gtk HMH ^ mummm ^ Choose Wisely "And when the King came in te> see the guests he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment. And he saith unto him. Friend, how earnest thy in hither not having a wedding garment' And he was speechless "Then said the King to the serv ants, bind him hand and foot and take him aw av and cast him into outer dai kness And there shall be weeping and gnashing ol" teeth for manv are called but few are chosen " (Matthew 22 11-14) "And the king answered the people roughly and forsook the old men's counsel that they gave him" tl Kings 12 1 3) "And one of the elders saving unto me. what are these which are arrayed in white robes'' And whence came they ' (Revelation 7:13) Now everyone, mv friend, has been able to make right decisions Very few people recognize thai power belongcth to God 1 here is something to be said about "choosing wisely " Have you not heard "Boy. if I had it to go ov er with again I would hav e never gotten married " Folks are full ol "I wish I had never Oh. mv fnend, Jesus lakes our decisions seriously You mav feel that all those slips ol the tongue and those decisions you are making now are nothing but vou are called upon to render wisely your conduct Choose wisely You and I need to make sure whatever arrangements that we make are made at the probability of our death One such person who knew the certainty of a chosen decision said "1 am departing with safe conduct from the king to meet my numerous and mortal enemies I conlide altogether in the all powerful God" In this journey, my friend, it is wise to seek praver Prayers that arc ardent prayers That God Himself will infuse His prudence and 1 lis w isdom into our mouth, in order that vou and 1 mav resist those who do not make their choice wisely. Oh my fnend. we need the 1 loly Spinl to fortify us in his truth so that we mayface with courage, temptation and if necessary a cruel death Jesus, my friend, suffered for his father and therefore ought we to be astonished that He has let) us his example in order that we may ourselves endure with patience all things for our own salvation He is God and we are his creatures lie is the l.ord and we are His servants He is master of the world and we are contemptible mortals Yet he suffered When then should we not suffer also? Suffering, my friend, is for our purification You and I. my friend, need to be aware of making right decisions, to choose wisely, to be sure that we are not guilty or be found guilty that we have suppressed one little of the truth of the gospel in order to leave behind an excellent example to followSo now. my friend, as we are the clay and God Himself is the potter, choose wisely in order that we know the mind of your Creator.. When once upon this wheel of life. He will look for every lump of wrong decision Now let us look at Rehoboam whose name means enlarged-make room- to open and wide. Rehoboam had been king for seventeen years. He had been told to fortify the cities against Egypt, but we are told that he neglected the advice of the elders Rehoboam chastised the division of the tribe which had been restrained by the government of Solomon and because he failed to choose wisely, because he failed to heed the adv ice of the elders, he was forced to give up the treasure of Solomon The elders said to Rehoboam "If thou be a servant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them then they will be thy servants forever" (I Kings 12:7) What the counsel had come to Rehoboam about was the cast of their support to maintain Solomon's Kingdom. The provision for one day was thirty measure of fine flour and three score measures of meal (I Kings 4:22-30) . . ?$!?r xvords- Rehoboam had inherited from his father a verv expensive life ^ 3SS^^nr^?V'o" and.sear^h' Solomon's provision costs per vear it is .., ,w. u r? PeoPle tvhen told they could expect more of the same even the possibility to be enlarged, the folks said to Rehoboam "Your father 1d5.0i|r -voke grievous, now therefore make the griev ous service of thv father n I xyh!ch he Pul uPon us lighter and we will serve vou." (1 Kings . .7 u . forsook4he counsel of the old men and he turned to his voung men that he had grown up with and stood before them He asked of these voung men. What say ye about me making the yoke lighter that mv father put upon them0" (VCTseTo)"16" "M> llMle flngCT Sha" bC lhicker 11,811 m>' facer's loin." 1" otl1" xvords- Rehoboam, you tell them they have not seeif anvthing vet this1??' yolmg jnen were telling Rehoboam Was this: man, We can't give up this life style your dad left us Man, we've got it made. Tell theft we are going to increase from their little finger to the size of their loins " Rehoboam failed to make a right decision and he lost it all The old men who had stood u ith Solomon had seen the leak in his lite as he became defiant of God's word In Det 7 1 God had told the people ol God who to mam and who not to mam God also had said the king which I will set over you shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to Hgypt "Gcxi said for them not to return there " (Deuteronomy |7 14-17) "Beware that ' thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping his commandments, lest when thou art full and hast built houses ye forget And when thy herds, thy flocks, multiply and thy silver and gold is multiplied, then thv heart be Idled up and thou forget God " (Deuteronomy 8 11-21) "And I said in my heart come now. 1 will test thee with myth therefore enjoy pleasure, behold this was v anity " (Ecclesiaslcs 2 11 Rehoboam like Solomon his dad. defiled God's word Both had failed to separate and to investigate God's word but were caught up in a world that silver and gold was common (1 Kings 10 27) He ignored God's warning about who to marry (Deuteronomy 7 1-3) "Rehoboam. speak good words Make our yoke lighter, be a serv ant and we will be your serv ant We can't go on this way For 40 years we took care of Solomon's 700 wives and 300 concubines We stood by and said nothing Even after Solomon loved many strange women, although the L.ord said unto the children of Israel, "ye shall not go in to them, neither shall they come in unto you for surely they will turn away your hearts after their gods " (I Kings 11:1-2) Some w eeks ago a survey was done on the salaries of ministers Many were asked how much did they earn as a pastor Of course, only a few replied, but their salaries ranged from $115.000 to over $300,000 a year Has this been a w ise decision0 Solomon had it all. but it brought a leak in his life, a defiance in God's word. Solomon w as full of unrest and reigned in the pre-occupation of sex He had many wives, like some ministers you know of today who have passed from higher to lower types of conditions Solomon started crumbling to decay from his style of living Do you not sec the high rate of divorce among ministers, from low rent to high rent, from used cares to new. from regular television to satellite? Can you not see that we are finally up with the Joneses'' Our kids have their motorcycles and now we are like Solotnon America's churches are ready to throw up Now let's look at the day of visitation of Jesus. "And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment" The king came to see the guests to see if all were attired in the wedding garments The king was looking for a robe of character w ashed and made whole The king found a man there without a garment He was found there naked (II Corinthians 5:3). And because he was found naked he was cast out Not only was he naked, he was speechless You see, my friend, this man failed to choose w isely Like Rehoboam he heeded not to the old men's counsel He failed as a serv ant His words were words of deceit and lies Now the order was given to cast him out. out to a place of darkness and weeping and gnashing of teeth My friend. God kept a record of Solomon's life and his works. You and I know works can't and do not save you. but works will describe your character (James 2:26) Your life is an open book Everyone of us will one day sit at this table. The king will look for a robe of righteousness "The books will be opened." One such book will be "The book of remembrance " (Malachi 3:16) Those things you thought didn't matter and you forgot them. Brother Paul said, "Therefore, judge nothing before the time until the Lord come." (I Corinthians 4:5) Those things you have been hiding The king when he comes in will bring to light the hidden things of darkness There are those who have in the past and now who will give the Lord's supper, knowing they do not war this robe of righteousness There is coming a day you will be speechless. What, you don't know is the Lord heard and hearkened to it and a book of remembrance was before him "Behold he declares it is written before me. I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom." (Isaiah 65:6) May I ask you a question? How you chosen wisely? Are you aware that the book of life will contain names, names of all who have entered his vineyard of service? If you have ever been saved, you will appear before God to give an account of stewardship. All un-filled duties, every secret sin, those secret meetings behind closed doors For some of y ou it is too late to ask a person who has died to forgive you. But Jesus won't forget. My friend, if dying vvas just dying there would be no need for judgment. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the book, according to their work. (Revelation 20:12) Paul said, "Judge nothing before the time, when those things shall come to pass." It vvas here where the king entered in and found this person without a wedding garment Write, he said unto me, they which are called unto the marriage supper of the lamb. (Revelation 19:8) I ask you again, have you chosen wisely? Before you speak a word, my friend, against thy brother or sister, make sure your departure will be one of a safe conduct Make sure what you speak and say has been infused by his prudence and of his wisdom in thy mouth that you will be able to resist and to choose wisely. You need to pray that the Holy Spirit will fortify you in his truth, so that on that great day of visitation you will be of good courage and not ashamed. Remember He is God and we are His creatures. '# PC Power System Make Money With Your Computer I 1 TIRED OF WORKING IN A DEAD END JOB? 1 C Want to start an online business but don't know how? Take our \ W FREE, easy-to-follow tour to learn how you.. .Harness the Power of Your Computer with a little-known. Duplicate System that can help M C you explore your income right in the comfort of your own home in \ # your spare time! \ What People Secretly I.ook for in a Sweetheart or Spouse Psychologists have discovered some very intriguing truths about what attracts people to each other, especially what makes one person marry another The most important qualities in drawing people together are trustworthiness, lot altv. and commitment . These characteristics override every other consideration in what we are rally searching for in a sweetheart or spouse Trustworthiness, loyalty , and commitment are just as important to God as thet are us In this Search for Truth lesson Elder Joseph Bullard explains how God can help each of us to become trustworthy, loyal, and committed sweetheart or spouse Three basic needs... 1. A need for admiration. Knowing that someone receives great joy and pleasure from being in our presence helps us feel important, thus, fulfilling tins need 2. A need for respect When someone esteems us highly for exactly who we are. our need for respect is satisfied 3. A need for affection. The demonstration of kindness, tenderness, and compassion meets our need for affection He should love one another. I Corinthians 13: J- 7: "Charity suffered! long, and is kind, chanty envieth not. chanty vaunleth not itself, is not puffed up. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinkcth no evil: Rejoiceth not in iniquity , but rejoieeth in the truth. Bcareth all things, believeth all things, hopcth all things, endureth all things " What does the Bible tell us about God? I John J:16: "And we have known and believed the love that God that to us God is love: und he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God. and God in him." The Bible says that we are created in the image of God. Genesis 1:27: "So God created man in his own image, m the image of God created he him. male and female created he them " h'oman was crated from a part of man. Genesis 2:23: "And Adam said. This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called Woman., because she was taken out of Man " God set a good example for us to follow. He loved us so much He gave His Son for us. John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life " He even loved us when we disappointed Him. Romans 5:8: "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" As we look at Christ's life, we see that He went about doing good, healing all that were made sick and destitute by Satan There were entire villages healed by Christ In these villages there was not one cry of pain Love, joy, peace: patience, kindness and goodness: faithfulness, humility, and self- control were shown in every acts of His life People from all walks of life were drawn to Him. His life demonstrated true and genuine love. His life demonstrated respect for each human being. 1 le did not live to please Himself, but He had thoughtful care for others I would encourage you to read each of the Gospels However, let me sum up using the Apostle John's own words John 21:25: "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen." Why should we love one another? 1 John 4:19: "We love him, because he first loved us" Therefore, we come back to our first question. What do people secretly look for in a sweetheart or spouse? The answer, my friend, is that we are secretly looking for God in our sweetheart or in our spouse However, do not forget that they, too, are looking for God in our lives. Electric fans available RALEIGH- Operation Fan-Heat Relief, a special project that provides electric fans to the elderly, is now underway across North Carolina. The fans are purchased through donations from Duke Energy Foundation ($40,000), Carolina Power and Light Company ($20,000), North Carolina Power ($2,500) and \hlassis Communications, Inc. ($250). Many counties also accept private donations from individuals or civic groups to purchase additional fans. The project, which began in 1986, is managed through the Division ol Aging in the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Karen Gottovi, director of the Division of Aging, said the elderly are particularly vulnerable to heat exhaustion in the summer heat and humidity, "Chronic health problems in older persons require medication which affects the body's natural defenses against heat,' said Gottovi. "These fans provide the comfort and relief to cope with the heat and allow an older person to remain healthier in his or her own home." Last summer. 4071 older adults received fans through Operation FanHeat Relief. Older residents across NC who meet the program's guidelines may obtain fans through local council or county departments on aging. Operation Fan-Heat Relief runs through September of each year. For more information on the program, contact your local aging office or Reggie Durham at the Division of Aging, (919) 733-0440 _ Notice to Taxpayers This is to advise Taxpayers that the Real Estate Unpaid Taxes will be advertised during the week of June 10,2001. Any unpaid Real Estate Taxes for the Year of 2000 that remain unpaid at the close of business on Friday, June 1, 2001, will be included and advertised. To avoid additional cost, Taxpayers should make immediate payment of all outstanding Taxes. Robeson County Tax Department Robeson County Courthouse Lumberton, NC 28358 1 J' I Stmina J&Unon CoujJu ^ JtjJlil^JV o?, >5 y.^ CHIROPRACTIC ? 1H1 , CENTER Specializing In * Auto Accident Injuries Most Insurances Accepted "APPOINTMENTS PLEASE" Free Initial Consultation Om OFFICE: 739-5751 , Emergency Home Number V^Dr. Woodrow W. Beck, Jr.: 73&-3126 i. AUTO ACCIDENTS WRONGFUL DEATH PERSONAL INJURY DWI & TRAFFIC OFFENSES OF ALL KINDS I Free Initial Consultation I Call 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week RONNIE SUTTON Attorney At Law "PROTECTING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS" 208 Union Chapel Road (910) 521-4797 | Sandy & Effie Brooks j I Family Day I M m j All Descendants by blood and marriage 1 1 The Brooks children: Mary Brooks Locklear; James Ollen "Bud" 1 \ Brooks; Raymond Brooks; Betty Brooks; Edmond Brooks; Malinda f f Brooks Chavis Dial; Effie Jane Brooks Oxendine; Andrew W. Brooks; f J Alexander "Sandy" Brooks, Jr.; Margie Brooks Deese; John J. J 1 Brooks; Peter Brooks; and Joseph Brooks 1 j SATURDAY, JULY 7th, 2001 J j 1:00 P.M.-6:00 P.M. j j [ Dr. M.L. Brooks' Home ] j t j Food and Fellowship!! j m % I ALL WELCOME! j

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