mHHHH w Too Late To Be Concerned "The wrath of a king is as messengers of death, but a wise man will pact ft it" (Proverbs 16 14) "But God said unto him. thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee then whose shall those things be which thou h^rprovided " (l.uke 12 201 Everybody wants to talk about eternal security but no one wants to talk or to discuss carnal security those things which allow s the mind to pull your soul into one who finds pleasure in goods of this life This one man had become a pleasure seeker, one who "said to his own soul. Soul, thou hast many goods laid up for many years, take thine ease. eat. drink and be merry " This man could build, read blue prints and he did quite well for himself I le found himself with much and now here to store it So he said to himself "This will 1 do, 1 will pull down my bams and build greater this is what 1 will do" Oh my friend, he made a mistake He called it his "My bam. mv fruit. m\ goods" And above all he satd. "My soul" And then he declared. "1 will eat and drink and be merry" This was his mistake "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof The earth art thine, the heavens art thine as for the world and the fullness thereof, thou hast founded them " (Psalm 89 11) While everything seems to be quiet and peace flowed through his soul and his neighbor drank wine and praised the gods of gold and of silver, of brass and iron, of w ood and of stone " In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand and WTote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the w all of the king's palace and the king's loins were loosed and his knees smote one against another." (Daniel 5:4-7) The old preacher. Solomon, said "The WTath of a king is as messengers of death." (Proverbs 16:14) While the rich man was resting on his bed, a voice rang out. "Thou fool, this night (not tomorrow or next week or next year. THIS NIGHT) thy soul is required of thee " (St. Luke 12:20) Robeson County has been notified or put on notice that a Disease control center is here because of a high increase of a deadly disease called Syphilis- a. disease that causes blindness, heart disease, and even death This county ranked 17th in the nation all because of sex outside of marriage. Did you know sex outside of marriage is a sin? Solomon declared "Fools make a mockery of sin (Proverbs 14:9) How can this be? We have had too much of the world, too little resistance, too much power and too little restraint Among us have been too many first year marriages with joy rides, w ith thrills and laughter causing too mam man lagos to trawl left of the center line Robeson Count} has not been told enough about a religion that should be centered with a cross and when did >ou hear about the "Cross of Calvary." rather than to pacitv it with repentance (.which has been said change your mind, your thinking is wrong. \our action is wrong, y ou have departed from the center of things. \our measurements are false, your balances are evil, your judgements are pen ciled ) Instead of crowning him Lord and Savior, we joined those 21XX) years ago who cried. "Cruelty Him " We need to pacify him with repentance, show some emotion toward wrongncss We need to be on time with our shame and seek Ibrgiv eness. to act as one who does ovist now. if w e aw ait as w e have, then he w ill become bred and disillusioned and then it w ill he loo late Like the rich man. the hour vou least expect it. the voice could ring out. "This night thy soul is revjuued of thee Thou an weighed in the balances and art found wanting " (Daniel 5 27) Mv ft lend, defiance is not found in any books or heard on television, not read in magazines It is found in sei ipture Romans I 28-29 Peel off the mask and scrape awav all the v eneer and get right to the core of deprav ity portraving mankind Would you like to know how God feels about rebellious sons and daughters' Listen, this is not limited to unbeliev ers, but it is among the famtlv of God's people rebellious children You wrestle with it from a toddler who threw a tantrum to an angrv brother Listen to these words in Deuteronomy 21 IX-21 "If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or mother, and thev chastise him and he will not listen to them. (In other words, if you have a son w ho made your life hell on earth). "Then vou would tell others that he is rebellious, a glutton drunkard, then all lite men shall stone him to death " This my friend is how God feels about rebellious children Solomon said. "The wrath of a king is as messengers of death, but a wise man will pacify it" (Proverbs 16 14) Do you not see. my friend, that our churches are losing their virtue'' She is spiritually saying. "We don't want to do right" The church today has been willing to depart from her liberty and her ecstasy at the ransomed of her own blood We now rank 17 th in the nation in venereal disease "The vvTath of a king is as messengers of death " Look around you! What is the message'' Lose weight: lose 30 pounds and leel good Split level homes occupied by split personality persons Aircondilioned cars for hot tempered people A church people who once called whiskey whiskey, now call it medicine Crack was that of a wall not something to sniff up the nose of a person Let meelose with this The ticket in your hand, you need to tear up It is herein Robeson County, where you live that's become unsafe Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong don't need you. Robeson County does' We are faced with a king who has warned us "You can't mock God : you cannot mock God with masses of confessions to cover up an ungodly life like the fanner who may dye ground rocks to look like seeds, plant them w ith sweat, yet the harvest will be nothing Figs don't come from thoms. It is impossible to mock God with sin and salvation How You Can Be Sure You Are Ready for Heaven If it were possible to walk to the moon. 239.000 miles away, at the rate of 40 tnilesaday. it would take you more than 16ycars Ifthcrcwas a railroad to the sun. 93 million nules away, and you rode a high-speed train averaging 100 utiles per hour, day inanddayout it would take you more than a century. However, heaven-the city of God. the New Jerusalem- is much farther bey ond However, you can reach it in just three steps if you want to. Today Elder Joseph Bullardexplains from the Bible how you can take those first steps with Jesushow you can KNOW that you are ready for heaven Experience the pcaccandjoy thatcomcsonly from God as you explore this vital topic in this Search for Truth. Nothing can enter heaven that defiles. Revelation 21:27: "And there shall in no wise enter into it any tiring that dcfileth. neither whatsocvcr worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which arc written in the Lamb's book oflifc." ll'e are all born with a sinful nature. Romans3:23: "For all have sinned and come short of the glorv of God " The blood of Jesus cleans us from all sin, I John 1:7: "But if we walk inthe light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son clcanseth us from all sin." It is not how you feel but that do J has promised. I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" H'e must be born again spiritually. that is the New Birth. John 3:3: "Jesus answered and said unto hint. Verily, verily. 1 say unto thee. Except a man be born again, he cannot sec the kingdom of God." Hhenyou make afullsurrender of yourself to Jesus, the Holy Spirit immediately creates a nets heart within. John 1:12-13: "Bust as many as received him, tothem gave lie power to become the sons of God. even to them that believe on his name Which were born, not of blood, nor of the w ill of the flesh, nor of the will of man. but of God." Jesus stands a the door of your heart He says, "I want to come in." Revelation 3:20: "Behold. 1 stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door. 1 wil 1 coine in to him, and will sup with him. and he with me." How can I know that I have been born again? II Corinthians 5:1 ?: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things arc passed away; behold, all things arc become new." Do you have the Son, Jesus Christ, abiding in your life today? If He is th ere, you have eternal life., 1 John 5:11-13: "And this is the 1 record that God hath given to us eternal me. and Uus life is in lus Son. He that hath the Son hath life: and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life These things have I written unto you that believeon the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." We must obey Christ I John 2:3-6; "And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments He that saith. 1 know him. and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected; hereby know wethatweareinhim.Hcthat saith he abideth in him ought also to walk, even as he walked." Every day of our lives obedience ??'// give proof that ite are Christ's disciples- proof tve know Him- proof that nv have received Him-proof ?w? are living the Christian life. Galatians 2:20 : "I am crucified withChrist: nevertheless I live, yet not I. but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh 1 live by the faith of the Son of God. who loved me, and gave himself for me." There are only three steps to heaven. 1. Toconfess Christ asour Savior. 2. We must be born again Spiritually. 3 WcmustbcobcdicnttoChrist. We have seen men and w omen, timcaflertime. have this wonderful experience- and you can have it too. ifyou will only take these three steps with Jesus. And thank God, it docs not take a long time to take these steps. You can do it today. Jesus is willing to help you. He is anxious to help you and deliver you from all your sins and bad habits. And you can know, with certainty, if your sins arc forgiven, if you have been born again, if Christ is living His obedient life in you- that YOU ARE ready for heaven. Common foods that provide the nutrient known as Isoflavones Include apples, cherries, dates, carrots, garlic, potatoes, soybeans, and parsley. Jonathan Chapman planted an apple orchard in Ohio in 1801, then began a 50-year westward trek, planting more apple trees and earning the nickname Johnny Appleseed. *7W (Jfc* Glover's Medicated Shampoo ^p00 An offcc**? ihompoo Cfi r lihA ? I' - C ml lirlilnf, w? nn fwllwi On iTCntny | OMOCiOwO tMim Ou nOrv/TT, pioriaiii ond Mborrhoic cWrmotihi. Argilobb )n chain ond indopondorrt drug torn ond boouty ond barbor wppfy outbn X you n?*d h?b In finding our product!, pitoncoll 1-II00-905-SS15. Obnt't - Tho Trviftd No mo For Quality Products She* 1176 Why we're doctors for the Locklears. Thomas Locklear: "1 can get my annual physical. They have dermatology services to treat any skin problem. They do their awn X-rays and lab work. And they accept 1 all kinds of insurance.". I Matthew Locklear: "1 can get all my forms filled out for baseball." I I Grandma Locklean J "I can make sure my M diabetes stays in check-and M keep my allergies from M slowing me down. Zoe Locklear: "I can get my yearly exam. Plus, the kids can see the same doctor. I can get nutritional information for tlie whole family." Elizabeth Locklear: "I can go to the fitness center K with my mom." ) V Grandpa Locklear: "I can keep my cholesterol and blood pressure ^ under con trol." If there's one thing the Locklears believe in, ifs getting the proper health care. If there's one thing they don't believe in, ifs driving all over the place to do it. Thafs the reason they come to a FirstHealth Family Care Center. And maybe ifs the reason you should bring your family here, too. We're the place to go for all your family's health care, from the youngest to the oldest. In many cases our family practice physicians-can even perform procedures you'd normally have to see another specialist for, such as dermatology or women's services. And we're backed up by the entire FirstHealth network of hospitals, specialists and other health care professionals. So the next time you need health care for your family, make an appointment at a FirstHealth Family Care Center near you. FsrstHealth FAMILY CARE CENTERS For an appointment at the FirstHealth Family Care Center in Pembroke, call 521-6029. 9