Thus Saith God's Word by Rev. Ted Brooks "And tin* i* the recotd that Inxl halh given u- eternal hie and tin* lite i* in his Soil * "lie that halh the Sen hath life and he that hath net the Sen el lied hath net life " "Wheseevet beheveth that Jesus is the I'hnsi is beni el lied and everyone that loveth hint tliat beget loveth hint also that is begotten efhun 11 John *1112) Tedav ive live in a world filled with violence, nations against nations, the old. the young are being killed for the premise of peace, daih then lives are tilled w nil fear I he question is asked w hat kind of people w ill sit ap explosives to their bodies and kill themselves and others ' \Vhat has gone wrong'' lhe church has compromised her witness She no longer holds to these truths I le that hath the Son hath life " The church has slopped the words Bom again" and saving can't we all just get along l he question was asked ol Job W here were the righteous cut oil''" I Job 4 7) Now there is a whispet among the church There are none righteous Mv friend. Jesus declared. "Righteous shall go into life eternal" (Matthew 25 4b) Oh mv friend, the Bible is within the reach ol all of us, but there are few who accept it as the guide of life While there are w ars raging and many are dving. yet infidelity prevails to an alarming extent, not only in the world but it has crept into the church While human beings are killing themselves and thev fill our ears with the crying of freedom Oh my friend, a can of beans, neither a sack ol wheat can satistv a person who does not have the Son. It was this Jesus that cried out , "Conic unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and 1 will giv e you rest" (Matthew 11 28) j Mv friend, the church needs to return to those eternal words 1 hose words arc "The I loly Ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look into " (1 Peter I 12) Those word which Peter said Lord to whom shall we bo? Thou hast the words of eternal life (John 6:68) Oh my friend, you ad I need to cry out "O thou hast the words of eternal life, help us to cultivate proper speech Beg God for wise men to be once again among us Men who can say what we mean and mean what we sav And may those words be worth saying 1 lelp us to see that there are not only economic problems in the world but there is an economic problem in the church We too don't sing like we use to sing Testimony is all but gone. Healing all but ceased Freedom from sin is still holding its on among us. high rates of divorce, fornication and adultery arc at an all time high O God, may we once again do as the angels May we be permitted once again to stir and gaze upon thv words those eternal words that have eternal life Give us. O God proper words, words of peace, words to help bridle our tongues In the name of Jesus This world does not need to hear about the ecumenical teaching that anypagan, protecting idolatrous worships and that anyone who hav ing not the slightest knowledge of the Bible, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, if he is a good person and if he is sincere in w hatev er he may believe, he is automatically redeemed by the blood of Christ My friend, this is now being preached by men who once believed in the shed blood of Christ Once again sermon's are now preached on disbelief ui hell, sermons on evolution My friend, the reason that there is so much blood shed, wars and haired is that the Eternal Word is not being spoken Peter said, "Lord, thou hast the word of eternal life." (John 6:68) And in the world to come eternal life. (Mark 10:30) "And I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand" (John 10:28) In order lo have eternal life, ye must be bom again In order to be in the hands of Jesus, ye must be bom again Bom from above, washed in his blood, believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. My friend, we need eternal words to speak to those who are lost, not the words of idolatry but words of life. When the Pharisees, scribes and hypocrites went out to compass sea and land, they found one proselyte and when he was made, ye made him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. (Matthew 23:15) Do you want to know ' why these young people are killine themselves with explosives? Somebody got to them and tried to tell them about the Baptist, Methodist, Church of God, or some denomination and when you left them,, they were still unaware of being bom again Vou won't like this, but is the truth. Church folks know more about John Wesley, Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong than they do about Jesus. When a person only has an earthly hero, Jesus said such a one is made a twofold more than the child of hell than yourselves. (Matthew 23:15) Let us hear the words of Jesus. "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins. Now let us view the church as it is brought into view, living in these last days. Christ compared these ten virgins sermon, one of an eastern marriage. Jesus tells of five that were wise and five that were foolish. Those that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tamed, they all slumbered and slept and at midnight there was a cry made, Behold the bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him. These were eternal words. They were told to get up because the bridegroom was on his way. They all had taken their lamps (the Bible) and by its light had gone forth to meet the bridegroom. But while "They that were foolish took thenlamps (Bible) and took no oil with them "The wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps." The latter class had received the Grace of God, the regenerating, enlightening power of the Holy Spirit which renders His words a lamp to the feet and a light to the path. In the fear of God they had studied the scripture to learn the truth and had earnestly sought for purity of heart of life. These my friend had a personal experience, a faith in God and his eternal word. Pediatric Pointers by Dr. Joey Bell, Pembroke Pediatrics Everyone has heard about the E.coli break-out in Robeson county, but many of us may mot be too familiar with this germ and its effects. In this article I will try to give a brief overview of this infection and some of the problems it "can cause along with some suggestions for prevention. This bacteria, specifically E.coli 0157:H7 was first recognized as a cause of infectious diarrhea in 1982. Since then there have been over 100 out-breads of this infection in the United States. The primary symptoms are diarrhea and cramping that occur about 3 to 4 days after exposure. The diarrhea generally starts out non-bloody and is accompanied by cramping and vomiting. Fever is not that prominent in most cases. In most patients the diarrhea becomes bloody in 2 or 3 days and may last up to 7 days. Some children with the infection may have no symptoms. Healthy cattle are the major source of E.coli 0157:H7, but in can be found in the faces of geese, sheep, horses, dogs, seagulls, goats, and deet. It Can also be found in pork and poultry. Undercooked ground beef accounts for the greatest number of food-borne infections. E.coli 0157:H7 has also been identified in raw milk, cheese, yogurt, mayonnaise, lettuce, and unpasteurized cider. Fruits and vegetables may carry the bacteria. This infection has also been transmitted through contaminated drinking water, contact with contaminated water at beaches and pools, person to person contact, and contact with animals. . Approximately 95% of cases of symptomatic E.coli 0157:H7 resolve completely. The remaining 5% go on to develop a disease called hemolytic-uremic symdrome or HUS. HUS is an illness characterized by the breakdown of red blood cells, a decrease in platelets (platelets help your blood to clot), and kidney problems. E.coli 0157:H7 is the most common cause of HUS in children. After several days of diarrhea, patients that progress to HUS suddenly develop paleness and weakness. They may also have puffiness and decreased urine. These signs and symptoms usually develop about one week after the onset of the illness. Kidney problems develop in 60% of patients with HUS, and of these 50% may require dialysis. The majority of kids who get HUS will do well long-term. All patients who have E.coli 0!57:H7 related symptoms should see their provider. Stool cultures are recommended in most cases and blood work in some cases. Particular interest should be taken if a child develops symptoms of dehydration, weakness, paleness, ahd decreased urine output. E.coli 0I57:H7 must run its course. Antibiotics are though to make this illness worse and are therefore not recommended in most cases. Good fluid intake is recommended. Strict hand-washing precautions are the best way to prevent " person-to-person transmission of the infection. E FIRST AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS ____ The Carolina Indian Voice Newspaper IHHl W. Conrtee Brayboy P O Box 1075 === Pembroke. N.C 28372 (919)521-2826 (919)521 *611 k~~ Office Home ' ^ Barton House Publishing Proudly Presents j "Beside the Trickling Brook A Collection of Selected Poems by Lew Barton To order your copy send the form below along with $15.98, (Which include 6.5% sales tax) for each copy to Barton House Publishing, Inc.-P.O. Box 362-Pembroke, NC 28371 N AMI-:: ; ADDRESS : CITY STATE ZIP Search for Truth j ^ by Elder Joseph ANTIDOTE FOR COVETOUSNESS Then he said ?o the people. "Beware! Be on your guard against greed of every kind, for even when a man has more than enough, his wealth does not give him life." Luke 12:15, N.E.B. llit' l.oitl told Israel that the boot) of Jericho, the first Catiaanilc cits to fall Ix-lote them, was reserved for Him. just as the lust ol their children, livestock, ami crops were His. Achan. however, came across several valuable items and couldn't resist taking them In the New I'cstamcnt, Ananias and Sapphira lied about the extent of their church contribution. The two incidents have some close parallels. As soon as Achan's deed was disclosed, he was taken out and stoned. Ananias and Sapphira died instantaneously before I'eter. The Inst inc ident occul ted as God was establishing Israel asa nation, the second when He was establishing the Christian church. The sin m both cases was the same?covetousness. Just when everything was needed by the cause of Cod. these three thought only of themselves. Today, too, is a day of crisis in the cause of Cod. Every daymarks a crisis?every decision we make has a bearing on our ow n final destiny and has an influence on the cause as a whole. In a special way we live in times comparable to those of Achan and Ananias. But we arc at the other end of the controversy. We stand at the final end. the wrap-up time, when Cod's people must be diligent. To think of ourselves now, when Cod needs us so much, would lie treason. We cannot afford covetousness. That is the greatest blessing of tithing?it fosters selflessness in the Cause of God as opposed to covetousness. Yes, the work of Cod needs the money; yes. God has promised to bless the nine tenths when we give Him His due, and has promised to rebuke the devourer and open the windows of heaven; yes, we can consider Him our Partner in business. But the most important part of tithing is that it changes us inside. It gives us a feeling of peace to know we have committed our security to God rather than to cash. It gives us a new relationship to the church?we are more assuredly a part of it when we support it systematically. And it gives us a new relationship toward the salvation of others: " The more we invest in the cause of God to aid in the salvation of souls, the closer to our hearts will they lie brought."?Testimonies, vol. 3. p. 405. Tithing helps to keep us spiritually healthy. Native American Sprinklers Installing Lawn Sprinklers at Reasonable Rates Call (910) 521-4611 or (910) 827-032? 4811 Fayetteville Rd (910) 739-3323 Lumberton. MC 28358 opjomctwc Y CAR C HT R. John I. Adams, O.D. Katherine S. Harris, O.D. Charles L. Clark, O.D. Carolyn Marks, Licensed Optician Family Practice and Contact Lenses DEXTER'S REE. HEATING AND COOLIfHG~ Sales and Service for your heating and cooling needs 249 Connie Farm Road DEXTER JONES Pembroke. NC 28372 (910) 521-9986 or (910) 521-9060 Cell - (910) 618-6453 ** Op(encfine's Tire Center, Inc. ?/> Jeff & Lois Oxendine MOTOR CYCLE INSPECTION NC INSPECTION BRAKE SERVICE I Work: 521-3346 RO. Box 3240 Home: 522-0220 Pembroke, NC 28372 Robeson Family Practice Associates Herman Chavis, M.D. Kenneth Locklear. M.D. Myra D. Hall, M.D. Rajesh Sakala, M.D Barbara Graham. PAC 1002-C East 4th Avenue, Red Springs, NC 28377 Telephone 843-331 OFFICE HOURS: Monday ihru Friday 8:00 a in until 5:00 p m ^rJMedicine Shopped David Hester, R.Ph. 1C2 N. Patterson St. Maxton, NC 28364 On the comer of Patterson and Martin Luther King (910) 844-3100 The Pharmacy That's All About Your Health"** Parkton Family Medical Center Herman Chavis, M.D. William Sanderson, M.D. Kenneth E. Locklear, M.D. Arnold Kinley, P.A. 15 West 3rd Street Parkton, North Carolina 28371 T elephone 858-3913 OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8 a m - 5 p.m. * Thursday 8 am -1 pm Repo Depo, LLC Affordable Housing Specialist Land/Home Packages Available Craig McMillian Rennert, NC (910)843-5221 Cell: (910) 734-4492 Work: 738-5530 Home: 739-1314 Greg B Attorney at Law 431 N. Elm Street Lumberton, NC 28358 (Located directly across from the Courthouse) '"h 1,,r Kent Mobile Home* K?r Kent JR. 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