of those providing life and health insurance and related financial products and services. RuthLocklear Revels, Executive Director of GNAA honored by Board and Staff as she nears retirement Mrs. Ruth Locklcar Revels has served as Executive Director for the Guilford Native American Association for twenty years. Recently she announced her plans to retire. The Board of Directors and the Staff of GNAA dedicated the 21st Annual Native American Pow Wow to her. The dedication was made to recognize her efforts and endless dedication to I ndian people throughout North Carolina and bocausc she is an outstanding role model for Indian youth. She will retired in June. 1998. The dedication read as follows: Guilford Native American Association's Twenty -First Pow Wow and Celebration w as dedicated to Ms. Revelsfor her work in Guilford County, in North Carolina and across the United States. This Celebration fits hc^philosophy and her beliefs. For more than twenty years. Ruth has sought out ways to make life more pleasant for others especially the elders and the children She worked tirelessly and stood fast for principle. D 1. _ It is toward this ideals that she has modeled her life. And this in time has given her heart to others. It is a legacy that she is passing on to the leaders of this community Her vision and leadership has been crucial to our mission. Her vision must continually guide efforts. As we take the torch " Passing on our Ancestral WaysToOurChildrcn. we will pass it on to others, always remembering Ms. Revels' commitment to "Our Future: Our Future". Shewasbornin 1936. in Pembroke North Carolina on her Grandfather's tobacco farm. Her home was next to her grandparent's home. She spent most of her time listening to her Grandmother's stories. It was during these times spent with her Grandmother that her gift for passionate story telling and w riting w as nurtured. Ms. Revels has used these gifts to seek justice for Indian people. She realizes the power of words and stories, and the iowcr of transformation. She has helped to w rite a new story for the children be establishing a day care at the Center and providing opportunities for them to establishing a firm identify through music and dance. as well as visual arts. There arc other stories thai support Indian pride and identity as well as economic development: GuilfordNalivc Industries. House of Kcyauwcc. Southern Native American Furniture Accessories and the Guilford Native American Art Gallery. These progra ms w ere fou nded under her able and committed directions and leadership A driving force in the larger community of Guilford County. Ms. Revels has often provided an Indian presence in the arts, humans services in ii A t eluding health care the education, civic and faith communities, economic dcvelopmentand just any place she could influence the thinking of the leadership to include the needs and concerns of Indian families. The importance of the larger community understanding, respecting and responding appropriately to the cultural and phy sical needs of the children and their families had been a major focus of her work. Her formal education includes a B.A. Degree in English Education from Pembroke State University She taught English for sixteen years before serving as the executive director of Guilford Native American Association. The words of a former student. Mayor Pat McCrory. mayor of the city of Charlotte, sums up Ms. Revels' impact on the lives of youth. " Ms. Rcvcls's impact on the lives of youth. " Ms. Revels made a mark on my life as my drama teacher that has had a positive influence on all that I do" Ms. Revels' achiev ements and rewards arc measured in the sounds of happiness in the day care center, the number of Indian graduates from Guilford County Schools, the pride of the faces of elders as they participate in the activities at the Center, the improved economic status of families, the spirituality and faith of Indian people in the Triad Native American United Methodist Church and her involvement in defining what it means to be Indian in today 's world. Ms. Revels is married to W. Lonnic Revels, Sr. and is the mother of two adult children. Bill and Jennifer. She has four grandchildren. Harrison and Corbin Revels and Courtney and Rcid Baxter. Her daughter-in-law is Kelly WW W Revels and her son-in-law is Scott Baxter A wife mother, grandmother .mother-in-law, she now longs for more time to enjoy being "these" than anything else This Celebration was not just memories of the past, but hope and confidence for the future. What happens to the children is what we do with the legacy that Ms. Revels has given us- an unselfish virtue of service and many hours of work throughout the day and many nights! by Rose Revels Windfree Mvtmcmoeringine /uuauin Lamp by Ronald Lowery Virginia Beach, VA I have held on lo some or (he memorabilia, which was nccessar) to sustain a livelihood and some quality of life in rural Robeson County before and during World War II. I have the iron kettlewhich was part of our hot water heating system, the milk churn which converted raw milk into butter and buttermilk, and the 2-man crosscut saw which converted trees into wood for the heating and cooking sy stems. When visited other siblings I have seen other memorabilia display in their homes, which was used on the family farm. Brother Marvin has the family Bible and sausage mill. Brother Curliss has the fertilizer distributor, and Brother Tolbcrt has the black trunk and mantel clock We all have memories associated with these keepsakes. My memory goes back to the beginning of the 19.10's. a period in our country's history which was later designated as" The Great Depression of the 30's". Nobody in our family lost any money or jobs due to the financial breakdown in the economy. We had no money to invest and our jobs due to the remained available as the result of being in the family farming business. Having noclcctricity our lighting sy stem was dependent on kerosene plus the light we received from a wood burning fireplace during the cold months of the year. 1 began public school in the fall of 1932 and we advanced from the'kerosene wicktypc to the aladdin lamp, another one of my keepsakes. This lighting system was a much improved one and beneficial to preserv ing the ey e sights of 3 of the children who were attending the public school system in Robeson county. - -- ?? .? 3r 1 hav e retained possession of this aladdin lamp, which ceased producing our light shortly after World War ii ended and when wc got electricity.; It is an aladdin lamp colonial mantle lamp having a distinctive hand blown amber glass lamp base. Wc did not use the lamp shade, because the uncovered lamp chimney would emit more light into a room front the lox-on mantle. The lamp generated lots or heat, which was welcome during the cold months Wc kept some distance from our source of light during the summer months. Wc only had one lamp, and it usually sat in the ccntcrof the dining room table, which served as our stud} area after the food and related equipment were moved into the kitchen. Our aladdin lamp was a very energy cfTicicnt operation, and was designed to burn SO hours on one gallon of kerosene. One gallon of kerosene would run our lighting system for 12 days to 2 weeks, and we bought kerosene in a one gallon can when needed The first errand I was entrusted to do was walking the approximately one mile up the railroad track Pembroke to buy kerosene from The Pate Supply Company's store. I have used a large home-grown tyish potato pushed down on the spout of the kerosene can to prevent any sloshing on the return trip. During the 1930's The Pates Supply Company would allow us to use the barter sy stem of exchange. We w ould exchange eggs and chicken for merchandise, and I have bartered a basketful of eggs for one gallon of kerosene, matches, cheese and bologna. Brother Murril and his wife Jean left their home in Indiana to spend some 12 days on the coast of North Carolina after Labor Day. They spent some time in Virginia Beach and vis-. iled with us. Since he is 2 years. 9 months. 2 weeks, and 5 day older than me. I interrogated him about the early lighting system while growing up in Robeson County He wasn't sure of the year w c advanced from the w ick-kerosene type lamp to. the aladdin lamp He did remember doing his homeworkaround the dining room table by the light from the aladdin lamp while attending Pembroke Graded School A common occurrence we booth remembered was when the wick was turned up loo high, the mantle became blackened portion. I have heard that another way to correct this problem is to sprinkle a little salt down the chimney and the mantle cleans itself The aladdin lamp is still operational, and a good stand-by to use when coastal storms knock out ourelcctrical pow er Learn To Tutor Adults To Read The Robeson County Church and Community Center is offering (at no charge) a 4 day workshop to tram and certify Laubach Literacy VolunteerTutors to teach adults to read. The workshops will be held on January 20, 22, 27, and 29,1998 from 6-9 PM. All four sessions are needed for the certification. The workshops will be given by Literacy Council of the Robeson County Church and Community Center. For more information or to register call 738-5204 weekdays between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. "No Room At The Inn " to be presented PcmbrokeFirst BaptistChurch will be presenting the Christmas play, "no Room At The Inn" on Sunday. December 21 at 6:00 P.M.. The pastor. Rev. Kent Chavis, and the congregation extend a cordial invitation to the public to attend. Pembroke Fire Dept. to host fund raising event The Pembroke City Fire Department is having a special fund drive for the next several weeks in cooperation with Community Support Services. Families will be contacted b\ phone and asked to make a pledge. Each family that pledges receives a beautiful 10x13 Canvas Mount Portrait. complimcnlsofthcFirc Department. Procccdsarcbcinguscdtooquip a first response vehicle. For any additional information call 1-800-2532638. Thc\ appreciate vour past support and look forward to .your help this year Free Poetry Contest If you have written a poem, listen up. The New York Poetry Alliance is sponsoring a free poetry contest, open to everyone. There are 28 prizes in all, with a S 1,000.00 cash pnze going to the winner. "We award $25,000.00 in prizes annually,"'says Contest Director Dr. John Cusack. "This is our most exciting contest to date. We expect our contest to effect exciting discoveries." A winner's list will be sent to all entrants. The deadline for entering is December 30, 1997. To enter, send poem with 21 lines or less to: New York Foetry Alliance Box ISSS New York, NY 10116-1588. Brother Curliss Lowerv is shmvn behind the Fertilizer Distributor in front of his home in Georgia shortly btforb leaving to hand over his youngest son in marriage tvearing his tuxedo. Gospel film available for local churches The film "The Shroud" is available to be shown at your church by request Also .available on the 16mm film is "Daniel in the Lion's Den." For further information call 5218928 /" \ Santa Claus is Coming! Santa Claus will be at lite Pembroke Public Library on December 17, 1997 from 4 to 5 15 pm y Stories and treat for all! j Ronald I. oh fry is shown listening to somefeatures Iteing pointed out By his brother Murrill concerning the Aladdin Lamb. Say Vou Read It In The Carolina Indian Voiee. To Subscribe Call 521-2826.

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