Thus Saith God's Word by Rev. Ted Brooks. Pastor of H'esl Saddletree Baptist Church " The Lost Art" Part III (( ontinuation) What has gone wrong for us to have lost the art of healing in the church? Tradition has replaced the truth. V ou are told not to judge, leave it alone; but Christ declared you would know a tree by the fruit it bears. Jesus warned the church not to have company with fornicators ( I Corn. 5:9). Yet. they are the ones most often in front attempting to lead the Church God told Moses. " if ypiL-Comf near any of these folksTdoifT distress or meddle with them. tionTTake hand in their affairs. Don't be rude, just leave them alone." (Duet. 2:19) Wh>? These are reckless people moving about worshipping false Gods. These kind of people will destroy their own families. Lost from the church is the Pastor's wife. If your preacher's wife was to attend church on Wednesday night, it would shock the congregation because of her absence from the church. She is to adorn herself, being in subjection unto her own husband. When Abraham spoke Sarah replied " Yes. Lord". Every time a minister goes through the doors of the church his w ife should be by his side. Why? No matter how sincere he may I pray, if a pastor and his wife are not in harmony God will not hear his prayers. (I Peter*3:7) Another reason Healing has became a lost art is when a minister commits adultery. Instead of doing what God says do, tradition is to just move him up the street to bring shame on another church as if nothing has happened. Let me close now by saying that ^traiuioa has-robbed us of the great pleasures of God. Brother Peter said that when judgement comes it will begin w ith us; and what shall the end be to them that obey not gospel of God (I Peter 4:17) The world nor the unsaved cannot obey the word of God? You must be saved. God isspeakingto you and me. What will it be like to hear the voice declare," I never knew you." ( Matthew 7:33) Think about it for a moment... Is it worth it, being faithful to a tradition that robs usofthe blessed healing of God? That blessed peace for our souls which none of is can afford to lose? When life is over and we stand at the bar of judgement with a doctrine of man only to be told "I don't know you." Think about it. God made a promise to the church..." if you fail me (God) and allow my church to become defiled with sin, then my judgement will begin at the house ofGod." Brothers and Sisters, you are the people of God, the body of Christ, refuse to allow your church to become worldly. If your pastor can't line up with the word ofGod, get him out. Tell him that you refuse to ransom the blood of your family to tradition. Don't allow your pastor to side-track you preaching on "Take back America!" It is the church which we need to take back! It is the church which needs tc be cleaned up. . .the leadership of it. The church was purchased by the blood of Jesus. Oh. stand up. Church! You can do it! The worldly minded folk will wonder why you arc doing it and why you don't run with the.. (I Peter 4:4) Well, now 1 pray you see how and why the church has lost the art of healing, "SIN." Wealsoknowhow we can once again blaze the path ofChrist across these lands. "Get back tot he word of God!" Say You Read It In The Carolina Indian Voice. To Subscribe Call 521-2826 . \ (Pediatric Pointers Bv Joseph T Bell Pediatrician One of the more common illnesses I see in clinic is diarrhea The most common cause of diarrhea is a viral infection of the intestines. The symptoms of diarrhea usually last about 3 days, but may last up to 7 days. The frequent diaper changes can be a hassle, but most cases of diarrhea are uncomplicated and do not cause a threat to the health of the child. If lots of fluids are lost during a bad diarrhea attack, however, a child may ruivHhe risk of dehydration. Dehydration can have serious medical consequences, but it is relatively easy to prevent by making sure that the child drinks enough of the right kinds of liquids. Ill A good choice of fluids for infants with diarrhea include the oral rehydration solutions, such as Pedialyte of Infalyte. These have a combination of salt, sugar and w ater to replace that which is lost iti the bowel movements. These solutions w ill work much better than plain w ater, or fluids that .have a lot of sugar in them, such as soft drinks or juices. Lots of sugar tends to make diarrhea worse. If you use these liquids. make sure they are diluted with water. Children w ith diarrhea need about twice as much to drink as they, normally need. For instance, a one year old with diarrhea should drink about 6 to 8 ounces every 2 hours. Il is good to not allow a child to stay on an oral hydration solution only for more than 24 hours. It is important that your child returns to a regular diet as soon as possible. Although your child may not be interested in solid foods during the first 24 hours of their illness, il is important to begin feeding again as soon as possible especially after 12 hours without food or formula. At that point, continue with breast-feeding or the same formula the baby is on. If the child is eating solids, try bland foods such as noodles, crackers, oatmeal, rice, vegetables, bananas or yogurt. Avoid fried, fatty foods or foods with j a lot of sugar, such as ice cream or | sweet cereals. Well, that's all on diarrhea. Take j care and we'll talk again next week! ' If \ |^?Office: ( 7 1 , 2300 North Pine Street 7/OSDICP Lumberton, NC 28358 /; [910] 738-1905 ; Of Meeting Place: CTP) i Health Horizons Building JXOOQSOn 2002 N Cedar St Lumberton. NC 28358 VOLUNTEER TRAINING COURSE ORIENTATION: February 23, 1998, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. (Attendance required for those interested in becoming Hospice of Robeson Volunteers.) i - TRAINING COURSE: March 3. 1998 - April 21, 1998 i Tuesdays, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. (Meets once a week for 8 weeks) ..." . ' ...'';" ... If you are interested in learning more about Hospice of Robeson and becoming a ! _ volunteer, please clip and mail this form to the Hospice office. I REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Name /- ' v DOB: . . .' ! . Address : V. f ;v ' , . --v. ! Phone: (Home)_ (Work) Please check one: I plan to attend Orientation on February 23, 1998 to learn more about Hospice of Robeson and the volunteer opportunities. I am undecided about being a volunteer i i; v?; ! :' " " ; \ ! .' : * ? ' . "*>' . * ' " > I am interested in becoming a Hospice of Robeson Volunteer and will attend Orientation on February 23 Comments " | Date . . Signature L _ {injured At Not Fault Of Your Own I Immediate Help Is Available :| Your Winning Team Locklear, Jacobs & Hunt I is Only a Phone Call Away! I 203 South Vance Street-Pembroke, NC i I 521-3413 \ to The Carolina Indian Voice on your Silver Anniversary 1?M?!P The University of North Carolina at Pembroke I V . Congratulations to the Carolina Indian Voice on 25 years of continuous publication. We appreciate your service to Robeson County. GLENN MAYNOR, Sheriff of Robeson County % f Announcing Pembroke Pediatrics Joseph T. Bell, M.D., FAAP Debra Baker Beasley, FNP . Providing Preventive And Acute Medical Care For Infants. Children And Adolesccnts-A Full Spectrum Of Outpatient And Inpatient Care. After Hours Services And Pediatric Sub-Speciality Services Located At The Corner Of 3rd And Odum Streets (Former Location Of Sheffs Seafood Restaurant) Pembroke, JVC NOW OPEN Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 PM I by Appointments Accepting New Patients Call Now For Appointments 521-0201 Or 521-0329 v