in a 1 W 2 day pre? oust vjr W's de- ve c from Charlt fton, & no (I'lli 'i riucriuirxcy ui ni aii h jinictty. By thefth'r.. tno, CaptThompf,nru? ana jenj. nannuu, ow, ,be a'rrined bete yefierday we have re ceived New- irk paptrs ofThurf- i day lafi, from which we extrnft I the following : Mi.W-1 tJKN , V. 25. Toft a. our paper was going tu prefs the brie Tuo, capr. Conear, arrived From Liverpool brmgn g European advices to t)ie 1 ?in December. Wc have been kindly favored wi:h a file of London papen to the above .a a 1 . I - ' . Gate, tne v.v eu 01 wnicn contains 11 Jubilance the following account : An extraordinary meftenger had I - - - m jull arrived at Lord Orenvi lie $ office I . - ... .1 1 1. ! .:. I u. I frnm Sir M hi en. at Vienna. Who! Drouc kwi icw-ai mic Baron Thuget Iroin the Imperhl Ifi iiiltrrat the Porte . ' That Buonaparte, on the advance of the 'He vs. with a confiderable force. h id rallnl a Council or' War of his Genetnl Officers to which he had in vii.ed fuch of the Chiefs of the nations w'no'ii he foppofed friendly- That d urmc the Council the BeyofTii poll IUix liim withapittol, which Was no 1 ih. i lum wui aputoi, which wasi !. , f,,a to. , be native, to rile, wbo nr.itiac: ed all the officers -the inhab touts or Cairo rofe and matlacred the kre'iich annv tlationed there, and the remainder of the army mult necefl"- rily fall into the hands of the lUyx, wha were a Kane 111 g with a Wig 1 olee: February 27. We underftand on the recommenda tion 0 he Senate that two other gen tlemen will be added to Mr. MUR RAY, in the prppofed mijjion to the French Republic, that the Preftdent tt the United States on Monday nomi nated for that purpoe, Patrick H t N R v , Efq. of V irginia, and O ti ver Ellsworth, Efq. of Cn- ne&icut, the prejent Chief Jujlice of tie United States. Am. u. Adv. From the Philadelphia Gazette The publie mind has for feme days been much agitated, rejpetlinr the no- vu nation $f Air. Murray, and many hafiy and ungrounded infinuationt thrown out againfi the Preftdent for his condutl inthat bufinefs. It would he well if tbe public would wait a tew du jot a proper UHderftunding'Mt tnenjures adopted by the Extcutive, before they hazard fuch dangerous and mijtaken opinions, t'ou will be war ranted in informing your readers, that the me fures reczmmendtd by the Pre ftdent, are not generally underjioqd, and that upon their developement, they wiltbefoundtobe therefutt suwNU WISDOM a;COUD fuLlCY. The Htufe cf Reprefentalixet the United States have decided apainfl the repeal of the Alien and Sedition Jaws 52 to 48. A genilemnn of tbe firft refperlabi. Iity who arrivffil yettenlsy evening from PhBadelMiia, which place he left on Sunday Lot , inlorma us, that pre vious tohu departure a reivou was circnlate'l (winch he took pain to af, certain fhe imih of, and which he believes ma be depended on) that the Srnre had confirmed the nomination rd M; Van Mnrra) as MinilUr IMeni potriitiary from ihe United Siptet to treat with the IJuei'tury 01 rrance t Nit with tbia recommendation, that lie ib:. n!.! on no account ltaveaneub Territory to negociate com: R ESS. iloVSl cf kvt ktSEHTATI VSS. Kctn iwtt so. Mr. Lyon, ti nut Vermont, took bis feat in -he noun this day. Mr. B'ayusrd mopofrd the follow ing tefolminit rn tW houie : ReloWeil, That Matthew Lyon inp.nlwr of this hnufe, havirta leen ' mvit'led ol beluga natoriaos and Br" itioas nerton. and ot depraveit mind, and wirked and diabolical dil oofilWfl, and of wirktsltfj deceit fu'ly :irnl malicloufly contriving M defame the cAf mment of the U. S'ale, and rf4ianin with burnt and dHgn to !eranethe eovernment of the Unneii 5tntes. and John Adams, the frefsdem of the United States, aid brtwg the IjiiI ueruiiient and Prelident fa to ' '! ii' p ' and dilrepnte, and with intent and drfign to ecie aaamrt tae i:A ""tnimcni and Kiehdent theM red f the tid people ol the time. St oei, j. l to Ihr ip fed 11 ton Mi tn United, States, aickrdh. ki""inriv ml c dii inofiy wrrten sml pub ii. I rrta'm fran)alm id frdd'tmis wtL ngsirl tU. be ihriefoee eapeMe'l m- hotde " 22. A bill for tne rctul- bn of the N wu taken up. and aarttd D hi ttee and in the uoule, and or. --7; . exputtnn 9f mmincuj cyoa. Mr. biTard'b Refutation, laid on! ihP iaHh nn WMiiP fl4V. U21 Taicrn t or 1 a.i.a--" )LjL Fe. for dedfion, and after fome debate, fimde to acrotomodaie ihe pdtchafer, qiienwn wai cantU M follow j I Yeas 40. Nays 4. The Speaker faid that the ConAi tut ion requiring two thirds of the votes prcient to expel a nieuiber. i: The fubferibers girc no tice that the lum of to hundred and thirty-four Dollars and flxtytwo I Cents, bfino, a collection made by the Ancitut 1 urk Malons, in the lUte iMiiiiii m. t em m iiniia. iiii i r iiiiiii mm m t u t South-Carolina, for the poor and , . r . t ' -. . In. t...,r It c ... rlnuif. A in Ih.n, !nr fhr luiriiiil'e ot hfimr rliflrihuied --" !?Wi iu ...v... --- r i b " ? lanrbngft thole who are in the reateJt IdtttrMs from the luUet lultamed on thoTe occalions. They theset. r re- cuit It that f uch pel ions as conceive they have cl.iuni to the benefit of (aid ill i them on Monday next, the n th inft. on which day they will meet tone I -iiuc ivi me rui- pof df raceivmg fuch claims, and 1 her at the Court. Houie. for the pur- d Unbunne the fhares of (he above donation. They reoueft a'fo of tbe j inhabitauU ot the town generally, to inform them who of the luftcrcrs ihould be be prtlerablv enuilcd to a diuributivc (hare ot the lame. Benjamin Smith, Gritfith J. M'Rce, George Hooper. Wilmiogton, 'arch 5. 1 Tpr NEVV-YORK, The Schooner J U N O, J6NATHAN ThomhsON, Mailer, Intended as a regular Packer, will lai! by the 1 2th inft. For treight or pallage (having excellent accommo dations! apply 10 the Matter, or to Thurfton, Smith & Pell i am. Wilmington, March 7. Sheriff's Saks. On the tenth d-y of April next, WILL BE SOLD At the Court, Wmle in H'tlmingtont One moiety of a parcel of LAU on liiand creek, containing bout fifteen hundred acreS with a good law-mill & other improvemen s her ron. 500 acres of Land a.'. join-I inw. ALSO, The following NEGROES, " viz. Topey, John, Ifsih, William, Darb. , J m, lorn, Joan, Chlot, Ten ifTa and her chdd, tfueawench, uucy do ateua jti, rerdmand a boy, Hiclor do and a girl about 15 j . 1 a 1 . 1 momhsotd-acmlJ of a wench WSl! W"!! 10 tome tune ago, named Hannah. I he above property is levied upon, and ihe fame or as much thereof as may aauMceffaiy, will on the day a bote mcuttoned be 'old to fatisty luu. Ury- writs ot fieri facias to me direct ed, tfajggj John B. sVioore, Lfq. William Nutt, Shrriif. Wilniington, Marrh I. Taken up and committed to W illi, m , iou Goal, a Negro Wo- J againfi it, to prelaws them lotbefub Vnan MnHftf BtiT arid her daueh'er, I fenber within tkc tawe prdcribed by belona nn to tbe eflate of 1 lionusl ucas of Bladen. Tbe owner is re. q jeltcd to come forward, pay charges ud take tbera away. Wiles Kniirht. iroaler. March y. WILL PE SOLD On T hut f Jay the .thdoy of April next, ed the Case! Homfe in Wilmington, A Plnntation on tbe Sound, called .vy'rtleGrove, alimThe Vine. yard, containing about 500 acres of lnd, wit h all the buildings aad sn provrorruts inertOn. ALSO, A vacant Lot ot Ground in W ilming on, on the lOdth fide of Dock-flp-et, in futviy an executaun n my hand, Jolm Bnrgwat agnnll William MoleUy, deceatrd. John Allan, coroner. Falaruai) iv. 0 The Schooner POL L aY A' (he now lies at Mr. William Campbell'! ha r f , with all her Tackle and Furniture. The oavment will be on annlkatioi: to tbe .ubtenber. bhould the above Vellel not be fold before the fir ft of March next, Ok writ then be put up at public aucl on. John Lord. Wilmington, Feb. 1 1 in 3 FOR SALE The American Srh'r TWO FRifeNDS, JametiGddea, mflter, burthen about 54 1 Tone (he not be lold in the conrfe davi fhe will then be onered . r .. . L,ri(kl, Por freight cr,c";!; Apply to GEORGE GlttBS. January 31, THE fubferibef fl fell upon a Ihort credit, rhe LOT whereon his late dwelling -houfe '.vas fituated the LOT formerly pofTeffed by Mr Robert Willkirins and the HOUSE . M K M occup.ed by Mr. Rul with a vacant LOT fronting It on Prina's-ftreet. ' jos. G Wright. February 21. .3 FO R SALE. ip 1 3 acres qF Land in Bladen, county, on the weft iide oi Waccamaw river, being onethird part of. a Tra& of Lnd entered by John SloaiK aud known bv the nme of Sloan's fW. A L S O, Between one & two hun dred acresot Land in New.Hanover county, on the wefMide of Moore's- cieek, patented by Jol'eph Wood cock. The abovemerirloned Lands will be difpoied of on very reafoaable terms. Michael Sampion. rebrbrnary 18. tod DISTRICT Court-Houfe. " Should uf 8 A NY nerfon willinir to cbmraak. rr,ce t0 ,ub,cr JA uith the Comm.lfioners an - pointed by anaftot the laft Aflembly, C0P,e, hich will be fent them tree entitle An acl more effeaually to 'of ltg Xo becare of the perfon ccmel the attendance of Jurora for'n ounty of the Hate, who is W . . . nw mmmrn mtt ! a a t. a the buperiar Court of the Diitriel of Wiltfiint'ton, a to increalethe num I thereof alio to appoint Cimi- I milTmners tor the Dumok ol calllnu to account thole persons who have inertioiorc rcveivru nc taxes iui luusldiig a uuii ano vourt iiouse m ,aKi DiUrld" " I lecure the Lourt-Huufe m W ilnunvi- ton from fire, ate dt fired to lend their propolals lealed up to the fublcnber or or before tbe fourth Monday in Match ncxif The manner of lecur ng may in tbe mean time be known Benjamin Smith Ctiairtuaoot the Uoard. February 27. NOTICE. The fubferiber having qualified as Admuiiitraior to the it. a. uf Maurice Cm mum, dec d, rrcpatlls all perfnns indebted to fatd t Hate by bond note or account, to make pay meot, end all perlont having dewands an aet of Afiesabry. entnhd An acr I o amend sn act entitled An act con I cerning proving ol wills and granting I letters ot admuuUration, and to pre- I veot ' ,ne 'geot of ur a ll airs' eflatei. Richard Kelly, Adm'r. February j. j. MARTIN ETTINGER, Blachfmiih, Whitefmhh, C,unfmih ano Nun Memnfsavrer, INFORMS the wshhc thai he car L rks on his feveral branches of bu. finefs at his Manufactory 00 Mr. William Campbell's wharf, where Captains of veffeb, and others may be fupphed st the fborteft notice, with all k i ds of Iron Work, on the moil rrafonshie terms. AH orders for work will be thanklatly received and pone tuatty attended to. Thofc who eovploy him may depend rm being well felted. Wdmtngten, rU. 11. f CCLICATIOK North-Caroltna Rcgifter, . and Almanac, For the year of our Lord 1P00. COSfSilNC POME aXeful rxT-Ch tcom ihe hif. i3 tory, geoyiaph., toidtiiutioii and lawk ot (os It ate. Obfer v j' ions and directions to maf ters 01 vt it; is jnu punts, coiuirrma - , it a .It It . the navigation and uf the rivers of N or ihCarolina Abltract from the conttit 'aws of the United States t red lift of the members ot bi of congrels the executive the federal government-t and minifters of the Unite rt tiding in foreiuh conntries; placet of abode tbe confula and mi nifters of foreign governments, re fitfine within the United States; and w r r their places of abode the officers and vtflels in the navy of the United States he members of both houfes of the ftate legiftatureaW other 'oMFfoli the ftate, from the governor to th magiftrate. whether titHI, military, or Inch as have appointments under the general government, in aid of the reveiuie; including public notaries, intpectors of produce for exportation, truttces ard commilhoners 6f public fichools, to n officer, lealera of weights ana meatures. branch pilots, &c. Alfa, the time of holding circuit and ddtricl courts of the U. States and ot lupenbr and couuty courts, in this ftate. Some account of the incorporated lorlf'MPt m ihic If- i. iloi. t...... ..1 meeting and afl'ociations. A brief account of the manner and times of doing bulinvfs in the cuftom houfes. Together with rates of cuftom houie officers' fees lighterage (tor - ...11. 1 jAmmim,m. i-. "fi r"Mif;. wwnrs 011 ineicn- andize imported into the U. States on tonnage of velTels on ftampt pa- per, fa -on wheel "mages-on dif tilled fpirus, the produce of the Ud btatcs on landson houles on ne - groes ol drawback and bounties. And iome ulelul tables of time, tide, &c. &c. money, This work will not contain more than 1 50 nor lets than loo pages 12010. uitcnea. Price to fubferibers will be Fifty !tENT ry-hJc on delivery of the authorifed to receive lubferintions. Thole who fubfenbe for loo copies or upwards, (hall be allowed a de duction of 25 per cent. And tf the perfon fo authorifed in each couuty, to receive copies of the Remitter, lor all ruhlrrihr couutv. OhhsM nnr t "T bsAjtVl ,.'sV olfptr, of hrrnt'u:$ heir number 10 furnilb them, by the 2oih APP''-V a c latt 0 -day 0 Oaober next 1 or if the He- " Allcmbly, fur the pnrpote ul gifter does not contain every thing Ul,'lilhc PeGe lots in the .ou oroinifed in tk. hmwmi mUAUm of iNcwbern. r uivii mill lublcnbers will be released from any and ever, obligation ot their figna- Iure$, The Rrgifter is intended to be prrb I fin d annually, with fuch co. ecetons and addiiions as tune may require to render r. a afefal P,k ' 10 all its Patrons. -miwmmw v WHSWII THE EDITORS. Wllmirgton Feb. la, 1798. Unitkd Statu of Amkrica. ) NorTMCaroliMA District, j HhhhAS Benjamin Woods, ft Ejq. Attorney tor the North- Ca.oiin. ll.ltrtA, hth i Ali.blieCl t)IS Libel before the honourable she Oil -tiki Judge for the laid Ddtnct, a- tiaintl Four Cafes of Gin, icoed and It cored by the Collector ol the Port of Wilmington, as forfeited so tht United Jiates, tor bavit.g been im ported in m lome foreign pore or place, into the faid Port, and un laden within tbe iaatr, without s l n nnt Irom the laid tolled. r for loch unloading And hit H uoot lavitvg ajipointed to beer ansidrier. mine the (aid LhWl si the t.ePii Con, Co be held j( Nbern, on tlve firft Monday in April next, NOTICE ii hereby given to all per font who have, or claim any Inierefl in the faid Gin, to appear at the above riavt and place, and (hew caufe if any rhey have, wherefore the fame ihould nwt be condemned. Francis Hawks, l W fjcieourt. tebruaty il, 1 7t SVITHVILLK ACADEMT. THE Trolh-e of the ahovrmen. 1 toned SienmiTy aic r i0'M:d 10 meet at jmitlivibe on rfwyvthe eighth da of Mrch next, at t' Ttloufeif Mr. Gamawhe. nt-etttrh af ten oclock id the lor. noon, to ti a plan of one or more Lo ti rien for railing ihe fuiu g: anted by the Lt iy- iffctorertaiHg in Acadfiny in 1! e own of Jmuhvillei at tlie inouh if Cape-Fear River. Bcnjamui - Smith Bv rrd r. Frelidenti Johv Conyehs, Secy Kthrnary 37. .. " FOR S AL t by LangdonGiles We-Inelia Rum by the hoy head, New-England Rum by th bafrtj, MufcOvado Stlgar in lids iertes atid barrels, i Coffee in ba3, Salt, Bar .ron and Steel Window Glafs, Candles and Soap by the box, Spermaceti Q)9 Cordage, Rulfiaanq Ra- jjven's DUCK. A L S 0, A general AfTortment of HARD WARE and DRY February 7. JUST IMPORTED, And farSale. by the fuhferirs; et their Stfrc m Second I reel , ft CufhAr Producn, on reufonabli terms, A GRNRRAL ASSORTMENT Or E Eaft and Welt- t n l . itiuia GOODS. A. 1 . bRO v i o Wilmington Frhttry 1. 17QQ. ' 11 1 1 1 1 in . a lO Dli L.A5rJD, And poffeJfiOH given immediately, ht a term of years. The Plantation lately the residence of Col. 1 hoisus Wright, on which is a good dwelling.h tile, barn and ftables. Alfo, about forty . V acres of tide twamp under bank and in good order. For terms apply 10 . Jos. G. Wright. M. R. WillkuHa. COMMlsVsIolMJLRS ti B t orrz-r ,6 " HCE, That lbV jWM wtfl com. mence on the sad day ol Match next, Jt noun:, bo,id w,,h -PP t'ad.teciu " be rrluirtd one third he Purdwk n:,,M y he end of una vear, and the rilieue at the end of B . three years. J. C. BRYAN, LEWIS BRIAN, rCom'ra. Win. JOHNSTON, Jas. LARNkY. Newbern, January 12. i wenty Dollars Reward. N - av from ihe fnhli.ilvrr im the mouth ol Stanmhri 4 Negro Felhw namtd (JUACt), (formerly the property of Jolm-Hall, hfquire; a Ulatklnnth 1 1 trde. He m. m m mi ft . . is about hve let 1 ten inches hit h. a . ?T r r (quints much, and has a drawling one when he (peaks. He is fopno' il to he barbouird about the pUotaiiunf tf Jennet Nptwdlove and of William Jones, in Bladen county. Any per -loti delivering fid fellow to tne fdb rcriber on the North- raft, or lodging him in the g ,al in Wilmington, fhsll receive the above reward and 2 dollars more if the faid fellow has been harboured by a white man, up on conviction ot the offrndi r. William Hooper. Wilmington, FehrtMrgy. tf FOR SALr7" At th t PttWrwv'Orrrei, M Brank b;ok, Supcdiqf Lf'r laer, Qill. Stc . ft Few. if, , i tZ7

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