^ "Then David said unto the messenger, thus shalt thou say unto Jo'ab. Let not this thing displease thee, for the sword devoureth one as well as another; make thy battle more strong against the city and overthrow it; and encourage thou him." (II Samuel 11:25) "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent, and do the first works, or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove the candle stick out of his place, except thou repent." (Revelation 2:5) "When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long." (Psalm 32:3) Sin brings sorrow. Sin. my friend, brings silence. Sin also when it is finished brings death. (James 1:15) David recognized that God's hand was heavy upon him and he confessed his sin. David did not enjoy his silence and he cried out unto God. I will acknowledge sin unto thee. (Psalm 32:5) Sin is an experience and it brings sorrow to those who do not recognize the hand of God when it is heavy upon them. Here we see a man (David) who knew sin and also knew the forgiveness of God. He knew about sorrow, sins and silence. David also shows to you and I w hat a person can and will do when there is no light upon the path way or there is no voice speaking to our hearts. Sin. silence and sorrow are all the experience of the hand of God upon a nation of people. There are those among us who are unsaved and it seems that they are as familiar with God as we are. They show concern, fellowship, walk hand in hand and they even show a trace of God's great love. But when you read Psalm 32:1 it shows us a person that sin is here, not a theory but as an experience. Psalm 32 was written of a man who knew sin. He knew sin in his own life. He knew the sorrow, silence and the making up of sin. David's encounter with sin was as a great flood of water. He felt like his soul was drowning beneath. He felt like his soul was in a prison house and he cried to God "Thy hand is heavy upon me." Sin brings sorrow and silence. Sin is what God says it is...death, sorrow and silence. David tried to hide adultery, fornication, falsehood and murder, but the hand of God was too strong.. ."Day and night thy hand was heavy upon me." (Psalm 32:4) David had no rest when he kept silence. David wanted forgiveness because the hand of God was heavy upon him. David said, "1 acknowledge my sin. I said I will confess my transgression unto the Lord." David was a king, but he could not escape the hand of God. The child died. I have seen in my life time a mother and dad stand over a cold grave of a child and still walk right back in to a state of sin, silence and sorrow. My friend, you can't use intellectual ignorance to free yourself from sin, sorrow and silence. It I taxes a spiritual ignorance. "Ye must be bom again " You must be delivered front sin that vexes the soul. As we said before, sin is an experience, as sorrow is an experience, silence is an experience and all these express how one feels. When you add up David's sin. they paid four to one. Following lust of his eve came adultery , fornication, falsehoods and murder It was here that Ood met David and he said, "And mine iniquity have I not hid. I said I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord." (Psalm 32:5) ^ The hand of God was heavy. Can you imagine Dav id trying to sleep at night? A child had died. His daughter had been raped by her brother. His two sons had been killed. One brother killed the other and his best friend. Jo'ab killed Absolam. No wonder David cried out. "The hand of God is heavy upon me." Can you imagine a father or mother that can keep silence knowing their daughter has been raped? Can you imagine a brother w ho w ould kill his brother and his dad kept silence? The church today is silent. The church is always silent w hen the preacher is out of his place and he no longer uses the w ord "repent" or to say "God will come quickly, somebody better repent." The church today is like David, trying to hide adultery, fornication. falsehood and murder. In doing so the church has sin. sorrow and silence. Let me say again, sin is not a theory. Sin is w hat God said it is. Death, sorrow and silence. My friend what Robeson County and all other counties better do is repent. Robeson County needs a revival that w ould bring folks to a conviction that God is right and we are wrong. Then and only then w ill we hear those sweet words. "Thou shall not die. but live." (II Samuel 12:13) In the Fayetteville Observer June 16th, the head line read "Churches in Uneasy Truce, the Presbyterians Remove ban on Gay Clergy." One of the members said, "We have lost our identity. We don't know who we are or whose we are." My friend, where there is sin. sorrow and silence there will also be falsehood, fornication and adultery. Can not you see or feel the heavy hand of God? The loss ofemployment of over 8000 jobs in the past seven years. Robeson County now ranks 17th in the nation for venereal disease. Christian folks, bom again believers should never reach a state of "not knowing who we are or whose we are." What we need to be concerned about is the fact that we are doing God's will. We need to pray for forgiveness. The reason our jails, prisons, hospitals and psychiatric wards are over crowded is that the hand ofGod is heavy upon us. Like David we have kept silence and have not escaped the hand of God. Look around you. Daily someone" is killed or murdered. Why? Because of their deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies, the child also that is bom unto thee shall surely die. (II Samuel 12:14) You and 1 will get no further than David. When he said to Jo'ab. "Let not this thing displease thee, for the sword devoureth one as well as another." (11 Samuel 11:25) Folks today like David compare each other's loss saying "Well,you are no better than those who lose a child." Folks, we are talking about sin, sorrow and silence. We are telling you that the hand of God is against sin! All nations that forget God shall be turned to destruction. (Psalm 9:17) I Pediatric Pointers I by Dr. Joey Bell, Pembroke Pediatrics Somelimes as parents (and as physicians) we have to use our sense of hearing to determine if our children are sick or not Remember that certain sounds can be a tip-off that something is wrong: a cough can be a sign of pneumonia, and wheezing can mean a child may have asthma \nd while snoring is most often thought of as being restricted to adults, n is seen in children and can be a sign of a medical problem Snoring is the sound that occurs when the airway collapses during inspiration (breathing in). Most normal children snore at one time or another, and many, particularly those who have nasal allergies, snore almost cvcry night In most children who snore, increased breathing effort successfully compensates for a collapsing airw ay and both the breathing pattern and sleep is unaffected. However, if the obstruction is sev ere tlike with poor muscle tone in the airwavsor large tonsils and adenoids) the snoring can be more pronounced and the normal sleep pattern may be disrupted I or reasons that are not understood fully, disrupted sleep can lead to growth failure, daytime drowsiness, bcd;wctiing. high blood pressure, school failure, headaches, and other nonspecific symptoms. If I ho obstruction becomes extreme, children may go short periods of time w ithout breathing (apnea) which puts a big strain on the heart and can lead to heart problems. Snoring that is associated with airway obstruction and is causing health problems should be evaluated by a physician, linlarged tonsils and adenoids are by far the leading cause of airway narrowing, snoring and abnormal breathing patterns 111 children Removing the tonsils and adenoids may often eliminate or improve these conditions Remember, a tonsillectomy or adcnoidectomy is not indicated for the vast majority of snoring children, and just because this procedure may decrease snoring does not justify its widespread use in children who are otherwise normal. A good rule of thumb for parents is to remember that if snoring is regular, not interrupted by periods of no breathing, does not lead the child to assume unusual postures during sleep or twsweat profusely, it is probably not a health problem In the absence of other signs or symptoms, further evaluation is rarely indicated ll'you are concerned yon may want to make a tape or video of your child lor your doctor to evaluate That's, all on snoring See you next week' Sports Vision Safety (NAPS)?According to the Better Vision Institute, more than 90 percent of the sports-related eye injuries that occur in America each year could be prevented with protective eyewear. When playing sports, athletes?especially children?need to protect their eyes. Children and adolescents are especially susceptible to injuries because of their fearless manner of play and athletic immaturity. Parents and sports enthusiasts can take the following steps to ensure adequate eye protection for everyone participating in sports: Get an eye exam. Protection starts with prevention. Purchase specialized eyewear from a reputable dealer. For racquet sports, eye safety guards or industrial-quality safety glasses are necessary. For football and other contact sports, helmets with eye shields are recommended. For high-speed or contact sports, such as skiing and hockey, shatterproof polycarbonate lenses and special frames provide good protection. For snow skiing, water skiing, tennis and other outdoor sports, sunglasses and protective goggles also can protect the eyes from glare, UV rays and exposure to weather elements. For more information, visit the Better Vision Institute Web site at www.visionsite.org. (NAPS)?Tire safety advice is available from the Rubber Manufacturers Association at www.rma. org/tiresafety. The site also features a Driving Quiz, information and links for tire manufacturers and a link to the Be Tire Smart? Play Your PART consumer information brochure that can be downloaded for free. Scratching your head for fun kids' projects? Find fun in your kitchen. Food-related projects teach kids valuable lessons in measuring skills, safety and teamwork. For more creative kids' projects involving Sugar in the Raw, request Sweet Fun...Naturally! Send a self-addressed stamped ($.34 postage) business-size envelope io Sweet Fun, Brooklyn Premium Corp., 60 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205. Find additional fun at www.sugarinthe raw.com. For information on USA Tennis Month and the Tennis 1-2-3 program, visit the Web site at www.usatennis.com. For information about how pets can help children learn responsibility, check out the American Pet Product Manufacturers Association's "The Pet Owner's Manual" at www.appma.org. The piano was invented in Italy In 1709. Why we're doctors for the Locklears. Thomas Locklear: "I can get my annual physical: They have dermatology services to treat any skin problem. They do their owi X-rays and lab work. And they accept all kinds of insurance." Matthew Locklear: I "I can get all my forms I filled out for baseball." J Grandma Locklear: "I can make sure my diabetes stays in check-and 1 keep my allergies from J slowing me down." Zoe Locklear: "1 can get my yearly exam. Plus, the kids can see die same doctor. 1 can get nutritional ^ information for the whole family." Elizabeth Locklear: "1 can go to the fitness center v with my mom." p.i : . . v'Grandpa Locklear: "I can keep my cholesterol ^ and blood pressure L under control." If there's one thing the Locklears believe in, if s getting the proper health care. If there's one thing they don't believe in, it's driving all over the place to do it. That's the reason they come to a FirstHealth Family Care Center. And maybe if s the reason you should bring your family here, too. We're the place to go for all your family's health care, from the youngest to the oldest. In many cases our family practice physicians can even perform procedures you'd normally have to see another specialist for, such 4 ;>> *. ??? as dermatology or women's services. And we're backed up by the entire FirstHealth network of hospitals, specialists and other health care professionals. So the next time you need health care for your family, make an appointment at a FirstHealth Family Care Center near you. FirstHealth FAMILY CARE CENTERS www.firsthealth.org For on appointment at the FirstHealth Family Care Center in Pembroke, call 521-6029.

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