Thus Sait h god's WorcC bv Rev. Ted Brooks, Pastor of West Saddletree Baptist Church "Which say it is hot near let us build houses: this city is the caldron and we are the flesh." (Ezekiel 11:3) "And saying where is the promises of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as thev were from'the beginning of the creation." (II Peter 3:4) "Then he put out the eyes ofZedekiah and the king of Babylon bound him in chains, and carried him to Babylon, and put him in prison til the day of his death." (Jeremiah 52:11) Someone has said of Brother Paul, after hearing him preach. "You would love him or reject him." Brother Paul wrote of himself as he was moved by the Holy Ghost. "For do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men 1 should not be the servant ofChrist. But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which waspreached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man. neither svas I taught it. but by the revelation of Jesus Christ." (Galatians 1:10-12) Brother Paul, a man often left in bonds by Felix, who said. "I refuse not to die;" and it was said of Brother Paul that he had committed noting worthy of death. (Acts 25:10-25) Paul confessed of trouble on every side, yet not distressed "We are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down but not destroyed; always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body; for we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus'sake; that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh." (II Corinthians 4:8-11) My fellow ministers, to becast down, to be troubled on every side and even being perplexed will not destroy the ministry ofChrist. The things which keep the ministry ofChrist alive is "To always bearing about in the body the dying ofChrist." This my friends will manifest the life ofChrist in these mortal bodies of ours. Brother Paul often left town over the wall in a basket. (11 Corinthians 11:33) (Acts 9:25) Paul was not a turn coat who would substitute God's words for those of his own. Brother Paul when called upon to give qualifications of a minister, would reply by saying, "A Bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, one that ruleth well his own house and having his children in subjection... If a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church?" (I Timothy 3:1-5) Paul could have done like some today who are afraid of persecution and say, "Well, we all have wants. There's none clean, yet sing the song "What can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus.'" This week we want to look at the Books of Ezekiel and Jeremiah. We will look at Ezekiel who was not afraid to stand up at a time when there was a growing tendency to disbelief in the existence of evil spirits. Let me say this, before anyone had ever died, after the fall of man, angels were sent to guard the tree of life. My friend, before the creation of man, angels were in existence. Angels, both good and evil. Brother Paul knew that if he was a man pleaser, he was not the servant of Christ. He also knew that he could not go around telling folks, "We all have wants. We all are sinners." Listen, my friend, there are folks who are saved, not all are drunkards, fornicators, and adulterers. No sir, there are a few folks here and there saved. Those which are alive and live unto the death of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh, for which we faint not, but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day, trouble on every side, yet not distressed. Now let us look at Ezekiel. Let us go to this book of Ezekiel... Prepared to search and to dig. We must approach this cave as a mine for silver and a place for gold, for therein are great treasures lie hidden in the vision of Ezekiel. Ezekiel will walk us through this mine of prophecies concerning the doom of Jerusalem and Judah. In this search for gold and silver. Ezekiel will point out how they were delivered before the fall of the city and the state. It was Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, who departed the Hebrews into exile. They were forced to surrender and were carried away to Babylon. None remained but the poorest people of the land. (II Kings 24:14) Ezekiel was a man of great strength. He could visualize distant places. His words often painted pictures with minute detail. He was a man -ef great imaginative power. His characterdescribed to us ofGod was "Like an adamant, harder than flint, have I made your forehead." (Ezekiel 3:9) His call and commission came while in exile for five years. "I was among the exiles of the river Chebar that the heavens were open and I saw visions of God." (Ezekiel 1:1) What he saw was a storm cloud approaching from the north. In this cloud he was able to discern four living creatures. Each one w hich had four faces- of a man- a lion- an ox- and an eagle. Alongside were four winged living creatures were four vast wheels- the rims of which were lull of eyes round about. They could move in any direction. Here you can see perfect accord between them for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. The eyes in the rims of the wheels indicated that he is omniscient as well as omnipresent. He sees and knows every thing. The sovereignty of God over men and animals is represented by the four living creatures beneath his throne. It was a place when Brother Paul said. "For now we see in a mirror dimly." (I Corinthians 13:12) Even when he revealed himself to us, he still remains far beyond all our understanding. So God communicated to Ezekiel. "Here eat the scroll and to proclaim the word of judgement written thereon to the house of Israel." ( Chapter 2: and 3:1-3) In this cloud Ezekiel heard these words: "The people warned for a removal, their desolation lamented. Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen and be not dismay ed at the sign of heaven." (Jeremiah 10:1-2) Listen again to these words, "For the custom of the people are vain; for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the ox." "They deck it with silver and with gold. They fasten it with nails and with hammers that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree but speak not; they must needs be borne because they cannot go; be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil or good." (Jeremiah 10:3-5) Ezekiel was not about to start his own message with we all have wants, there's none good or we all sin. No sir, he turned to those who had misguided the people with evil counsel, those filled with evil devices. Ezekiel warned the wicked which say "It is not near; let us build houses; this city is the caldron; and we are the flesh." (Ezekiel 11:3) In the book of II Chronicles 35:13 there is mention of a pot for boiling. Notice here in verse 11 of this 1 Ith chapter God said "This city shall not be your caldron." In other words, "Be sure your sins will find you out." God is not mocked, nor will be ever be. Something is going in the boiling pot. but it won't be the city. It will be the inhabitants thereof. Those who sit and scoff, walking after their own flesh saying, "Where is the promise of his coming: All things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." (II Peter 3:3-4) Today much is not said of "It is not near, let us build houses." Oh, my friend, learn not the ways of the heathen for the custom is vain. Can you not see where we are heading? Do you not understand passing out feathers of fowls? It is an insult to God. Do you not know the jealousy of our living God? Pastors are told to stand ye in the way and seek and ask for the old path wherein is the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said we will not walk therein. Also, I set a watchman over you saying, hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said we will not hearken. (Jeremiah 6:14-17) Next week the conclusion of the Caldron and Candlestick. In the Armed Forces Corey M. Hunt has graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., and was commissioned as a second lieutenant. The graduate served as an academy cadet senior officer who provided leadership, motivation and direction for the cadet wing and demonstrated effective officership in support of unit mission objectives. The academy is a four-year militaiy college which develops and inspires new air and space leaders with a vision for the future. It provides cadets with a balanced program of military training, academics, athletics, character and ethical development, and allows cadets to acquire a broad education in the basic and engineering sciences, social sciences, the humanities, and a choice of 30 academic majors. The new lieutenants go on to serve as pilots, navigators, engineers, maintenance officers, professionals in various technical fields, and some attend medical or graduate school with special scholarships while others go directly to non-rated Air Force-wide assignments. Hunt is the son of Dr. Loretta H. Hagen and Ronnie E. Hunt, both of Red Springs, N.C. In 1996, he graduated from Pumell Swett High School, Pembroke, N.C. Not under Law but under Grace What is the relation of law and grace in aChristian's life? What is meant by "not under law but under grace?" What does the Bible mean when it says that God has promised to write His law in our hearts? Why are people confused about this? Is it true that we cannot earn salvation...that we may receive it only as a gift? Elder Joseph Bullard invites you to explore what the Bible actually says about law, grace, and salvation in this Search for Truth. There is only one way to be saved. Epheslans 2:8-9: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; its is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." There are three other Important matters In regards to salvation that we need to understand clearly: I. We are saved by grace. 2. Wearefrom sin. 3. We are saved to obey. Romans 6:14-15: "For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. What then? Shall we sin. because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid." The wages of sin Is eternal death-the second death. Romans 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Some understand the word fulfil to mean "do away with" or "bring to an end." However, if I asked you to raise your right hand and you did it, you would have obeyed my request- you would have fulfilled my request. This Bible verse is often misapplied. Matthew S:I7: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets; 1 am not come to destroy but ^fulfil." %Some say the Law was nailed to the cross. What does the Bible say was nailed to the cross? Colosslans 2:14-17: "Blotting out the handwrltr Ing of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took , it out of the way, nailingit to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphant over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days; which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ." The Bible makes it very clear that these "Sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come" refer to the seven yearly sabbath days during six annual feasts: (1) the Passover; (2) the Feast of Unleavened Bread; (3) the Feast of Harvest, or the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost; (4) the Feast of Trumpets; (5) the Day of Atonement; (6) the Feast of Tabernacles. But please notice what the Bible says in Leviticus 23:37,38: 'These are the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations and a meat offering, a sacrifice, and drink offerings, everything unto his day: Beside The Sabbaths of the LORD, and beside your gifts, and beside all your vows, and beside all your freewill which ye give unto the LORD." The law of God cannot save. It cannot make man right with God. Romans 8:3,4: "For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh; That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesK, but after the Spirit." Mora! Law- Written by God: Exodus 24:12; On stone by finger of God: Exodus 31:8; Placed inside ark: Exodus 31:18; . Is perfect-Psalm 19:7;eternal-Psalm 11 l:7,8;Not destroyed by ChristMatthew 5:17; Royal Law- James2:8. Ceremonial Law: Written by Moses_ II Chronicles 35:12; IN a bookII Chronicles 35:12; Placed on side of Ark- Deut. 31:24-26; Make noting perfect- Hebrews 7:19; Nailed to the Cross- Colossians 2; 14; Abolished by Christ- Ephesians 2:15; Law contained in ordinances- Ephesians 2:15. Two Laws Contrasted: God will put His law in our hearts and minds. Jeremiah 31:33-34:" But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my lawin their hearts and be their God, and they shall be my people...I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." by Alta Nye Oxendine CONSOLATION CORNER When I wrote about my- three children the other week, 1 had no idea that their first cousin Janet OxenHine Chavis, and her family were already grieving over the loss of their son, Ngtan ("Nate") I got the news shortly after getting my column to the Indian Voice. Even if I HAD known, I might have said essentially the same things, but likely in a more compassionate tone. Wanda Kay and I want the Chavis family to have the same kind of ongoing support from this community that we have received. I heard some fine things about Nate and his family, especially at the funeral. It is my hope and prayer that some day his family and friends will be able to look back and rejoice in the GOOD times they experienced with Nate over the^9 years he spent in this world. , ; - . But, right now, I'm sure it's too soon for that. Most of us have to go through a lot of different stages in the process of grieving, after our initial shock and usual denial. Alone with the emotional pain, anger, euilt and then a sense of depression are often a part of the process leading, at last, to acceptance. To tell the truth, when I realized that Leon ( and likely our boys) would want me to go on living, I tried to jump into a new and different kind of life TOO quickly, skipping some of the stages I should have been going through at the time. So, one other thing 1 want to say is this: Give each grieving family time to struggle through each stage, so that TRUE healing can finally take place. Right now they need to do plenty of crying, along with trusting in the Lord and accepting support form those around them. (I delayed most of my crying until much later). This was a mistake, I think now. Pain is inevitable, and we can't just go around it, or over it. Sooner or later, we need to let our God-given tears flow freely. As one counselor said back in the "80s, even 10 minutes of crying can help. 1 finally found this to be true. In fact, the other day, by the end of the funeral, 1 was remembering my own boys. 1 had a helpful cry myself. As I've tried to say to this family and others, there are many of us who care about what you are going through. But our God cares even more!! Of course the same things apply to ALL who have lost loved ones. Another person I got to know was Delora Locklear. For awhile we were both attending the evening service at the Gospel Chapel. I remember when she told me they were thinking of starting a restaurant. Some good memories for me! The largest spider ever caught, a member of the genus Ladlodora, was found In Brazil in 1973. It measured 10.63 inches across. Microsoft's Stay Safe Online, at youthandlearning. The American Zinc Association at The United States Postal Service Web site at Pitney Bowes at www.pitney Microsoft Office at www. The Office Update Web site is located at Armor All Cleaning, Protectant or Glass Wipe is found at www. Business Services Center at businesssolutions. The Spina Bifida Association of America at QVC Publishing, Inc. at www. Flex-A-Min at www.flexamin. com. I Are YOU a Lumbee writer? | If so, then YOU are invited to submit your work (poetry, short story, etc.) for consideration to be published in the FIRST Lumbee Anthology of creative writing. Mail entries to: Lumbee Anthology, PO Box 3758, Pembroke, NC 28372; or for more information contact Daystar Dial at 910-843-2406 or Barbara Collins at 910-521-3444. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 30 June 2001 This project is sponsored in part by the Native American Resource Center, University of North Carolina at Pembroke. According to folklore, when a candle gives forth a spark, a letter is coming to the person sitting nearest it. Until 1796, the state of Tennessee was called Franklin. riSwSuK; LUMBEE HOMECOMING 2001 Schedule of Events July 1 - July 7 Date June 30 9:00 am July 1 3:00 pm July 3 6:30 pm July 4 7:00 pm July 5 7:30 pm July 6 7:00 pm July 6 10:00 pm July 7 7:00 am 10:00 am Following Parade 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 7:00 pm Event Annual Golf Tournament Farewell Tea "Strike at the Wind" Art Dinner Little Miss/Junior Miss Pageant Admission $8.00 Gospel Sing Miss Lumbee/Miss Teen Pageant Coronation Ball Road Race $5.00 Registration Parade Activities in the Park Car & Motorcycle Show AISES Pow-Wow Native American Literary Voices Themc:Celebrating the Lumber River in Literature Service Center Dedication/Open House "Strike At The Wind" Location/Sponsor Riverside Golf Course New LRDA Service Center UNC-P James B. Chavis Center Performing Arts Center/LRDA Prospect United Methodist Pembroke Performing Arts Center/LRDA Players Club/LRDA Pembroke Park/LRDA Downtown Pembroke/LRDA Pembroke Park/LRDA UNC-P Parking Lot/LRDA UNC-P Old Main UNC-P Dial Building Auditorium 2"d Floor Free Reception Following New LRDA Service Center' NC Indian Cultural Center

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