^ 11111^11111111^ ^ Mene- God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it. Tekel- Thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting. Peres- Thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians. (Daniel 5:25-28) We said last week that we would preach on "How the Church of Our Day has been built." I also have said in the past that our kind of church cannot save our kind of world and there is a strong reason for it. Some years ago it was discovered that our schools were no longer safe for our children to attend. The reason given was that certain materials were used to build our schools and they were hazardous and dangerous to one's health. So all schools have to be renovated. Recently , we have learned that water, air. soil, minerals, plants, are now being threatened by the way we have abused the above list. You and 1 know that the Creation in which we live belongs to God. God has granted us stewardship of creation and we should meet these stewardship duties through acts of loving care and respect Because there are now certain endangered plant species, there is now a cry to protect growth, forests and other irreplaceable natural treasures. So today we support measures designed to maintain and restore nature's ecosy stems. In fact, today it is almost impossible to be elected to a government office unless he or she cares about the earth and its fullness. David, the Psalmist, declared "The Lord which made heaven and earth.." (Psalms 115:15) "The earth is the Lord and all its fullness." We are told to come and behold it and to consider its heaven, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained. (Psalms 8:3) God knew that his earth must remain healthy if his people were to live and all his animals, so he made people to be stewardship over his earth. Now listen with me how Jesus felt about his church: "And I say unto you that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of "hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 6:18) Let me say this, I have no fear to write this message. I say as Paul, "Finally my brethren, rejoice in the Lord, to write the same things to'you. to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe." (Phil. 3:1) Like Paul you need to know that everybody in the forest does not care about clean waterand clean air. There are those not concerned about dead fish in the river, nor the sea. So like the earth, there are those as Bro. Paul preached "Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. (Phil. 3:2) So Jesus said to Peter at the gates of the church there wil I be a war, to prevail against the church. You see, my friend, the church is kin to the earth, she has been told to be white, clean and to be without spot, to array herself in purity and to be ready at any moment for the return ofthe maker. "And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure."(I John 3:3) Seeingye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit unto unfeigned love ofthe brethren. (I Peter 1:2) You and I must not be afraid to speak out. telling others what God's word tel Is us. "Likewise, must the deacon be grave not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre, wives are to be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things." (I Timothy 3:3-12) A few weeks ago we preached on the thought "Somebody Needs to do Something." When 1.4 million babies are aborted every year, somebody needs to do something. When 51.7%ofchurch involved youth drink beer and 52% use marijuana and these do not differ greatly from youth who are not in church, somebody needsto do something. When 3 million alcohol related violent crimes occur each year and 3 out of 4 cases of spouse abuse are alcohol related, somebody needs to do something. When Christians are actively persecuted and discriminated against on the job, somebody needs to do something. When the churches of our nation are wel I acquainted with these issues, yet largely unwilling to address the social and moral problems of our day for fear of ridicule or rejection, somebody needs to do something. Can I tell you what is killing, murdering our young people, middle-aged people and the elderly- Bro. Paul said to "Beware of false teachers." Paul, the apostle, warned of concision. Those who are short on the saying of God's word, those who skip through the requirements of God. The church has become like the forest, water that needs to be clean, become a killer to those who drink of . it. The air of the forest is now killing all who breathe it. When the air in our church gets contaminated with deacons who are not blameless, as the steward of God and becomes self-willed and soon too angry and given to wine, 1 have become stricter and it seems money has become their, game. Friend, you have a church that is in danger of becoming a Christian species which are on the danger list. Let me say this, your gates will not prevail. It maybe hell itself, but it will not prevail. Go ahead make your selection on you belief, but somewhere God has got someone somewhere who will dare to climb those big scriptural mountains and say from the top, "For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it. For the Lord shall rise up. He shall be wrought" (Isaiah 28:2021) Brother Daniel when he saw what the King, Belshazzar had done, I like to think that Daniel would have gone and climbed on of those endangered species trees and waved his hand and said, "Hold on, Belshazzar, you have gone too far. This is one tree you will not cut down." That is what we need in our churches, somebody who is not afraid to climb. Daniel had seen that Belshazzar had made a feast to a thousand of his lords and drunk wine before them. It is said these feasts lasted six months or longer. The big mistake Belshazzar made was when he sent for the gold and silver vessels which his dad Nebuchadnezzar had taken out ofthe temple in Jerusalem. Notice with me the gates here, that he used to destroy the vessels of God. Belshazzar had princes, wives and concubines drink from these vessels . The scripture says these vessels were for the house of God, but Belshazzar did not care, "They drank wine and praised the gods of gold and silver, ofbrass, of iron, of wood and of stone.". 1 know those ball games and sports which gets more out of you than the praises of God is a gate, and they will not prevail over the voice that could have shoutedamenandglorytoGod. The folks at this feast who had praised the gods of sticks and stones, silver, gold, which were of gods you could see not, nor hear, nor know, not knowing about the God in whose hands thy breath is and whose are all thy ways hostnot glorified. (Daniel 5:23) While they sit, cheering on their team and while this impious act was being committed "In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king's palace; and the king saw the part ofthe hand that wrote." Remember what Jesus said, "The gates ofhell shall not prevail..." Belshazzar used the vessels of God. like some preachers we know of today, they use the vessels like Belshazzar who was drunk, but they suddenly became sober as they saw something that was supernatural, a handwriting on the wall, right over the golden candlestick. Possibly every face turned pale, a deathly pale. The king's countenance was changed and his thoughts troubled him so that the joint of his loins were loose and his knees smote one against another. In his haste he sent for his wisest men to come and read that handwriting on the wall. Yes, my friend, Belshazzar had made the forest ofthe people ofGod drunk. You might say he used the church to ruin the holiness of God's place like some of you today who have chosen men who are unfit to be deacons, choir leaders and singers who attempt to defile the words of God. It does not say what hour or the time of night but, on the wall appeared a hand. I have seen such persons when God shows up. The silver cord of life is weakened and their legs are weakened, like Belshazzar they send for someone to come and interpret what had gone wrong. Many were sent for but no relief. Oh, he promised whoever could help him would be third ruler in the kingdom, they would have gifts and a gold chain should be put around their neck. But all was in vain. The king was troubled. Are you troubled about teen pregnancies, alcohol, drugs? You ought to be. What about abortion? F inally, the queen came in. She told the king where one who could interpret the handwriting on the wall was. So Daniel was sent for He was familiar with it He knew his father's handwriting My dear fellows, sou can't get this gift from Duke. Wake Forest. Southeastern nor Campbell. No sir. it is a gift from God. "When he ascended up on high he led captivit> captive, and gave gifts unto men." (Ephesians 4:7-13) How sad it would have been if Daniel would have taken this salary increase, insurance package and a wonderful retirement and two months vacation. No sir. during this revival Bro Daniel had been given a message and he was to interpret it. Looking over on the wall. Daniel w itnessed a real doctrine "Mene. Mene." Looking at the king he said. "King, God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it." The only reason some of you have gotten as far as you have in disobedience to God's word is that you are smart in your earthly mind to always Find another who will sav the same things, preach what you preach, believe like you believe In other words, you took the chain and let the boat go on without rocking it. No so w ith Daniel. He said "King. Tekel-Thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting." Some of you have done well in the forest of God. You selected those dry songs, separated those which mention the blood of Christ, forced preachers to accept a doctrine which has been passed down through the ages. Solomon, upon reaching an old age said. "1 have no pleasure in them. While the sun or the light or the moon or the stars be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain In the days when the keeper of the house shall tremble, and strong men shall bow themselves and the grinder cease, because they are few and those that look out the window be darkened." (Eccl. 12:1-3) Daniel is now saying "King, it is over and you have been found wanting. God has numbered your days because what you fought over and made others to drink of your disbelief, your kingdom is now divided and given to the Medes and Persians." In other words, that which you have been having into the pulpit and put together from up the road is now divided. You see. just prior to this if some would have said to Belshazzar your time is now. you must step into the balance and be weighed. Let me ask you the question, if you were to be weighed, today, right now. would you be found wanting? David when recognizing that he was about to be weighed cried, "Save me. O God. for the waters are come in upon my soul." (Psalms 69:1) Let me close with the words "Somebody once ask the question: where is the life we have lost in living? And how far we have fallen and how we got so far behind? I have shared with you my convictions about the church. For the past twenty-five years I have seen a great change, and as we approach the end of this twentieth century and begin a new one, many lives are full ofclutter and noise. One writer said these did not come suddenly nor did it happen overnight. What has happened to the church has been clutter and noise and it seems we are unable to eradicate it and the clutter and noise has intertwined themselves around us, hugged us tightly and never let us go. Like tenacious weeds that may grow into the bark of a healthy tree and endanger it, so clutter and noise take root and grow in our lives until they sap us of our spiritual vitality. Gradual ly as we grow older we accumulate things. In this book of yearning minds and burning hearts it tells how we accumulate things. We purchase new gadgets and clothes and books and we discover that one needs a larger space to accommodate our goods. Seems all of us need larger houses just for two more cars, more everything. All it means is gates that have been said shall not prevail. Purnell Swett High News Thousands of students across Robeson County want to major in elementary or secondary education. Scholarship and programs exist to aid in the student's a education. One scholarship, the Teaching Fellows, allows students to receive their tuition, books, and board paid in full. Brandy Buckley was selected as the regional finalist for Teaching Fellows Program from Pumell Swett High School. Brandy Buckley maintains a strong 3.7 GPA and ranks tenth among 208 seniors. Brandy was the only sophomore to be named a challenge scholar. She also was selected as a junior marshal. Brandy has received numerous awards in math and science and has participated in various clubs including; FECLA, drama. SADD, Quiz Bowl. National Honor Society, and the German Club. Brandy Buckley bestows a positive attitude as a student at Purnell Swett. The faculty, staff, and the student body would like to wish her the best of luck at the final screening February 17. By: La Donna Locklear David McCallum of Purnell Swett High School, receiving a five year fully paid scholarship to attend Elon College. This year McCallum received recognition for All County and All Conference in football. McCallum recorded 88 tackles and 4 sacks on defense. McCallum is an active member in both Spanish and the AASO club. McCallum will play in an East-West All-star game in July. By: Matthew Campbell Purnell Swett High School senior, Brandy Buckley was selected as the regional finalist for the Teaching Fellows Program. Gospel Singing to be part of Indina Unity Conference March 15 Gospel Singing Highlight of North Carolina Indian Unity Conference An Old Fasjiiowefl-Inspirational Gospel Music Fest will be one of the highlights of the 26th Annual North Carolina Indian Unity Conference on Thursday evening, March 15, 2001 from 6:00- 8:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Bordeaux Convention Center, Fayetteville. Make your plans now to be a part of this spirit-filled evening of gospel singing featuring statewide and nationally-known gospel groups. Tickets will be included in the cost of registration for the Unity Conference. Individual tickets purchased in advance or at the door are only $5.00 per person. Children 12 years old and under are admitted free. The audience will enjoy the wonderful music of five groups of Gospel Singers. From Marietta, Georgia. We will rejoice with the singing of Tony Gore & Majesty ,who are nationally-known. Another nationally-known group from Robbinsonville, North Carolina is the Jody Brown Indian Family, members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee. Adding to the wonderful evening of gospel singing are three other outstanding groups from North Carolina including the Coharie River Boys, Clinton; the Sycamor e Gospel Singers, Red Springs' and Pam Southerland, Lake Waccamaw. With this lineup of talent , no one who loves gospel music will want to miss this event. The Master of Ceremony for the Gospel singing will be Greg Richardson, executive director of the N.C,. Commission of Indian Affairs and a member of the board of directors of United Tribes of North Carolina. For information about tickets, please call Gladys Hunt at (910) 483-8442 or call your local tribal organization. The Conference Pow Wow will follow the Gospel Singing on Thursday evening, March 15 from 9:00 P.M. until. There is no charge for the Pow Wow. Dancers, drums and all people from across the state and the nation are invited to attend and participate. Archie Lynch of the Haliwa Saponi Tribe, Hollister is the coordinator of the Pow Wow. OTHER MAJOR EVENTS OF THE INDIAN UNITY CONFERENCE INCLUDE: Wednesday, March 14- Indian Arts and Crafts Market Artists/Traders Reception and Special Showcase Wednesday, March 14- Miss Indian North Carolina Pageant Thursday & Friday, March 15/16Quilting Competition and Exhibition Literary Competition Non-juried Art Competition and Exhibition Friday March 16- Awards and Recognition Banquet- 6:30 P.M. followed by the Adult and Youth Dances Saturday, March 17? 8:00- 11:00 A.M. - Breakfast and General Assembly IV Poetry Reading and Art Show Location: Public Schools of Robeson County Indian Education Resource Center Date March 8, 2001 Time: 7:00 P.M. Come to experience a spiritual enlightenment through poetry and art Sponsored by: Yvonne Dial Greg Sampson Delora Cummings Emily Crain featuring creativity and design of Pumell Swett High School students 1 Special For Native Americans! I in me last tew days, 3 ladies have reordered the check register in this booklet One fromTX, TN, and MS. Their orders averaged'. $15.95. We can fill the orders for $2.94 each. Profit $13.01. Why can't Native Americans use TV maiketing to gel 100,000people using the register & bring in $1.4 million? Why can't Native Americans print chocks for those registers and bring in another $3 million? 100 to 200 people would be employed. Why can't Nati ve Americans keep this potential for themselves and develop it for their children and grandchildren? If you believe Native Americans can and should do it, and you have Indian pnoe, can ior a orocnure. yio-521-7314, or write: WFCPress, Box 3187, Pembroke, NC 28372. HOW TO HAVE @ EXTRA MONEY ALL THE TIME * '? ' Tfc U i MCTSL j,L L fyy w^a^tr C?? fc??^>. nli Vndw new lew you m*y w?|i le? FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! EVEN IF YOU DO NOT INJECT INSUUNI fMIMMWCALL 1-888-808-8774 OACAT LAKES MAMTIC SUPPLY, HCkemw. 1 Hate Diets? Try Vinegar to Lose Pounds, Inches No wonder Mi. Gal end it smil ing. She found an easy way to lose poui>ds without pills, diets 01 calorie counting. Her secret? The healthy vioegai plan. "1 dropped 30 pounds so fast u scared me,' the writes. Just a few tablespoons of vinegardaih will have you feeling and lootcmgbetteraayoamei away unhealthy pounds. For FREE information packet without obligation, write to: The Vtoega Han. Dept. FD4917,718-12th St N.W., Box 24SOC Canton, Ohio 44701. lb help us cover printin and postage, $1 would be appreciated, Sut iK - necessary. , , , oanooTcorpon&s Ms. Jeanne Galend UNCP Board of Trustees to Meet The UNC Pembroke BoardofTrustees will hold their regular quarterly meeting Friday, February 23, at I p.m. 4th floor, Lumbee Hall. An updated report on the new Honors College, a naming opportunity for part of the building and several otl matters are on the agenda as acti items. Information items include i proval of architects for the new million science building. Everything you need to know about Hormone Replacement Therapy Thursday, March 1 5:30 p.m. FirstHealth Family Care Center 923 W. Third Street, Pembroke, NC L, 521-6029 FirstHealth of the Carolinas Mnvites you to attend a free community educational lecture on hormone v/ ' replacement therapy. ? Speakers: Stephen Szabo, M.D. OB / GYN Specialist FsrstHealth F A M I L Y CARB CJE N T ? R M N I I 0 I I jjfc