The mink 4fi trafrflifrW vftng airrr wcrwny im i ni l" , i eat fe have material -tntnenre in Irt innd, -where we believe the meatnre a mare firongt opposed, became it is not prefer under (hod. Had more time keen aUtmed tt enter into rmtual ex. - - lUim thrre UHuld hanie teen test apportion. u proaupie iw fair subject tvill be left for Me rerydV. aWsiwi 0 a aiiatrr wi PjtiAu. rneiaf. ' WH-MkNGTOM, tirfafe Mr. Hall, h HAVINGlately received a let ter from the Secretary ot War, in anfwer to one I wrote, refpecting the addrefs ot BrunlwLk county to the frelidftnt ot the United butts, which I forwarded in Augult lait, by polt, and to which no reply bad been received ; a nd a I fo, rcfpecHng the otters made by the omcers and private! of my brigade, to ferve as volunteers in defence of their coun- try-v-I think it proper through the medium ot your paper, to give luojh extracts rorn the Secretary's letter as will convey the nec-edary infor mation on thole fubjects to the pa triotic and refpcctable citicens, whom, they concern. I lhalf vei retain a grateful fenfe of their Xtfi and Unanimity in offering to lerv. Under me a their General. Siioohfcthc fa fwt-y of oroiMtry re quire their cxci lions, the necciiary forns being porfued ) I doubt not at acoep ance ot their offers t j k-r ve . valuntotrs, accompaniad by eveiy mark of tefpect and attention whici futh .indication-, of military fpiirtt and love of country deferve. , l amSiryyour molt ob't. ferv't. BENJA.bM.HH. Tst Prefident you may be a f fured, either did not receive the ad drels tfotn the Grand jury of Bruol wick county, in the ttate ol-North-Carolina., which you have afwt nam ed was formerly put into the PoU Oilice for tranl'miHion to him, 01 owiiig to doineltic diftrefs at tlu tirne it might jiave been received, p. Vfrlnnkit tli- Aim Tl,. ;..U..I t the principles it details, the ex- . the principles t details, thee. tedpatioiiJrsritbr.,hethroghi. UjZ theetermination it evin - aued Olit . r.c f rAiKn ii.ii. of perfidy of open force, operate a conviction on arty own mind that the aUJrels was not tofmeHy receivi or it wouid Have left an- Indelible imprelfipn a the Prefident, whole ieeliggt are awake, and employed on me means ot-preierv,ing the ho. nour, dignity and true interells o, our country f and which ha know t6 depend 00 he virtuoaud toituud. Ot Its citizens. .. have now the pita (tire fotnetof in his own hand WNMng.-an anfwe to the addrefe'ot the Grand tun o. oruniwica county in tne ltatc ; Ndrth-Carolina, which ypu willb. plea fed to coramunicate to the gen llemcn who compofei it' CThe length of ihe eAtrKts, it. , relative 10- volunteers, precud. tqetr .appearance ibis week they mil. appear mi our aext. J To,tXVQ,p9AHD J uar of Brilofwiv . count y , iu ti c ftatc ot KoiihrCa . 1 have received from yon -an ad drefi f great merit for the correct nrrs pf it$ political fentinuntt, thi juii appreitenlioiis ot the da ucMPl dur cdunlrv. and the fu moelft a deciiion of iti iptrit to meet then with patience and .perleverancc, which was agreed upon ft your Ju ly term, in ioS. . . . . . . - r in. I thank you gentlemen, for jrou,f trjnnocnce in me, and highly approv of your attachment to the eenrra government. JOHN ADAMS. Pniladelphia, Feb. U, 1799. Port ot Vilmington. EvTtlto finceour lad. Mi'r aWtley, M'llhenny, Charlefton. Cli arid. fch'r Hope, Kuahotg, rorfclV. Marco. M.m lr. Jamaiea SKip, KranhKn Ch.tfit, Amltfrdam lrg Ad ff acuta, WatnwrialH, l).i an r naecua, tJennell, KINGSTON, (Jam.) March s. We underfland that an Engiifh fquadron of three fslil of the Itfte and he frigatet has appeared be. fore the Havanaah, and take a Jarge 50 gun (hip laden with Cam- aetdrt woo4 it is abocqeearon is from Haliia. Wc ife in for med that t lie French frigate L Veltalc, amvedatout 14 dayi ago at Cape Francois, from France with difpatches (he it n w at -Port Au Prince. It is mention ed, that by her, information has been received of three ot the Mem bers of the Directory having been put to death. Bar ras, and Merlin, art the two-Surviving. LONDON, Dec. to. ' AU American veffels in the harbors ot France have been rcteufed all American prifoners have been let at liberty, and the molt pouuve af- lu ranees have been made, that France is ready to enter on a treaty far tbe amicaiUe ac jtrin dipute. the amicable accomodation if all mot - Morning Herald. '!$ICLBf SOLD, I hc Hull, Mails rrd Spun of the BR 1 G A iv l T 1 E Kir 1ZC, Hikmfoii ifltaiier, of tew York Thpinas f itzgef aid, V. M , fApprlj- 0n the fir t day of toe efsuiri Super hr W$LL be sold ' jft the Court-Hjuse, ' , ATTRACT ot Land otr B,ati; river, about. 1 000 a ire, vnh a a good Uv rn tUnd other rove.uemv ihtreon, coiuinon y call d i.fupk.n-Mills Uvied upon U 4tiifV- an txecdrton in mv fund,. ienry 1 oomer Vs. thb Enccuioi of I jhri Oiltard. dec'a". l?f VJS .1 ' And tn the sa ne day -will be StU i0VarP ni anJ J?? Jf1? !:h b w" f a t;tfw. expo. Ptttt earocntcr "7" pff 1'"" iy cr upper 1 Qr bourt wH he Sold, Three Negroes, viz. Jobv Dick and Peg, to tatisfy aniaecuiijn f bynyfrCohhana vs. AduuntUrairsK 1 daacrpiou Moiety. ( , i And on the same day The fallowing. Negroes, vnc." ITacchu ano b-rah his wile. Jeore, Plbr, Jim, Jvnny, old A fahai'u, oft Nan, time, and Mary u xii;ld:fo u ufy an execucoh C .rl. lM.V, Adn.f. uh.inx of Alex' .1 tioer iiiiMgion. r,:. Wm NuK, SiierifF. w.;r.m iii'on, April t i hJpNp'AY ahe ajaf the pre AVILfc BE SOLD, PATr of tKe prrlftishleproprrty olf.fbe we 'At. Henry Toomer, n,1Wf?tf ot houfhold lurnrtore, rd- 1x10 rKiri . r.,i. . pettisaaen, a lavKaRe host, losna; . I ir 1 j r us m varitry 01 osnrr im 1 lira;-' , 'Thccondirions as is ufual in futh cafes' M 1 11 1 ; rtr of Anthony 0. Toooirr. , A jocelyn, Aurxr. W.lasnjgion, April 1. ysa ti ro be Rented at Public . . Auction, . On MOfJDAT the lib injjnt. The Barn Plantation near the bridge on Smith's creek, brlng tog to ihe r Mate of Use late Mr. Heo ry roomer. The net-fields art nearly ready for planting there it a large range for iWk, add the pttntatieo ta under dod imce. m At ihe tame time will be StU, The plant alien tools, &c. and between fatty and fifty Negroes confining of carpenters, coopers, oeatesen and field bandw Condi. iens will iha be made koqwe. "A, B Tpobnerr EjlV. Wdaeaagjon, Aaxd a. Sheriff 's Sale. Publk Auction the Poft-Qffi at HlingtOTl, IS . C JOHN Allan, ti Boijiraln Ayde- ' ThUotht BtoodvweftrjDV. 3 tfogbtetn years oltt pare made, nd Mrs. R. BktKiorYh, fhiotttoo, hal tiie afr finger of her left 1 t Capt. Milliard Bulloch, a ; Capt . hanfl at th. a..i :0in. George Booeock, 1 1 hn nuwirjr, ; mcars,- iy miam oan- chard and oon, i s: Capc witnam Balden, l i Mr. John 0umer 1 ; ; ... ma w 1 .mmm I 1 Bi ickle, t f Madame Boil loo, t . ComHiifRoncrs of Taxes fet the p Dittncl uf W timington, 1 1 Clerk of the Superior t can, 1 1 W illiani Ce vil, 2 Capt. F.bei tzcr Chine) , I ; John Cailon, ti i honias Cole, 1 Stephen Cats, 1 , Joleph Call , j ; Jvjhn Crtlton, 1 Di ' V: c -Etekief Day, care pf Potts sti' Gibbs, a'fj Ci-rilldpier Dudley Chriltopner D dley of U fiW, 2 ; aatuuel benhuilt, T Wiliiaiti Da vis, i; NladaDe Domingo, t j Cap . Nathaniel iJrmtl, Carrot 'Feiiijaiu. . G.Vtbs I ; 1 hoiua F. Davit, I ; Ld i a, ad IJoliiMH), f 1 Ha Dul ic, i ; J tasc a DMtMiaa, 1 ; Jamt Dickfun. Jup llll, I ; OuCtiT jaine, huuoie 4 Mary d a:ds, i ; Ru u Elliot, t. Monf. Gamalhj I ; Wrlium Gut I, 1 ; M. G dba. ulh, 1 1 Ja ne Green, I. n. Cant. tteiiMntin Hntcheti?, i ; Cor- ilus Holt, 1 Daniel Heart well, I ; Gaoriei Ho inc. s 1 ; -Henry Hiikins, I ; liaac HendHckiort, I John Hal , ii)rth-wi tt, 1 ; W in. Hendry, cait of Mr. Ure, a Walter flulfey, 1 j Mrs. Catnai im Huh ter, 1 ; Henr Hull, ttockey Point, 1 : Doctor 1. Will, 1 j. Mr. 1 luiei, l ; Ucoig nooper, 1. Edward Jones, Soticiter-Generar, 7; Mr-.. Jonc-i, j ; S. fU Jucdyn, I. Sm John Kay?f I ; . John Kennedy, rare of H. U 1 qnhar 1 , 1 W illiaru K( dnie, 1 f Capt am Cbnk) iCctch om, I ; Lynr aim KeinplOn, 2. L. Mr. Lsl'peyfe,, 1 j Stephen Lelry I James Larking Longcrc, 1 Capt. Andrew L-urenct, l Lew Latuur, 1 Amid Mafon, 4; Rogrr-Moore i Henry Moore I; D Malht, 1 fBenjMiiirVi. fltf.,- iff Wm, MKer- al, I ; Wm V. MatlU.1i, I f Ro land M'D wat, 1 ; Donald M'ln- ire, 1. K;chsrd Nixon Topfsft', f y Vf A htm Noft, 2-, Henry NM-ntan, Jarrot Noble, 1 ; Juhn Mui, r I't.ei rXienollon. 1. William rolly, tj ArrtrorPare man. fffr- T Plair, t Mnt Eln Pratt, f, Cip. William P.rkcr, 1 i David Perry, 1. R. Capt Joleph Robbmt, 1 Edward nUVM-S. III. r llr 1 1 , I . r O. NUfittes, l , Win. Hudell, ; & Kou,f J iward Roheien on ihe Sk i lonnd, U 8. Cap. Gamalp, &nall, a I Capta4vL, Rohtr. Sge, n WUhauncIl, alai UsiUrl.jhoalCK, 1 1 JaMk baw, 1 ( James Stewart, Ela. 1 Mrs. Sulao tellers, I Capt. John 5t anion, 1 1. Jacob Saars, 1 ; Geo. Stemur, cart tf Cornchos Hurt, 1 Jraacn Jel lers, u t 4" Cap. John Thompfon, t Charlet Thouipen, Onfl-w, if Wm. Iu -ear, a 1 Mrs. Aaaey Turner, r Cap tain Wiiliaaa Tofmmo, 1. Henry Urquhar . , u w. R it hud Went, 1 1 Henry Wat tdft, 1 1 I ernes Wear, t Mrs. EV becea Wilkinfee, t ; John Warkma, I 1 Capt. Isaacs Walker, r 1 asnri Walker, lq. I ; Capt. John W ood, I I Gisecn WilCet, sv' Kloutd the ah pea letters not be ta ken out of the Pott. oak before the hr :l day oi Jiiy nrai, ibey eAII thee be for ard. .1 te tee General Pofl ataVe d jd letter. JOHN LOKO Airt. F. M. Au 1, frfka tw- Negroev WW 8 Biitric A.twoeyior. ii, mutafttT leftd baWwih.CrW fWt, raw We TTTJ ln Im '-tikp . ill, abotif 4 years mrre ct ten inches high, has a rtry hohow roel, j tear under hit note on I f l: - .-t - - - .a.., . L. -- tme nrv smt hp ci:iiri a ivnun ibthi Anf ftrfttV who witf tfif fakfhtor, a certain fctaxaer ea f Newror to trie , or lecure them lo thar fj fie, then Aall he reafdd with tne lam of I en Dollars J Lane. tlndteyPoisit, Search 25. 11 PROPObALS For publibiH by ubcripti$n, s Notes oflf A griculture, A D API ED to tne foil, climate X and markets of Sbuth-CarolKa, i a.u.leded from the rjraaes ijt ' i'(ije moftfuecefi.fdl planters, 1, om thebtft .blcatii'ni.tin the pbif.and,trrjn. he oen omerraupns or ,tnes aut,Dc-r, lur.nga leriesof many y-fars'-ckd'e dur dpi cation to the practice nu ttudjr tarunnt!, t wm-rem the ihoice. of teds and foil lutied to the variwiafcefcpjoVed in tr. fhc and codimtrce W f grrins, roou anu pasf coiirpoimg he U .ple ul the lOutiitm Ibie, are iilly t.eattdof; together with the i.operdite U t plautine and harveft, tut cheaptff1 and melt appioSed faN riling iii'plemantSf a.nd the mode of uhivaiiou mtkft likely to fuctedrv 7e -which is ud&eiy ,. The Choice and Management of Stub ' m Cattk, Sheep and Hogn Alk , lablt s exhibitnm the. pfuuer taflbs or day's w 01 k, in'fne ptocels bt ike tevtrai crops, and- in tleanrsf, ditching and banking of new land.' By LEWIS DU PkE The work lhajl be put tp the prels as l on as t w o hundred cvpics are fub- hn w d tor ; it snail be print fd .eh good paper and a fair type, under the nlpection of the author, and deiivei - id tii me lublcnbf tn Chark llor. 01 ' s :n weorgeiow n, a may he men en- A m as brcuirnt. rnce, ne dollar, ipeete, on delivery, witn pr pcr oedutuonS to lartrr labfer iptions. P . .. r ... M Al 1 1 alio proppred, that BtoOfd the drfiuc aieet with liberal encourage- aieiir, lo as to warrant a lecond.iui- prclfion, the wrrk lhail be .neatby h und and le'.icrtd, i h the TublCf- ber' names, and caibelhined witn a ell eskcuted Plates,, rtpreleniinv the f aiming implements: the tnoft pitied' nucmues for warutadurii v I he various articles of pioduce 1 an. lone .i me eprsania o planting, ' 1 nth cannot be lo rcadiiy undti I m d by detinptinss. uhlcriptioiis wi'l be taken in fsx 'lent ice Smmi Elq. near Georgr. Ml lMr. Si'mue U Pre.. ftaVJVlf JS.iiue t Mr. Amlrtv) MntneV. Cirm. ulire ; M r. Dmvid C urrr, M IT G.iilLrd 6 Aftuzyrb, and Mrfttt. 'Frtntou 6 Pine, in CharlHlon Elliott 6 Mkrd, m Georuetown and by Ailmand Hall, in Wi'niingion Ororweioarn, Marcn ao. Samuel I. fhuritoo engages tofuv- ailb the books lublcnbtd forar WrU uiinton, (N. C.J .! i ti Sberifs Sales. On the leufh dsv of April neat WILL m SULI ') At the Gouit.Houje in If ilmiyt iK, Oie moirty a parcel wf LAND on III. nd creek, containing fifteen bniuli d acrrs, wui. 1 good law m I ac o.ner iaaproMotenu ilicreoo. v.i 500 acres of Land atym ing. ALSO, The fullowwig NEGROES, eix. V Tonev, John, Ifeih, WHtivai, Darby, Jim, Tern, Jen, Cm., I en iff and her ch'ld, Sue a wench, Luty do St iL a giri, Ferdinand a boy, Hrrtof do. andtgiri about 15 oioei ha old a child of a wench bile one iiaae ago. named Hannah. I he above property is levied upe, nd ibe faase er at tseeb thrrem at eay ee rw cartel f, h oe ffjl day a bote menrionrd he I old to faiiefv Tdw dry arm nt ft H facias te me c I reef ed, eg aiwft )oltn 1. Moore, rJq. WilVniTr Nutt, Sheriff. Wllieinfton, March la BLANKS Of all kinds, lor bit tt the Priming-oakt ! ted belcn the JWirrsb irre hb r icTJecnse to the j-iS JDiitnctj rtf frttutrfbrtft ttiai Grubtff h rVfhe-a Efa CotteCW of Wlkhin mH in thefnd Diltiict. Jki hte rodr of March mftt, at tne fafd ttrtcf W rlmn gtort, iettetf at forft ued i the Ut.ued hiaics at T the Vtd Cil Itaigef, her tackle, furniture affoap' aelj together wtth het cargo, ti lt;ng ot coffee, luvar and mtt-aftesfr fOf,.il cattle,, to wit, that the Ll leheoner between the M dat of Jxty a(f patt, and the 3d day of March iff ttam, being owned, hired or ehflpf eld by feme perfon rt (idem within the la d Unittd Sleri d parted Iftitii the port ot Bdton, in the comrnonwr1Sf ot Maflachuletts, and w nhm thefefrh Unied Jtatri. on fnKfi,n e.a-.- eoipiicfng after the fald M day f jury, and was before her return with in; the laid United itates. volnir-.! fariedor lefttrtd to proceed to a port er place in the Wetf-rtidles, uiid the acknowledged eovemnent of France t and wa within the fid time or loi fouie perlonrtfidci t withitliltr juiildiction or under the authoi iiy of ihe French republic, contrary re t fit intent of the a& of Ccngrtfs in futhf Sale made and prcvidtd And pity ing that tne laid icbuuner, her lameg, apparel and iurmtuie, togei her with' htr cargo, may tin In laid cflie rt main furteited as atorefaid . and that; a day'andpl..& rhay be aj poimed v. belt and w htre his Homer will uke trie" Lpremiles into cur fide ramtv And whtreas hu Honour has appointed ro hear ihe laid libel at Kt w b m, Wifh in the diltriet atorefaid, on rndav the' tilth day ot April enluing j SMoiwe is ntreey given to afl pr fbih aho claim aiv tolffttl hi rner uhuoncr drcaigo, to appear at ill d aid time and place, attd mew cattle il anj they have, therefore tiie faf Ihou d not remain torieitcd as aloft- laid. At HI. yVrch 15,. . y i WILL Bh. SOLD, On Wtdnedny the jth of Apt 1 inert, ut the riuntaliOH of the lute t ht titl oioplon, Acta' the persflnble' and petfpttar part 'of his tftaie. toi lil'.rt.o . f Si fe'A Negreib, a lluik oi Cattle and hlogt. mi Maie. hoadold sttd kich. n rurntiitre, piaiTianorl J 01U, tec. yi errtisol lair ejli be fix mam h tie pit! tor a funis abuse tony fhiliirtgsf die pu'chattr boi ds vt nh ap proved tecdrfty , btioie ti e prvpenv , a'terVd. - Alf' ncrfim ircehied to the faltf reitate.ol ehaHv n, arf reft rao.fttd to make p men', and ihole riaving OMitandi. aaintt thelamt, ft jirel'ent thdm to the lubfcrlher utit iri ctie time piCUithei -y an ct of Af lembly, emitled n a6 to a".nd am an act entitla An set ioiuen,ii proving wills and granurg letVii of admin: II ration, and 10 prevent fundi it the ntnagt mem oi inn rt au cl tatei. JXIZABETH SlrVlfON, Adm'x. Ifew Harwtrr, Mrch 27. MARTIN T1 fNGi.Kr Miacbfmhh H bit'jmtth, Gmmfmitb, 6 IrmJ- Mmm faMurer, INFORMS ihepubl.e tftai he tar ries on hi feteral branches ol he lmets at his Mane adtay on Mr. Wiiluea emtbeb' wharfr ehre C-iptaie ot vtffrlt, and others may be iuppUed at the drorteft notice, r h all kind pi Iron Work,, ofikemV rcajonablc lernv. AHoadereirawuilr 'will be thankfully 1 crerved sod punt ' nail y attended to. Thole ho eti ploy him may drat ad on being wear tervct March at. FOR SALE. rot 3 acfet of Land irt Bladen County, ou the weft Me ot W area maw 1 tr, being eothud e i t a . a i . P'rtot a i" 01 L.100 emereo ee (ohn 3Un, and keoWu br the tuaat rof Sloan' Tract. ALIO, Between one & two ftun- dred acre of f.and in New. Ha never county, en tbr weft fide of Meott'a a orb, patented by Jotepb Wood axk. The aheeetifntkmed Landtwitt be eSfpeaed el on very mfodable tana. Michael mprtot 1 (

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