. Editorial And Opinion Page "asTseeTt" Bruce Barton AS I SEE IT ... Bruce Barton Felicia Locklear, the bravest person I ever knew, has died ... at the tender age of 28. Felicia suffered from severe Scoliosis and other medical problems, including club feet and under developed lungs that caused her to spend a lot of time in the hospital and in bed at home. She was a student of mine at Purnell Swett High School when I taught social studies there a few years ago. A proud moment for all of us was when she graduatwl from high school in 1994. The cheers were loud and boisterous when Felicia hobbled across the stage to receive her diploma from her principal, Bill James Brewington. Mr. Brewington told me once that seeing Feliecia graduate was one of the most enjoyable moments he ever had as an educator. It was a highwater mark for her, and took a lot of courage and perseverence to become a high school graduate. 1 have never been prouder of another human being, she never gave up and loved to sing when she could and praise the Lord. She was a wonderful person and I am privileged to have known her as a student... ana as a friend. She is, probably, the bravest human being I have ever known. I offer sincere condolences to her family, including her father, James Locklear; her mother, Earline Locklear; a brother, James B. Locklear; her paternal grandmother, Sallie M. Locklear; and her maternal grandparents, Vemon and Leola Locklear, all of Maxton. The funeral is being held today(August 30) in Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, the Revs. Danny Brooks Jr., Ricky Deese, Terry Cummings and Jimmy Strickland officiating. Burial follows in the chruch cemetery,. Memorials may be made to Earline Locklear, 1399 .Cabinet Shop Road, Maxton, N.C. 28364. Thank you note Glenn Howard Thomas June 22,1963 August 18, 2001 The family of Glenn Howard Thomas would like to thank the countless number of friends who remembered him in their thoughts and prayers throughout his bouts of illness and times of health. We appreciate all your deeds of kindness and words of comfort during this time of our bereavement. G lenn made his peace with God and we are confident that he is at rest. May God bless each of you. Lucy, Charles, Jimmy and Jeanelle Thomas, JoAnn Branton and Glenn's girls, Shiana and Emily Farm Service Agency Seeks County Committee Candidates The Farms Service Agency (FSA) is looking for candidates for the farmerelected County Committee election to be held this fall. "It is crucial that every eligible agricultural producer take part in this election because county committees are a direct link between the farm community and the US Department of Agriculture," says Giles B Floyd, Robeson/Scotland FSA, County Executive Director. "The County Committee system needs everyone to get involvedfrom voters to committee candidates. Almost anyone eligible to take part in a local FSA program may be a candidate for the comriiittee." Nomination forms can be obtained from FSA County offices. Completed nomination forms are due back to the FSA office by October 29. FSA will notify nominees and mail election ballots to eligible voters in mid-November, and completed ballots will then be due back to FSA offices by December 3. The election will end December 10, and elected members and alternates will take office January 1,2002. FSA County Committees make decisions on: commodity price support loans and payments; establishment of allotments, yield and marketing quotes; farmer loans; and other farm disaster assistance. "The County Committee is an important part of the service delivery of the USDA. We'd like to include more farmers in nontraditional operations and peoples who livelihoods depend on farming", said Floyd. "We're also looking for small farmers, specialty crop farmers, truck farmers, and spouses or business partners- anyone who would be able to add some new or different experiences to their Local County Committee." For more information contact your local USDA Farm Service Agency office at (910)739-3349. Free Training Session for Adult Tutors You can help turn someone's life around by giving the gift of reading. The Robeson County Church and Community Center is offering a free 12-hour training workshop to certify volunteers as adult reading tutors. The ? sessions will be held on September 6th, 11th, 13th and 18th from 6:00 to 9:00. For more information or to register for the workshop please call Frances Thomas, Literacy Director at (910) 738-5204 Editorially Speaking Redistricting for the purpose of including a seated board member's new home and an Ethics Committee? My redisricting question for the board of education, one more time. Is it legal to redistrict for the purpose of assuring that a seated board member's new house is included in the district he represents? That's the question. Has nothing to do with Patrick Bullard personally. Although Monday night when he named an Ethics Committee, I thought, editorially speaking, it was the height of hypocrisy.... Ethics? Webster's Sew World Dictionary of the American Language defines ethics as: "The study of standards of conduct and moral judgement; moral philosophy; a treatise on the study; the system or code of morals of a particular person, religion, group, profession, etc." Hav ing said that. We leave the rest up to Bullard and his personal code of ethics, or the lack thereof. We understand that the chairman appointed several committees, including Finance with Mitchell Locklear, Chairman-Steve Martin . Robert Deesc, Terry Smith and Brenda Fairly serving; Grievance-James DcFreece. Chairman-Steve Martin. John Campbell. Millicent Ncalv. Gloria Lowery serving: Policy-Terry Smith. Chairman-Mike Smith. Robert Deesc. Gloria Lowery. John Campbell serving; and the infamous Ethics with Brenda Fairley, Chairinan-MillicentNealy, Mike Smith. Mitchell Locklear and James DeFreece serving . Now what we "found interesting about these committees is that he apparently said, "Here Terry Smith, you name the people to these committees." ' We assume that because Terry Smith and his demonstrated klan-mentality contingency seems to have control of all these committees, except the policy committee. As we keep waiting for Patrick to do the right thing, he seems to keep doing more and more wrong things. People speculate that if his new house is not included in re-districting, or if there is any interference with his plan, he will call for Supt.. Harding's resignation.... We are not swayed by that speculative thinking... His goal, as we see it was to repay a debt to Supt. Harding, and of course, we don't expect him to try that until after his house is included in the adopted redisricting plan. If it is legal for the board of education to redistrict for the' "definite purpose'' (as our daily newspaper stated) of including Bullard's home, then so be it. We will continue to raise the issue and await the question of whether the Justice Department will approve the new plan. Ethics? Maybe this is a question for the new committee? Is it ethical for a man to run for office in one district while building his home outside the district, and after election include the new home in the redisricting plan? Look at the make up of these committees and tell me whether Patrick Bullard has an allegiance with the group we consider to demonstrate "klan mentality?" This group is comprised of Terry Smith (the SOS man). Millicent Nealy, Steve Martin, three whites; two Blacks we assume fall in the category of "liberated bodies w ith slave mentality," Brenda Fairly and James DeFreece. And the tie breaker. Patrick Bullard. Indian..... What a combination! Now, Bullard can't vote against Terry Smith since Smith voted for him to be Chairman. But he was obviously very comfortable to vote against Mitchell Bosco Locklear for vice chairman Did I miss something? Maybe Locklear is not an Indian...No, that can'r be so because he is on the daily newspaper's "hit list" Now when the daily editor (who we believe to be a racist) writes favorably about an Indian, watch out! The Indian is probably serving in the role of a Scout. The legal and ethical question remains: is it legal for the board of education to redistrict to accommodate a seating board member's new home? We think not....but the courts will decide. We expect the racist, in our opinion, editor of the daily newspaper to continue to denigrate all the Indians and the one Black who votes with them on the board of education, except for Bullard. And we expect him to write like a mad man to ensure that the whites maintain their control of the board, including a white superintendent, with the help of Bullard. All this raises other questions. Were political commitments made to Bullard prior to the election relative to the inclusion of his house? If so. who made the commitments? We believe the voting public deserves to know? Surely, Bullard knew his new house was outside the district when he ran. Does he have political supporters who can assure inclusion of his house? Do these supporters have the political clout to sway the Justice Department? If so. they are not coming to his defense publicly.... Once again, be w eary of the man or woman who feels the need to declare "I am not a racist!" and those who profess to come "in the name of the Lord." Remember the Ku Klux Klan came out of the church, professing Christianity....Ay Connee Brayboy, Editor LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Redfearn avows she and her husband are not racist Letter to Editor; 1 am concerned about an editorial which appeared in the Carolina Indian voice in regards to my husband Rob Redfearn. In a recent editorial in this paper, written by editor Connee Brayboy, it was implied that Rob and others are targeting certain racial groups in their effort to reform the political system of the county. I believe any of our family, friends, employees and associates would tell you that Rob and I abhor racism of all types. Although we did not live here when there was unfair and illegal maltreatment of minority persons, we have made this our home and have done everything in our power in the last 5 years to make Lumberton and Robeson a better place to live. Coming from a multi-ethnic mosaic in Toronto, we have been continually shocked by the frank racism in this area- at a time when none of us is actually a minority. It seems Robeson County is stuck, in this new millennium, doing things the way the were done 30 years ago, with a persons race always the primary concern in matters of hiring, public services, etc. What we seek to change in our public activities is not the balance of racial power in the area but rather the use of race at all as a criteria of a man or woman's worth. Regardless of color or race we find it deplorable when one does not abstain from a vote when ones family member is to be appointed to a public position, or when someone is hired through backroom deals without due process to a public search for qualified candidates. We are disturbed when public moneys are spent in anyway to support the interests of one group or of ones friends without attention to fairness and equity. We hope that all Robesonians, black, white, Indian, Hispanic and otherwise will rise up and let our public servants know that we are watching their behavior and expecting them to pursue fair and appropriate means of helping Robeson County progress towards the future. Meanwhile, let us all stop ourselves from qualifying persons on the basis of race and look instead at their achievements and abilities. Sincerely, Allison Redfearn, MD. Lumberton Farm Service Agency Begins Making Emergency Payments The greatest number of Olympic participants at a Winter Game was 1,737 (1,216 men, 521 women), representing 64 countries in Lillehammer, Norway in 1994. The USDA Farm Service Agency has begun making the first of supplemental emergency payments to area farmers. According to Giles B. Floyd, County Executive Director, the Robeson/Scotland Farm Service Agency (FSA) Office has issued nearly S4 million in payments as part of the 2001 Agricultural Economic Assis tance Act which was signed into law by the President on August 13,2001. "These payments were issued as supplemental market loss assistance payments and to 2000 crop oilseed producers", Floyd said. "Additional payments will be made around September 10, 2001, to eligible tobacco producers and allotments holders". These payments will be automatically paid to eligible farmers for the farming economy which has been hit hard in recent years by low commodity prices and natural disasters", Floyd said. Pembroke Kiwanis Report. Provost Dr. Roger Brown outlined the Strategic Goals for the new College year. These goals have been submitted to the Trustees and Chancellor for their approval. They have been worked out by Faculty and Departments. The seven goals are: 1. Build the International Programs Strategy. 2. Expand and enhance the Distributed Learning Programs, including off-campus programs. 3. Complete Academic Plan for 2002-2007. 4. Revise and rename Degree Programs to fit current needs. 5. Implement enrollment increase strategy for Graduate Programs. 6. Increase Summer School enrollment and programs. Implement and expand the Honors College. Dr. Carolyn Thompson outlines the Honors Program for outstanding academic students. It is a real challenge to them. Questions and answers followed the presentations of the updated goals. Invocation- Albert Hunt, Song leader- Ed Teets. Presiding- Carlton Mansfield, Chairman- Ken Johnson. Prisoner complains over inability to practice traditional religion Letter to the Editor: My name is James E. "Bear" Jacobs, I read and study the Indian Voice a lot, and 1 must say, ya'll hit home on a lot of subjects. 1 have one of my own that needs to be published and broadcasted , so that the Indians in the public and all civilians can know. I'm incarcerated here at Robeson Correctional. I'm an American Indian Religious Worshiper, "Well at least until I arrived here at Robeson Correctional". Now we are recognized by the state, and to a certain point by the federal government. We are recognized as Native American Indians, and in the prison system, we are honored and respected as Indian people, that is all prisons outside of Lumberton. When I arrived here, I was surprised to see that American Indians were being neglected and threatened if they wore the headband of any solid color that has meaning and representation, or the ceremonial choker, or Dream catcher, and specifically the medicine bag that has all spirit of truth. We have a prayer circle here. But we cannot use it. Out of all places that would reject my religion, I figured it would be a prison outside of Robeson County that doesn't have mush knowledge of Native Americans. But, to my surprise, it is the people around here who know us as people of the Dark Waters. They react and discriminate against American Indian worshipers. I was made to send my religious items home. We cannot smoke the pipe to send blessings to the Creator for things he has given us. We cannot wear headbands. The Department of Corrections has a guide line for all prisons to follow. The Superintendent .who's name is Mr. Stancy, does not and will not have American Indian Worship on his camp. This leads me to believe, from his actions regarding Indian people, to the assumption that he has bad medicine in his heart. He does not follow the Department of Correction guide lines. A superintendent has the right to make rules over his prison within D.O.C. policy. That does not give him the right to deny Indian people the right to worship, especially we living here on the home soil of our ancestor. I'm an indigent person, and I can't get a lawyer to protect my religious freedom of rights. If you publish this, maybe a red brother or sister of the Indian blood will take notice and stand with me to protect our image and religion from people who hate us with Dark Hearts. Sincerely, James Earl Jacobs Bear .Jo oclfo^fl. Maxine Blue "( RIVER QUEST MEDICAL CARE, PA V 258 Lowe Road Maxine Blue, Family Nurse Practitioner -C invites you tojoin her at her new Practice Location with River Quest Medical Care. * We are please to offer you, our patient, a full menu of Family Health Care Services. Acute and Chronic Injuries (chronic diseases, minor Injuries, lacerations 6nd accidents). Gynecological Care to include Family Planning, Annual Pap Smears and Pregnancy Testing. Physical Examinations for Well Child, Department of Transportation, Insurance, Camp, Sports and Employment. Indigent Medication Program. In addition, Occupational Health services for area Industry. We look forward to seeing you soon. Thanhs for support over the years and allowing me to participate in your health care. Walk-ins and Scheduled Appointments from .. 8:00 - 5:00 P.M. Telephone: 910-735-1234. H n