Editorially Speaking Race, Klan-Mentality and Subtleties and Nuances in Robeson | It times past members of the w hitc race who felt they were superior to all other races wore white sheets and professed to be doing the will of God in keeping the "white race pure." Following the Civil Rights Movement, laws enacted to protect Civil Rights, and the death of mans people of color, the Ku Klux Klan. while not changing theirtheologv or their ideology. began to hide their racists attitudes and feelings of superiority behind more subtle coverings. Here in Robeson Counts where the Native Americans, according to the 2000 Census figures, are the majority population, folks who belies e they are superior to other races are forced to hide even more deeply behind platitudes and expressions of the brotherhood of all men. These are the folks who talk now of reverse discrimination and declare race should not be used as a determining factor for job applications and thev are bitterlv opposed to "quotas" w hile they really mean they are bitterly opposed to people of color holding positions of authority, unless of course these people are chosen by them and controlled by them. This group of whiles in Robeson who demonstrate what we refer to as klan-mentality are among those who voted overwhelmingly for Sen. Jesse Helms when he was contested by Harvey Gantt. a Black, a few years ago. Many of those Jesse Helms supporters are still in our midst and still bitterly opposed to those persons of color w ho can think, read and write, and especially those who can strategize and understand subtleties and nuances. They remind me of Sen. Helms' unforgettable television ad during that campaign. He showed a white man tearing up an application with a clear indication that the job had gone to a Black. Now this ad didn't use the "N" word in reference to Blacks, but the implication was clear. It said "You would have had this job. superior white man. if it were not for this N ." Most people on bothendsof the spectrum understood that message loud and clear. If indeed HpveTTiTTan-had been elected Senator. Blacks would have been given positions in the Soiiatort office and some folks would rather face a firing squad than ijave that nap pen! And Robeson County's white voters read the message and a dreed. Check the* voting record for Robeson's while precincts during that camplign. We submit to you that all of white Robeson has not changed. These pedple still meet and they have an agenda and a slogan. They tell themselves and tne Blacks who fall prey to their theology "The I ndians qre taking over everything!" They meet, plan and strategize to regain the power they feel is their GodJgiven right by virtue of being bom white. This group includes doctors, lawyers.1 lav persons, bail bondsmen, and other people in the business community.They have no problem getting their message out because they have access to the daily newspaper, through the assistance of the racist (in our opinion) editor who demonstrates the belief "if it ain't white, it ain't right." You have nothing to do except read the daily newspaper, if you doubt what we are saying. Now folks don't meet anymore as an organized* Klu Klux Klan, but they do meet to strategize and plan "how to stop people of color from controlling their o\wi destiny This group meets often and their agenda does not include Indians or Blacks as major players in the political games of Robeson Counts. They ssould hase us believe otherwise, but let's remember the last election. This group targeted the Board of Education. I he daily 's racist (in our opinion) editor gave them all the encouragement and free space to denigrate the Indians. Blacks and w h ites w ho d id not support their agenda. Thes reasoned among themsels es that in order to accomplish sshat ssas best for them, thes ssould have to include a token Indian and Black, mas be tsso. if thes could fool them. Among those in this group, of course, sscrc Terrs Smith. Millicent Seals. Stese Martin and others ssho ssill remain nameless for the sake ofthisanalv sis. Thes determined to change the complexion of the control on the Board of Education. Thes regarded Abner Harrington, although sshitc. as a traitor because he ssould sole on issues based on what he felt ssas right rather than upholding the superiority of the sshite race. Well, thes replaced him svith Steve Martin svho obviously promised to do ss hat svas in the best interest of reaching the goals of this klan mentality group. So far. Martin has had nothing to say publicly about anything. Well, any way. nothing of any significance. We svonder if he can even articulate why he is on the board of education, other than to do the biding of Terry Smith and vote like he is told to. Millicent Nealy replaced Beth Williamson. Both are sshite. but again Williamson ssas outcast because she ssas "too closely tied" to people of color. Nealy speaks publicly and she has all the right ssords to camouflage her real purpose, keeping the superior ss hite race in control. Then there is Brenda Fairies and James DcFreece. the tsso Blacks. Thes are good followers and they ssill not be allowed to lead in this group. One of their assigned duties in this group is to help destroy John Campbell, svhose has the audacity to vote with Indians. Notice hoss this new age group with KKK mentality -operates. They will not personally and publicly go after John Campbell, a Black, but they w ill instigate and push DeFreece into it. Stop and think. DeFreece and Fairies, hoss often do these folks from the nesv age KKK visit you a?home J at church and at other social functions? There is the test of whether you are friends or associates. We Indians have our osvn Judas on the board of deduction too. The chairman. Patrick Bullard. He loses control and bashes the other Indians on the board and refuses to admit when he is ssrong about anything, j Chairman Patrick Bullard, Out of His District and Violating Board Policy Most recently the chairman found out at a board meeting he didn't have the authority to form committees. That authority rests svith the board. Nosv he gave all kinds of reasons and blamed everyone else, but the facts are he violated board policy . Nosv does the chairman think that there are big ssrongs and little ones? John Campbell should never have obtained money for conferences and then not attend them. Neither should Chairman Bullard violate board policy. A violation is a violation. Or does the chairman believe in his arrogance that he is above reproach0 Anyway he seems always to get upset with Mitchell Locklear. Gloria Lowery. or John Campbell. Obviously, he cannot afford to offend the three w hites on the board to whom he owes his allegiance. He boasts of six votes, but we are conv inced he only has six votes when he is operating under the direct supervision of those we believe to have klan-mentality, Terry Smith. Millicent Nealy and Steve Martin with Smith, of course, being the leader e wonder if these three will stand firmly behind Bullard when push comes to shove and it is documented publicly that he resides outside the district he was elected to represent? Our investigation has revealed that Bullard maintains two separate residences. He spends one or two nights a week in his legal residence on Garden Street, This would not bother us quite as much if Bullard didn't profess to be dedicated to the church. But of course he has met the prerequisite forbeing affiliated with the klan-mentality group. Ask Millicent Nealy. We are sure she will tell you she is not a racist and she believes in one race, the human race. Look up the law. Patrick, or ask an attorney. You must r<^ide (not visit) in the district you were elected to represent. While some plople might cover for y ou, others are quite willing to tell the truth about your liv ing arrangements. Even Terry Smith, Millicent Nealy and Steve Martin will vote to have you dismissed from the board for living outside the district when the test comes. We remind you again, these people are not your friends. You can not join their exclusive club because you fail the first criteria, you are not WHITE! Wonder why the daily's editor is not treating you as he has John Campbell for violation of policy and unethical behavior? Because ypu are doing what he wants you to do, being a good scout and try ing to destroy your own people! Now, if*you have "your" six votes to establish your committees, be honest and bring yourself before the Ethics Committee for failure to reside in the proper district and for violating board policy. We editorially call on you to read the policy manual, since you are chairman, and abide by policy. How can you honestly call someone else into question when you have no idea what authority being chairman gives you. Read the policy manual. To continue to operate in arrogance and assume you know it all, is to bring into play another age old adage: "It is better to remain quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Too late, you have already removed all doubt. A petition has been prepared calling for Bullard to resign from the board or move into his legal district. This is not surprising. You cannot build a strong structure on a shaky foundation. This is pari one of a two part series on race, subtleties and nuances In Robeson by Connee Brayboy. The opinions expressed are those of the author It is also the introduction to our response to Allison Redfearn and her husband, Rob Redfearn. Next week we will respond directly to Dr. Redfearn's letter. y \. Saddletree Church of God to present Gospel Music Explosion The Young at Heart of the Saddletree Church of God are planning a Gospel Music Explosion on Friday, October 5. 2001 at 7:30 P.M.. The featured singers will include the Saddletree Church ofGod Mass Choir; the Sycamore Singers; the Locklear Brothers and windy; the Tylers; and Rev. and Mrs. Terry Oxendine. The pastor, the Rev. Dr. Millard Maynard and the congregation extend a cordial invitation to the public to attend. 180-year tradition of quality. Subsidy book I publisher offers publishing services for books of all types. Fa bee Author's Guide, write: | Great Lakes ChampionPow Wow Sept. 22-23 The Detroit 300 Great Lakes Champion Pow Wow w ill celebrate Detroit's Native American heritage. The cultural celebration will include drum and dance competitions, a large "traders market' of traditional arts and crafts, and special events for the family in honor of Detroit's 300th birthda>. 1 his is an alcohol and substance free event. The event will begin on Saturday. September 22. at 11 a.m. and go until 9 p.m. then again on Sunday, September 23. at 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. Admission prices are: adults 57, children 12 and under S4 and seniors age 50 an over $4. It will be at the Fairgrounds Park at Michigan State Fairgrounds (8 Mile Road and Woodward Avenue in Detroit. Michigan.) ? For general information all I [800DETROIT or visit www.detroit300.0rg. C PC Power System Make Money With Your Computer % f TIRED OF WORKING IN A DEAD END JOB? I 1 Want to start an online business but don't know how? Take our 1 m FREE, easy-to-follow tour to learn how you.. .Harness the Power of m t Your Computer with alittle-known. Duplicate System that can help 1 you explore your income right in the comfort of your own home in 1 C your spare time! www.pcpouersystem.com/id/20296791 -1 tour htm % "Turkey Pizza" to be Featured at State Cook-off Five NC Turkey Cooking Contest Contestants Compete for Top Prize "TURKEY PIZZA" will be prepared, cooked and served during the Twentieth Annual NC Turkey Cooking Contest festivities being held Friday, September 14, 2001. The pizzas will be enjoyed by hundreds of viewers on the grounds of Hoke County Public Library on Main Street in Raeford, North Carolina The contest is being held in conjunction with the Seventeenth Annual NC Turkey Festival, September 13-15. Commissioner Meg Scott Phippsand other governmental officials will take pan in the opening ceremonies beginning at 10:00 a.m. Around 50,000 North Carolinians are expected to flock to the small town to help celebrate the accomplishments of the State's turkey industry? and enjoy fun and fellowship during the three-day celebration. Five contestants will be competing for $2,400 in prize money. The top awardwinning recipe will receive S1,000. The five contestants are: Victor Friedmann, Durham, NC; Katie Grubaugh,. Rougment, NC; Gilda Lester, Wilmington, NC; Molly Mclndoe, Oak Ridge, NC and Diana Snyder Reynolds, Greensboro, NC. The contest is sponsored by the NC Turkey Federation, NC Poultry Federation, NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and NC State University. During the cook-off which begins at 10:00 a.m., the public is invited to view the contestants cooking in their mini kitchens and taste samples of "deepfried" TURKEY and TURKEY PIZZA. There will be freshly prepared pizza with thin and thick crust ladled with sauce covered with mozzarella cheese and a mouthwatering "seasoned" ground turkey (recipe below) and turkey sausage put between layers of cheese to retain moisture. Attend the contest and discover why TURKEY PIZZA should be America's favorite! Pizza will be prepared by Pizza Hut, with turkey products donated by Carolina Turkeys of Mount Olive, NC, the world's largest turkey processing plant. Ground turkey and turkey sausage make lean, luscious pizza toppings? a great substitute for red meat. The recipe that follows, provided by the NC Turkey Federation, could become your family's favorite. Enjoy! PIZZA TOPPING 1 pound ground turkey, I teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 2 teaspoons fennel seed, 1/2 teaspoon sugar. Mix all ingredients together. Brown in nonstick pan 3-5 minutes, or until turkey changes color; drain. Sprinkle over prepared pizza, adding additional grated cheese. Bake according the package directions. Yields 2-3 15" pizzas. Maxine Blue jl\\ RIVER QUEST MEDICAL CARE, P.A. n"V^XX^\ Hi: 258 Lowe Road < p>\ Maxlne Blue, Family Nurse Practitioner -C invites you to join her at her new Practice Location with River Quest Medical Care ' * We are please to offer you, our patient, a full menu of Family Health Care Services. Acute and Chronic Injuries (chronic diseases, minor injuries, lacerations 6nd accidents). Gynecological Care to include Family Planning, Annual Pap Smears and Pregnancy Testing. Physical Examinations for Well Child, Department of Transportation, Insurance, Camp, Sports and Employment. Indigent Medication Program. In addition. Occupational Health services for area Industry. We look forward to seeing you soon. Thanhs for support over the years and allowing me to participate in your health care. Walk-ins and Scheduled Appointments from 8:00 - 5:00 P.M. Telephone: 910-735-1234. [T YOU BUILD IT\^ V YOjf SAVEI^l EASY 'Oo-il-youfMif Cootiruction 104% UMM %k>. \- Mirtemna FfM SJB^? Factory Direct Steel Buildings! I I ?I com I Editorial And Opinion Page AS I SEE IT 1 Bruce Barton Miss Margret" has died... My daughter, Brandi Nakell Barton, opined that it might be nice if "Miss Margret" could come home from the hospital to be with us again and allow us to put on a big bash for her 88th birthday in November, or even have her with us for another Christmas. Deep Branch Sampsons love Christmas, you know. We are kind of selfish about "Miss Margret" who is officially Flora Margaret Oxendine Sampson, the mother and granddaughter of my wife, Barbara, and daughters Brandi and Sissy (Teresa Maria), and son, Pete (John Marvin Carter Jr.). I agreed with Brandi, but the Lord had the final say in the matter ana He called "Miss Margret" home Monday night (Sept. 10) about 11:09 p.m. We (and other family members and friends) were all ringed around her bed at Southeastern Regional Medical Center when, without undue warning, there was a very slight and gentle heart flutter, and she was no more. 1 had been watching her carotid artery on the side of her neck as it pulsed irritably, before zeros overwhelmed the machine attached to her frail body. Like a slight, imperceptible breeze, she just blew a goodbye inhalation to us and she was no more on this green planet. As 1 see it, she waited until we were all ready for her to go before she went away to that beautiful place beyond this earthly pale. She was so tired ... As she went away, I thought to myself, "What a wonderful way to die with a gentle breeze and flutter and then a short spiritual journey to a place where Jesus is the doorkeeper. Oh, joy unspeakable! And, after a useful life, to be surrounded by family and friends, is the perfect setting for the ultimate going away party! Amen! "Miss Margret" taught school for 41 years, and then raised the rest of us. We shall miss her forever. Her daughters, Bonnie Gail Sampson-Scott and Barbara Ann Sampson Barton, and their children and loved ones, mourn her passing from this earthly plane to the spiritual one. Her church family at Tabernacle Baptist Church also will sorely miss her. Maybe I can say more later. I loved her dearly, and could never tell a mother-in-law joke. She was just a beautiful lady and was exceedingly kind to me. God bless all of you for your thoughtful expressions of kindness and good will to her surviving loved ones. "Setting up" is tonight at Locklear & Son Funeral Home in Pembroke. The funeral will be Friday at 4 p.m. at Tabernacle Baptist Church on Highway 711 between Pembroke and Lumberton. As "Miss Margret" was gently going into that good night, terrorists were attacking America. What a contrast, and a sad commentary on what we earthly ones are left to face. "Miss Margret", in many ways, mostly spiritual, is the lucky one. She will now be in the presence of Jesus eternally while the rest of us are left to dodge mean words, deeds, bullets and debris from crumbling buildings. How sad for those of us who are left in this dreadful place called Earth! The Carolina Indian Voice is published every Thursday by First American Publications, 207 Union Chapel Road, Pembroke, NC 28372. Second class postage paid at Pembroke, NC 28372. Please send all address changes to P.O. Box 1075, Pembroke, NC 28372. Subscriptions are $25 per year in the State of North Carolina and $30 per year in all other states. Bruce Barton Publisher Connee Brayboy Editor