ThusSaith God by Pastor led Brooks, West Saddler'ee Baptist ( hurch "The World of Jesus In Which He Entered." "And the leper in w horn the plaque, in his eloihes shall be (torn) and his head bare and he shall put a cover upon his upper hp and he shall eryunelean. unclean. All the days wherein the plague shall be in him. he shall de defiled, he is unclean and he shall dwell alone outside the camp shall his habitation be " Leviticus 13 45-46 "Atid there came a leper to him blessing him. and kneeling down to him. and saying unto him. lfthouwilt. thou canst make mc whole" Mark 1 40-41 "And Jesus moved with compassion put forth his hand and touched him. and said unto him. I will be thou clean " Lepers were unwanted people Tlicy were their own neighbor When entering into town they would cover their faces, crying uncican. unclean Loneliness, mv friend, can often be more than one can bare To be left alone with a phone that never rings and a door knob which never turns, mail boves and yet no mail, a tabic which once occupied a large family and one .day you are your own com-, pany. Ask any mother or dad who once had the pleasure of the company of his family now they arc left alone L.Cj>crs were left alone What food they got was thrown to them No one took tunc to speak to llicni When entering a town you could hear them crying unclean, uncican. his or her head was bare and yet their face and lips were covered With them was putrid odor, along with cars and nose and face of decay ing a breaking dow n of mankind ?' Lepers did not enjoy being plagued with this sin Also in the world Jesus entered was always on the verge of economic disaster Therefore, many i : of them went to bed ;i mglu not know ing whether I lies would eat on the morrow, for them the prayer of Jesus would bevery real "Give us this day our daily -bread " In fact life was very difl'ieult. the> had and lived a marginal ty peofliv ing which means that poverty was never far away A severe illness or a season of drought could rcsAill in economic ruin The people in Jesus world in which he entered were heavily taxed, pay ing tithes on their crops and making countless offerings such as first born children, animals, the poor, the temple, synagogues. priests and rabbis. also poll tax. salt tax. crown tax. bride and bridegroom, land tax. cattle tax You can see. my friend, as modern communists have demonstrated anew, poverty and economic unrest and breeding grown for revolutionary change, such as the world Jesus entered In fact. Matthew 4:15 said, "by (he wax of the sea beyond Jordan, galilcc of the n_ation " The people who sat in darkness saw great light, a and to them w ho sat in the region and shadow of death, light is springing up This was the world Jesus entered John, the Baptist! declared; is this him or do we look for another'' Jesus loved everybody He went about doing good He was not a provincialism. He was truly I lis brother's keeper. He taught as lie healed, healed as lie taught He prayed all the time, suffering ceaselessly in his wearied body He never left off fighting ev il He fought evil and taught us that our mortal bodies are of little importance compared to our immortal souls. Yes his lov e never failed to Icap out in our defense of our suffering bodies Verily, verily, lie would cry. I say unto >ou believe He wouldonK heal where there was faith or belief in His power 1 n Jesus world in w hich he entered wherever He went, the sick and the dying were everywhere He was pressed upon by the siek. the ntndutid the dying Nou and I my friend live in a world of hospitals, ambulance serucc. urgent care well trained doetors. it is hard for us to imagine how the sick was. where theyhad none of these things Here in Robeson Counts we do not sec the crippled, blind beggars King in dark cor-ncrs. covered with sores, dirty ragged, sobbing and cry nig Here in iliese United Slates the dy tug and starv anon, the ill. the mad care hid away in sanaloriums The sights and siucll was real in Palestine and Jesus was pressed niglu and day Think of it. inv friend. Matthew said they sat in darkness and rain and shadow of death They laid in the street No drug stores on cv crv corner nothing for pain Thconly portion for tlic women who were of large discharge ofblood from hemorrhage were told to straddle a ditch and to burn fresh grape vines Bro. Paul cried out. "O wretched man that I am. who shall deliver me from this bodv of death?" Romans 7.24 Brother Paul was looking for an open window through which a soul may find liberation from the confinement of those things which bind and to expand a bit to meet the everexpanding love ^f God David in Psalnts declared the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. Mallhcw'sbook savs that Jesus declared. "Our father, which arc in heaven." ' Now look at the leper siltingbv the wayside He had for years been an outcast. No one spoke to him. or came near him. except others like him. His face. eyes. cars. feet, hands. wercea|cn aw ay by the disease. He slept w here he could in rocks and stony places You must remember he had been shul up and deelared a leper His eloihcs had been burned, his home was destroyed Oli. ni> friend, sin will cause >ou lo lose all the things sou lo\ed Now he is sitting by the was side begging He was in pain and going bind He was slowly getting svorsc Then one das he heard about Jesus who ssas going about healing lire sick 111 si bv I using hands 011 them I le probably consideredhimsclftoo repulsive. Jesus would ncscrheal him But the leper cried out "If thou ss ill. thou canst make inc clean " Mark I 4() I he leper stretched his muscles It is not the muscle that are seen that are so important as the muscle that arc unseen We arc talking about the muscle under the rib. that muscle that Israel said "Hear, the Lord our God is a One Lord, and thou shall lose the Lord tin God ssithall thine heart and with all ths might " Dcut 6:4-5. You sec. \ou mujl take and stretch the mind to lake in all of God He is and there is no one else beside Hun This kind of mind is out of sight, the mind that is under the rib Jesus, my friend, had a power of overcoming trouble A power of triumphing over the Prince of (his world, which was unique 111 the history of mankind "Verily. verily. I say unto >011 " Jesus stretched his mind He that believed on me. the works I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I go to my father Jesus, my friend, looked at reality through thclensofdiv incimagination Troublevanishedaround him Obstacles fell away. The lost became found The sick became well. Sinners became redeemed And rough places became smooth Moreover, he promised those who followed him and used the way he used should have similar dominion overall thingson earth. My friend, this art of healing has been lost our churches today. Our imagination of the promise of the things of God has grown weak beneath our rib. Wccan'tsa> vvcloveGodalloui heart Jesus loved his father \\ nh all his heart, soul an mind Notice w ilh me in Mark's gospel inClutpter 5 verses IX42 every time Jesus converted a lael into renins the people exclaimed that a miracle had been wrought Bear in mind vvt do not imply Jesus disregarded or ov crloohed the facts ofhfc But he looked at them so much more steadily. understanding the needs of mankind Notieewhcuhecainotolhis house and he saw the trcalinenl ol those who wept and wailed great I) Verse 4X He asked why all the crying'* "The child is not dead " You see. he looked stcadilv at the dead girl until He could utter with absolute conviction based upon perfectly clear understanding these startling words "The maid is noi dead, but sleepelh " Verse J9 Jesus, m friend, was one above all olherswho never let Ins lips say what his mind and head did not authori/c Out of the abundance of the heart (he mouth speaketh So the leper stretching the muscle of his mind saw the crowd coining his wax Possibly he asked someone what was happening his JcsusofNa/arcth. He is coming and he is preaching and healing in the hills of Judca Oh. my friend, it is always a glad day when Jesus comes to town and walks the aisles of our churches. 1 imagine the leper drew back into the rocks. He did not want to be ridiculed or have rocks thrown at him or be told to get out of the way. When the crowd god close, he saw the face of the young man. unconsciously. he moved and crawled Out from those rocks. The eyes of Jesus compelled him to get up. Pulling his sore feet, scarcely carrying him. leaving his crutches, lying against the walks, he staggered to his feet in all of Jus fillhincss and wretchedness. HE fell at the feel of Jesus for pit and for power. V. From beneath that spiritual muscle, lie cried out. "Lord, help thou inc. If thou wilt, thou canst make mc whole " Jesus moved with compassion, put lor I li Ins hand. i he leper leli ihe touch of Jesus No one luid louehed Iuiii Ivl'ore >el Jesus l;nd his hand upon Iuiii and said. "Be lliou elean " Do sou need a touch Let ine ask sou ai|iicstion How issour thinking' Jesus said for us to think on honest tilings things which are just and pure, things which are losels il there be au>. please think on tliec things I'lulippians 4 S W hat about son sinner man'' Ale voiu tired of sinning'' Stretch sour imagination ofsour iiiind. reachdown and ers out "l ord if thou will thou canst make me wliole " To Subscribe To The Carolina Indian Voice Call (910) 521-2826. Our Cardiac Team Never Misses A Beat From Start To Finish, You Can Count On FirstHealth For The Highest Quality Cardiac Care Available Today If you ever need care for a heart problem ? no matter how serious ? it's reassuring to know that the most comprehensive center for advanced cardiac services in the Mid-Carolinas is also the closest and most convenient.'["hat's especially important in a crisis, when preserving health and lifestyle can depend on fast, expert intervention. 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NC Cunday School Lesson by Jowv R. Brayboy Salem Missionary Baptist Church God'i Great Gift (Matthew 2: i-12) I. Wise Men (2:1-2) II. Troubled Man (2:3-6) III. Deceptive Plan (2:7-8) IV. Joyful Worship (2:9-12) L Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-2) The wise men came from the Ea=st- > looking for Jesus. Bible scholarssay that these wise men were probably astrologers; and jtharihey. lived in Persia (present day Iran). They '"Saw the star in the East and came to worship Jesus. They must have had some knowledge about Bible prophecy because they recognized the star as that of Jesus. Apparently they were looking for the Messiah that the prophets had foretold. They came to seek out the one who was bom King of the Jews. .Troubled Man Herod was King of Israel at the time of Jesus' birth. When the wise men asked about where the King of the Jews was, the news got to Herod and he got very upset Herod was disturbed mainly because he was . f.insOOure. He-loved being King and J} aid not want to give up his throne. When he heard the wise men asking about the King of the Jews, he thought Jesus was coming to take his throne. Herod was like many pepple today, they love their social standing, wealth, etc. more than having the peace that Jesus can give. In other words, Jesus is a threat to their life, as they see it In Herod's anxiety he called for the Scribes and Chief Priests to find out where Jesus would be bom. It is like the natural man when he gets disturbed about something, he asks advice from a man of God to get an answer to his problem Sometimes the answer is not what they want to hear, but it may also soothe things over for a while. The Chief Priests and Scribes told Herod what he wanted to know. Sometimes lost . people know what they need to do1 when under conviction, but they want to work it out syrne other way: Herod found out that Jesus was to be bom in Bethlehem of Juidea, the first of the princes. 1IL Deceptive Plan (2:7-9)Herod sent for the wise men and asked them when they saw the star After talking to them, he told them to find Jesus and come back to let him know where he was. Herod told them that he wanted to go and worship him. Of course, Herod's plan was to find Jesus and kill him. Many people today would like to rid the world of Jesus because like Herod he is a threat to their life style. Sometimes like Herod they use deception in the name of religion to try to thwart the gospel of Jesus Christ They cannot see that Christ offers them dtemal life and peace that passes all understanding IV. Joyful Noise (2:9-12) The star led the wise men to the house were Jesus was. They rejoiced at seeing the star. The star stopped over the house where Jesus was and they went in to worship him. They had brought gifts of myrTh, gold and frankincense. The myrTh was symbolic of the death of Christ because it was used in the preparation of deceased bodies. The gold was a symbol of the purity of the Son of God. The frankincense was symbolic of Jesus' authority, after worshipping Jesus, the wise men left, but God warned them in a dream to go home another direction. God let them know of Herod's deceptive plan to kill Jesus. Many times we are faced with people who try to deceive us, bujjfwe listen to the Lord, He will reveal it to us When we are in God's will, we will be able to see deception of others. The day that we live in we definitely need the wisdom of God more than ever to know when people are being deceitful or are for real. In today's world, people will use other people in the name of Jesus and think nothing of it. If you have not found the Lord's will for your hfe, first of all God's will foryour life is to save you for Christ's sake. If you don't know Jesus as personal savior, why don't you accept God's greatest gift to the world right now and find out the real meaning of Christmas God bless you until next week AUTO ACCIDENTS WRONGFUL DEATH PERSONAL INJURY DWI & TRAFFIC OFFENSES Of All Kinds Free Initial Consultation Call 24 Hours A Day 7 Days a Week RONNIE SUTTON Attorney At Law "PROTECTING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS" i-.--' , (910) 521-4797 . . 208 Union Chapel Road

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