Editorial And OpinipnEage tr?" Why not ask Fred Williams o to step down as president of Robeson Community College? This columnist is continually amazed at the racial attitudes in Robeson County as this 1 continues to monitor the on-going Robeson Community College debacle, and note, from time to time, the public relations effort directed against the college's board of trustees, the minority members in particular The Robesonian keeps up a steady tatoo of editorials lamenting the actions (sic) of the RCC trustees. The daily newspaper believes "some" of the board of trustees should resign I believe it would be far more appropriate for the president to step down than some of the trustees. After all. who's in charge here? President Hany S. Truman said it best: "the buck stops here!" when referring to a particular political firestorm erupting around his presidency. President Truman was saying, in essence. "I am in charge and I take full responsibility for what happens during my presidency." Not in Robeson County. The president of Robeson Community College is a White; many of the board of trustees, in particular, those who have raised most of the questions about Williams and RCC's.hiring practices, are minorities. Is it any surprise that the Robesonian has seldom if ever said any unkind words about the Fred Williams legacy at RCC? No. The county newspaper 's editorial fire is most of the time directed against the Indians and Blacks on the board of trustees, with specific potshots directed mainly against Johnny Hunt (Indian) and Thomas Jones (Black).It is usually RCC's board of trustees that is attacked, never the president. As 1 see it. the daily newspaper has often published racially-insensitive editorials, and news stories, on this particular subject. In most situations in America, the president, or chief executive officer, takes credit, or is blamed, for any accomplishments or shortcomings on his/her watch. Except in Robeson County! Our daily newspaper seldom attacks White office holders, and hardly ever passes up an opportunity to lambast minorities, either Indian or Black, as the situation dictates Now. Martin Lancaster, president of the state-wide community college system, has announced via the media that he is going to send an observer to future board meetings of the trustees at RCC. This columnist wishes he were on the RCC Board of Trustees at this time. If so, an EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunities Commission) complaint would be strongly considered as a legal recourse against the public lambasting of trustees, especially the minorities. Mr. Lancaster. Mr. Williams, and other deserving parties, would be recipients of at least an EEOG complaint, and a civil rights Federal lawsuit would be a possibilitiy too. 1 see real grievances here. Sadly, the trustees hav^ been editorially intimidated, and have pulled in their questioning horns about employment at RCC. As I see it, RCC trustees have been maligned generally, and some of their civil rights might very well have been violated As noted earlier, it just never stops, the Robesonian Newspaper. and now Lancaster, continue to malign people of color. This kind of boorish behavior must stop. Why not ask President Fred Williams to step down as RCC's president? And 1 believe Martin Lancaster should step down as well: he has not been conciliatory or stately at all Again, this columnist publicly calls on Lancaster, Williams, and the present board of trustees, to provide the public with the demographics showing the hiring of personnel at RCC over the last five years. The results will show, as 1 see it, a woeful employment record, and an inequitable distribution of the races in the employment pool at RCC, especially in the administration and faculty. If the record exposes what 1 think it will show, the questions about hiring are in order and constitutionally correct and necessary. *** Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. ?Attributed to Mark Twain \ Minnie ifffj String the Seed "And Joseph said unto his brethren. I die and God will surely visit you and bring you out of this land unto the land which he swore to give Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob." (Genesis 50:23) i "And Joseph swore an oath of the people of Israel, say ing. God will surely visit you and you shall carry up my bones from here. So Joseph died being an hundred and ten years old and they embalmed him and he was put in a coffin in Egypt." (Genesis 50:24-26) "God told Abraham, know of a surety that thy seed shall be a sojourner in a land that is not theirs and shall serve them; and they shall be afflicted four hundred years." (Genesis 15:13) The Holy Word of God has many times been tried in the fire. God said in the beginning was the word. It does not matter whether you believe that mankind dates back to the primitive ape man of 500.000 years ago or sprang up full grown from the mind of the creator. In any event, there had to be a first cause- a creator- some power had to bring to this earth a germ of life. In the beginning, this earth was just a fire mist. Six thousand or a billion years, what does it matter? What does matter is that someway, some how. life came to this planet. Life, nature, plant, animal, man. Life is here and it has always been here and it has been threatened by every kind of danger, from danger from floods, from earthquakes, from droughts, from desert heat, from glacial cold, v olcanic eruption, but each new danger was merely an incentive to finding a new resource, to putting forth life in some new shape. To escape danger in the w ater, it sought land. When pursued on land, it will take to the air. To breathe in the sea. it developed grills. Stranded on land, it perfected lungs. To meet one kind of condition (danger), it grew shells, for another a sting to protect. To protect itself from glacial cold, it grew fur. In temperate climates, hair. When subjected to alternate heat and cold, it produced feathers. But even from the beginning, it showed its power to meet every changing condition, to answer every creature's need. Oh. my friend, had it been possible to kill this Life Germ, it would have perished ages ago. when fire and flood, drought and famine followed each other in quick succession. You and I will see that obstacles, misfortunes, cataclysms, were to it merely a new opportunity to asset its power. In fact, it required obstacles to awaken it. to show its energy and resource. The great reptiles, the monsters, beasts of antiquity, passed on. But the life principle stayed, changing as each age changed, always developing, always improving." "So God said to Abraham, know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger." Jesus said. "Except the seed fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." (John 12:24) Now we see Joseph saying to his brethren, "I die and God will surely visit you and when he does, ye shall cany my bones up from here." (Genesis 50:2425) Here the people w ere given a mission and Joseph had inspired his brethren, saying "God shall surely visit you." Here they would accept a mission in life that would continue the promise of God and the promise was "I will visit you." God had said to Abraham, "Four hundred years will they be a stranger in a land that is not theirs." (Genesis 15:13) The point Joseph wanted his brothers to see was that God was going to come back for him. God would send someone to bring out his people form bondage and when he did, Joseph said, "Remember me." Joseph knew if he did not motivate his people with a vision, it would be unlikely that they would develop a useful ministry. Can you imagine for over four hundred years, someone or somebody was in charge of a dead corpse? They must have made daily checks to that tomb. checking on Joseph's body. "Now during this time, while the people were in Egypt, there arose a new king who knew not Joseph and the people began to be more in number and they were afflicted with burdens, their hands were put to the boiling pots, and they built cities for Pharaoh (treasure cities)." (Exodus 1:1-12) The children of Israel served with rigor, their lives were bitter with hard bondage in mortar and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field and they made them serve with rigor. And yet they had a duty for over four hundred years to keep an eye on the corpse of Joseph. And beside the labor and toil, the king of Egypt said to the midwives, when you do office of a midwife to the Hebrew women and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him. (Exodus 1:16) And every son that is bom ye shall cast into the river. (Verse 22) ' r . r You do remember our earlier statement, in the beginning God? Also Joseph dead and embalmed and the people watching this corpse. Can you imagine the folks could have said. Joseph said God would come, but it has been over four hundred years and nothing but hardship. Then the scripture said "And the woman conceived and bare a son and he was a beautiful child. She hid him." (Exodus 2:1-2) "She took for him an qrk of bulrushes, dabbed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein. Now she called his child Moses because I drew him out of the water." (Verse 10) . , Now let us move along. Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, and it was here that the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and this bush burned with fire but was not consumed. (Exodus 3:1-2) "And God called unto him out of the midst of the bush and said, Moses, Moses and he said here I am." (Verse 4) Here Moses was about to discover his mission. God said I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmaster. (Verse 7) So, God said Moses I want you to go down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up. Now if you read the story of Moses and his deliverance of God's people. Y ou will notice in Exodus 13:19 "And Moses took up the bones of Joseph with him, for he had solemnly sworn to the children of Israel saying I will visit you and ye shall carry up my bones away from here." Can you imagine watching over the bones of a corpse for oyer four hundred years? Now on the backs of a man walking into the direction of a promise that they would enter a land flowing with milk and honey. Now in this journey of the wilderness would be another forty years of murmuring and complaining, some one still in charge of Joseph's bones. Even when they encountered this land it was of giants, a people great and many, some one was there standing with the bones of Joseph. Even after the death of Moses, Joshua who took his place was going to be responsible for the bones of Joseph. When the children of God stood on the brink of Jordan and they were commissioned to stand still in Jordan, the bones of Joseph were there on the backs of the people. And the Bible tells us that the Lord of the earth passeth over before them. (Joshua 3:8-11) And the water rose up in one heap and the people passed over. (Verse 16) when the people compassed the city with the men of war, Joseph's bones were there. When they were to go around the city once and when the trumpets were blown, Joseph's bones were there. When the people marched and shouted, 1 believe Joseph's bones were in the midst. When the wall fell down, his bones were there. When you finally come to Chapter Twenty-four of Joshua, Verse 32 "And the bones of Joseph which the children of Israel brought up out of Egypt, were buried in Shechem in a plot of ground with Jacob, bought from the son of Hamor. And it became the inheritance of the children of Joseph. Let me ask you the question: have you discovered your mission? My friend, the world's greatest discovery is not your radio, television, airplane, hydrogen bomb. It is not the atomic energy. The greatest discovery is the life. You have a mission. You may not discover it yet, but you do have a mission. Have vou ever asked the question. If this soul is akin to God, why has it been placed in the body? If heaven is our home, whv are we here? In other words, w hat is the purpose of human life? My friend, we have been placed on this earth in order to enable ourselves bv seeking after goodness, to subject our vv ill to the w ill of God. to do that which is w ise and good This, mv friend, is our life's great business. All other aims however worthy are subsidiary. If they do not promote it. they are worthless. We saw that the people of God' were in co-partnership with God in his creative work which is our privilege of our soul. Ifyou want to know what your mission is. it is submission, a merging of self in the universal scheme. This is our supreme duty. This is life. When we fail to submit to God we cease to be man Duty and faith is our obligation Yet we are free agents. That is we can obey it if we choose. You and I are never forced to do w rong Our moral destinies are in our hands. "Choose death or choose life. See. I have set before thee this day life and good and death and evil. Choose then life." The people of Egypt could have counted Joseph as foolish, accusing him of not know ing what he was saying. The people had freedom of will and could have left him in Egy pt, but without Joseph there would be no freedom. Human freedom is not absolute. It is limited. We are free agents in so far as our choice between good and evil is un-fettered. but the condition in which the choice is exercised is dependent of ourselves. Whether you are aware of it or not. heredity is real. How you and I live before our families is extremely important. Our sins are passed upon our children to the third and fourth generation. Have you discovered your mission? Let me help to inspire you to carry on the mission for Christ, As Joseph was a corpse to the backs of the people, so is the cross to the backs of believers. First let me ask you this question: are you saved? Have you met Christ yonder at the foot of the cross? Ifyou have, then you have salvation. You have been delivered from your sins. Now. listen carefully, here is the real test. Ifyou believe in the divine Lord, then you have a duty. You must show reverence to him. His will becomes your will. You have an impulse of an obligation toward him. You and I feel we owe him certain duties, reverence to God. You see it is impossible to believe in a divine being w ithout feeling a sense of obligation. When you discover your mission, there is what is called a disciplines test. One man said to Christ, "Lord. I will follow thee wherever thou goest. Jesus replied foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the son of man hath not where to lay his head. And he said unto another, follow me, but he said Lord permit me to go first and bury my father. And Jesus said let the dead bury the dead, but go thou and preach the kingdom of God. And another said. Lord. I will follow thee, but let me first go bid them farewell who are at home. Jesus said unto him, no man having put his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God." (St. Luke 9:57-62) Several years ago I was in a meeting and there was this young man there and he stood up and said the Lord had called him to his ministry and he needed to start quickly. The young man was a salesman and he said "first I need to go and do something." Sad thing is he never did come back and to his day he is still out there somewhere without a mission. Jesus knew if they were to return home, they would not return and follow him. When you discover this mission, remember that you are sent. "And he sent messengers before and they went and entered into a village of the Samaritans to make ready for him. And they did not receive him because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. When James and John saw this they said Lord wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven." (St. Luke 9:54-57) When you discover your mission there will be folks who will not want to hear his word. James and John had been mistreated so awfully that they wanted to call fire upon the people. Let me close with this. Jesus is coming back. Coming back for those who are dead and alive in Christ, a seed that is going to rise at the sound of the trumpet. Death is a stalker. Its mission is to kill, but you have life. God is God. He has no opposition. The Devil wascreated. He is no opposition to God. From Adam and Eve. Cain and Abel. God has always come through. When the promise of a flood was to come, Noah without as much as a dictionary knew how to rescue his family. Yonder in the wilderness, when the water was bitter, God commanded a tree to be tossed into the water. When death of starvation came upon God's people, birds covered the air and land. When the Red Sea tunned above its bank, God rolled it back for his people to cross. When Joshua stood yonder at Jordan, the command was a tip of the toe and the waters rolled back. And God said, "On your way to the other side, set up twelve stones, telling others that you have been this way." When Jesus came out of the wilderness he cried out, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me." In other words, Jesus was saying, I am filled with God, "because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to die poor. He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and the recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty they that are bruised." (St. Luke 4:18) Jesus came and took upon his back our cross and made it his cross. You ana I did not understand sickness, broken-heartedness, blindness and how to gain our sight. But Jesus came as he promised to come. He kept his mission. 1 tell you, folks, Jesus is life. He is going to come again. If he were not to come in my life time, I am sure that he will do for me as he did for Adam and Eve's family. Some preacher will rise and preach and build up God's word and my family and your family will be saved. Why? Because we reverence him. Our impulse is to obey him and better still we have been commissioned of Christ. ?^?Bfc? TtTJ?? Little Miss Lumbee visits rest homes Little Miss Lumbee Takonna Lyn Bullard enjoyed visiting and giving Christmas cards and other presents for Christmas gifts as well as singing and dancing at the various rest homes she visited during the holidays. Some of the rest homes she visited in Robeson and surrounding counties were Highland House, the VA Hospital, Greystone Manor, Sun Bridge Care and Rehabilitation Center. Little Miss Lumbee is shown above and with some of the residents she visited. i 1 > I j 1 Tf SIrving ^oLson CcuiJu ^ L DrjLA o?risy.M CHIROPRACTIC CENTER Specializing in Auto Accident Injuries Most Insurances Accepted "APPOINTMENTS PLEASE" Free Initial Consultation oi OFFICE: 739-5751 Emergency Home Number VjDr. Woodrow W. 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