Thus Saith God's Word by Rev. Ted Brooks Punchers in the Church "Bui there were falsepiophets also among the people, even as there shall he false teachers among you. who privily shall bring in damnable heresies even denting the I.ord that brought upon themselves swill destitution Many shall follow their pcrmeious nays" til peter 2 1-2) "And manv false prophets shall rise and shall deceive man tMatthew 24 11) "Beware of false prophets which come to vou in sheep's clothing, but inwardlv they are ravening wolves Ve shall know them by then fruits Do men gather grapes of thorns or tigs of thistles " (Matthew " I5-H?> The question is now asked what has gone wrong ' Where did we strav ' t >h. ray friend. Jesus spent thirty y ears training for a three vear ministry This has not been told often enough to oui youth of today They need to be made awaic that "there is a divine balance of impression and expression in the life of Jesus. " foi their sakes He tells us. "I sanetily myself" Preachers of today have taken too many short cuts They have gone over the fence and taken no notice of the sign boards which read "follow me and I will make you fishers of men " In other words, we are saved to serve l ust week we tried to emphasize what the church is like when poachers arcon the inside We tried to tell you that a false prophet cares nothing for the commandment of God We made ev ery effort to let you know that rebellion, stubbornness, arrogance, and defiance are now in our midst St Paul left us words that these things would occur "in the last davs " ill Timothy .1 1-2) For a long time now the church has yawned and looked in another direction The church has been like these United States which has opened its doors to all people and none have kept their promises If a person from another planet were to suddenly appear on earth, they w ould be shocked as they observed our lawless life-style They would be shocked as they watched the proceedings of a divorce court, read about the crime on our Streets, felt the pressure and anger from homes, and listened to arguments in school classrooms They could get the idea that defiance pays oft" It would appear that those who break the law and detv authority get away with h You see. my friend, when false prophets are in the church and hav e left the highway of holiness, homes now are dangerous places to be Folks become rebellious They permit rebellion and intimidation Homes now are where children are in control Parents have taken the passive route, giving their kids the authority Today children can and do sue parents for parental malpractice Because of false prophets in the pulpit your chance of becoming a victim of crime has doubled in the last ten years Because of false prophets, your chance of becoming a victim of violent crime has increased by more than five times in the same period Today because of falseprophets you have a one in twenty chance of being a victim of any crime You see, a false prophet is satisfied with the shallow s of life when there are the deep still waters upon which to sail A false prophet is always concerned about up the road Now it is down the road a short piece from where you and 1 live For years they, the false prophets, have raved about the streets of other parts of the w orld and forgotten about the small stream here at home, False prophets will measure Christianity in the town of hospitals, orphan homes and they will and have organized charities and projects in human names We need to never forget that it was Judas who carried a bag for the poor. My friend. Jesus was ever so mindful of his prophets' training. On such a mission Jesus took with him Peter and John and James and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he pray ed, the fashion of his countenance was altered and his raiment was white and glistening. (St Luke 9:28-29) Do you not see impressions on that transfiguration day ? It was there that v isitors appeared from heaven. It was a glorious light, a voice of God the father that made a great impression that could never be erased. A true prophet of God is one who has had a day of vivid impression. A true prophet is one who does not take short cuts A true prophet will read the marking of Christ's word A hue prophet of God does not march into the pulpit with man's legend A true prophet does not speak of whom he does not know, but he will speak of his Mount of Transfiguration. A true prophet has an impression verses expression. Do you not see, my friend, an impression without expression is pure waste. First, it is the mountain where consecration began "1 sanctify mvself that thev also might be sanctified through the truth." (John 17:19) There again we see where no impression is made to waste. Jesus said something is to take place and it is called sanctification Any prophet or preacher who has gone to the mountain of God and did not return as a newcreature is pure waste He will no longer eat like the world, dress like the world, nor will he be addicted by the things of this world. He cannot be held as a slave to tobacco, drugs, alcohol, sex outside of marriage. Notice again when Jesus and his disciples came down from the Mountain of Transfiguration, it was there at the bottom of this mountain a father came to Christ with a devil-possessed son He needed help. Jesus promptly healed his son. Jesus did not take up time telling a story. He pulled nothing from a commentary. He healed the boy. First the impression, then the expression. My friend, without the expression it is pure waste. Faith without works is dead. David said "Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me. and to him that ordereth his conduct aright will I show the salvation of God." (Psalm 50:23) Well, my friend, the best commentary on humanity's defiance is not found in any book or television. The fact is it is not found in a documentary or newspaper, but it is found in scripture- God's book of truth. If you were to read Romans, the first chapter, such verses would peel off all masks, scrape away all the veneer and get right down to the core of depravityportraying mankind as "Being filled with all un-righteousness, wickedness, greed, evil, full of erivy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, un merciful, and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them. (Romans 1:29-32) These words are taught, but they are true, painfully true These words are more true than any article taken from any daily newspaper. Today false prophets are in the church. Every week now vvc hear of another false prophet who for years deceived the people That is why our culture has been for a long time deteriorating. You have allowed the un-righteous to rule We have been so busy raising dollars for charitable events and when the. church came down from the mountain of transfiguration and faced the public school system, moral values were systematically erased until they became almost illegal to teach. The church found themselves with an impression without an expression In the second chapter of Second Peter, Verse One, there were false prophets among the people, even as there were false teachers, denying the Lord These are wells without water, clouds that are carried without tempest to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever. (Verse 18) A false prophet does not care for his own If he was really a man of God, he would be at the bottom of the mountain with his or her son, knowing that same Jesus who was on the top praying until his raiment was white, would make his way down to hear a father weeping saying "Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son." (St Luke 9:38) A false prophet will go from church to church and leave his children in bed, leaving them in abandoned houses, beer joints, but a real prophet will fight for his sons and daughters. He is there at the altar with a voice, "O Lord, I the preacher am here waiting at the bottom of this mountain called a valley. I beseech thee, O Lord, look upon my son." O my friend, go no where. Make no effort til your sons and daughters are saved. Can you not see the many that arc dying every day all around us? There was a time a daughter was ashamed to live in sin. Now they shack right next door. Why? Your impression has no expression and what you do have is pure waste. A false prophet will remain un disturbed. He will make statements like "The Lord will get him when it is time." A true prophet will say, "Now is the time Today is the day of Salvation Tomorrow is not promised " (Hebrews 3:7-15) We said last week that Christians are a dying breed. We are on the endangered species list We have heard the voice "Hast thou considered my servant." (Job 1:8) We arc on the extinct list. Why'' God said there none like him in the earth, a perfect and upright man We have found pleasure in the eyes of God. We know to enter his presence one must order his conduct aright before God We dare to live less than the hen that covereth her biddies. In this world we are those with an impression that is not of waste We live in the moment knowing that Jesus could appear at aijy time "That when he shall appear we may have confidence and not be ashamed before him at his coming " (1 John 3:28) "And this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anv thing according to his will he hcarcth us," (1 John 5:14) Thank God for an impression of Jesus Christ Thank God for an expression which can be revealed by his power. The false prophets are here and nothing is to hinder or to stop them They .were in St. Peter's day and in the day of St. Paul and they are here this present hour. Paul declared. "God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death We are made a spectacle unto the world and to angels and to men We are fools for Christ but wise in Christ We arc weak, but ye are strong Ye are honorable but we arc despised. Even to this present hour we both hunger and thirst and arc naked and are buffeted and have no certain dwelling place (1 Corinthians 4:8-21) There arc false prophets among us today dressed in sheep's clothing. Words of idolatry, do you not see in your church defiance, stubbornness and rebellion It is in every corner of the church You take a stand and sec if volt don't become .i species on the extinct list Cheek and see how mam deacon* have faithful wives Cheek and see how mam oftheju have ehildien ihat ate stubborn and lebellious Sec if thev will stand at the bottom ol the tnountam and sav I have a son he is a glutton and a drunkaid 11)eutctotiotnv 21 lX-2li I he truth is most deacons and leaeheis hav e children hv ing in eve sight of each olhet. shaking up 01 in cohabitation I'hev re not ashamed Whv' False piophets do not tell them tt is a sin I hev aie like the poachers who has entered the forest He knows the law is not enforced Yout glorvmg is not good Know ve not that a little leaven, leavenlh the lump, ve ntav be a new lump (I Corinthians 5 (<-") If vou as a Mom ot Had allow one child to live m whoredom, the rest will follow Preacher if vou let one deacon in the dooi whohas unruly childien soon thev all will become old leaven and we are warned m Clod's word not to keep the feast of tiod with old leaven The church is lo purge herself of malice and wickedness but lo cloth herself with the bread of sincerity and truth If niv man that is called a brother be a fornicator or cov etous ot an idolator or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner, with such an one know not to eat tl Corinthians 5 1-1 h If You're Considering High-Priced Prescription Viagra... 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' I 90 Ms onh IT9 00 posuftt free plus my 1--- ' ChJLTft my: Visa MC G Am Ex Dc* IW* / Enclowd 5 S Fl res aAJ uJo tu Card 0 I Pnn Same - I Addnu J C*T __r_ | 2* I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJ Search for Truth by rider Joseph Bullard ^ WORSHIP THROUGH OFFERINGS Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce. Prov. 3:9. I he lust thing we notice from tins terse is dial die l.ntil is honotrd when we give Hun out substitute l should also Ik' the lust icasoii whs we give them?not to reduce our income tax. not to make the church comfortable in cold weather; not even to save souls or because Hod tells us to but simple Ix'c nuse He is out Maker and is Rulci of the universe, and we recognize Hun as such. All the otliei reasons can tome in then proper order. Next point the Lord is honored be otti giving Hun our subitatur He is honored be tfut giving Him our hearts, of course, and be out singing and praving and studying His Word. But that does not exhaust out responsibility; eve are also to honor Him with our substance?or shall we suv. with /fit substance that He enti lists to us. "Bring an offering." David the psalmist says, "and come into his courts'" In David's culture, people never came into the presence of their monarch without a gift in their hands. The same is true today among heads of state. It is not a form of bribery, but a manifestation of respect and regard. ((specially as an act of worship, a gift is appropriate. To worship means to give of ourselves, and an offering is an emblem of that greater gift. Conversely, to withhold out means is to withhold ourselves. In the experience of the centurion Cornelius, apparently the first non-Jew who was baptized as a Christian, we find an example and a lesson in freewill giving. Cornelius was a devout man who "prayed constantly to God" and "gave alms lilx'tally to the people." An angel visited Cornelius and assured him that "Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God" (Acts 10:2-4). The Greek word for memorial here is the same as was used of certain offerings rcgularlv offered by the priests in the Temple service. Cornelius was as surely worshiping God when he gave in the Lord's name to help the poor as he would have been had lie been a priest in the Lord's house. It is not an empty phrase, then, that we "worship the Ixird with our tithes and our offerings." He is honored when eye give them freely and willingly. By eight months the average baby will be able to say simple words such as "mama" and try to feed him- or herself with a spoon. Native American Sprinklers Installing Lawn Sprinklers at Reasonable Rates Call (910) 521-4611 or (910) 827-0327 4811 F&yetteville Rd (910) 739-3323 lumberton. MC 28358 ? OPTOMCTTOC Y CAR C KT R. John I. Adams, O.D. , Katherine S. Harris, O.D. Charles L. Clark, O.D. Carolyn Marks, Licensed Optician Family Practice and Contact Lenses Pembroke Family Practice Center Martina Dockery-Belfield, MD Valeriana Esteves-Jute, DO Denis Ricard, PA-C 410-D South Jones Street, Pembroke 910-521-4462 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 7 pm SCOTLAND OoserHoMuncM^^Opnr^^^^^^^V^""^^*^^" V<yv* - %. ^ Oundine's Tire Center, Inc. Jeff & Lois Oxendine MOTOR CYCLE INSPECTION NC INSPECTION Work: 521-3346 P.O. Box 3240 Home: 522-0220 Pembroke, NC 28372 1 Robeson Family Practice Associates Herman Chavis, M.D. Kenneth Locklear. M.D. Myra D. Hall, M.D. Rajesh Sakala, M.D Barbara Graham. PAC 1002-C East 4th Avenue, Red Springs, NC 28377 Telephone 843-331 OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Friday 8:00 a m unlil 5 00 p.m I r^^kdicine Shopped David Hester, R.Ph. 1C2 N. Patterson St. Maxtor), NC 28364 On the corner of Patterson and Martin Luther King (910) 844-3100 The Pharmacy That's All About Your Health'" Parkton Family Medical Center Herman Chavis, M.D. William Sanderson, M.D. Kenneth E. Locklear, M.D. Arnold Kinley, P.A. 15 West 3rd Street Parkton. North Carolina 23371 T elephone 858-3913 OFFiCE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8 a m - 5 p m * Thursday 8 am -1 pm Repo Depo, LLC Affordable Housing Specialist Land/Home Packages Available Craig McMillian Renncrt, NC (910) 843-5221 Cell: (910)734-4492 Craig4hirc@ Work: 738-5530 Home: 739-1314 Greg Bell Attorney at Law 431 N. Elm Street Lumberton, NC 28358 (Located directly across from the Courthouse) FIRST AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS HI The Carolina Indian Voice Newspaper VHP BE Connee Brayboy PO Box 1075 Pembroke. N C. 28372 (919)521-2826 (919)521-4611 Office Home M 1o T^iace l^owi /tet 1A<a S/zacc faill 521-2226 at co*hc dcf, t?.e &vwii*uz ineUan 'Voice "P6x^d. 7^c*n6ioice

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