Thus Saith God's Word Rev. Ted Brooks. Pastor of West Saddletree Baptist Chur. h "But God will redeem nn soul form the power of the grave: for he shall receive me. Selah " (Psalm 49 15) "Thv dead men shall live together with mv dead body shall they arise. Awake and sin ye that dwell in dust, for thv dew is the dew of herbs and the earth shall east out the dead " (Isaiah 26 19) "Thou hast shown me great and severe trouble shall quicken me again and shall bring me up again from 'he depths of the earth " (Psalm 71:20) "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout w ith the voice of the Archangel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise." (I Thessalonians 4 16) " Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the air and so shall we ever be vvith the Lord " (Verse 17) There is a story told of a French author who felt he could not any longer endure the misfortune of this life (world) and who said at 4 o'clock this afternoon I shall put an end to my life. Meanwhile. I will toil on up to the time for the sustenance of my family. And he wrote on his book until clock struck 4 o'clock. When he folded up his manuscript and by his own hand concluded his life. There are many in this world who are perfectly discontented, unhappy in the past, unhappy today will be unhappy forever, unlessvou look death squarely in the face and say. "I shall not die but live." You can have this eternal satisfaction. There are many who have not escaped. Compare your view of life w ith a few y ears ago. Can you not see the great contrast? Were you right then or even now? Before us all there are two cups- a cup of sweet or a cup of sour- a cup of joy or a cup of grief? Job asked this torturing question, if a man dies shall he live again? All of us. my friend, are in a search for value. For many, the search for old coins, furniture, old cars is their search. But for the people of God. our search is in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This, my friena. is our religion , our salvation. David in the prophecy of that resurrection, declared "God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he shall receive me." (49:15) Without this belief, we cannot properly speaking, have religion. "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout." We must in this search have a sense of obligation toward him and his word, one must feel that we owe him certain duties. The word religion simply means to "bind back" to show reverence for God. All of us, my friend, are in a search for value and if we are going to spend our life in a belief, it better be in the resurrection ofChrist Jesus. You need to recognize Jesus is worthy of your life. What ever creation you are made of by the Holy Ghost. He is worthy of your life. If you are going to spend your life in one place, one idea, you want to spend it in Christ Jesus. That, my friend, is valuable. You and 1 do not need to spend our life in meaningless things. My friend, you and I are going to spend our life as others who have spent theirs. Once this life is over and the rapture has not occurred, many will walk over our graves saying I wonder where they are. Is there life beyond the grace? Oh, my friend, what a torturing question. Is there life beyond the grave? Look with me in the book of Job. Chapter fourteen, verse 14. The question was asked by Job. I fa man dies shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait. Strange as it may sound, it is a truth man does die and live again. Job was not in denial, but dpubt had crept in and it came with this question: " if a man dies, shall he live again? Job is concerned about life and death. Death had become a reality. Job had the answer about the tree, its water and the scent, but Job wanted to know about man. Job had buried his family. Now Job is left alone and he is saying to himself: "What about me? Where will 1 be? Will I be alive? Job was sick with pains and sores. Oh friend, it is not unseemly to think about dying when you are in good health, but it is ifyou wait til death seizes upon you and gets a grin on you. There are many who see death as a far off distant happening. Job was looking death in the face, saying, if a man dies shall he live again? (Jdb 14:13) While you are able and have a mind to do so, I encourage you to get acquainted with these scriptures David declared, "God will redeem me back from the grave. God will buy me out from the grave." Paul talked about redeeming the time because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:16) My friend. Job knew that his time was fixed and it was appointed, like a clock. All of us are on a drum beat, marching toward death. None of us know .where or when. One thing is for sure, death is remover of people from this life. It does not matter to death if you are the onty child. You may be the father, the mother, even a baby. "The waters wear the stones thou washest away the things which grow out of the dust of the earth, and thou destroyest the hope of man." (Job 14:19) Job recognized that death was a remover which takes people away. "Death is like a cloud, it vanishes away then comes again to the graveyard." Death needs not to improve itself, but you and I need to improve. Job recognized that death was stern, not affected by the cries of mothers and fathers and even children. Death takes away the smile. Those who smile will smile no more, those who play will play no "more. Death puts a stern look on a face, a bold look which shows no concern for loved ones. The undertaker will work hard to put a smile on the face of the dead, but Job said, if a man dies w ill be live again?" Now listen carefully. It is possible to believe in a divine being without feeling the sense of obligation, without feeling any impulse to obey him. Paul declared "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." (I Corinthians 15:19) There are many of you struggling like Job. with the question, ifonly I could be sure. Is there life bey ond the grave? Say ing to yourself. I'm tired of struggling with the gloom of a senseless existence. My friend, you need to be saved or restored in faith in the know ledge of eternity. For many of you. y ou do not need to sit with a suicide note in your hand just because of a few difficulties, the loss of a few friends, employment gone, w ife or husband divorcing you, lonely, bored and you feel like it is over. You sit w ith the notion of suicide. Ifonly in this life we have hope in Christ, we are most miserable, (I Corinthians 15:19) Listen again to Job. "My kinfolks have failed me and my familiar friends have forgotten me. I called to my servant and he gave me no answ er. And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh I shall see God." (Job 19:14-16. verse 26) Yes, it is a torturing question. Is there life beyond the grave? Yes. there is. I can't answer about life on mars, but I can tell you there is life beyond the grave. "But now is Christ risen from the dead and becomes the first fruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of life. For as in Adam all die. even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (I Corinthians 15:20-22) So you see. my friend, it is a truth man can and does die and live again. Strange as it may sound, it is true. The disciples on the eve of the resurrection were men of a shocked, disbelief and bitter disappointment. At first they could not believe this. They could not believe it had ended this way. TKey began to feel sorry for themselves. God had let them down. These disciples had built their life squarely on the life, death and resurrection. So Paul encouraged his followers. "If Christ be not raised, your faith is vain." Paul set the resurrection which would become the rock of their faith. Today the resurrect ion often means to Christians nothing more than proof of life after death. It meant that to our fathers, but that and more. The resurrection meant proof that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah of God. the Great I AM. For years the Jews lived with the expectation of his coming. They thought he would be a military leader, a chosen agent. One who could call upon the legion of heaven to overthrow the cruel oppressor. When Jesus came they dared to hope that he was the long awaited Messiah. But he did not act I ike what they wanted. "Where was his Army of Captains. But rather he was captured, then beaten, spit on. led out to be executed like a common criminal." Oh. he had a beautiful death, but the people were not interested in his death. They wanted a hero. They wanted someone alive. Now he laid yonder in a borrowed tomb, one who was defeated and over come by Rome. They all fled not because of a lack of courage, but because there seemed no sense in risking one's life in a lost cause. They felt they had made a tragic mistake and they felt that they might as well admit it. But in the very depth of despair, they were suddenly faced with a new development. Jesus was not dead. He was alive. He had risen. This meant Jesus was after all who he said he was. He was Jesus. Jesus had not achieved what they hoped for, but as the days passed they saw much more. He had freed them from chains that bound them to sin and death, chains that held them in fear. Jesus revealed to them that the power of good is greater than the power of evil. He walked out of the grave to satisfy the mind of folks like Job. "If a man dies, shall he live again?" Isaiah said, "Thou dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise." (Isaiah 26:19) Paul declared him to be the first fruits of them that slept. So, Isaiah said when I awake I will sing. Sing because I'm happy. Sing because I know he's watching over me. I can sing. God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, for he shall receive me. (Psalm 71:20) Not possible, said Peter, that he should be held whom God hath raised up, having loosed him from the pain of death, because it was not possible that he should be held by it. (Acts 2:24) One his way out of this world, he said to man, touch me not (or don't hinder me) but go to my brethren and tel I them " I ascend unto my father and your father and your God." (20:17 St. John's Gospel). Let me close now with a word to the sinner man and to the hypocrite. If a man dies shall he live again? Job said how can this be? The great misgiver (Satan) will tell you when the worm has had his fill, it is all over, you are done for, once and for all, in fact, Satan will convince you that your soul will wither away. He (Satan) will assure you that you cannot know, that,impossible, it is non sense. He (Satan) will tell you as Solomon did, the dead knoweth nothing. (Ecclesiastes 9:5) But we who are saved and convinced of his resurrection believe the words of Jesus, the Messiah, our Lord, our Master, we walk and march at his words. "And in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and he cried." (St. Luke 16:22-25) The dead, my friend, are alive. The words of Satan are like the shutting of an iron gate of a prison house on a soul. No wonder Isaiah cried out, "Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." (Isaiah 1:18-19) The Lord himself is going to descend w ith a shout. We who stand guard now and those who have out-runned us are going to rise. When that trumpet sounds, those who have been placed among the dead, they are not coming back pale, sad. broken body, they shall not return to this earth sickly and weak, but they are going to return in power with a new body and warm. There w ill be no mark of sin on their bodies. The last time I saw my mother she was sick, weak, cold and stiff, but the next time I see her. she is going to have that glorified body, strong, erect. How can this be?" When pangs of death seized my soul, unto the Lord I cried till Jesus came and made me whole, I would not be denied. "As Jacob in the days of old, I wrestled with the Lord and instant with a courage bold, I stood upon his word. I would not be denied. Old Satan said my Lord was gone and would not hear my prayer. But praise the Lord the work is done and Christ the Lord is here. I would not be denied I would not be denied. Till Jesus came and made me whole, I would not be denied." (Song written by C.P. Jones) I l?v Ny? 0*,??Urto . Guess What? In this column, and in other areas of my life, I've often been accused of being too negative. Now. I've been told my statements about the condition of the Prospect School were too positive. I try to make a practice of looking at two or more sides of an issue, instead ofimmediately taking sides. And INITIALLY. I was one ofthose persons who thought that the parents of Prospect students were over-reacting. But, I have since learned how SERIOUS the mold problem there really is. However when writing my last column. 1 didn't have all the facts regarding the mold problem and the variety of symptoms that many students and teachers experienced last year. When I stated. "Kindergarten classes are being held in a different area that is definitely considered to be safe," I thought they were going to be in an outside building that had no chance of being contaminated. Turns out kindergarten classes are being held, temporarily, in both the old and new parts of the building. Parents still have concerns about the condition of the entire Prospect School building due to possible contamination from improper handling, moving and disposal of materials from the mold-contaminated areas. Now, anxious parents are waiting for the results of testing done by Dr. Eugene Cole on Tuesday, August 21. Hopefully, a report will be ready by next week. Please continue to be in prayer for all those who have been affected by this situation. By the way, Byron is enjoying being in Mrs. Carolyn Deese's Kindergarten Classroom. ( . - Pep Boys at Crane Performance Siding at World Vision at www.worldvi r The'Seafarers International Union at Americp's_Promise at www. Sphinx rugs at www.owsphinx. com. ===1 Psychiatrist Sid Hosseini, DO, / PhD, has joined the medical / ^ staff of Southeastern / \ Regional Medical Center. / Vi A native of Iran, \\ Dr. Hosseini earned p>s 1| doctorates in J I aquatic biology L I from Iowa State j University in 1986, and in osteopathic medicine from the JW Des Moines University Osteopathic Medical Center in 1993. Prior to joining SRMC, Dr. Hosseini was a unit director at St. loseph's Hospital and practiced at St. Joseph's Medical Plaza in Buckhannon, West Virginia. We can all feel good about each, new addition to the medical staff at Southeastern Regional Medical Center. Each physician brings years of education, specialized training and personal expertise to our highly diversified health care team - and to our community. We'd like to extend a warm welcome to our newest doctor. With your arrival there is a significant improvement in the general health of this community. ?mw southeastern bfj regional v medical center , ^L*00 West 27th Street, Lumberton, NC (910) 671-5000 A // PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the North Carolina Senate Redistricting Committee will conduct a public hearing on Monday, August 27,2001 from 4:00 P.M.. until 6:00 P.M.. in the Legislative Auditorium on the third floor of the Legislative Building on the proposed North Carolina Senate Plan 1. Members of the public may comment on the plan. Each speaker is limited to five (5) minutes. Speakers are encouraged to submit the oral comments in writing. Persons proposing alternative plans or changes to the proposed plan are encouraged to provide maps and any supporting data. Questions about he public hearing may be directed to Bill Gilkeson or Erika Churchill at 919-733-2578. Persons desiring to submit written comments to be included in the public record may send those comments to Redistricting Committee, 300 N. Salisbury Street, Suite 545 Legislative Office Building, Raleigh, NC 27603. mm southeastern |? regional medical center Neighbors Caring For Neighbors. I , ''fEtanchhome on I I a Fnday aria was in church on Sunday' "I feel like I was blessed. Southeastern Regional Medical Center caught the cancer in time. I tell you, i never felt afraid of anything at all. They were some of the finest people you ever met. I felt like I was in go'od hands. Right now, I don't have any problem at all. I give a lot of credit to Southeastern Regional Medical Center. Anything I want to do, I can go do it." Southeastern Regional Medical Center Lumberton 910-671-5000

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