Thus Saith God's Word by Rev. Ted Brooks "He thai belicveih on the Son of God hath the witness in himself, he that believetlt not God hath made him a liar, because lie belies eth not the record that God gasc of his son" (I John 5 10) "Marvel not that 1 said unto tliec. ye must be born again " iJolm 1:7) Ms friend, there are mans today ss ho belies e if sou basically lisc a good life and ss hen sou die sou ss ill see God because sour good will outweigh your bad There are those s\ ho preach that if sou belies c in God and pray to hint that you will be saved Ms friend, "thou belies eth that there is one God. thoudoest well. the des ils also belies e. and tremble "(John 2 11) There are millions ss ho pray throughihc mother ofJesusto intercede for them Oh friend, there is one God and one mediator betssecn God and men. the man Christ Jesus, ssho gase himself a ransom for all to be testified in due tune " (I Timothy 2 5-6) God said to Nicodcmus "Ye must be born again " In other ssords. s ou must eat and drink ss ater to live so as to be born again (spiritually) ""Except a man be born again lie cannot see the kingdom of God " To be born again must be gotten from above It literally means there must be a transformation front God and a rencssal in righteousness and true holiness t.o be saved When sou are begotten from abos esse trust no man's flesh We do notes en recognize Christ after the flesh It is s ain for any man to profess relationship svith Christ according to the flesh, ss lule he or she is unchanged in heart and life and dead in trespass and sins "Wherefore henceforth knoss sse no man after the flesh, sea. though sve has c ' knossn Christ after the flesh, yet noss henceforth knoss sse him no more " "Therefore ifans man be in Christ, he is ancss creature, old tlungsarc passed ass ay. behold, all things arc become ncss And all things arc of God who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ " (II Corinthians 5:16-18) You sec. my friend, ss hates er things are of God arc being done through His Son. Christ Jesus. (Verse 18) "And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life and this life is in his son and he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." (I John5:ll) Ms friend, eternal life is only in Jesus Christ alone Tlie Blood of Jesus Christ testifies to the humanity and sonship of Jesus Christ and hisblood is a guaranteed redemption from sin for the Blood of Jesus Christ hisSonclcanscthusfromallsin. (I John 1:7) At the moment that sve confess our sins sve arc cleansed from all sin and as long as w% walk in the light. (1 John 1:7) Ms frtend. yc must be born again A prison guard ask this question: "What must I do to be saved'.'" This question has been asked countless times over numerous generations. It is sad to say that though many ask this question, not all get the anssvcr God intended. If this man had asked the question today, he would have been told, lis e a basically good life, belies c in God But ss lien the guard cried out to Paul. "Sir. w hat must 1 do to be saved. Paul replied believe on the Lord Jesus Church and thou shall be sas cd and thv house." (Acts 16:1011) . Notice the word "Must" I do to be saved. The word must and will exceed the words like non existence, inconceivable You see. the word must which is greater than non existence and inconceivable must become conceivable It was here my friend that Nicodcmus asked the question. "How can this be?" When told yc must be born again. You sec. my friend, these ssords are greater than the ssords of the enemy that declared in his heart there is no God. If these svords were greater than yc must be born again, then it wouldbe inconceivable to tell someone ye must be born again. So you see the Bible tells us that the fool has said in his heart there is no God. but God's word brought life over inconceivable ss hen He said "He that hath the Son hath life. Hcthat belciveth pn me hath life." My friend, to be begotten from above is to believe on the name ofJesus. Stand flat footed anddcclarc that God is inexistcnce. ltisconceivable that God noss abides in us through his Son. Ms friend, if the enemy ssho declares that there is no God could hold God in non existence then the enemy ssould be stronger and more powerful than God. But Jesus said. "Believe on the name of Jesus and thou shaft be sas cd and he that bclcivcth not shall be damned." You see. my friend, the ssord spoken "yc must be born again" It speaks to every class, to every condition, to every grade and shade of character, to man incvery rankandcverycline. to every crccd and every denomination. It is very clear on its svorks. y e must be born again. It docs not demand reformation but regeneration It does not demand the turning over ofa nesv leaf, but it demands anesylifc. How does one get this new life? MUST. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the svilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up that svhosoeverbelieveth in Him should not perish but have eternal life. So now you see a second person liqs entered the scene. Now there arc tyvo men and tw o musts. As the first ma n. he must be bom again. He is noyv confronted with a choice that which you believe all your life was inconceiv able and non existence is now before you. Choose life or choose death. Believe that 1 am who I say I am or perish. "He that hath the Son hath life. He that hath not the Son hath not life." Do you believe this? Then I will become conceivable in your life. You can know and tell that I do exist. How? Old things are become new. A new creature will come on the scene. The children will sec and can recognize He who was nonexistent is nowexistent. Hewho was inconceivable is now conceivable. Old thingsare passed away. One who did not have life now has life. Weare among those whose aim it is to please God. We are overwhelmed and mastered by the love that Christ had for him "For the love of Christ compels us." (II Corinthians 5:14)Paul judged that if Christ died forall. then all were dead and that he died forall "That they which live should not live unto themselves." (I I Corinthians 5:15) It was the fool who said "There is no God." (Psalm 14:1) When you see people who fight and ruin the peaccfulncss of God's house, they do so because they have never been begotten from above like the fool who said "there is no God." And my friend. God said such a person said it from his heart. You see. darkness has prevailed and to him the words of God were valueless that things in their heart is inconceivable can be conceiv ed as non existent. Then that very thing then which a greater is inconceivable is not that then which a greater is inconceivable which is contradiction. It washcrethat Paul preached Christ into existence and conceivable. "That Christ should suffer and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should show light unto the people and to the Gentiles. To these people God was non existent but Paul preached . Christ from the grave as a God conceivable. If ye believe that he is God's son. his only son. he becomes existent. And when Paul preached God in Christ as one risen from the dead. Festus said with a loud voice. "Paul, thou art beside thy self: much learning doth make thee mad." (Acts 26:19-24) What has gone w rong? We hear a lot these days of doing this and doing that. Selfishness is the root of most all of our problems. It affects us in our homes, churches, work, and other social relationships. You now can see it on the school yard. A little boy and his friend riding a hobby horse together. The boy said. "If one of us w ould get off this hobby horse, there would be more room for me." Too manvfolks todav arc afraid of death. The God who once was conceiv able f now inconceiv able. A God once existent in their life is now darkened by the fear of death. 1 submit to you that if a man hasn't discovered something which is right that he or she would die for. lie isn't fit to live. Little Carrie Bcrnall at Columbine High School had written these words and when called upon to be a witness, it cost her life. I believe she had met the one w ho was inconceivable to many others, but to her Jesus Christ was real. He existed in her life. She was compelled by the love of Christ to continue on the path of faithfulness What about you and 1? Have we discov ered that Christ in which you would die for9 The story is told of the Titanic that plunged 12.000 feet to the Atlantic floor Eva Hart remembers the horror of its sinking and the more dreadful cries of drowning people. She tells ofa lifeboat #14 row back to the scene at 2:20 am She saw boats half filled Boats that fled the scene in fear that others might overcrowd the life boat, so they fled leaving many to drown. Oh rriy friend, when Christ is nonexistent and inconceivable and w e live as the fool who said the is no God. our churches become cold, and our eyes are not on Jesus. My friend, when the love of Christ has cotnpellcd us it will lift us up and push uson. When we grow weary and at time when vvcare faint hearted, and feel like throwing our hands up in despair, vvc look to Calv ary and we keep pushing on. My friend, it is time to become part of the fellowship of the unashamed. We ought to announce that the die has been cast, the decision has been made We have stepped over the line. We won't look back, let up. slow down, back away or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure. I'm finishedand done with lowliv ing. sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed v isions, mundane talking, cheap giving and dwarfed goals 1 no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotion, plaudits or popularity . 1 don't have to be riglit. first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded. I now liv c by faith, lean on his presence, love with patience, live by prayer and labor with power. My face is set. My fate is fast My goal is heaven My road is narrow My wayis rough. Mv companionsarc few. My guide is rcliablcandmy mission isclear. I cannot be bought, compromised, dctourcd. lured away, turned back, deluded , or delayed. I will not finish in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity. negotiate at table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity I won't giseup. or shut up. or letup or slow up until 1 hasc stayed up. stored up. prayed up. paid up and spoken up lor the cause of Christ I ant a disciple of Jesus I must go tell that he comes. gi\ e till I drop, preach nil all know and work till he stops me And w hen he comes for hisow n he will has c no problem recognizing me Ms banner is clear I am part o? the fellossship of the unashamed Attention Diabetic Patientsi^dTVVy^ If you have Medicare or Private Insurance, You may be eligible A/O to receive your CI I 1*1/ To Free 1-888-466-2678 Diabetic Supply Program (no HMO patients, please.) Palmer Prevention, Inc 208 Main Street Pembroke, NC 28372 522-0421 Stop it Before it Starts! Prevention Works! Our Services Are FREE Search for Truth by Hlder Joseph Dullard A QUESTION OF VALUES "Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal." Matt. 6:20. A newspaper article teporteti that a sixtccn-iiuh vase from the Minn Dynasty changed hands for the highest price ever paid (or such an item?$1,008,000. Novel having been a collector of expensive vases, thai news would not have impressed itself upon me had not I on the same clay read the lithe report front the Far i'.astcrn Division of Sevenlh-dav Adventists. They. loo. had broken a record. For a three-month period their tithe income amounted to almost the same sum as was paid for the vase? $1,007,199. Consider what that amount of tithe meant for the church program in an area that stretches from |apan to Indonesia and from Thailand to Guam. That tithe represented the livelihood of ministers, evangelists, teachers, administrators, and office workers, who had more than 400 million people to warn with the message of Christ's coming kingdom. What good would a Ming vase do in the fat e- of that challenger When God balances His b?x>ks. how will that vase compare with the work of (he third angel in the Far East? But then you are probably no more in the habit of collecting Ming vases than I am. Here is another question for you and me to ponder: Are we spending money, albeit on a lesser scale, for other things that arc of no greater value in the balances of eternity than is a Ming vase? New clothes, when the others are not worn out yet; sweets and other appetizers, which may do more harm than good; recreation and amusement that waste time and nervous energy as well as" money; gimcracks and gewgaws to set on mantels and collect dust. Perhaps not any of these things cost much, and the purchase of many of them could be rationalized. But over a period of time they add up. And multiplied by all the members of the church who have the same attitude toward money, the sum could be quite large?a new church in a town where there is none, or a new printing press in a difficult mission field. Perhaps our attitude is the key to the whole thing. When money leaves our fingers?are we spending for time or for eternity? ?^I Native American Sprinklers Installing Lawn Sprinklers at Reasonable Rates Call (910) 521-4611 or (910) 827-0327 4811 Fayetteville Rd. (910) 739-3323 Lumbcrton. NC 28358 OFFOMCTMC YECAF C HT R. John I. Adams, O.D. Katherine S. Harris, O.D. Charles L. Clark, O.D. Carolyn Marks, Licensed Optician Family Practice and Contact Lenses W DEXTER S REF. HEATING AND COOLING Sales and Service tor your heating and cooling needs 249 Lonnie Farm Road DEXTER JONES Pembroke. NC 28372 (910) 521-9986 or (910) 521-9060 Cell (910) 618-6453 ^ O^enctine's Tire Center, Inc. ?/> Jeff & Lois Oxendine MOTOR CYCLE INSPECTION NC INSPECTION Work: 521-3346 P.O. Box 3240 Home: 522-0220 Pembroke. NC 28372 Robeson Family Practice Associates Herman Chavis, M.D. Kenneth Locklear. M.D. Myra D. Hall, M.D. Rajesh Sakala, M.D Barbara Graham. PAC 1002-C East 4th Avenue, Red Springs, NC 28377 Telephone 843-331 I OFFICE IIOURS Monday thru Friday 8:00 a in until 5:00 p.m ^TWedicirie Shopped David Hester, R.Ph. 1C2 N. Patterson St. Maxton, NC 28364 On the comer of Patterson and Martin Luther King (910) 844-3100 The Pharmacy That's All About Your Health*Parkton Family Medical Center Herman Chavis, M.D. William Sanderson, M.D. Kenneth E. Locklear, M.D. Arnold Kinley, P.A. 15 West 3rd Street Parkton, North Carolina 28371 Telephone 858-3913 OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8 a m - 5 p m * Thursday 8 am - J pm Repo Depo, LLC Affordable Housing Specialist Land/Home Packages Available Craig McMillian Rennert, NC (910) 843-5221 Cell: (910)734-4492 Work: 738-5530 Home: 739-1314 Greg Bell Attorney at Law 431 N. Elm Street j, Lumberton, NC 28358 (Located directly across from the Courthouse) FIRST AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS The Carolina Indian Voice Newspaper MHMi fit Connee Brayboy PO Box 1075 Pembroke. N C 28372 plH (919) 521-2826 (919)521-4611 r Office Home m - ? Pembroke Family Practice Center Martina Dockery-Belfield, MD Ellen McLaurin, FNP Denis Ricard, PA-C 410-D South Jones Street., Pembroke Providing Modloal Can for Your Entira Family 910-521-4462