TV Stations Mum On Princess Diana Book Rev. Edmond Locklear. Jr. of Pembroke (NC) wants a guest appearance on TV stations in Wilmington, Raleigh and Charlotte. He wants to talk about his new book: How God Sees Princess Diana. No reply from the stations. "1 can't understand it." says Locklear. "Letters were sent to station program directors on December 1st. We asked for a list of programs so arrangements could be made with producers for December 15 in Wilmington. December 17 in Raleigh and December 19 in Charlotte. Now it's midJanuary. 1998. There's been no reply. no invitations." When then Lady Diana was maiTiedon July 29.1981. Locklear was'moved to speak a Prophecy in two parts. He published the Prophecy in another book in 1984 One pari of the Prophecy saying Diana would not celebrate her tilth wedding anniversary was lullillcd on July 29. 1986. when the marriage was so stressed she and Prince Charles let the 5th anniversary pass. Now. the second part of the Prophecy may take Prince William, says Locklear. He wants to talk about the Prophecy on the TV stations. Also, says Locklear. he wants to letl parents they can use How God Sits Princess Diana to reach tircir teenagers with Christian morals. Besides presenting the real Diana, the book has a game built around w^rds dear to Diana, info boxes giving Q&A on God's laws on marriage, adultery and general relationships, all topics which so rujed Diana's life, and clip art of women and flowers for remembrance. The book, the only one written from a Christian point-ofview, details what Diana's life may have been had she lived a Christian life. lh that way," says Locklear, "my book gives a strong message to young people. If they live in sin they may well die the same way and may die before they expect to;" He cites Ephcsians 6:12 and I Peter 5:8 as verses every young person should know ? Locklear says: "Few teenagers will listen when parents talk about right and wrong. But, my book is SO'attractive, they will read it and play the word game and they will leiirn Christian morals. It's like mpdicine slipped into a soda. In each book, we put an insert of a free article for parents and grandparents. The article is titled: 'How To .Reach Your Teenager With A Princess Diana Bo'okL" He wants so much to let parents iniand around.Wilmingtoru_RaIcjtgh and Charlotte know the book is available. "We need to do everything possible to turn our young people from WrongScx "(fornication, adultery, gay sex), alcohol, drugs, and so on. My bQdk shows how young people can get into strange circumstances and lose their lives as Diana lost hers if they are involved in WrongSex. Other Diana books and the supermarket tabs have presented a hyped up, saint-tified Princess Diana. Locklear saysit's important young people see the rcfal Diana and see how her lifestyle may well have contributed to her own fatal accident. The Diana saga is not over, according to Locklear. She was a thorn in the side of the royal family as he tells on page 28 of How God Sees Princess Diana. Now. the saga is not over. The royal fcfrnily must deal with the second p&rt of the Prophecy. If the first pari fulfilled, whv noi uie second part reasons Locklcar Locklear hopes many God-tearing people will read his hook because of the Prophecy. At her wedding on July 29. I9fcl. Diana had the part requiring her to promise to obey her husband removed Locklear says that was wron" He stands by his belief God gave him a Prophecy. He thinks the Prophecy was not only for Diana, but for all men and women and their relationships. The Prophecy should tell ever\ person God is standing by Hi's word Those people who do not obey His Word will suffer. My heart rejoices. God has spoken in our modern times. He is not dead. I hope Christians will read mv book and have jheir faith lifted and their witnessing dramati/cd God is real. Those people who don't believe He speaks toda\ should beware." Locklcar goes on to say wondrous things can happen when people believe. He says he lays on hands and prays bclorc a book is sent out. He believes Go chap at wduM lvd??cr*4 ?cc?u chjncrs rjj itfj W kq tfurfH im fcrvt arttj hi. ut#j urtd t %t kefwt iwhtM f*r9i tni endv t f? Kmc !C fbr rt Udwnted Pjn pnanj j?a an* aan9) tni ar lar compitU 4