UNCP Announces Upcoming 2001-2002 Speaker Series PEMBROKE- The University of North Carolina at Pembroke plans to keep its students and the regional community on the cutting edge of current cv ents and culture Five of the country's leading public speakers arc scheduled to appear on the university's 2001-2002 Distinguished Speaker Series, w hich was announced this week Erin Brockovich, the environmental researcher portrayed by Julia Roberts in the blockbuster movie last year, is scheduled to kick off the university's 2001-2002 Distinguished Speaker Series on Sept 27. Julia Roberts received an Oscar for her portrayal of Brockovich in the hit movie "Erin Bockovich." Following Brockovich's appearance in September is consumer activist and former presidential candidate Ralph Nader on Oct. 30. Nadar has been considered the most prominent leader of the U.S consumer protection movement Nader's topic will be "The American Duopoly '. Edward James Olmos will visit on November 6. Olmos was an Academy Award nominee for his role as the eccentric but dedicated math teacher Jamie Escalantc in the movie "Stand and Deliver" in 1991 I In addition to his Academy Award nomination. Olmos won an Emmy Award for his portrayal of Lt Castillo on the popular television series Miami Vice and a Golden Globe Award for his role tn "The Burning Season " February 2002 is highlighted by a visit from poet and civil nghts activist May a Angclou on the 26th Dr Angclou's awards include a Grammy for best spoken word album in 1994 ("On the Pulse of Morning"); Ladies Home Journal "Woman of the Year" (1976) and Top 100 Most Influential Women (1983). Tony Award nomination (1970). Pulitzer Prize Nomination (1972) Native American writer Sherman Alexie. who wrote the screenplay and produced the moue "Smoke Signals" will visit UNCP April 2. 2002 A prolific novelist, poet and screenplay writer. Alcxic has been hailed as one of the best young writers of his generation. In June 1999. The New Yorker named hint one of the top 20 writers for lite 21 st century. Alexic. a Spokane/ Cocur d'Alenc Indian, grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation in Washington State "We arc excited about the line up for our 2001-2002 Distinguished Speaker Scncs. said UNCP Chancellor Dr Allen Meadors. This series brings another exciting group of individuals to the university and the region, who will provoke intellectual exchanges and broaden our perspectives \Vc hope that our regional community w ill join our students. faculty and staff in taking the opportunity to hear what these indiv iduals have to say." The 20tX>-01 lineup included personalities such as. journalist Deborah Norville, political strategist James Carville, Olympian Bruce Jenner. civil rights activ ist Julian Bond, and talk show host Oliver North. "We feel that this year's scries was diverse and informative." said Meadors "It has given our students and regional community the opportunity to see. hear and question individuals vvhahave shaped the society in which we live." .All speakers will make their presentations in the Giv ens Performing Arts Center of UNC Pembroke. Presentations will begin at 7:00 p.m. and tickets will be $5.00 per person Please contact the UNCP Student Activities Office for more information The Teen Pathways Study Seeks 8th Graders and Their Parents to Partinnafp Most parents start to worry when their child hits those teenaged years Parents know about the high rates of school drop out. especially among the Indian. Black and Hispanic students in Robeson County. The drop out rates and other problems far exceed those of other students. Parents know too well about the challenges their teenager will face to stay in school and to stay safe from what are dangerous influences- things like drugs, early sexual activity, smoking, and violence. Most of our children will make it, given the right sort of social support and personal resources. However, too many of our children do fall victim to negative influences or lack the internal resources to stick with their education. Those children will face serious hardship in trying to make it as adults. Our current society really does now require that we finish high school, and then some, it we are to be gainfully employed and become solid members of our communities. Unfortunately, and despite parental wisdom and concern, educators really do not understand why some children make it and others do not, nor do they know what to do about it. Researchers from the University of Virginia, working with the communities of Pembroke. Prospect, and Maxton are conducting a new study to understand how teenage students manage the transition from middle school to high schoolespecially. how students cope w ith the change in environment when they make the move to attend Purncll Swctt High School. The study is inviting parents and 8th grade students who are currently enrolled at Pembroke. Prospect, and Townsend Middle schools to participate in The Teen Pathways Study. The study is designed to understand how students manage the change from the local and relatively smaller schools, to the high school, and what social and personal factors help students cope with the change. Parents will be mailed a survey asking about family, neighborhood, cultural, health, and behavioral factors that their teens face. Teens will complete their own survey asking questions about their development, friendships, self-esteem, high-risk behavior, and personality. The study director. Dr. Denise L. Newman, a professor in developmental and clinical psychology oat the University of Virginia is an Ojibwa Indian (originally from Minnesota) and has personal ties to the Robeson community. She is especially interested in understanding what is unique to the developmental experiences of rural and ethnic minority teens. Families who participate will receive monetary compensation for their time. Information from this study hopes to benefit Robeson county, other similar school systems, and the communities involved, by suggesting new ways to help students stay connected and stay involved in their education through to graduation and beyond Questions and inquiries are welcome,. Please contact The Teen Pathways Project Coordinator. Ms. Sonia Patil, at (804) 982-4973 or email Dr. Newman at ,dlnevvman@virginia edu. The Teen Pathways Study team will be holding informational meetings in community area churches and the housing authority this month and next. r: . i x. ^ //? wuiir/r I Pruning trees and shrubs in the winter tends to encourage new growth. Pediatric Pointers | by Dr. Joey Bell, Pembroke Pediatrics Man) of us are all too familiar with head lice. These tiny parasites quickly jump from one child to the next, until eventually the entire household is infected. Unfortunately, it can often be overwhelming trying to rid your house of these pests. Therefore, 1 hope this article will be helpful in solving this problem. Lice outbreaks are common in crowded places and are transmitted by direct physical contact. Sharing such things as brushes, combs, towels, earphones. headphones, headbands and hats with an infested person can result in infestation. Lice do not fly, they jump and the head is usually their target because it is very warm. Once infested on the head, the female louse lays ten to one hundred and fifty nits, or tiny yellowish-white eggs that glue themselves to the hair. These nits will hatch in five to ten days. The nits or crawling adult lice can be seen in the hair by dividing the hair into several sections and using both a strong light and a magnifying glass. Lice can be easily seen at the nape of the neck and behind the ears. Other evidence of lice is constant itching, which results from the body's reaction to either the lice bites or the feces that the lice excrete. Other symptoms that may be present are swollen glands, fever and muscle aches. There are several treatments available at your local drug store. All products contain one of two ingredients, pyrcthrum or permethrin. Manufacturers of products containing pyrethrum recommend that everyone apply a second treatment seven to ten days later because it does not leave an active residue to kill any remaining eggs. A product that contains pyrethrum is RID. Permethrin is the medication most recommended because it is 99% effective and leaves an active residue on the hair, therefore a second treatment seven to ten days later is usually not necessary. Products that contain permethrin include NIX and A-200Lice Killing Shampoo. Both drugs cause the lice to become paralyzed and eventually die. To apply these products the hair must first be washed and dried with a normal shampoo. Next divide the hair into four sections, resembling a plus sign. Banettes or clips can be helpful during this part of the application. Thoroughly wet and lather the hair with the medicated shampoo, starting with the roots and moving down to the ends of the hair. Make sure the eyes are closed and put a cloth over the face to prevent contact with the eyes. Let the medication sit for ten minutes. Next, rinse the hair with warm water and then remove the nits using the small-toothed lice comb included in most products. Applying a conditioner first may make combing easier. Use the same method of dividing the hair into four sections and again start with the roots and move to the ends. Be sure not to grab more than a half inch of hair at a time and make sure the comb is in deep into the hair so that all of the lice will be removed. Wipe the nits from the comb with a tissue and place the tissue in a sealed bag. Once again, rinse the hair with warm water. It is very important that each member of the household is treated to prevent reinfestation and the child should not attend school or day care until the morning after treatment. These products may cause minor burning, itching or irritation, which usually resolve within twenty minutes of removal. These products should not be used in children less than two months of age, unless instructed by your physician. People who are allergic to pyrethroid, pyrethrin or chrysanthemums should not use these products. Also, they should never be used near the eyes, nose or mouth. If treatment is needed near these area, petroleum jelly can be applied for ten days to suffocate the lice. It is important to rid your house of lice as well. These parasites can only live up to forty-eight hours off a human host and these pests do not infest your pets. All hats, clothes and bed sheets should be washed in hot water at least 130 F and dried in a hot dryer for at least twenty minutes. All combs and brushes should be soaked in hot soapy water, at least 130 F, for ten minutes. Also, vacuum all furniture, pillows, rugs and floors. There are sprays available that contain the same medications that are in the lice killing shampoos. These should only be used on objects, not on humans. However, these products are not highly recommended because the fumes can be harmful to people, especially those with asthma or chronic bronchitis. If used, the house should be well ventilated. Be sure to remove all animals, avoid food contamination and wash and vacuum all areas after treatment. For those items that are not washable, such as your child's favorite teddy bear, they can be placed in a sealed plastic bag for ten to fourteen days. This will suffocate the lice. Hopefully these tips will offer some benefit in helping you rid your household oflice. Remember that head lice is a very common occurrence and does not mean that you or your child has a disease. Almost everyone has been infested at some point in his or her life and if the correct (tap* art followed this condition can bt aaaity treated m iQvfeith %^i^teaaing When Those Sworn To Uphold The Law Tell A Lie, Then Where Do You Go? (NAPS)?Gathering Lies (MIRA Books, $6.50), a thrilling new novel by bestselling author Meg O'Brien, explores corruption and the veneers of truth. New novel aeks the question: Where do you go when evidence shows the police did It? 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