I LIST af LAWS. palTJ. at the third fciUoii, of the fifth Coogrels of thf Umrcd State, Wtguw ami held at i lie city of Philadelphia in the Hale of ?jenfyNania, or. Monday the rhitdiof December, one ihoufand (even hundred and ninety-eight, and ending the third of March, ne thoufand feven hundred aivd ninety-nine. I. An-act for the punifhment of certain crimes -therein fprcined. 2 Aii act reflecting, balances icportcd amn certain Hates, by the com ni'dioners appointed to fettle the ac cottnts between the United State; ad the feveral ftites. 3. An act to alter the Itamp duties impofcd opo.i foreign bill of exch;ingerand bills of ' ladingj by an act, entitled an act lay ins, duties upon tramped vetluni, pjjcluuent and paper, and further u 'amend the lame. 4. An Innhei to fulpend tue commercial inter; " cbnrfe between the United S ate and France, and the dependencies thereof. ? An act for the relief of Jonathan rialkill. 6 An ac"t to autho rile the .rewnburlement of monies ex pended in rendering aid to bck-attt ilelHrute American teamen in fo reign countries. 7. n acT tor Htc re iiet of Gazjjatn Taylor and Jones; and of Samuel Watt, of the city of Philadelphia! 8, An act: appropria ting a cei tain fum of money to de fray the expenfe of holding a treaty or treaties with the Indians, o. An ait tor the augmentation of the navy. 10. Au act antiioi iiiitg the eltabldh Mjent of docks. II. An act autho riling the purchafe of timber for na val pur poles- 12, An act reflecting quarantines and hclatli law's- 13, An aOt fixing the pay ot the captains and commanders of flops and velleU ot 'war of the United States. 14. An act to amend an at, entiilel " An act to pro-vide for the valuation of land and dwelling houfes, and enumera tion (laves, within the U. States." 15, An aci providing compenlation f the Mai finis, clerks, attorney!!, jurors and wituetles in tiic cl.urts ol tUe United Slates, and to repeal cer tain parts of the ae'ts therein men tioned ; and for other purpofej. 16. Ail act for the relict of Thomas Lew is. 17. Au act to amend an act, en, titled " An act giving effect to the laws of the United Srateg within tin diftrict of Tennefle., 18. An aci making appropriations for defraying tn: expences. omen may anic u, carrying into effect certain treaties between the United States and federal tribes and nationsot Indians. 10. An act allowing James Manners, cunipt u laii n for lerfices done for the Um ttd State, and expencts u-cuved in rendir.ng faid ler vices, as featjeant at anps 10 the lenatr 2o. An .at altering the time of holding ihe dii- trrt court in the ttate ot Vt-nuoiu. 21. Am .ct concerning French citi . n , n : have been or may be cap. tured anJ brought into the Ui iied .States 22. An act giving eventual authority to the Prrliacut of the Um ted 5t.tte to augment the army. 23 An act to provide tor the Ircurity ol hail m ctrtain cafes. 24. An act to augment the falaries ot joe offices therein mentioned. 25. An ait to i-fgolate die medical cltahhilne t. 26. A 1 aci :o grant an additional compeofatino lor the year 1799, t0 certain otfi.-r. 1 f the lente and houfe of reprelent.atives nt (he Uiu led States. 27. An aci f r li go vernment of tde navy of the U'ltrd S ates. 28. An id to eflabiilh the coinpsnlat, in, of he officers employ, ed n the collection ot tnc duties on hnpoR and tonnage, ami fcr other parpoles. 29. An aci iuthonling an augmentation of :be inarms corpi. 30. An ait to erect 1 beaco.i on Dm i ui.. id. 31. An at m rt-gi.Lte and lix the evmpeuia o icf clcrk. 31. An aci to e laWhlh the po l otfue ot ihilned Satei. jj. An ad oa- mend an aci, entitled an ad reauU- '" me grants of land appropriated 1 irv krvicc s, an J for the the United B ethren, lor propagating ihe g-dpH amo ig tne hc-thr,,,. 34. An ad in iking appropriations for me lupport of j.,r Monrnl far tor yea ,799' 35- A" 4lt 'o rrylne r n 1 ut 10 fe tl he I. .dun irdi-s and to prr(rv p-ce on cie frontier. 36. An act in add t on lo ad tor the in re jral prntnultton 61 t e'i-.-t. 37 An ad au'honfir.g ihe HrHideut ui (he United S sees to fill cenam v9an r mthearny mf na vy. 38. An ad making sdduional ppropmuous lor the year 1799. 39. A 1 ad Veiling the power ol re taliation HI the rVlideni ui crrta u csh s. 41. Aniftrttpedin thr tillers ol (-nvi. 41. An ad W ih- relict a id lupport of Am-ruan legmen. 41. 1C 0 altrr and diltentinue criam po.1 roads and to nubbin others. 41. A t aft for ihe l.t;er orcamtng of ihe iropt wf theUuiud itti 44. An ad an thorUittff the fate ofltfnds hefween ihe great and little rfretr'Miau ii in the United States territory, N. W. of the river Omo, and for giving preemption to c rtatn mnons. . 45. An act tor the relief ot t-omort aands and others. 46. An aci to eitablith the falary ol the deputy polt-aialter general. , ,47. An act to regulate the ollection o duties on itnpoltt and toooage. 48. An act tor the fjupi. port ot the naval tltabl-.thment tor the year 1799- 50-An act in addi l ion to the act for tue relief and pro .eclioi) of American featnen, and turth r to amend the fame. A relolution to empower the fee rctarv of the fenateamhe cferk of the houfr-f reprelentatives to fob- f-rtbs for 400 copies of the journal I )t ConPrets ' A renilution tt grant compenfjtion 'o the lenieant at arms of the hoult ot repreU'ntatives, while" firk during lad felfftftW in Ad tor rtpultittnr ordinaries, bui'jes. of entertainment , and re. totter, of jpirituotis liquors by the mall mealure I. QE it enafltdby the General af- LJembltof the Hate of Nwtb-Lu, rolinti, and it it, hereby enaf ted by the autboriiftf ' the ' fame Th4t -.ail pet ftins he eafter retaining liquors inall fell the fame by fealed mealures, or fuch other meafutes as lhall ai leaft contain the lull quantity pre tended to be fold. II. And he it further enafled, That any perfon by applying to the Court ot the county in which fuch n-rfon dwells, and Graving a licence to keep an ordinary, may at the dil- cretion of fuch C'urt be ordered to have a licence for the purpole a forcfaid, untcls it lhall appear to thp laid Court that the nerfon lo applying s a pcrlon of grois immo. rality , or ot fuch poor circumllaucci, and (lender credit, that they think him or her not able to comply with the intention ot this ad. n nu oj granting fuch 'licence, the pcrlbi who applies torthe lame than piu duce one or. more fecurities to the laid Court to be by them approved who lhail before the licence be made out,' ioin with him or her in a bond of the following tenor, to wit : XT' NOW alt men by thefc pre XVents, that wc A. B. and C. D are ncldaiid hrmly bound to Governor ot the ttate ot North-Ca rolina. in the turn ot one hundred pounds current money ot the Uaie o be paid to the laid UI his fucccllors 111 olhce ; to which payment well and truly to be made, wc uind ourfelves and every ot us, our and every ot our heirs, execu tors and adimnirtraicrs, jointly and lev rally firmly by ttteic prelcnts. Sealed with our lcals and dated the THE "CONDITION of the above obligation is luch,tiiat wliereas the above boundunA. ii. hath obtain ed a licence to keep an ordinary at j it therefore the laid A. J). doth conilantly find and provide in his or her laid oidinary, good and wholefome diet and lodging tor tra vellers, and (table, fodder ,corn and pailurage for their horfes, tor and during thclcrm of one year trom the day of , then this b'iation to be void, oiherwife to teinain in toll force , and in cafe of breach ot or not complying with the conditi on ot the faid bond, it lhall and may be lawtul tor any pctlon in thel name ol the Uovernor, tolue for 4n I recover the penally ot the fa.d bond, and acolv on naif ihereol to ; hisor her own ufe, and the other halt to ihe ufe ot the (late. III. And heittuttl.tr tnacled, That when fuch bond fha.ll have been given, the Clerk of the Court lhall prepare a hJtna and hgn the lame, which licence lhall continue in force one year and no longer ; and the faid Clerk lhall receive the fum ot eight f hillings for hiiown ufe in tun lor ins tecs and lumilbmir Tfl copy ol the tavern raies and every perionooiaming luch licence lhall rcaiittw at ihs innr t H3.dk . I laxci, a lurincr mm ot lotiy Ihil linf', for the life ot tic date. Wrfnd be it further enable. That if any ordinary keeper lhall entfitain (ervantsor llavet Igainli the willof their owners, or tnm mon fclloN againft the direction of the milters of teltels to which they belong, eery ordinary kretr fo offending, (nail and may by order of the Jiirtice before whom fMch off' nre lhall be proved, be from th c forth (u (pi ndad and di fabled from keep. ing in ordinary, as if he or (he hadi never obtained- a; licence tor tat purpofe.and tluH be further fubjd to a fine of five pouhtfs to the ul of the party filing for the fame, to be recovered befbte any Juftice; of the cace. fubied neverthelcls to an appeal to :ourt as in cafes of other warrants, by either party who mayfc. . ... 1 think themfelics aggrieved by tnc determination of fuch J ultice. V,'And be it further enacted Fhat the Jult ices 'of each county hall oncea year or ottccr.ir ncr ceirary. at the firft .Court TtT be held alter the firft day ofi Jan 9044 each -jear, rate the prices, ot iT.quor ti e , lodging, fo.lder, corn, proven der and palturagef Jto be taxen Dy ordinary keepers in their retpect- tve counties : and every ordinary keeper lhall within tlUrty" days af ter iuch rates are lettlcd, caul. the fame to be fet up jn the com mon entertaining room ot luch or mary, and thdre kept until the rates are again altered ; and on taili' g fo to do, lhall forfeit and pay the lum ot twenty pounds to the nle ot tnc county wherein fuch oltence may happen, to be reco vered before any luttice of the Peace of the laid county, fubjed ncverthelels to an appeal as in o ther warrants. VI. And it further enabled . 1 hat no ordinary keeper (bail & or credit liquors to any perfon to a greater amount, than five pounds unlets the perfon lo credited lign a oook or noe in tne pretence ot one or more w Hue lies in ackh'o'wjletfg: ment ot the laid debt, under th. penalty of to'ling the money fo ere dited ;and in any aclion brought toi recovery ot tuch debt, the genera .illue may be pleaded and this ac given in evidence. Provided never tKelels that notttng in this aci contained lhall be conttrued, deem z& or taken to prohibit or restrain any perlon tolell by retail, brandy orothcrdittilled Iptrits, the produd on ot his own larm, by the quart or a greater quantity. Vil.yJW he it further enadled That every perfon who intends to retail Ipirituous liquors without 1 applying to the court tor a licence to keep an ordinary houfe ot en tertainment agreeably to the dired ions ot this ad, lhall annually at the time of giving in his or her lill of taxable property (Ignity the lame to the Jultice ot the Peace auihorii'ed to lake fuch lilt, whole duty ii..lhall be to report the fame to theClerk of thecourt, dtfignating thelaihc. And all perlons lignifv mg that he or Hie intends to retail Ipirituous liquors by the (mall mealure as aforcfaid, lhall pay the Sheriff of ihe county wherein he or Ihe rciides, the lum ot forty-eight thiilings lor the ufe of the ttate, tor one year. VI II'. And be it further enable d, That any perfon obtaining libcity to retail fpirituous liquois as aforc fai d, aitrtlliall fell to ilavcs without a permit trom hu or her owner, or lhall keep a tliiorderlv loule,he or po nlted m the cohrnts, then luc rt. r.. -ir ..j: - - A' r Ihe fo ofrendine on conviction there of before any Jultice of the Peace, lhall torfcit and pay the fum of five pounds tor etCD and every offence, to be recovered before a Jullice of the Peace, one half to ihe ufe of the perfon luing tor the lame, and the other halt to the ufe of the county where fuch offence was commit le I. IX. Afd bl it further enabled, 1 hat any perfon undertaking to fell fn iriiuous liquors by the (mall mealure, or by any other ways or r 1 ... L - .L . H ! I ..can. wc,c um quan.uy .. .us M ' V , V J the amp. nni hivinu 9 ir.nr. nr iifl J k' t r el JF a r Idled himrclf as aforcfaid, (hall on CollVldtlltn thrrr.it tnrtrn mud mv the Hate, to be iccovercd betore a Jolt ice ol the Peace, and be further liabicMo prefentraeut or indictment the la nit offence. X: And be it further enabled, That all acts and part of acts com. ing tor within thu purview ot this Five Dollars Bcward. WtLLke giv-n for (ecuring ,n ttoal an elderly Nrpro fellow naed Ciamina, who ha. hee. nor- . a . ...... T September Lft, the proper., of Mr.- iHTiirrcl hi ami atmot Wilminoion line V- l I r Iw -1 1 . 1 r . .1 tiii Vy m ir inn a 11 t'ir reward 0r be Dollars wdl be given on cot)iti n of any prrton employ- ' in-4a.d r.fjro. THOMAS ROBESON, March .4. FR POKLICAT I9t THE iSorth -Carolina Reslftcr, and Almanac, For the year of our Lcrd 1800. CONTAINING SOME uftful tx: racti trom the hif tory, geogtaplr , conftuutJOU nOd as S& cms ilate. Obfe: vations and dire&iens to iaf cers of vtfleis and pilots, concerning the navigation and ot the'eoait and riven of North-Carolina. AbtlraCt from the conttitution and .iws of the United States ; aud a cor. reel' lilt of the members of both kejults of congr-Isthe executive officers ot he federal government the contu.s nd m nifters of the United Sutes, retidimrin toreitrn countries; and their places of abode the conluls and mi iters of loreign oovernmtntj, re iding within the United States j and their places of abode. t he officers and veflt Is i the navy of 1 he United States the members of botbhoufes of the (tare lemflature tj other officers ol the ttate, trom the governor to the magittrate, whether civil, military, r luch as have appointments under he general government, in aid of tin evenue ; including public noianes, nlpectcrs "of produce for expoi tatiou, ruttees and cuinmiilioi fib of public choolS lownoffictTs, teaJersof vvigi,ti nd, mealures, branch p I :ts, &c Alfa, the times of liolding crcuit md diltrtd courts of the U. States nd'Of (uperior and co-dot y tourti, ii his ttate Some account of the incorporatec locieties in this tUte , their ntuea o neetuvg and aliociatioiii. A bi let account ot the manner at e imes of doing bulintls 111 the cultou loules. Together nith rates of eufton; oule otliceri fees lighterage iter age pedtageand duties on me ci -ud;ze imported into the U. Maiei 011 tonn.age of velleh- on itamp: pJ per, &c. on wheel carriages on dsl tilled (pints, ihe produce ot the L. Slates on lands on huutes on im dravs backs auu boUutltv And lojiie uletui tables ot inuiitv, time, tide, &c. &c This work will not contain more than 150 nor lets ti. an icop.iget 121110. Itucned. Price to fubferibers will be FttTv Cent i, payabJe on oeiivery of the copies, Ahuti will he lent them tret u polt.ige, to the care ul t lie prltn 11 each comity ot the itate, v. ho i author. fed to rece ve lublcnptioiu. Tho e who hrblcriie toi loo copiei or upwards, lhall ue dlo.cd a Ue ' j 1 on ol 2c per tent. And if the perfon ' authorifed in SkU county, to lece.ve copies ot ihi Kpgi&tfi : r all luliitr,iticis m lull county. Ihculd m l icitivt a ii.t.icici.i nombtr 10 funiilh thctn, by the 201 1 day of October ntxi ; er it tlte Ke- 'gittcr does not conta.o every ihin iu jlcr he1 wjllne rateaied irom at ) and every obligation ot their iigna turn. The R"gi(ter is intended to- be pub I'fli d annually, with fuel) comet. on and addj.ions as lune may n quire, u render a ufctul Pocket Cumpanivn to a.11 its Patrons. THE EDITORS Wilmington Feb. u, 1,8. UdiTtD States ol Amkkua, 5 Nqrth -Carolina District. 3 ilHtKEVS B;njaoii8 Woods, yy AwrMy for ,he Norih Csrolma UUtrid, hath exhibited hit . . . !.'. Libel betore the honourable toe Ui ia tnr ,u. a.. n.rtrlA ' O . . . . 111, Ifitcd and ed by ihe Collector ol the Fori ol Wilniiuaton, is foifdicd tu tin United 5taie, tor having keen im ported trom lome foreign pert cm pbee, into ihe (aid Pott, and un hdrn wubin the fame, without neritot from ihe laid CoileClor lot luch unloading And his Uonoor having appointed to hear and d ter mi ie H e faid Libel at the r ext ln- ,fic1 Court, to he hld st Newbefn, 0n iheh'ft Monday m April next, KirT tr l ;. i,,,.i, ..;.... ZltlZZl 7 C ... , I! nprlooi s hn hiv. or i ion ant in tiht "Ji - PJr M r Z r . V. ' in" nni; anil indir, tin Mwm " w . tcaule it any thry have, wherefore tke fame mould not he condemned Francis H.iwkt, Clerk fjtbic-rU February l, i;qI. FOR S ALE by Langdt on & Gilts Weft-India Rum by the hogfhead, New-England Rum by the barrel, . . ' TVIufcovac'o Sugar in hds. tierces -and barrels. Coffee in- b ngs, Iron and Steel, W indow Glals 4 uandies and boap Dy tnc box, Spermaceti Oil, Cordage, Ruflia and Ra ven's DUCK. a A L S 0, . A general Aflortment of HARD WARE and DRY GOODS. February 7. EdWard W oodyear AND Samuel Sinythe H AY INC taken cut a lice nce to ear. ry od Uufmefsa6 aucTionie&s, and lectirtty being given tor the due pei tormance ot the. r duty, beg leave to foliiii the t,avors of their trier.ds Md the public in general : and they flatter l.iemfeJvea their alliduitv. punctuality, and Jong experience in he wet,as will as dry goods bufinels, I ill entitle them to their -frit ndfhip. Tr.ey lhall be always ready to attend to any orders for the difpofal of any property ot any description, having ikciiaiioreluitablefor their purpoie, next to iViiflr. Benner anc Keighl. r's, n Prati-ttreef, near Bowly's wharf i heir regular (ale day will be on i f DNESDAY, aid any o.her day in Pie wttk iheir Triendt think proper So fend their orders. . Bah moie, January 2. Tanning &. Currying. 'T lubieilUchl arc lie.ciin netl X to cany on the alorelaio kufi nets 10 the gieatelt extent the lliua aoo of this iluee will admit ; bf A'lll giv the highclt price in (h tC icall ci , tor hices, uud lour oollars p.T coVd for Oak Rark. 1 hey will alfd elifpole of leather of all kinos at a r'ratonMtde rate j and a cotiiiant lup Illy will be kept by the public's 'mutt obedient ft nams. LKMJLJEL NO YES, ZEPHAN1AH LEONARD. N. 3. During our -aide nee from Wilmington, which will be ahut lifteen out, application tnottbe made o Mr. jo.-. 11 Brown, merchant. Wilmington, March at- not ieE. THE fubriU.er once more re 'liietlsall ptrions indebted to ihe ii .11 ot Matthew Jokulton and Man.. ic CiMUiiani, 10 make iynient. Rhole who neglect 10 do fo immedi ately will be hied iudilcriniinately. MATTHEW JOHNSTON Surviving Copartner, VV'ilminpton, March at. NOTICE. 1 Taken up and committed 'd Wilmington Gial, a Nrgru Wo nan n mud lr. 1' at d I er uaiifh'rr, itlungir.g 10 the platC i f TbfM s Lin it 1 1 Bladen I hcowMr-Wte tiefted to romi lor v, aid, pay charges artd takt ilietYt away. Miles Knight, goalcr. M irch 7. r HE luhtiriber lorbids ih late d I a vacant Lot of Ground on li e fobih of Doik lbcrt in Wilmingioni jsjidveriifcd by John Al'en, c ro. net ; and lorwarns any perfon tro o ; 11 h.ii' g the iamr, (be baviog a defcd therefor ' . MARV TUCKER. Marc!) a8. BOAKDING& LODGING The lubftriher Iravin? provided hinilel! ft 11b very tot.vc mem Houlr, in PrMicels' ttreer, can accomnodate a few Boarders, and prnvidf Dnnrrs, uppers, its. 00 the (h tiell notice. He hopes by hia particular ticouoss, to give ga ncNl iaitsUSion. r. BEAUPOBT. Wilm ngtoa, March 14. if FOR SAIVE ' At thi PilTiti0'Oriri, Blank books, Superfine Letter Paper, Oji IU, ttc.

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