0REENSBRGwiILY:,NEWS i NORTH CAROLINA'S . bist imrsPAras.. pages rax to SECOND SECTION PRICE FIVE CENTS FmsuBJuyfi:; GRAHO TBUNK Traoscootinonurs R iq.a I R I o g Mrs. Longxvorth's Pfe :7ea r Fresco a Fori Myer Is the Late SHABK IN - BATTLE FOB LIFE Captain Charles Thompson Cap tures Biggest Hammeshcad . ' Ever Seen at Miami Ccnstructioo frwrt Oreat Lakes , I ; To Bo Finished for 1909 Crop.' ' 1 ... H - c CUhd, Jaty C-Tk Bret Ma th Cteand Trunk Facia- Railway k. wait Kgnionton. Aibsna, ceerdinf u aitpateha fron eosnstaff oileiaie. The Ant ku reached th outekares af that v. ah statioa of Cto-ver Bar. iust ah statioa of haaf eat beta aftr th tmk m torn Bleted la the work of air Una etauara Uam toward frtnoa Rupert, the new mlj to the hanae Coast about 800 ntles orth af Vaaosnver. A eoon aa eons - more csutatnog an Mm dona regular train sank will ba hioaigunasd, . -Construction ertwe warkinaT aaat from Priaee Basalt ara aut about MO ml lea , , to th rictntty of Babiu Lab, fan : - teavea a Mf gap through Yellow Head . paaa atUl ta ba filled but th taiUina af ttin remarkable mountain eeotkm el lew aTraaTMata la eoanaT forward la record una. " Another gap is being oloeed between - Winnipeg aaa Lain Superior Junction. Wfcea Una ia completed in 6epteruieT tba ,,. ' Grant Trunk faoifi' Uaa from fart . . William oa tba Great Uka ta Bdmen Um. 1,281 miles long, will -b to nadi ' Beta to bawl th 1909 aroaj. - ' The remaining mountain aoettruetioa I colored with romanc aa to railway Building tinea Mia Union Faeine, lor be yond Edeon, 75 raitra weat of KdmenUm, It pluagea into aa myanad -tod prtioaral nrlon, erouiag tba auaaral-rlbiad banka of tba Athahaaka firar, tb Vraaer and otbar atraama ia th lakaaia rim watarahad, paaaing tba ieneljr poat at ton uaorga ana tna naoina ranga.. u ztoada taoat (00 iuilf abrond tba laat frontlar. Tna pmapocthra earning of tba railroad baa alartad tb aattlameat in tb aallajr of tb Piaot river to tha aortk and aleag tb Liard. Already ri-pikir aehadulaa and time tablaa ara aatablitocd north and wart for eteanit atag and. to tas tar aartnwam, dog train. I M day and Mm bear of tart line: to Athabaa ' ka'Uading, Hoagiiwrppi't and for Chip, . i wayaa now ara flxa and known. Tba . 1 . i ' .v. rt A 1 ' Trunk Photae teat fall oarried (00 iiroa-' eaotrra aettkre for tba Tsmping lAk , diatrtet. . flamy partiaa for the rail , roada bra ranning linea for fcranrekna to tb Paaa rrrvr and north to the Atba- fcaaka and th pioneer arttlna ara al ready growing erooa there. ' Wbea the drat railway raaeho old , Pert V'eraiilHon, 7U0 aiilr aorth of Ed ; moatoa, aa outpost of aw" frontier, . v JL.a ill M - J . I. . Jtl . L iihi mH nau Krwh wilt iw v wnmi . triaity aad home alicht froar the aajne r.eurrant, ataaia tnraahan4 ' pHira bred dairy herd and a aettleaient of farmer who laat year raited 20,000 fcuthal of graim and will raiee far mor -tbia year' la taa rpU inorraa of tliird tergt : arhiob. baa ran up wmttrrn Canada1. annual amp from 60,000,000 buahel' ia .. itoo to laotooo.ooo in lov. ' ' r Train 1 aarrio to Rdmnnton -- .awoarbt lata the world S new and bitty towna. fron Edmonton eaat ta Wain- rigtt. tndndlng Adroaaaa, Uncaa, Derille, TopaJC, Utioota. Kyley. Holden, Bniea. Neater. Mtiirh. Phillna. Kinatlla. Juidrin, buna, Hawkina, Fabyan. Front Kamouton weat to Edaon, th town ire Aebeeoa, "ruea, Grove, Stony Plaint, Carral, Duffitld, Wabanuin, Fallk, Gaat ford, Hargwrp, Iafleld, Jarrow, Keatoa, . Laamao, Mackay, Otley, Pran, Qjm rear Tborntoa, Ylea. T)i regioa of romana betwera Kdaon and Prinee Xuptrt ia aot unexplored, in , aaet kaa been reeonneiUred tiVia and again, not only by the aurwyor and by angineara lavattigating the trarflic poe albilltlee there for the government which guaranteed bond to At amount rf 7 -par aent of tb oott of the mountcia aeetion but alto by offiaiala of tba Grand Trunk, which guaranteed ' tb remain ing tS per en( and the flrend Tjnk Pacific offleialt who are ballding thit daring praert. One report atateti "It .ia probable that no ther area in North America eaa eaual thu portion of ttrit iah Columbia in her natural rcsoureea, Where there 1 no arrloultart and ma ture, there i mining or kimbering to In developed, and when there are none of tbeae, although they often occur in one diatrict, there it at leaat trapping and hunting. It it hi troth a northern Eldorado, which furture erenta ara bound to rerif y. Tying and aa it doet, far to the north, the climate! conditions bare In the patt been nippoted to be extremely eerer during the winter ta aon, bat th fallacy of this impreration la rapidly becoming known on aceeunt of the rererac condition actually uiating, due in lanjre part to the proximity af thit territory to th Pacific ocean and the influence af the Japan current Be fore the Houae of Oaamona Agricultare coounittae recently Mr. Elihn Stewart, Dominion auperintendent of forettrr, ia testifying aa to tb roaourcea and eondl tiona concerning the aorahera country, hmring particular reference, however, to the district adjacent to Oreat Piare Lake, which liea many hundred mile till more northerly of where the Grand .Trunk Pacific will be oonatnicted, aeid that tba growth of vegetation in the Mackenzie Baain wa aippriting, the un in lummer being ritible for about twenty hourt out of twentr-fonr. On July 15th, at Port Providence, near Great Slave Lake, on the Mackenzie river, about 630 milet north of Edmon ton. Mr. Stewart atid he taw wheat in the anile, potatoet in flour, peaa fit to uae, toajatora, turnip, rhubarb hectt, erMage, enioaa and other garden vege table. The ttarwberriea had been ripe there for tome trmcand the people, had eurraata and gooeeberriea. To illustrate the beat, he aaid at Fort Cbipwarnn it ltd beta 100 degree in the tbade for eweral fav tad night, Injiar.3 com ing from Alaaka brandary to meet the twamer Wrigley had loat two dog fmn the heat in the Arretic CSrrle. He tbongfrt ayttematlc explore tiou won id ahow a aurpritiax amonnt f good coua try, extending down from $la Lake aTSS. ' tORG WORTH IS REM CLEC TKIC. UPBESEirTATTVI 1 LOHO : WORTH AT FR0HT Of AUTO, AHD sacunni uui. 1 HIS INTENSE SILESCE JK OKE SUIT HE SITS AROTJHD ALL DAT.'.Wlfl V - COMPLAINS, A HO HEVII SATS A WORD. AaVury Park, Jaly M.-4n tb at would ait outdoor all daw and ay a aroteL. In Mm. winter ba aa ta th botua fron dawa to rdghUall ail ent aa a wooden me a, bum lag tb fuel kit wife ahspped and aarried, but aaver peaking., . Hia tnteate alVace finally got oa tb rrve of hit wife, and (ha ytrdy brought anit for dlvarca. '. 7 Frank 3eekmaa, the atleat one, liataa- d to tb ooart uroueuaUngt gioorally and mad Off eemarhe. aaemimr ta take lit tle intereet la "th . proeeedingv That be eaa talk waa teatea to by Mr. Mary Bra. a witneaa, . wha aaya that Beekmaa recently weat to her bom 1 ant xr Far -a- piece of apple ft. to Peaoe rivtr. '. Along blacken tie river, prao grew aiear ti tba taorea at tba Arctic oeeaa, .There ..went atpen, white poplar, oaim at giiead and tirrca grow. Irur aa far aorth aa Fort McPberaoa Mr. Stewart aaid that oa fllaw rrrer be bad patted a . bank of burning eoal aoout twenty mile ia lengta Bear rort Narman, which Maekeoaie bad iwnortad mrning la 1 T w. . . - ; All th United' Btatea railroada to the Pacific, with their atupeidou elatmt which reaob lis fret to the mile on the Great Northern, Northern ParMI and Union Pacific, 170 feet on the Atch'uon Topeka and Santa Fe and 2.8 on th new Weatern Htcifle, are outdone by tb gradient aerured by the Grand Tdaak Pacific tl feet to the mila eaat bouad and M to 31 feet weat bound. The highest tlevatioB reached h I,71t feet, lb opening of tbia route ta the) Pan ic it oertafn to neaet tralfie conditiona and rates oa the North Amerioaa coa tinent beoaute low gradea are a- aoim of nhe xoaia eeronomy ia ttemm traaapor- ratioa. cxnauaure expmrationa -were made by the compaay'e ateff of enlgneera which extended over a period of three rear and comprited the Peac Hirer Paaa, the Pine River' Paaa, the Wapiti Paaa and a' number of Intenneflduite paaaet. with th remit that th Yel low Head Paaa route waa adopted. The Pnlon Pacine dim ha over a aura mit 9247 feet above aea levl, and the fantr. Pe 7,510 feet. BETS S275 FOB HORSE'S . I1II1IIEB DISPOSfTtOH OWHES SATS AX AUTO CAUSED THE AKIMAL TO BECOME VICIOUS. Doy lest awn, Pa, July 24. Ruling the owner of a bone may recover damages for injnriet to tb animal's disposition, oauaed by an automobile, although the chine never touched the hone, a "T' ,v " ""I Che case of Jonathan W. Gillam, of Langbonn, anlnet Koeert Dogue, u at tracting a rrvat deal of attention. In the ease with which the opinion deala Mr. Oillanj't bone waa frtgbtomd by tba Hoguc automoKTe and ran away. It was contended that aa a result an animal that had previously beea gentle and fearleee became vietou aad Bar rati and depreciated in value. The Jury in the ease gar a verdict for $273 in faeor . of. the plaintiff on tbia groan d, od th Superior Court cp-1 boMs tb verdict. , . ; ' - ' 1 . . I '-. ' : ' ;' . . .. . , . awaaaaawawMeawBaaM .J --i ' ' ' i S -.: Z , X-'-: , a. f ' 2 V.-'- - I ti. ' " 'II HA HPS TOOK fK - - I V . t Z M - -I. li : ': - I 4 , NEWPORT, 4 BEVERLY rAND' AFRICA :;V-:-.iV::'r::PUT..lN',THE: SHADE ' 11 mi ' i ' Scn of AwropUnt Twti th .Waahlngtow, J). C, July xdj-Barerly ay boat hef awmmer Ckpital, Krwport may tpeak 0 th gkwiaa of a Fl'tb venu treat ported, Atlantic CHy . 'may about to heaven af the- Only Seaaide Metropolis,' but after the tumult and thj shouting die and tb pre agent seek new, fields,' far abov th racket they bar mad, on eaa bear, tf an l listen ing, the intitlsot ry:-rWhat' the mat ter with tort Myart" And echo, that faithful old person with a thoeutnd toa gaea, eendi them wimming upward like iteming aeroplane and ant wan, . "it t all right." . . And, moreover, aha ia all right and going ttroag, : Jaet at prteent then bat any place ia thit eountry had only an ia Atrita wblek h more it social Mu ter thaa ia Fort Myer every fair after noon when th Wright brother art ex pected to fiy: . Anabataador and ministers aad at tarhea, ' Oabiaet member, (rat aesiat- aat aeerwtarie, aaaittant ' aecretariet, and would-be-aeeretarlea, Uenteaant general, ataier generalt, bria-adier aaa. arsis and eubalteraa, rear admiral, aea- TuTalieJnr r4or ' Ut'" P would tains, lieutenant. i and eaaigna, fcrntorai. him lk . , . from the- far. West, the middle West, tae far Eaat aad from Arkaaaaa; every where ia fact who baa aay charm at official society a Washington ia there. - Mra. Loaf worth Ther. Vrt. 'Niehola Lone-worth, wife of the Ohio representative, and daughter of former President RooeeveK, who hi at present teaching African lions how to get into society, I on of the mott in terested admirer of the Wright brother. it was only yesterday that Mrs. Long- worth held her first tea, al fresco, at her temporary headquarter on the Fort Myer parade grounds. The reeeptio FRENCH BOYS PLAN INVASION OF BOSTON Pari Gaming, Inlamed by "Buffalo Bill," Determine to Rid the Hub and Chicago of Redskins, But Are Caught by the Police. Pari, July IA Eugene Vievy, tbhr-!ag ton. erd Ernest fVnt tvjvtvs. beeh ganUas af tb Pari boulevards, batlMd real Iadiana inhabited these piaosa. been arrested at Chert or aad sent 80 Cnpot. wn'l b folk wen eating back to their parent ben for a littU 1 woodshed tnetment. They had started for America to fight Indiana. t Iktl, IW. L,. Wj1 mw.A AiwVm to ear eothinjr of a omplee set of othtiur what thay thought would be dae bur glar toobj. If making taut redakina bite the drcrt did aot prove a profitehla a terpriae, tby expected te turn, raf ace, aad ban rust good a time. Canut wa dispoeeeaeed of a mil of IV) frsnca. Tba runaways bad aa over - L don of Aanarieaa literature knows i tbe ttstee a dim acveU. Tb kiosks of Paris an Bowadey ainmlv pee ted with HurTam Mlla and ''Kirk Car ten,' translated into tba wildest bind of Fiiiiah, aad th boy here are won ia reading then thaa tbe asorag American meeeearer. So yosmg Caput aad Vievy, being routine and Hetng ateee tntvtber, aver tb Bob) i Boulogive, decided that Chi- ' f'.,., ' Ur& : , - ;-V: T : . POTJRIHO TEA fO TKX EXCUXAXT 07 STATE, Real Ultra Mod in Summer . VUtt to the GovrBtt Retwrvatlon.' waa beld the beautiful Umgwort elso tri vuasbeut- Thw ranaaout waa aaa oraeed with a' Manx top, 'a ahioy Urer, a dash board, a grtt-aiei'sa-te the-iarnt-ing out&t aad several -ether - garage blaomin placta, Mrs. Laerwavtb wore a' white aajrt Waitt uit of truiple design aad a aroad briuuntd sailer bat. She aat la the nuv abtmt and reatrred the taxbaeaadev aad frneraJs, aad eeloeeli, aad rear ad- mirtlt and Heostoea. Mr. Longworth stood la th reset ri eg Una. Ba waa clad in Bitconvaatiaaal faabioa, wearing a Panama hat, dark, double brtatted eaat and light troaawr. Mr. Longworth ber telf tood at th taa tebla. , It waaat 1 really a table but a thermos bottle Th rt aid W toe-feinting outih holrit two ol the aad tb hoateaa wa greeted by so ma ay friend that both were in eocstknt tunarii. FaactMa laftrmaL One af tb alaaalng f ear res of the reception wa ta fact that taers waant any. formal earamoay about it at ail, Mrs. Longworth Just aat ia the ran atwuat, aad wbea a diplomat r a war the bat parade groand laahioi hioa. For a while they would talk about a emplanes er armies or diplomat i difficulties, aad then th would euggeett "YouU bar a little tea, woat you, Mr. Secretary, General, Atabaaaador, OolaneL Admiral, Senator Of eauret tba Mr. tiaratary. General Atnbaaeador, etc., would. Mr. Long worth juet reached over Into the flret aid to-the-falnting-ootfit aad pulled out one of the long leather -eovered bottles Then aba foand a dainty tup omewhere aad poured 'Yin lunin. Colonel,"' he would I prophesy and usually was right.. or Deetoa would h much better i than th Bolt for Mooting for real bean PPW "torn the fam ijr UW Thread Bank and tterted for Tbeugbt Firet f Chcrri. Wmrheeter, Ta., Uu!y M "Don't worry about me, but aeva my eberriet." cried Pan) 8afrd, a lad of tea year. he wa picked up weth both arrnt ihmkeei bud Me eH kmi hi t - j 'v.ii .e,, A.m froso the top of a ebti 1 1 area. Hit eon- QILKII S Owl Shoot a Caadidate. Mnawogee, Okla- July Ct-WMle be hvg taittated into th oeder of Owls here Theraday night, w. L. Tall, president 1 of the Mnakogn baseball dub, waa thr.t ia tb bip with a blank artridg. It feared 'blood poisowtng may result. r: BY FORT MYER Capitals Since Mrs. Longworth't Bh pound explaitely aad . when tba frbgraao af tba tea wa wafted lata to area of the diptr-tnat, gaoeral, ota, b just aaturally imagined b wa ia a drawing room ta Oonnactiout avanne or Sixteenth tret With a emirtly bow be would tab the cup anddrain it en aooor or um rort Myr rseeptisuTX r Xreat f Day. At any rata Mr. Ioagwertb' rttep tioa was the affair of th day. fteo- ratary of Sut Kjhxc, Ambassador and Madam euavBd. fiooratary of War Dickinson, geneVala at lore and feenatora by th butt jQf earn ap to greet bar ana oa weiootnea to tae mysteries 01 ta thermos battle. It developed into-tf fun. tion that will make Beverly or Kewport real very Diut, even if th tea may aa oeen pinac . Tettt Iftxt Week. Th data for the beginning af the o facial teatt kaa not been determined It la -possible the aviators will notify th signal corps aome time next week that they an ready. Fligu ta taa signal Corps ttattoa jiwt outside of Alexandria ad return will be one of spectacular performance of th official teat. If Orrille ia able to put tb littl machine through the ah- at the rata of fort-four mile per hour, be will visit Alexandria aad return in thirteen minutes and thir ty-eight eeoonrii. 'Mist K tacrine Wright, the titter who uted to tee oh aahool and aupphy the money for the axperimrnta of her in ventive Brothers, went over to Fort Myer from Dayton, Ohio, ia time to tee Orvlll It at tb rat of forty feuV miles an hour for Vva wiinotW,' Prob ably that n faster thaa Mr. Wright baa gone bpforei certainly tt ia the beet he hat done with the machine he haa here now. LEAVES M Til M WHOSE WIFE HE STOLE M0HTR0SE FARM HAND'S ROMAMCE OF TEARS AGO IS RE CALLED. Montrose, Pi., .ruly t Th law of eonrpeneatiaa works even after "k! tbeae manv veart. fifty years ago. at Blsirstown. K. .1.. Joserh Kitchart won the affcrtiont of Jennie Stafford, who married the poor young msn aarainet the parent' a-iivhes throwing over a wealthy suitor named .femes 'Butler. A hort time after her marriage ber parents pertuaded her to lev, Knhrart ; . , ... and marry Butler, and the former re I married, later eepareting from hit tr onri wife, coming to South Montrose and enragihg st a farmhand. fhitler took hit prize and went West, , when, in a short time Mra. Butler died, i 'Rrnantly Butler died alao. and Kith nrt hat beea notinerr that Butler, in. kit will, keqneatehed to him tbe sum of tilon aa a penial ownpntsttlon for etealirur the sff ert ions of Mra. Kitbemrt lemrl No. I. sad Kitheart last wnk received , tbe aeoney. g am troa rmrrawntvrw to T'w LUUCbVI BALD HEADS FORM A HATLE5S CLUB Ornaha Doctor Founds Orgauizo. , Hon of Men Who Afjreo Never , To Wear Hats.' Omaha, Neb., Jury M. The newest gaaleetioa la Omaha to clamor far ogaitioa ia rapidly tnitatng tb aaoat popular. It asuna b) tba Unties OnbJ aad only msa srh are WWhaadad aaa ever hope to betreiw aaaatbera. Th pricn mover aad organiser tb Hatleaa aub I Dr. Z. IX Clerk, who publiihed a aoti ia bteal papers la viUaafaO Tld headed men la Omaha, to auet at hia atnaa. He expected , 1 tweaty-dva to respond, but than wan an thaa tw hundred. ' , Dr. Clark was aleeted preeddeet asm W. W. Slaabaagb teeeatary aad sraaa urer. It Is not to be anpnoaad tha Batke Club ia organhosd merely for fun. Tb meaabara ban otbar motivet, tb pria aipal aa of arbmb i to grow hair oa bead aban It doaa aot grow now. So patent lotion er taadiclne an to ba and to coax tb hair, Tba eon aad air an to do th work. - Th rule of the eiub provide that vary member anal go bareheaded or let wear a bat with the arowa out oat. lie may oarry a bat ia bis band and tip K to a woman, but ba It prohibited from placing it apoa hi head BO matter what the oonettoQ may be. MAINLY A BOOT PEOPLE. Miaa Julie J. Calhoun, of Nw York, a collateral deanendent of th Mia C. Calhoun, cbaanaan of sovereignty, ha - been a notahl Bgurs in uonooa aociety this season A toman tie career waa ended la tha deathof William Fay, who died ta Mnskegnn, Mich., aged M. Aa a Union rout, during tha rewllion, he gj fortaa to serve the Northern Oa morning laat week Peter Maltter. of Ironville, abnt two large earn ta the imaaiee ereex. line meaaured so mohaa and weighed nine pounds aad one meas ured M inches and weighed U pounds. Owing to the aew law deallne with the publication of books in Korea, and which will shortly com into operation, It la oelKred that nearly half the booka now in the book etnret will be conn era ted. Korea Daily ffewa. ERJITIOirS TIDE IS NOW ON THE WINE NUMBER OF ALTERS LANDING DDR ING THE MONTH OFF ORE FIFTH. Wsihington. July It The tide of im migration into the I'mted States ia on the wane. I A falling off of 2.1 or approii mately 20 nr cent., in the number of rm migrtnt tfin avnitteH wito all porta iot tree monin 01 June, M onmpared May laal it shown ny the statistics mad public by the bureau of imnii 'gretion. of the depart ment of commerce and IsHor. '"'"T , 01 wrrigrant trie.. admitted for June waa Rn..,u, at train.t dnrin)! M,T ,. A mirkM ire-rease. hoecr. it noted in the num her of aliens dfarrrd for the month of June as compsred with May, tbe fig ores being lfMd. sgsinet lofts . Brfk -Wrdge, Utet Job. Wife, Life. York. Pa.. July 14 The breeking of a temperaace pledt heving caused 'Charles Berrer fa years old to lose hta lob and prevented a reronciUumii with rsatiM W found more hiffhtoned gfntle. erlfe. he ended hi Hie by inhaling' men U an st The Heeler ln,litie" - 'North ("sroJins Gsjette. Sa'Wnin, K. C. hia MVmi, rbW Ally Treat a Cap. tain Charles IWntp of tans alee, for sotting adventur wi daciaaaa of tba deep tdu aaa. II ha thorn, partly because' aa asabaa ert af hunting iraak man and aaeaiy baeauaa ba auaot bam H. bait hat triajnph aama reeeatly; vtbaa ha added aad leaded tat laageat ! bead shark tver aeea ia a akaas regioa, dead or aire. Tba 1 and abrteea feet (a length aad wetghad la th aelgtborbood el tr3 pouaaa. Tb sery af tba apBur of 1 abajk maa.es Mm yarn- of writeaa tf gt iw . 1 waa aat ri ftitiitaa law wiooid ate to 1 Berty ia Mm aornteg Capks ' an woai to Ma to ah tommy ten sbot dorr la ouoat al gnea torUa. Ba araa by baa brother In law, aad half a mam cr mon off ahata k roa iatoh asanlof a hsmdred ' flingliaf out tha largast aa ta tha school. Captain Thnmpsnry taaateg ta Mm bow l tb boat Intra hi harvooa rdoap Into th haak of th anoaator. Taa fonark waa thaa not teat away from tb boat,' aad ataly It began to; Bgkt. Wkk tb Ant nub It (trunk tb bow of th araft, aad aot being prepared far aa attack, Cap tain Tkeenpaoa wa kaocared Overboard. outer aaftraa m to aoaoM at baad. but 7boaapaoa la jnat about aa good a swaaaaar aa taay, aad ha waa book aaboaxd in a dw ee eada. Thaa tb agbt began. Bask aad forth, wp aad aewa tb baadh, off b tad ha ebon, mm axoawtat towod . tba dory a If It won a this. nee uaptaia faoeaasaa anwld get near enough to jab th abaak with JigMor pair of matt, lafllotanf only la wesanda. whil at otbar it would have oat every not of Una attanhot ta aarpooa amhaddod In 1U aaak, tow. ba th boat at a fearful apead tbromnh a waur. . At Mi bum tan th whole asbeoi of hiw wan talcing part to tba eh tee. ' T&aar wouaoat tmsnaioa woo Dieening freely,' and th small of blood draw then aa. They attaakad it eiotoualy and tear- , mg tu TMtfr. ua moaaser, aaariy a keg aa th any. ahaoot aaeiud it tail at mm iteeke, wail aaaadred of wo and were mad la ha ode aad bally by amaller abaaks. At times ft looxM a a bm Mat would , 1 aotaekod. so Irearied war tbay by amell of blood aad bouar tor food. . Th TMwdiaament of tb two taoa Ib th uawh wa a 1 anything bat plsaaaat. They virtually pieoed their at oteiu, but Oaptaia Thompson bald . OndaaIrr tha mnoetar wm honed. Th aatqual tght, a barpooa la ha baak and a hundred or mon of Ha owa fchsd aaap ning aadd gaawlng tta BJ Bwaay, wa taa msah, aad about six hoar a' tat; aha hoa ' had beea Burred nto ito tody M Maaed ta fight sad waa healed af at tha Mtmt tee Boat, daao. A heavy rope waa aha aiad fast ba bied its gills and ha, aad tewtog ft ho. -bind Captala TVwcooa etarted far ehort. At thai tarn tb rSurks wen hack and aetrn ahowt tb boat. ao4 lot. lowed it to th hawd of th aat. Bop ping aad bittaff at tb mi waa. chowgh Iks think htea prevoated thesn BiakwaJ nytbjag hut anest akin wound. Heaoh-. big tb taay moat of tha sharks Vapeaal oat of th ohaas, stthewgh fair didJjend H aoroM to thit aide, one of ah eaa as th mouth of th huaaui item, bafora givtag up tba pursuit. Arrwfcg at tha ftetraaol dock tha axoav star waa hauled out with th aid af a block and tackle. Captain Thompson -eatimated itt weight at SfteoB band red pounds though old boatmen aad sea soned Bahamian daoland It wwabj go nearer two thousand pounds. It was pro. nouaotd the largest flab of Its kind May had ever seen. THE FINEST SCHOOL PRINCIPLE. A SusesMfal Military Syoteas. In a high grade boys' athooL Mm at ayatem of died pi Ids I on wiatch ooaa- 1 the nntneat, order, nuaoerjutv. badienaa, ecuare thouldert, aativ gait, and expanded cheat of the erilresrv sys tem and discards indue formality, orael penalties and tbe spirit of fight, la pleas of whK-h evils, personal intimacy, af fection, peace and Car it Uaa love an tubet itutad Thit it the Military Syetsm aa uted at tbe Bingham School, near Mehaae, K. C. An attractive feature it the beau tiful tailor made naiforra of beet oust ity. like that ioed at West Point. Be rsuee it is ths hamlsomeet and most enduring, it Is the cheufiest clothing rnsde. Ti beeatirully illiistraied catalogue telling sll about this famous school, can be had without cost bv a postal tr(i requeat. add rmei to iTeeroei levrai uny. n. l,.. rreeidpnt, Bingham School. Mebsne. V. C. MUCH IN LITTLF England has 1500 golt ronrRs Oermsey hsa t ton thejt an v itt mra for avia- olVr B'v,rfllWBt. Tbe Trolr of I Poland Bume t, fa' iv in .on' i-un"" et month. The Sii :ehn ahninken to ha'.f of kina; iedustry i on time aise II. an eoiia1 niiTnt.r iTirwl,r. I h, r