Despite the fact that I'm a sports fan in addition to being an educator, . I can't help but have strong feelings about the turn that has taken place in recent years in regard to the National Basketball Association draft. I'm talking, of course, about the fact that professional teams are not only not waiting for athletes to graduate from college before drafting them, they are now taking them right out of high school if the athletes choose to forego their education. Witness the fact that three out of the first four players drafted last month were fresh out of high school. Granted these were young men who were outstanding high school athletes or they certainly would not have been considered. They were also tall- something which college and professional coaches covet- and fast and versatile. At 18 or 19, though, are they mature enough not only to compete against grown men on the court but also to understand how their lives might be affected if a professional career doesn't work out. Granted all of these boys will be receiving more money then they have ever seen before. How long that money will remain in their possession, though, depends to a great extent on their maturity and the advice of agents or business mangers who have a vested interest in their career and their money and, also their family who may not have the expertise to deal with such large sums. Unlike an education, that money- regardless how much it may be- will eventually be gone Unless they're successful on the court. Hopefully, for their sakes, they will be. There are not too many Kobe Bryants around but, conceivably, they could tum out to be outstanding players. We hope that will be the case for the latest selected. 1 can't help but be concerned at the way things are developing where the draft is concerned. There was a time when a college athlete could not be drafted until his graduating class had graduated. Then came the hardship consideration where it was ruled that, if a potential star's family was in financial straits, the graduation rule could be waived. Then "hardship" became a thing of the past. Thus any athlete who decided he had gotten enough out of the college which had recruited him and taken care of his education could just say "good-by" to education and opt for the money of the pros. Some, by the example of the players taken in last month's draft, had only spent one year in college. It was only one short step, then, to going to the pros right out of high school. The question, now, is will it really be necessary to wait until they get out of high school. Maybe a big young man who is only a high school junior appears to have the necessary physical attributes that the pros want catches their eye. Do they go after him if he indicates an interest in leaving school and going pro? I realize that is an extreme statement but the way things have been going, it is possible that it's at least within the realm of possibility? There apparently is no answer to what I, as an educator, have to consider an unfortunate situation. Money apparently drives the process and, so long as it does, there will be teams that will go after these young men who, in tum, will seek the money out. I can only hope that, somewhere along the way, the importance of education is not lost. That is, of course, up to the athlete. The pros will not draft him unless he decides he wants to be and turns his back on education. That could be an unfortunate decision. i' - ? Pediatric Pointers by Dr. Joey Bell, Pembroke Pediatrics Summer time is here again, and you may have noticed insect bites popping up on your children. This is a common problem this time of year and a good time to remipd parents about the importance of protecting their children from all kinds of bites. While most insect bites are harmless and will eventually resolve, they can make children very uncomfortable. Children are also more susceptible to complications of bites, such as infection, scarring, or allergic reactions. The best way to avoid the problems of insect bites is by preventing bites from occurring in the first place. Insect repellants are very effective, but may bp harmful especially to young children if not used prop m; erly. There are manybrands of repellants to choose from, but most prod" nets; such as OFF, contain a chemical known as DEET. While DEET is still considered to be most effefctive, it can also be toxic. Try to use brands with a concentration of 10% or less. In addition, use only a thin layer, limit the number of times you reapply it, and use on the clothing whenever possible. Don't put repellant on a child's hands, eyes or mouth. Wash it off when no longer needed, like at the end of the day. Another option for repellant is citronella, which is a natural product found in products such as Skin So Soft. It is not as strong as DEET, but it is less toxic. If ticks are a problem, a substance called permethrin is the best defense. Use this only on the clothing, not directly on the skin. The best over all protection is permethrin on the clothes plus DEET or citronella on the skin. Remember that insect repellants are poisonous if eaten, so keep them out of reach of children. Taking the time to apply repellant and use them safely helps make the summer more comfortable for all of us. Take care and we'll talk again next week! How to Save You Marriage Today many mamage partners are caught in a desperate struggle to save their marriage. So many arc confused, not knowing why or how their hopes have been so bitterly blasted. Divorce has assumed tremendous proportions. What is the answer to the marital dilemma that we face today? God has a solution. He made us and knows all about us. He ordained mamage. He performed the first wedding. You may have tried everything else, why not give God a chance? In this lesson o Search for Truth you will learn what really works as Elder Joseph Bullard shares God's simple rules. Follow them and save your home. /. Establish your own private home. Genesis 2:24: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh," 2. Continue your courtship. I Peter 4:8: "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins." J. Remember: God joined you together in Marriage. Matthe>v 19:5-6: " What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder" 4. Guard your thoughts-do not let your senses trap you. Philippians 4:8: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report: if thee be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." 5. Never retirefor the night angry with one another. Ephesians 4:26, 32: "Be ye angry, and sin not. let not the sun go down upon your wrath... And be ye kind one to another, tenderheatl^cTTiui^iving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you " 6. Agree that divorce is not the answer. Matthew 19:9: "And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committed! adultery; and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery." 7. Keep the family circle closed tightly. Proverbs 6:2-1-29: "To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let "her take thee with her eyelids For my means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread; and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life. Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? So he that gocth in to his neighbor's wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent." 8. God describes love- make it you r daily goal to measure up. I Corinthians 13:4-7: "Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinkcth no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity; but rejoiceth' in the truth; beareth all things, bclieveth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things : 9. Remember that criticism and nagging destroy love. Colossians 3:19: "Husbands, love your wives and be not bitter against them." 10. Do not overdo in anything- be temperate. I Corinthians 9:25: "And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible." 11. Respect each other's personal rights and privacies. Same verse as UH. 12. Be clean, modest, orderly, and dutiful Proverbs 31:13, IS, 17: "She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She riscth also while it is yet night, and givcth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. She lookcth well to the ways of her household, and eatcth not the bread of idleness." 13. Determine to speak softly and kindly. Proverbs 15:1: "A soft answer tumcth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger" / /. lie reasonable in money matters. II Corinthians 9:7: "...For God lovelh a cheerful giver." 15. Talk things over and counsel together freely. 16. Keep Christ in the center of your home. Psalm 127:1; Proverbs 3:6: "Lxcept the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the f watchman waketh but in vain." "In all thy ways acknowledge him. and . he shall direct thy path " 17. Pray together. (NAPS)?According to the American Petroleum Institute, remaining petroleum resources in the United States should last between 40 and 80 years at current rates of production. Technological advances in locating and extracting oil have increased domestic production in recent years and could double the lifespan of our existing fossil fuels. Tb learn more about energy issues, visit, a comprehensive site hosted by Sarkeys Energy Center, the University of Oklahoma. By practicing early detection, men can increase their chances of finding testicular cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages. Once a month all men should perform a simple testicular selfexamination (TSE) to discover any physical changes or abnormalities early. For information on how to perform a TSE and on testicular cancer, visit www.pre With every foray in the kitchen, there's the possibility of a dish going horribly wrong especially at the worst possible times?cooking for company or guests. Fortunately, the functional Web site, considered the premier online destination for cooking enthusiasts, comes to the rescue to salvage operations and help you save face. Tb learn more, visit the Web site at www.cook WANTED! Persons willing to help a Native American business. Help by using your credit card to purchase 300 bestseller money booklets, "How lb Have Extra Money All The Time". Total cost; $1785 plus NC tax. Give them for Christmas, birthday, wedding gifts or sell at flea markets, yard sales, or as fundraising for your church or school. You will draw monthly from a Rebate Fund already set up. Limit: $35,000 per month. For more information by mail, call 910-521-7314 or write: WFCPress-STW, Box 3187, Pembroke. NC 28372. Every 20 Seconds... Osteoporosis Causes a Fracture HIP - Half of those who fracture never walk independently again. SPINE - Causes posture change, height loss, and often chronic pain. WRIST - Interrupts activities of daily living and causes pain. * ^national OSTEOPOROSIS FOUNDATION fighting Otttoporwh 4 Promoting Bono Health or 1-800-223-9994 C National OstrorortMit Foundation 2001 Justice Denied in State V. Eddie Hatcher On March 7, 2001 the Clerk of the Robeson County Superior Court under the order of Superior Court Judge Jerry Cash Martin, mailed summons for 500 residents of Robeson County, These individuals were ordered by the court to appear on April 9, 2001 for jury service in the State of NC v. Eddie Hatcher. On April 9, 2001 only 206 of the 500 individuals who had been summoned appeared. On April 9, 2001 approximately 69 of the 206 who appeared were excused by Judge Martin due to medical and/or job related problems. This left a total of 137 potential jurors from which to seat a jury to hear this capital murder case. Of the 137 potential jurors remaining, 88 were removed for cause by Judge Martin. The following is a breakdown of those removed for cause and the reasons used. 33 NATIVE AMERICAN Earl Oxendine-against the death penalty; Thurman Locklear; could not give Eddie Hatcher the death penalty; Furman Locklear- Could not give Eddie Hatcher the death penalty; Jimmy Blue-against the death penalty; Lacy Graham-against the death penalty; Vietta Chavis- could not give Eddie Hatcher the death penalty; Freddie Hammonds-would always vote for the death penalty; Mike Jacobs-could not be fair because had family at the Robesonian; Pamela Odom-could not be fair and impartial; Donna Jacobs Chavis-could not be fair and impartial; Donna Hunt- could not be fair and impartial; Vickie Hunt-could not be fair and impartial; Sam Oxendine-could not be fair and impartial; Brandon Rodriquez-could not be fair and impartial; Pamela Oxendine-could not be fair and impartial; John Marshall- could not be fair and impartial; Myrna Britt-could not be fair and impartial; Harold Locklear-would always voted for the death penalty; Donald Jones- would always vote for the death penalty; Rachel Harrigan- could not vote for the death penalty' Billy Brooks- could not vote for the death penalty; Richard Harding- could not be fair and impartial; Melvin Locklearcould not be fair and impartial; Erian Barton- could not be fair and impartial; Earl Barton- would always believe law enforcement; Brenda Locklear- could not be fair and impartial; Roy Jergenson- could not be fair and impartial; Margie Jones- could not vote for the death penalty; Michilene Lowry-job hardship; Donald Locklear-could not vote for the death penalty; Lawrence Seals- could not be fair and impartial; Darlene Chavis Munford- could not vote for the death penalty; Quindell Locklearmedical hardship. 23 AFRICAN AMERICANS REMOVED FOR CAUSE Ervin Gilchrist- could not vote for death penalty; Kimberly Harold- cold not v$te for death penalty; Wanda Richardson- would always vote for death; Willie Lowe- had formed an opinion and could not be fair; Natasha Sinclair- could not be fair and impartial; Wayne Black- could not vote for death; Robert Mclnnis- medical hardship; Otta Jones- would always vote for death; Jimmy Ervin- could not vote for death; Christine Elliot- could not vote for death; Lavon McNeil- could not vote for death; Collins Rowdy- violated judge's order not to read press reports; Alice Gaddy- could not vote for death; Kenneth Foxworth-could not vote for death; early Brown-could not vote for death; Levander Jones- could not vote for death; Keith Pittman- could not vote for death; Lucille Adams-could not be fair and impartial; Ernest Maynor Jr.-job hardship; Roy Striblin- could not be fair and impartial; Debra McNeil- could not vote for death; John McColl- could not vote for death. 32 WHITES REMOVED FROM JURY PANEL FOR CAUSE Clare McMilian- could not vote for death; Frank Hardin- could not vote death; Cory Callahan-would automatically vote death; Michael Russell-would automatically vote for death; Barbara Johnson- would always vote for death; John Powers- would always vote death; George Parker- could not be fair because of the Robesonian takeover; David Hedgepeth- could not be fair and impartial; Sandra Fowler- could not be fair and impartial; Noreen Brady- could not be fair and impartial; Mark Lovin- could not be fair and impartial; James West- would not be fair; Kimberly Ledema- could not be fair and impartial; Jason Britt- already formed an opinion; Debra Parker- could not be fair and impartial, Teresa Vetch- medical hardship; James Menderhallalready formed an opinion; Mary Hendricks-Could not be fair and impartial; Ralpty Horn- could not be fair and impartial; Ronald Jackson- would always vote for death; Joseph Ivey- always vote for death; Danny McLean- could not be fair and impartial; Jean Bateman- would always vote for death; John Byrd- could not vote for death; Virginia Lane- would always vote for death; William Ralph Sessoms- would always believe law enforcement; Ethel Carr- already formed ah opinion of guilty; Phyllis Gray- would always vote for death; Nancy Tyner- would always vote for death; Angus Cothingham- already formed an opinion; Gina Jackson- already formed an opinion. The following individuals were removed from the jury panel by peremptory challenge by the prosecution and defense: Carol Moore Lloyd, NA; Lou Ann Brewington, NA; Gail Pate Vega, NA; Ellis Artis-W; Debra McNeal, W; John McColl- B; Louise McCokrell, B; Lina Locklear, NA; Angela Oxendine, NA; Roberta Chavis, NA; Margaret Butler, NA; Debra Deluatch, B; Porhaler Lewis, B; Betty Chavis, NA; Janet Downing, W; Sharon Nichols, W; Marilyn Hammonds, NA; Marie Locklear, NA; Roy May, W; Nickie Bullard, NA; John Armstrong, W; James Hunt, NA, Gene Watson, W; Winford McGirt, NA; Debra Lowry, NA; Stewart Locklear, NA; Gregory Killens, B; Terry Turner-W; Sammy Stevens, W; Ernest Maynor, B. On April 23, 2001 Judge Jerry Cash Martin issued otders to show cause against the more than 250 residents who were summoned yet failed to appear. Not only did Sheriff Glenn Maynor intentionally fail to serve the original summons by the court to appear on April 9,2001, he willfully and intentionally failed to serve the order to show cause issued on April 23, 2001. Only four of the 290 individuals ever appeared to answer to the orders to show cause issued April 23, 2001. Through what we believe to be a concerted effort by the District Attorney Johnson Britt, Clerk of Court JoAnn Locklear and Sheriff Glenn Maynor, the Jury in North Carolina v Eddie Hatcher was fixed and established. After a three week trial, including the testimony of almost 40 witnesses and more than 120 exhibits, it took only three hours for the white and black communities of Robeson County, with the aid of one Native American to convict Eddie Hatcher and sentence him to life without parole. According to two jurors, almost the entire deliberations were discussions concerning the takeover of the Robesonian. These are the twelve: Juror #1- Karthayta Cooper- B 802 E 11th Street I Lumberton, NC 28358 Juror #2 Dorothy West-W Rt. 5 Box 320 A Lumberton, NC 28358 Juror #3 Ronnie Sutton-B 123 Spearman St Lumberton, N 28358 Juror #4 Samuel Owens-W PO Box 591 St. Pauls, NC 28384 . Juror #5 Peggy Locklear Jacobs-NA 3968 Saddletree Road Lumberton, NC 28360 Juror #6 Hillary Hodge- W 3 Velcord Drive Lumberton, NC 28358 Juror #7 Yolanda Bamwell-B 803 Palm Court Lumberton, NC 28358 Juror #8 Jason Williams-W 1263 McMillian Siding Road Parkton, NC 28371 Juror #9 Lysander Smith-B 308 W. Elm St Rowland, N 28383 Juror #10 Kathleen Tyner-W 1022 Pine Log Road Lumberton, NC 28358 Juror #11 Stacy McLean-B 2675 E 7th St #5 Lumberton, NC 28358 Juror #12 Darryl Wade Allen-W 145 McKinnon Rollin Road Lumberton, NC 28358 The Truth Will Come Out!! Paid for by : the Eddie Hatcher Defense Committee, P.O. Box 2702- ...Pembroke, NC 28372 To view this on our website go to

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