T HE; Willi 3 . THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1799. Three Dollars per Annim. Vol. I!I.-No, g2T PUJJUSIJED WEEKLY BY ALLMAfcD HALL, prints TO rHfc STATS ok NMirH-tnROHHA. g : : m Mr. GerryVCommunicati (Continued frtm our luft That court moderated its m after its object was accom ed: (he prefent complaints . of th nite J States ment have been tr:- venud. if thofc of the Frenctlao- vernmcnt had been attended ro. he complaints which the United Sites sow mate are, in hoe, only thclotu fequence of a flare of things Xich has evil the French Republic a'al hi citizen! the mud cor.lHerable Am- ages. The French government c- the tJnited States (hotilld be ffee from verthetefsbas not C;afed to otftj the the imputation of having concealed exact jultice which it demand?, It officii communications, when he hat never refufed, nd never v II had publ ihcd alt which it was pofli refuie, to enter iato dilcufhon 1 ion ble tor him to have received every proper fuhjeci. You Humid have prelumed, as you J have given, lir, to thefe t ree datej that after having received and pims a large dcvelbpemenr. Wi are tranfmittcd to Philadelphia, your very near agreement, when wei jaJ. -note! the 18th Ventole (ihe 18. n ly defirei: tmjorhttdes. aadwhn we ; of -March) 1' would wait at Paris tor candidly admit the Mate of the q el- liitti. You fee the negociator? re- quire very general iultrucUnn, in qmre very genera utdcr to obv at? the wcouvenkfeces which are prolonged even until now. 2 believe, to fix tiie meaning of 'our treaties, it will be proper to draw up a declaration c.oiic:rniPgj,i!t ia. .be hereafter obligatory upon the two parties, and conlidcrcd as making a par; of the original ads ; a dccliYa tton which, that it may have the force ot lav, Ihouid be eftablilbt'd by the ra:ficaiions, which the coniiuu tional lorms refv ecHvely require. The United States are placed in that happy unconnected Itate, Which makes them, doubtleiV, let a parti cular valu;e upon the 'claillea of thc;r commerce and navigation. It is the effect of '.he long neutrality which tney have the hope of m.-intaimng. Hut France, although firmly, de termined,, lincett has become a R e public, to live in peace with ail u hons, cannot fl tticr ii ft If with efcap. mo the course which periodically torments Europe ; ard prudence re-1 carefully, communicate to my go qu res that 11 prekrve the rigms i vemment and if, altei the volurn. which treaties ftcure to it, in neutral iavus uthcial difcum ma, ou the part ports, in time of ,wr. Wish h H mtblics, of the tub dout v,ev, tit Amvmau aVgucia-ject n difpme twt ween them, you ion digetted the tre.ty of commerce : conceive that a reconciliation will be of ! 775. Aitnougii it be reciprocal bed promoted by this nude only, I upou cue whole, tome provnioiu aie f 1110. e efpecially applicable to cue fixed p 'fition of the United States; and o liters have aliUiion only to t.ic even loaip liiou ul r .aiK.e.. The Isttei hi. ie r. a- laci iric a lor the in iltfi dmce f he loruier. Fiance has dmolaed f : d vantages h ch do not iirany refpect injure the Unit -ed States, and the llw fulnefb of winch notorrigiinatiomiontrlt. ThcFrrncb Republic willnevrr renounce tin m. Jt is now in ihe power of the Unit ed State to realize the d fpifitions which you mamfeUed in their os'iif. I heprudence of your conncton in Frahicoas prrlcrvedyou fiona the prtjooic'cs which it is U'fhculi net ;o co 1 ract, a hen one is lets on hu guard agiiull loreign and even bo- medic io;rieiift. 1 periiuae mytelr, that you will tranlm.t to your go - vernment m ly accurate ducusituts. It will belong to it 10 purluc the brtt utesfures to iHtcluate a prompt re- con ih 4 1 ion j, and 1 atdcnily dclirc that ihcy may corrclpond aithtoe wilb ol the fcfttCUtivc aJltccliiy. J cm. tn ue however to th nk that it.flr.d ot returning 10 the United Statta, n wiuiu ae preitrnble that you afk for the mttruhienis i.ecrdarv to the negociatioo. Nothing ceuh mure accelerate the drawing together cf thole ties, which the French Re public and the true Amcncaut have regretted to fee relaxed. Your pre fence st Paris, if the powers, which mud be luppoled to be on the road, fhooWJ foon arrive, may momently tfccooiphfh the o. ject which we both mbitioully puri' e. Your dr pan ure, on tbe contrary, will give a new activity to tbe plots laid lur pretipitaiing the two coun- tries into mrahtret which areas re- pugnant 10 t he tr iuclioatioa as to their initrHli. The French government, being briidet, penetrated with the lame lentimentt, whkh you irnay, wu hereafter wait lor what may oe ad- dreiTed . it ai'd w.tb pieaiwle will oanoiu yvu the oifanj Att p, Or the idToraucct of Lit . - my Prilf1 C4M IdlefauiKW CH. M,U. I 4ta4.tY(tAND. It ivcd, citizen minilter, on bareveumi T tire lath ioftaPt, vostfiTo the Mm der w Fren affairs letter of tb 30th Prairial (ifltb of jun) uTinlwci' to mine of :he 13th. v j- 1 1 a. sou ny you nave not maoc inc inn tse. reiptftine yodr letter of the 28 h Ventofe. I am not difpofed to impute to you a hiiftake, if you have not made it; alt bough I think that your letter will warrant the con- llruftion I gave it : be this at it may, iultice reouires thai the IVlident of phftfuftiupl, and further power, if taeceff uy. But I bad right, 10 ex P'', from what had palled between u? before the arrival ol tlte origan lilie Sophia, and indeed after it, that 1 Ihouid have received, tor the con fiueration of the government 01 the United Siates, prop, fit ion. on the part . of tin govti nmcut, fur recun. oi; nitig the utnereuces and tutor- tnifl trieudihto between the two te- pubucb : itiai 1 fhould ere thi, hava nten on my palTiae to the United States ; and that a French mmiiter would have been ft nt to Philadelphia to compleat toe ncgociation. I accordingly tutor used, you, be fore the arrival of toe bngantine, that 1 fhould em bat k tor America in June ; and after her arr.val, that I mould take my paffagein her, as toon a the could be ht te ! i j r :he lea. ou have dated, and developed three pomts, on which you conceive the negotiation between France and the U. States ought eflcntialiy to red. Yiiur letter on this iubject 1 will nucciciy wuu 11 iikccii. )t ou lay that France, in her treaty with ihe United States has dipolar t d few advantages, which in no wife injure them, and. the legality oi which cannot be contcded by any foreign 1 -at ion. You then add, thai the rrencn government will never re nounce them J he government of the United States never dclired of France the re nunc m ion ol any right, to which Ihe 11 entitled by their x ttnig uea tics; in conitruin lo.nc parts ol tl.elc, the two governments have ().ti rent opinions ; but this is not unufual between uations ; snd when tbty are amicably difpolcd, and go verned by the principles, you have julity laid down, that neither part) has the right ot cxclufive mterpreta- ion they are oent.a.ly fuccefsful, ! if direct mrafurcs fail, in adjudmg j their difputes by srbttratioot this mode has been lucctfsiully sdrptod by the United States with other us nous. My conneOiont in France, citizen 11.11. ;ttcr , pave neither prelerved me ftsm, or fubjtcted ne 10 prejudices earn goverofed by my own pnnci phi, thofc ) on may be a Bared wiM always prompt me, in the ddchargc ol my duty, to prefent to my go vernment easel documeott snd ft a e tnents of acta. It is impollible for me to apply to Ihe government, for the i.tctflary inltrumcnts to cotiducl the nego c at ion. Ota the other band, fhould fuch a propnfiuoo be made to me, 1 Jhuuk) certainly, under entiling m- cuni(tms, dlirtK. Nrvcnhelefi, 1 agtn jflure you thai it will give me ihe grestrl) pleafure, il by any other means, I can contribute to s put and honourable accommodation of .he differences between tbe two Re- publics. My return 10 the United State, wfcicun ir.ddprnlalUe, at 1 conceive, cannot be attended with tbe effect viq ment m an efpecially as lht connect mn tet wren in iwo enm -tiieswillbe (Ul kept up by the.r IctirCfVt Colu S. Ateey, ct;n sainider, tbe at- I aw , 1 a ; . turances of my pesfeft Mpt. (S.ned) ' K GF.KRY. of the Fretted Republic. Mr. GERHY, To the minuter ofForeiiMi rUlaUOi of tne rrei.ch Kepublic. ; Paris 2th June, 179?. Citizen M 'mutett Ism 2ain under the ntceffity of apply in lor tveedsry doctmeot to enable me to rttttrn to thf Uni'ed f bjb Jriendflnp bstweon the tmKepith States t and as you cannot be in fei.fi- Ha, and d;termintd to hare ntmv to bte of the manifed difadvantajier ui uttaitr thit end, as drfiruhlc nthe U my part rehiltmg from the delay of titled States as to France? 2. est the ttiem, I prefume coat thy are in readhiefs , -ti:: Accept my aflursneH of eHeem and relpc. (Signed) IE. CEltR Y. (TR.NSLa FION.)"' Exterio Helationsa Paris, 9th of Meffidor, 6th yesr. -f.; (chfjuotf, 1798) -The mi indcr of Interior tic iat ions to Mi .Utriy, Isavoy of tuc U nitcd Status. In sttisytiring. fir, your Inter of 1 he 41b ol mis month, (2 id jun 179SJ 1 regret tna 1 -in oobged to recur to the ti It pjragr ph. I com piaireu that tite pubucation made at ; PniLdelphia on the loth Germinal i (8thof April 17y8,) d'd not cotnaiu all that your government then knew, You luppoi-.'d that I aliuded to my I note 01 tneae Vesttfci8th Marcit j fir, rtprcr the pojtbic cjmfemtencH which could not huWtvci uave feach- U your .d.pdrture and judge far yw ed the Preiident. I begged you not fell, -whether hetuho truly vifbts for to attribute that imltakc to me. You peace ought to confent to it. appear to adhere to youi iuterpreta Let us csntinuc rvoTe and more tt tion. From refpact to your tun en ty , advance th: work we have entered upon, of which I cannot duuor, I wtit 1W- mount my repugnance to minute du grelfiuns, and wiU pmt out to you that one of the concealment, uhicii is the molt linking. I have been lurnifbed from the Uniud States with the proofs, lup- pixted even bydKticlck narked from the Asnertcan papers, f tbc L .A i .uiii.. .1 .1 m kno'vledoe wuicti lubiitttd tltere be- fore Gerutina! (before the 2 id of. March) of the uhttctHtn Ihe Exe- cunve sJ. rectory 10 any nenociauoii with two of tne Envoys, and ot its exprefs dcilre of treating with you. In iffcCt 1 early ulthed to you the difpotitions ; and the declaration on this fubjexf inferied in my noe of the 28th Ventole (18th of March) was uiny the 1 fficial eaprefliou ol a thing already comprehended as well at Phi ladelphia as at Paris tor the re It, Sir, let US hereafter pals over l lit I- oleic Is eplv.de s, and let not our communications lu.tber bear tbe tint of iccn'minations. Toole who areiruely impartial will perhaps difcovcr a deurec ot eenerulny in this prop f itnm coming trom my tide. Lei us leriouily rclome our sspla ustiuus It is for tads tu prove ihe reality or tbe intent ion prolclltd on both lides. My lad letter attelted to you very forcibly thofe ol the Lxe cutive Directory. You do not al low thofc of the Pre I idem of IM U ntted Slates to be doubted. liow then happens it, tlia't a!ier having re- ceived propnfiiions wherein evry ibmg is combined for a fraud and prompt tor.cinaiioa, you in louc lort shut 1 he door agmi.d a 1 lottaY sstvsnce i You leem to infmoate. that thefe propeftttos have long len delafid. 1 hey could not have been made unut alter the depanureof your colleagues j the firlt open nrgoostions upoo the diftrrencas which lubiift between the two countries, take their ttata ouly (tiicc that receat period, naih ng w entered upon as long as the three Envoys were prclent, one alone ma- nitrlted a lemper of recoocuutioi Afterwards fome time was needbry to unite the views oS) fojgsJl with'lArsr tefpeBtve nation, wbJbllbave the determination the xerutie Dl- .deferted from the faidvfjelsm in truer rectory hat made, loplace the refpec live interclts in Iront. 1 did not. a- Ibove all, partake 10 your opinion coo. ' crrning the utility of your carrying he overtures of the French eovcrn- aient pertonilly to Philadelphia, and it frequently happened, thai the Jumga 1 never thought it advantageous to uOmg ut.de- the mutbonty uf tbe matvi lend thither a ivlinider PieuipvtrBii-aual Mulct buve p tir nit d tfat thef aiy from the Repuhl c, before tbejwrr iwrawav teal. Cn tbe xyhrf 'pl happy iflue of the negnciations con- 1791, aa ad of Longtet uecUred til itiCiicrd. 1 wss otvcrtbelcfs, shout faV dtl'itl fudges tcutg under the au to transmit the rtfull tf my 'put ' in th? brgimmg . PrehtU rfr 2o a1 tie lahaf Miy) in, idmi kUrtWcd which for fyfr tided the primipdt olje&J fee -wtat deux J culd tKvr am yirtified that cireum not re.vtered tut prwrrli '.and it is in nrdtr to acce ft Ivtcti u to oh'iaie every n that 1 prefsd r,u in my hjl i main it Pari. Did you not come here, fir efto- full pmen given to the tinvoys them to ntgociute tpwtratelvr ter what has popdat Pbtijdetf yw can unthdraw y ut fUM jOmrU vw to tip fo ihen the ' e'neb gm nment jupericr v, ail reeutfnenU. am d never Itlitmng to any ttnng lutjutice, mani yets itttf anxious ro conclude a candid and matuuuy jutts)a8ory agreement f I h we invtted you to r, quefi promptly new towers, if you thhuefn you Uo'td in need 0 thtin, And thry mere noi on What their pajluge. You anhucr that thiiautfrity $ the Cttml tut crved to a? tirp is jar you ittipnjfijiie, and that yon wwld htjldti ut.d.r exiUtng circttrn-, Uances, ace linhakitQ upon y u'f elf thf cundbtTinp of the tuvo iathn. if it imjtUcureirtm at, put fuit. Ihe t.'.nfhlh confide d to you. J cannot reconcile this lanouaps inith vour uttuchment to tour . u w J I country, wttuthe jffuruncet you dot v & ... ' ceae to give of the jincttiiy of your go vernment. 1 recommend thefe ol ft mat ions to you J may almoft venture to lay th a it U your duty, "Toe pr.ptjitions which J hove made to vou embrace three piu.ts. , The firfl widtuke but little time and may ht pi poned. 'ihe third will aoubtlefs experience no difficulty on either fide, after the t- cn. fhjl he amicmily ettU d. ; . is to the fecomd ibtrefarep that we M j 7 a.i fa j 1 -..j r t"S ' .11 JbouJd Jirft atteud ; and it is to rmcbrcff;,ve fe s. tp jutpe Wff the mere important a it eirdrraces the lWce of alt the differences, A culm .and candid dtfeufjun will fuccrJiutlylTfoMirtjIrr 0 Ex'ei Or ,,..- ,us. clear up rtury at tide of tuem. I dti M. LLLl ii ,Ai not fee that the voluminous difcuffi.ns which buve been enttrtd into at I'vtlu delphiatave fbca any light upon it. Tiry bate rather contributed to ftt't-p p .j. .n in the eat of real on. Cut s Jb.l tttwayi be followed ty a conclifion either in tin ceffation or udnipon ot tbe tigtt re. . w ,lt iuh yw Utter of the tb claimed. It is neceff.yt im oreer to I MrJPr ( 2Vh f J u' 0 hl tff cB tbe aB declaratory of the meanhg ' ' to SUM if ti e 1 if uf our treaties. At to tlse eventual r. ju,"r " ,he document 1 there n e.e tttrament of a third 'power, ' 0 not M my i-yue to Amenta, know wbetter the Ut.ittd States bave2u J?l" thrJ huXr tr hed yt,u hud recourft ' to it. 'be Frenco Rtpub- - : i if tley are d Urmtned to be j tt, H drfires to be towmids 1 em. Let us hp in wttt tu tuc utntb article of. lion of the lath I uuZu a nUe up. JTL. , tbe Confular Convention piovemter, 1788 on tlx dtlpcultiiS tti ixeiuttfn metis with in the ports ol tbe United States, ttjoa I te followtd ly fimuar up a each of wbkb-we mill endeavour to come t an ngreimtnt, j .1cctptt fir, the.MffuruMctt ofnmy pet J 8 cotfukratiom. fSiunetj C M. T ALLEY dAls D. (TRANSLATION. J Ntte upon the ninth arm U of the t.n fuLr ConttnthjU bnwten tt mme and tbe United Mules, tt the I of As" xtmotr, 178I. ' 1 1 vnit.n n. c thit at tick iedarei M that toe (.o ma 6 Vue i cmtuu may (tu'r tobe art fled the captains, tffictri, "a mtr faitors ad ull htr JOiJ.ut brmy part of tbe irewe of lht fels ol , II fena tkrm bach uud trumpet "m sal of Ih, country, imtixb puepje theaid Comfmh and Viie-( oauti Ibalt addrifs tbemftlx'ti to the Court, Judgts und iffictri competent" Betute 1 702, lie has never experienced the want of Cl'ur frcj jufparted even ty art. it; and J am per funded, that ou ttiscti rm tie Amcrut.n particular occajion, a will featttfj c,.e the h.,wlettre tih ch th. to an underlying witb 11 U.SUtei,Jai'hir'l V &rmtntlt (zctb u aeyared.tirmintdtobejufhowa,dstMar(hJ:'e ,"", 1 r ' thrhy of the Un'tlei "tatet, f. o'li empetent, ill '-r Juro-f of tc t . . itesi have hm tu H tj 1 felve juftifitd nt teclinii to ten U their aui ; put at tk,re are mamy m torts in the Uiited St.it ts ih ,n d il ;;' Judges, anJ 'as tley d, n.t even m i rejhie at a fort, the Freii h Onfuh f. 9 'ice '-Confuls have often We0wm I ' h nd-r dr'ettitn. to the preut t e . J p the vr (felt 0 their nuhn. 1 e f. fuit of the United States do not ttp'i ince tfofe difRutiks intbejuttt t - Hrpuhiic, jt'cipriritv , asv)dl.i iff meaning of the jrtivle reamhe : .r ; timtld Wdeilar d :hn an the V- r "f jnfyice having pvw. r to -order thf ,v rfibfif mariners, tha It he v njj 1 -competent, anii as fuck hrvnd h mm !y mnn ine requeft ir lo uul, tm manner arid tn tffe.ces Utpufit. nr. I' "Hut article tr tared a, '"' uVe 4.td iff mani. the Jut J dfrrte's in .n'r'tvg;' provingay an'rxiiviil.nof'tk- e., 4 the lueffel or Iby's r-jli, hat ft of men werz P i l '' ihe f.iid'crmtj The marit.tr s have 'ftrrl'iU fed ttt- Jil the d-p.u lure of their vrfeis t' iU'iff" and haveajterivs' d) .t only i raved the fcti "the ctevrs, 1: has ;jten hem fk$CUfH i',r t "tm to go J torn otic po. I ttnvurt'$ nifckiwring p rt, t, . 1 it ing no Utiger abc to produce the t M ilh tafet or not having it in h;s po sty e io d tuchkfrum toe lef: , vhrt e it jh j,,d jrtm .m- u no linger admitted to. m9? a claim. He in vn'v produces a c pv of the noil .mads iV chancery, atdtult authenticated ; ni faith is chriiuCt te .1 n ,4 nithfandingi-ie t, r? r of fht Hp i ragrapb'oj the" ft' at title of th,' Con vention t. it is maihimirwt that the 't: ginat roll it rtecefuty : u d Hut tit fpirit of an mptrtunt j;:puMiiit is dc . tfrojed, (y the ' un hu. y uttf iiul d . ; 1 the latter. L tvouid in r'qu titr f9 d. -clar " that by regtcr or 0'fr't r I 'it,ij.nly the ortgi- al ts und tdd, i ;t every autbtnitc i tjr ex.ti CtH.fi d to hjc CO' formahlc 'to. tfh 0r'g u.-t iy a ldgC Ot th country, bef'.rr tb tt p,,r. lure of tbevttfcl, aid:h..t this estreii or7pyJhutt k vf in .; iht p.r.t :f tt t the original, fyr ilree 1, om.'-." Vtir'ts, Q'h Mefudir. (vh vr.tr'. r wis . A;. 2c tnr. (tetry ro tt.e mtnu.ir I r ... of lmyit affatri 0' tt. e r reae ft Kf public. PARI St Hi July t,JJ. h-.ve rtgei'ved, Citix.n Mimflrr Vrm " 1 ,uUJ itultt uh ' 'J 1 , a . . . . , . r.xecunve uinctory i ur, ntco, . U,9n W!,.b'w 6 lht tnv & JtrmA r'w W"h 11 thti, il dtet not fre ':, , mtnd, that the Prefuienl of the Un ted S'tatet had received ejflcial ammani catltnt and tcuceuled firm : but if it a convincing prttf ', that lie informa tion of tltjt fadl muff 1 ve It n peni jrem cence 10 lht Onited uiatrt when Jetreey ref peeling theirt, itnpojtd :nn,t prevnufly to tl tir (tn.muntcn lien, wai ftrtnutufly irj.jitd tn. lou buve made wbl you tonhdsr a genertut prcptf.lnu, that our comma- mentions flouia ml be tinted v l '' .. ay more retriminatiom : it the fub- jeautnl part of yur letter nttogi t tr 'ue Irtm them f AJy filer.ee on ihe abufe offered it the government of tbe Lutted Slalei, ill Lr.voyt in gent tut and O'tfelf in particular, in 1 ano rtymcui, hut f pa rent if tffital fuhltm ett ion of t fey lb Juno, myi ajftrd you unequivotnl evidence tl.at I Lad already adopted the mmfure you beve prtpcjrd. It 11 inconceivable to me thai be ing without ptuert to negotiate, my return lo the United Slate 1, atr fuch long ml ut, tan be juppofed in a- uy degree lo tltfe the ator tt Jurft quint fi'rpi for a reconciliation, fit j l-. - t. I al.'ir . . r t mt mrytioyi teen, unm nut 11, wj ftu in H e pari of th rrennutnl .f tie Untied Slalei. It it ntpuleft ury government lo coise it, m lie 4